2019-2020年高考英语 词汇模块记忆法 第一周.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 词汇模块记忆法 第一周第1周 第1天3联想记忆1 能力3联想记忆2 出国4联想记忆3 出席5联想记忆4 接受5联想记忆5 机会6联想记忆6 计算7联想记忆7 精确7联想记忆9 控告8联想记忆10面积9第1周 第2天10联想记忆12 疼痛10联想记忆13 完成11联想记忆15 习惯12联想记忆16 行动12联想记忆17 增加13联想记忆18 邮政14联想记忆19 褒贬14联想记忆20 允许15第1周 第3天15联想记忆21 成人15联想记忆22 先进16联想记忆23 优点17联想记忆24 危险17联想记忆25 广告18联想记忆26 建议19联想记忆27 事情19联想记忆28 影响20联想记忆29 购买20联想记忆30 害怕21第1周 第4天22联想记忆31洋洲22联想记忆32 搭配22联想记忆33支持23联想记忆34 商贸23联想记忆35 工农24联想记忆36 帮助25联想记忆37 目标25联想记忆38 天空26联想记忆39 提醒27联想记忆40 活着27第1周 第5天28联想记忆41 单双28联想记忆42 尽管29联想记忆43惊讶29联想记忆44 同样30联想记忆45 信心30联想记忆46 思考31联想记忆47 古今32联想记忆48 生气33联想记忆49 动物33联想记忆50 其它34周末回头看(1)34“周末回头看”答案36第1周 第1天联想记忆1 能力able a. 有能力的 ably ad.能干的unable a.无能力的be able/unable to dosth有(无)能力干某事ability n.能力 enable vt.使能够enable sb to do sth 使某人能干某事disability n.无能,伤残inability n.无能disable vt. 使残废;使丧失能力disabled a.伤残的the disabled 残疾人take care of the disabled关心残疾人模拟高考1. There was a big fire last night, but everybody _escape. A. was able to B. could C. able D. unable2. This middle-aged woman_ speak English since she was a child. A. was able to B. could C. has been able to D. has able to3. Our teacher _us to speak English in and out of class. A. able B. enable C. enables D. is able 豁然开朗1. be able to与can有两大区别,一是时态上的区别,can/could用于一般现在时和一般过去时,但be able to可用于完成时和将来时等多种时态;二是can表示潜能和本能,be able to表示通过努力已经实现的某种能力。所以以上练习1选A, 2选C。2enable sb to do sth, 使某人能够干某事,enable是及物动词,enabled-enabling; 第3题答案为C。 一言巧记Sometimes the disabled are able to do what we normal people are unable to do.有时残疾人能做我们正常人不能做的一些事。联想记忆2 出国abroad ad. 到国外,在海外at home and abroad 国内外learn/master a foreign language 学习(掌握)一门外语aboard adv. 在船(车、飞机)上=on board; board n.木板,甲板 blackboard n 黑板 boarding school 寄宿学校broad a. 宽阔的 a broad sea宽阔的海洋broad shoulders宽阔的双肩broadcast v. n. 广播;播音模拟高考1. All the passengers _were enjoying the scene on both sides. A. aboard B. broad C. on the board D. abroad2. Do you often listen to the news _? A. at your home B. at home and abroad C. at your home and abroad D. at home and at abroad 3. -Listen, the news is _. -Thats no news to me. A. broadcast B. being broadcasting C. being broadcast D. broadcasts豁然开朗1“船上(车上,飞机上)的所有乘客”应为all the passengers aboard或all the passengers on board, 答案为A;2. “国内外”属固定搭配,答案B。3.答案C。新闻正在被播报。A项是一般现在时的被动语态,表示经常。其它选项形式有误。Thats no news to me. 我早就听说了。绕口令:1. Be on board if you want to go abroad! Look, our road is so broad. 想出国就快快上(车)。看,我们的道路多宽广。2. Why write on the blackboard and why not broadcast?为什么写在黑板上而不广播?联想记忆3 出席absence n. 缺席 absent a. 缺席的;缺少的 be absent from the meeting 缺席会议presence n. 出席;存在 presenta. 出席的;到场的 be present at出席(会议等)present n.礼物 vt. 赠送;介绍;上演;提出 at present=now=nowadays 现在 late a. 迟的,晚的,新近的 be late for 干某事迟到 later on=afterwards 后来lately =recently ad. 最近,近来 (常用于完成时) recent a. 最近的 delay vt. 推迟put off推迟 delay doing sth =put off doing sth推迟做某事高考模拟1. Much to my delight, _agreed to my newly-made plan. A. all the present people B. all the people present C. all the people present at D. all the people presence2. Because of her _, we put off the meeting. A. absent B. absence C. present D. presence3. There are many children on the stage, _flowers to their teachers. A. present B. presented C. presenting D. to present 豁然开朗1. present作形容词“到场的,出席的”讲时修饰名词要置于名词后边,故答案为B; 2.第2题中because of是短语介词,介词之后接宾语,形容词不能作宾语,要用名词,答案为B。3. present vt. 赠与;颁于;逗号之后不能用不定式,答案为C。一言巧记The absent-minded boy is absent from the meeting though he knows he must be present at it with a present.那个心不在焉的男孩没有出席这个会议,尽管他知道他必须带礼物参加。联想记忆4 接受accept vt. 接受,认可;acceptance n.接受,接纳;acceptable a.可接受的receive vt. 接收;接见,接待reception n. 接待, 招待会, 接收a warm reception热情的接待 good reception 收听效果好 received=accepted 公认的refuse vt. 拒绝, 谢绝 refuse to do 拒绝做refusal n. 拒绝 reject vt.拒绝,抵制 n.被抛弃之人(物)高考模拟1. He _my invitation but he didnt _it because he was on business then. A. accepted; receive B. received; accept C. accepted; accept D. reveives; accept2. Our President is busy _foreign friends almost every day. A. to receive B. accepts C. receiving D. accepting3. Why not _her advice? She tried to persuade you out of smoking. A. receive B. receiving C. accept D. accepting豁然开朗receive收到;accept接受;接见,接待;why not之后要接动词原形,所以第1题和第3题答案分别为B和C。be busy之后接doing, 意为“忙于干”,故第2题答案选C。经典搭配:receive education 受教育 receive an award for 获奖 receive students 招收学生receive guests 欢迎客人 to receive a blow遭受打击 a received view 公认的观点an accepted theory= a received theory 公认的理论一言巧记This is a received view though you refused to accept it. 这是一个公认的观点,尽管你不接受。联想记忆5 机会access n 通道;机会;权力;accessible a. 易接近的,易达到的right n 权力;右边;a. 右边的;正确的adv. 刚好chance n 机会 vi碰巧 opportunity n 机会challenge n. vt. 挑战;向.挑战challenging a. 富有挑战性的,挑逗的 a challenging job 富有挑战性的工作高考模拟1. This way, please! This is the only access _the village.A. to B. towards C. for D. on 2. Every student has _to the library, so youd better seize the opportunity. A. a free access B. free access C. accessible D. no right3. It was lucky of me to take a photo with the film star by _.A. access B. opportunity C. chance D. accidents豁然开朗1. 答案为A, 固定搭配,access=way;2. have access to +n 意为“有权利、有机会”干某事,access是不可数名词,所以答案为B;have a/no right to do sth 有(无)权力干某事。3. by chance=by accident 属固定搭配,“碰巧”的意思,答案为C。 一言巧记Youve no right to drive us out for we have access to this lecture-hall and we wont miss such a good chance now that we have grasped the opportunity. 你没有权力驱赶我们出去,因为我们有权进入报告大厅。既然我们抓住了这个机遇,我们是不会错过这个机会的。联想记忆6 计算account n 报道;张目;理由;因为v. 说明;认为;总计on account of=because of 因为count v. n. 计算;有价值;重要Every second counts.每一秒钟都很重要。ountless a. 无数的,数不清的 countable a. 可数的;counter n. 计算器;柜台*countable noun 可数名词*uncountable noun 不可数名词 discount n.折扣vt.打折扣 at a discount 打折扣at a 40%discount 那台电视机打折40%高考模拟1. When I was a child I was told the stars in the space are _. A. count B. account C. uncountable D. countless2. -Why did you e to the bank so early today, Sara? -Because I want to open a (n) _. A. report B. account C. count D. counter 3. This is really an exciting _of the match, isnt it? A. news B. information C. account D. count4. Why not _for each sum of the money you spent? A. account B. accounting C. to account D. accounted 豁然开朗1天上的星星数不清,答案为D;2. 答案为B,open an account 开帐户 3. news和information为不可数名词,不能与冠词a/an连用,答案为C。此处的account=report;4. account for 解释,说明;why not之后要接动词原形,故答案为A。绕口令: Without a counter I cant count so many counters on account of those people around me who always account or count me very stupid. (account vt=count vt 认为)没有计算器我数不清这么多的柜台,因为我周围的人总认为我很蠢。联想记忆7 精确accurate a. 正确的,精确的an accurate report of the affair 事件的准确报道accurately ad. 正确地,精确地; correct a. 正确的 vt. 纠正correct mistakes 纠正错误exact a. 精确的;严密的an exact figure精确的数字an exact science一门严密的学科exactly adv. 精确地;严密地;正好高考模拟1. -Is this watch accurate?-_, it gains three minutes a day and I have to adjust it.A. Yes B. Sure C. No D. Certainly2. To tell the truth, this is _what I want to buy. A. accurately B. correctly C. exactly D. exact3. She was praised because she answered all the questions _. A. accurate B. correctly C. incorrectly D. correct豁然开朗1. 手表快(it gains three minutes)三分钟,不准确,所以回答是否定的,答案为C;2. exactly 有“正好,刚好”的意思,A. C.选项没有这意思,答案为C;3. 正确回答问题可用correctly 或accurately。经典搭配to be accurate 正确地说 to be exact 精确地说 to be more exact 更精确地说 correct mistakes 纠错 correct children 惩戒小孩 not exactly 不完全,不一定绕口令:The time by my watch is correct and my watch is exactly half past eight. You know my watch is always accurate. 我手表的时间是对的:刚好八点。你清楚我的手表一直很准。联想记忆8 声音accent n.口音 voice n. vt. 嗓音;表达sound n. v. 响声;听起来noise n. 噪音noisy a. 嘈杂的whistle n. vi.口哨声;汽笛声;吹口哨scream n. vi.尖叫声;尖叫*yell n. vt. 叫喊声,吼叫声;吼叫shout v. n.呼喊,呼叫shout at the top of ones voice 声嘶力竭地叫喊 *weep n. v. 哭声;哭叫 laughter n. 笑声pronounce vi. 发音pronunciation n. 发音 stress n. 重音,压力 v. 强调aloud ad. 出声地;大声地 read aloud读出声loud a. ad. 大声的;speak in a loud/low voice 大声(低声)说 loudspeaker n. 扬声器, 扩音器loudly ad.大声地;嘈杂地 高考模拟1. Our teacher often _that we are supposed to speak more English. A. speaks B. tells C. stresses D. say2. Judging from her _, the new er is from th south. A. voice B. accent C. scream D. noise3. Dont speak _, for some people are having a meeting in the next room. A. aloud B. loud C. loudly D. highly豁然开朗1。答案C。 speak不能接从句,B为tell sb that,D应为单数第三人称says. 2。根据句意,答案为B, 根据口音来判断。3。speak aloud是讲出声,speak loud 是正常的大声讲,而speak loudly是讲话声音过大成噪音。答案为C。译译看:The boy did scream loudly near the stream just now becaue he didnt like the cream which his mother steamed for him.这个男孩刚才确实在小溪附近嚎叫,因为他不喜欢他妈妈给他蒸的那个奶酪。联想记忆9 控告accuse vt. 控告;谴责accuse sb of sth 为某事控告某人accuser n. 原告 the accused 被告 charge v. 控诉;索要;充电charge sb with sth 为某事控告某人n. 充电;主管in charge of 负责;主管arrest vt. n. 逮捕 judge vt. n 裁决;裁判;sentence vt. 宣判 crime n. 罪行 do(mit) a crime 犯罪 prevent a crime预防犯罪 criminal n.罪犯steal v. 偷, 窃取, 偷盗steal sth from sb偷某人东西rob vt. 抢劫rob sb of ssth抢某人东西guilty a.犯罪的robber n. 抢劫犯burglar n. 夜贼thief n. 贼, 小偷evidence n. 证据,证词give false evidence作为证innocent a. 清白的,无罪的be innocent of a crime无罪an innocent child天真的孩子高考模拟1. He was _of a crime and was soon arrested by the police. A. charged B. sentenced C. accused D. judged2. The young man _an old man of some money but was caught in time. A. stole B. robbed C. took D. charged3. Do you know the man _this department? A. who in charge of B. is in charge of C. in charge of D. charge豁然开朗1. 答案C。注意“控告”的不同搭配:accuse sb of sth, charge sb with sth. 2.答案B。抢某人某物是 rob sb of sth, 偷某人某物是steal sth from sb. 因做某事向某人索要钱物是charge sb some money for doing sth。3. be in charge of 是“掌管,负责”的意思,A.缺少谓语is, B.缺连词who做主语,D. charge是“使某人承担”的意思,应为who is charged with., 答案为C,属介词短语作定语。一言巧记The thief stole a wallet from a chief and was charged with his theft. 那个贼偷了首长的钱包,因此被控告有盗窃罪。联想记忆10面积acre n. 英亩(=40.47公亩或6.07亩), 地产, 大片田地area n. 面积;地区meter n.米a square metre 一平方米a cubic meter 一立方米centimeter n. 厘米millimeter n. 毫米kilometer n.公里(kiologram n.公斤)inch n.英寸foot n. 英尺(=12 inches=1/3yard);足 on foot 步行footprint n. 脚印yard 码;院子高考模拟1. It is said that this new playground covers a(an) _. A. square metre B. acre C. kilometre D. area2. As you know, five hundred kilometres _a long journey. A. are B. has C. is D. were3. The man came in, with a_ stick in his hand. A. three-metre-long B. three-metres-long C. three metres long D. three metre long豁然开朗1. 答案B。A占地面积太小。C应为平方公里,D概念模糊。2. 表示金钱、时间、距离和重量的词组做主语时谓语通常用第三人称单数。故答案为C。3. 答案A。 有连字符号时,名词不能是复数,或with a stick of three metres。经典搭配be on foot 在着手中 on ones feet 站起;恢复健康;(经济上)独立fall on ones feet 幸免于难 rise to ones feet 站起来at ones feet 在某人的支配下 have cold feet 害怕,临阵畏缩 第1周 第2天联想记忆11 吸引absorb vt.吸收;承担;吸引(知识)be absorbed in 被吸引 *absorption n. 吸收attract vt.吸引attraction n.吸引力be attracted by被吸引attractive a. 有吸引力的addicted a. 沉溺于某种嗜好中的be addicted to puter games沉溺于(玩)电脑游戏be addicted to smoking 抽烟上瘾高考模拟1. why are you so _ to foreign films these years? A. intereted B. absorbed C. addicted D. fond 2. This place of interest is so _that many people want to go there. A. atrracted B. interested C. attractive D. atttract3. The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge _his teacher could give him. A. which B. what C. that D. when豁然开朗1.根据be addcted to的搭配确定答案为C. 2. 答案C, 或interesting。3. 先行词被all所修饰,引导词要用that, 或省略that, 答案为C。帮你记忆describe-description 描述 absorb-absorption 吸收 permit-permission 允许,同意receive-reception 接受 solve-solution 解决 admit-admission 承认,接纳联想记忆12 疼痛ache vi. n. 疼痛;渴望an ache in the arm 胳膊疼headache n. 头痛 have a headdache患头疼stomachache n. 胃痛 toothache n. 牙痛backache n.背痛pain v. n. 疼痛;(pl) 努力,辛苦I have a pain in in my back=I have an ache in my back. 我背疼。spare no pains to do sth 不遗余力干某事painful a.痛苦的painless 无痛高考模拟1. Do you know the famous saying No _, no gains. A. pain B. pains C. aches D. ache2. Mum, I have a very bad stomachache, Sara cried _. A. with pain B. with pains C. with tears D. in tear3. We have been walking for hours and most of us are _to have a rest. A. ache B. aching C. pain D. paining豁然开朗1. 答案B, pains 努力,劳苦。全句意为“一份耕耘,一份收获。”2. 答案A。cry with pain痛得哭起来,或cry in tears哭喊着。3. ache for sth或ache to do sth是渴望某事或渴望干某事的意思。 一句多译I have a pain in my head.=My head is paining.=I have a headache.=My head is aching. 以上四句的意思均是:我头痛。联想记忆13 完成achieve vt. 完成achievement n.成就 realize vt. 实现;认识到realize ones dream实现梦想real a. 真实的,现实的really adv. 确实reality n. 真实,实际turn .into reality把.变成现实 e true 实现(不能用于被动)finish v.完成,结束finishing line终点线plete vt. 完成,使完善;a.完成的;完全的 pletely adv. 完全地,彻底地end v. n. 结束;末端高考模拟1. In the past fifty years, china _great achievements in many fields. A. made B. had made C. has made D. makes2. Much to my delight, my dream of being a teacher _at last. A. came true B. was e true C. realized D. has realized3. Lets _our talk and go back, for the road _here. A. end; is ended B. end; ends C. ends; ends D. end; end豁然开朗1. 答案C, 短语in the past/last+具体时间要使用现在完成时。2. e true不能用于被动语态,realize是及物动词,“梦想被实现”要用was realized,答案为A。3. end作及物动词时,要接宾语,作不及物动词时,意为“终止,结束”,不用被动语态。所以答案为B。经典搭配in the end 终于 to the end 到底(fight to the end 战斗到底) by the end of在.底之前 at the end of 在结束时;在.底 e/draw to an end=end 结束 bring .to an end 使.结束 联想记忆14 横穿across prep. 横过,越过adv. 在对面,直径 e across偶然遇见 cross vt. 横过;勾画 a. 生气的crossing n. 交叉口;十字路口 at the crossing 在十字路口through prep. 穿过;自始至终;a. 直达的throughout prep. 贯穿,遍及ad. 到处高考模拟:1. When the boy was running_ the playground, he fell to the ground suddenly. A. cross B. across C. through D. throughout2. We were walking _the forest when we saw a terrible tiger in front of us. A. cross B. across C. through D. throughout3. They tried to enjoy themselves when they got _with the final examination. A. through B. across C. away D. ready豁然开朗介词across是在平面上横穿、横过,through则是在两边有障碍物中穿过,所以1.答案为B, 2. 答案为C。3. get though with是“结束”的意思 答案为A。一言巧记The man got cross when he was crossing the street because he came across a fierce dog barking at him at the crossing.那个男人横过街道的时候很生气。因为他突然看到一条凶狗在十字路口朝他大叫。联想记忆15 习惯adapt to (使)适应 adjust to(使)适应;调整 be used to + n. (doing) 适应,习惯 get used to +n. (doing)(变得)习惯 used to do 过去常常 be used to do=be used for sth 被用来干habit n. 习惯have a habit of doing sth 有干.的习惯form a habit of doing =fall/get into a habit of doing 养成干.的习惯 get out of/get rid of/stop/give up a bad habit of doing戒掉干.的坏习惯custom n. 风俗;关税(复)高考模拟1. _you adapt to the weaher here, young man? A. Do B. Are C. Have D. Were2. When I was a child, I _to school with my classmates. A. was used to walk B. used to walk C. used to walking D. often walk3. This clock gains three minutes. Please _it to sharp twelve. A. adapt B. adjust C. turn D. refer豁然开朗1. 答案A, adapt是行为动词。2. 答案B, used to do sth过去常常干某事,be used to do sth 被用来干某事,be/get used to doing sth习惯干某事 3. 答案B, adjust it to twelve的意思是把(钟)调到12点正。一句多译我不习惯这里的饮食和天气。(以下四句意思一样)1. Im not used to the foof and weather here.2. I dont adapt (myself) to the foof and weather here.3. I dont adjust (myself) to the food and weather here.4. I have no habit of living here. 联想记忆16 行动act v. 行动;扮演n. 行为;法案act out 表演出 act as 担任action n. 动作;行为 take action 采取行动take further steps 采取进一步措施 take strong measures 采取强有力的措施active a. 积极的( passive a. 被动的,消极的) be active in 在某方面积极take an active part in 积极参加actual a.实际的;真实的actually ad. 事实上actor n. 男演员actress n.女演员behave v. 举动;行为表现 behavior n. 举止;行为 act a part/role in=play a part/role in 担任一个角色高考模拟1. -As you know, the pollution here is getting worse and worse. -Yeah, they _action when the factory was built. A. should take B. must take C. ought to have taken D. have taken2. -What is your father? -He _a manager in a pany nearby. A. acts B. acts as C. acts out D. act as3. Do you know the actress _spoken English is pretty good? A. who B. whos C. whose D. whom豁然开朗1. 答案C, 情态动词+have done表示对过去的推测, ought to/should have done意为本来该干但没有干。2. 答案B, act as 担任。3. 答案C, whose在定语从句中作spoken English的定语。一言巧记Mr. Smith acts as a vice-mayor in our city but he acts a peasant in a famous play. 史密斯先生在我们市当副市长,但他在一个著名戏剧里扮演一个农民。联想记忆17 增加add v. 增加;补充add. to 往.里加 add to 增添 add up to 总共 total n. 总计 vt. 合计a. 总计的;全体的 in total=in all 总共total up to 总共,合计 totally ad. =pletely 总共sum n. 总数;金额a sum of money一笔钱sum up 总计improve v. 提高;改进 increase vt.增加vi. 繁殖decrease v. 减少reduce vt. 减少,缩小multiply vi.增加繁殖;乘rise vi.上升,升起raise vt. 升起;提高;饲养 lift vt.升高n.电梯;搭车sink vi.下沉plus v & prep.加上minus prep. 减去a.负的高考模拟1. Im sorry my ing _your trouble. A. has added up B. has added up to C. has added to D. added2. Even a pupil knows three _to five makes eight. A. added B. adding C. adds D. added up3. With our living standard _up, we have to spend more money every day. A. rises B. rising C. raises D. raising豁然开朗1. 答案C, add to增添,其它选项意思不当。2. 答案A, 3被加到5里去。3. 此题考查with的复合结构,其后接短语,不能接句子,rise为不及物动词,价格(河水、生活水平等)上升用不及物动词,所以答案为B。经典搭配raise ones voice 提高嗓音 raise ones hand 举手(=put up ones hand) raise a family 养家糊口(=support) raise sheep/pigs 养羊(猪)(=feed sheep/pigs) raise/collect money for 为.募捐 raise a question 提出问题 (=put forward a question)ask for a lift/ride 搭便车 give sb a lift/ride 顺便捎某人一截联想记忆18 邮政address n.地址;演讲 vt.写姓名地址;演讲letter n. 信;字母mail vt.邮寄(美)n.邮件mailbox n.邮箱 post vt.(英)邮递;张贴n. 岗位;邮件 post office 邮局 card n. 卡片e-mail 电子邮件 internet n. 英特网postcard n.明信片postman n邮差envelope n.信封postage n.邮资 postcode n.邮编 deliver vt. 递送;分娩;陈述deliver a speech in English用英语发表演讲高考模拟1. Your mothers birthday is just in three days time. Why not have this letter _? A. post B. posted C. mail D. mailing2. Could you give me the letter _to my father? A. address B. addressing C. addressed D. to address3. Yesterday my friend Tony sent _at a time. A. as many as 50 postcards C. as many


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