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2019年高三英语上学期高考模拟卷试题(一)第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Tower Bridge is not only one of the most famous bridges in the world,it also connects two districts,that is,Southwark and Tower Hamlets Tower Bridge itself is a tourist attraction and visitors from all over the world e to sec the various exhibitions that can be Viewed from inside the structureIt must be one of the few bridges in the world which serves two purposes of being a tourist attraction and a connecting structure that allows traffic to pass from one side of the river Thames to the other Therefore,to get a full View of the area and what it is like to live near Tower Bridge,0ne n-lust look at both the bridge itself and the two associated districts Tower Bridge was built in the late l800s and has bee an impressive 5ymbol of LondonIt is also situated near the Tower of London,which is where it got“name fromThe bridge holds many exhibitions,which attract both domestic and overseas visitorsOn the bridge itself,visitors can learn about how it was constructed Guests can also take a tour of the bridge and View the interactive displays and videos which provide an entertaining and informative guide t0 its history It also contains a lot of artwork from British artists in addition to the Victorian Engine Rooms,plete with sounds and smells that transport the Visitor back in time to the origins of Tower Bridge. The structure of the Bridge also offers breathtaking views of thc cityand allow guests to walk into the high level walkways,42 metres above the Thames. It ls also possible to hire rooms at the venue for private functions and parties21Tower Bridge is considered unique in that_ A .it is used to connect two important districts B. it is famous as a tourist attraction on earth C .it witnesses many people pass by every day Dit is located on the edge of the river Thames22To know well the area of Tower Bridge_ Ayou should have a look from inside the structure B. you must observe the bridge and the two districts Cyou should study the connecting structure carefully Dyou must stay at the river Thames for a time23What does“its”in Paragraph 4 refer to? AThe bridges B. British C. Displays DVideos24The text is most likely to be found in a book about_ A tourist spots Bhistorical events C. western historical artwork Ddifferences in Eastern and Western culture B Second-hand Goods for Sale A11 the goods and furniture in my apartment for sale at unbelievable prices Item Age ConditionRemarks Price puter desk with a reading lamp 。 1 yr Looks new and well maintainedA minor scratch on the side of the desk 。 $40 Leather sofa and an armchair 3 yrs In great condition $80 Small I book cabinet 2 yrs Wooden cabinet $45Sony 42”television 2 yrs Brand newExcellent buy! $300 Washing machine 5 yrs FunctionalMinor issues with programming button $80 Microwave oven 3 yrs Still cooks well $100 Cooking utensils(器具)13 yrs Suitable for simple cookin9 $20 You wont get price like these anywhere. Everything listed must be sold by the end of this month as I will be leaving the country on the first JanuaryI am open to the negotiating a deal with anyone picking up 3 items or more. I can also provide transport for the bulky item listed above if delivery is within the cityE-mail:johnlittlehotmail To:johnlittlehotmailFrom:james_iohnsonemailSubject: Second-hand Goods for Sale Ad Hi,I saw your advertisement in the Daily NewsI am new in the city and have a new,empty apartmentYour list caught my attention right away,as the things you have for sale are just what I need for my new apartmentI need the basic stuff for my daily need,and it would be great if I could e and take a look at the items.Also,could you provide me with the details of the problem you mentioned with your washing machine?I really could use it since I have to walk five blocks to do my laundry Also,Id like t0know how much of a discount you are willing to offer me if I pick up the sofa,television,and washing machine? Anyway,due to my long working hours and night class,I am only available to meet on Tuesday and Thursday nightI am available the whole day on Saturdays and SundaysMy mobile,is(85 2)4439-9889 James2 5What is being offered to the buyer at no cost?A.Delivery within the city B.Cooking utensilsC. A reading lamp D.One months rent2 6Why is the owner getting rid of his used goods?A. He plans to replace them with new furnitureB.He will be moving overseasCHe is in need of money right awayD.He is moving into a furnished apartment2 7What is the purpose of the e-mail message?A.To inquire about the items on saleB.To seek information about the apartmentC.To respond to a request madeD. To find out if delivery is available C The next generation of robots will be able to see objects,will have a sense of touch,and will make critical decisions Engineering Skilled and puter technology are developing artificial vision for robotsWith the ability to “see,robots can identify and inspect one specific class of objects outof a stack of different kinds of materialsOne robot vision system uses of electronic digital cameras containing many row of lights sensitive materials measure the intensity of light and convert the light rays into a range of numbersThe numbers are part of a gray-scale systemIn which brightness is measured in a range of valuesOne scale ranges from o to 1 5,and another from o to 255The o is represented by blackThe highest number is whiteThe numbers in between represent different shades of grayThe puter then makes the calculations and。converts the numbers into a Picture that shows an image of the object in question.It is not yet known whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. Technicians believe they will,but only after years of developmentEngineers workingOn other advances are designing and experimenting with new types of articulated metal hands and fingers,giving robots a sense of touchOther engineers are writing new programs allowing robots t0make decisions such as whether to discard(丢弃)defective parts in finished productsTo do this,the robot will also have to be capable of identifying those defective parts These future robots,assembled with a sense of touch and the ability to see and make decisions,will have plenty of work to d0They can be used to prospect for minerals on the ocean floor or in deep areas of mines too dangerous for humans to enterThey will work as gas station attendants,firefighters,house-keepers,and security personnelThe robot business will continue to grow als0Financial analysts believe this business will soar from a$1 00 million-industry at the start of the l980s to a$5-billion industry in a few yearsAnyone wanting to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robots.28Why is it so important for robots to be able to“see?A.Because so they can criticize human factory personnelB.Because so they can make critical decisionsCBecause so they can pletely work as human beingsD. Because they have a strong desire29Why will those people interested in industry have to know about robots?A.Because robot business will grow rapidlyBBecause robots will be very usefulCBecause robots will bee very popular in industryDBecause they can make a lot of money。30What is the meaning of“defective in the second paragraph?A.Having a noticeable or desired effectBUnquestionable and undoubtedCImperfect,having serious errorsD.Not enough in quality3 1What is the best title for this passage?A.Future Robots will Have Plenty of Work to DoB.Future Robots Will See,Touch,and ThinkC. Engineers to Care Design New Types of cheap RobotsD. Future Robots Will Have Visions as Good Human Vision D An increasing number of people in London are renting houses for longernew research has showedA report published by property(财产)group Savills showed that there were 43 million households in the private rented sector in the UK in xx and this is expected to grow by a million over the next five years The study also showed that the biggest group of private tenants(房客)is aged bet础n 25 and 34,although the fastest growing group of private tenants are aged between 35 and 44Out of those,a quarter of them are young familiesAround 2,300 tenants were surveyed for the research,which showed that many would never own their own homesThere was also a trend towards longer term tenancies,with a greater desire for longer term tenancies among those over 35, while younger tenants preferred flexibilityMany tenants were also being much more particular over the type of housing they would accept and placed greater importance on the quality of propertiesThe survey showed that the search for higher housing standards is the main reason renters switch properties MargaretStreet,director of re8idential research at SaviIls,Said:“We account for this as a search for better standard of acmodation,better design and higher specificationNow is the time for housing associations to respond to a different kind of housing needWith home ownership now in decline associations could broaden the tenant base and provided a part of their housing at market. Earlier this month,a report by Hometrack showed that it was growing increasingly expensive to buy a property in LondonIn London and the southeast,prices rose by 48 per cent and 32 per cent respectively over the last six months32.In the report written by property group Savills,you will probably get the information about_A. How many people left their own homes B how much prices have fallen over the next yearC.whats the population。f renters in the UK。in the year xxD.why there are so many empty houses in the private rented place33.They study convinces readers of what was said in Paragraph2 mainly by _A.using figuresB.making parisonC.adapting the words from tenantsDadapting the words from the government34pared to those over 35,the younger_ A.are cautious when making the治decision B prefer to have longer term tenancies C are particular about where they will live Dmay choose the shorter term tenancies35What is the main idea of the passage?A.Economic decline affects housing pricesB.All the adults hope to have their own housesC.more and more people tent to rent housesDThe rent has been rising fast in recent years第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选珂中有两项为多余选项。 Write an essay when applying for scholarship Not every scholarship requires its applicants to write an essay,but many d Some of the questions might be specific to the organization providing the scholarship,but most questions tend to follow along similar themes or topics.“How would winning this scholarship help you improve your munitystatecountryetc?”36 Briefly summarize how the scholarship will allow you to meet your study goals while explaining how you plan to use your education to make a difference in the society “What are your shortterm and long-term goals?”The point here is to demonstrate how motivated you areWrite the truth,rather than the answer you think the sponsor wants to readFor shortterm goals,express your desire go to college,learn about Your field,and get basic experience 37 38 Obviously,if you are the leader of any clubs or a major participant in a munity program,you would write about it “Who do you draw inspiration from?” 39 Explain the positive qualities of the person you choose and write about how you hope to adopt those qualities as your own some day 40 If asked to explain what you wish to acplish with your education “world peace”is not an acceptable response. A.Write what you know B.Avoid unrealistic answers C.” How have you demonstrated leadership ability in and out of school? D.for long term goals explain what you will be doing with your degree in ten years E. Scholarship providers who ask this question are intere8ted in applicants who arc aware of societys needs F.The question will usually indicate if you should choose someone from your personal life or if you should Choose a well known figureG.If your title and first paragraph make the reader eager to re8d your essay then your last sentence makes the reader remember you第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 。 。第1节 完形填空 I got a part-time job working at the local coffee shop. I had figured the job would be 41.What I hadnt 42 were the women felt hat the coffee was much too creamy,or the men who wanted their iced coffees remade again and again until they 43 a certain level of perfection 44.I didnt leave the job One rainy day,a regular customer came in looking 4 5 I asked what the problem was,but he wouldnt tell me any detailsHe said he felt like going into bed,pulling the sheets up over his 46 ,and staying there for a few yearsBefore he 47 ,I handed him a bag along with his iced coffeeHe looked at me in 48 because he hadnt ordered anything but the coffeeHe 49 the bag and saw I had given him his favorite type of doughnut “Its on me,I told him“Have a nice day He smiled and thanked me before turning around and 50 back out into the rain The next day was a horrible oneThe rain was still 5 1 and everyone was using the drive-through window because no one wanted to brave the试n and lightning I spent my afternoon at the window,handing people their orders and 52 as they slowly counted their penniesI tried to smile as the customers 5 3 about the weather,but it was 54 to smile as they sat in their cars with the windows rolled up,while I dealt with water hanging from my 55 Also,no one felt like 56 that day. Every time I looked into our tip jar,with its 57 amount of pennies,I grew more depressed Around seven oclock the customer from the day before came and handed me a roseHe said not many people take the time to 5 8 others and he was glad there were59 people like me in the world1 was speechless and moved;I hadnt thought that I had done anything noble.After a moment,I came to my senses and 60 him.41A.tiring B unfit C. Hard Deasy42A.updated Bexpected CWandered Daccepted43A.reached B recognized C chewed Dtasted44A.Immediately B.Nevertheless C Truly DDeliberately45A.excited B.Active C.brief Ddepressed46A.head B foot C hand Dstomach47A.accessed B calmed C left Dquit48A.fear BSurprise C. Expectation Dwonder4 9A.discovered B opened C found D. proved50A.directing B stating C looking Dheading51.A.blowing B pouring C developing Dgaining52A.waiting B. crying C. shouting Durging53A.argued B.talked C plained Dpuzzled54.A.simple ; B difficult C happy Dsatisfied55.A.hand ; B.mouth C.finger D.forehead 56A.tipping ;.Bplaining C quarrelling Dpurchasing57A.huge B small C.moderate Dnarrow58.A.care about B.break into Ce across D.look through59.A. Also B. Already C.yet D.still60.A. Obeyed B.praised C.thanked D.greeted第卷第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,谲分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题l5分,满分l5分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Thomas Jefferson was born in the colony called Virginia in l 753In 1 775,61 he was 2 2 years old,he was elected to the Continental Congress.62 was the government of the American coloniesThey made laws and worked to get independence for the American colonies 6 3 England In l776,Jefferson was 64(ask)to write the Declaration of IndependenceThis was a document that all the members of the Continental Congress would sign 6 5 said that the American colonies wanted to be their own country and that they didnt want to be ruled by England anymore Jefferson wrote two of his 66(believe)in the Declaration of Independence The first was that all men are created equalThis means that every person is the same and should be treated the same by the government and by other peopleThe second was that the government should be a 6 7 (serve)of the people and not a masterThis means that the government should help people and not only tell them 68 to do. They are very important to the United States and 6 9 the government works today.The declaration of In dependence was signed on July on 4,1776. In 1783,the war between England and America ended and the United States became an 70(depend)country.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分) One day Mark Twain was in the train and have had a talk with a man The man said,“We have beautifully woods in MaineI suppose you have been in our woods,hadnt you?“Yes,answered Mark“Let me tell you somethingBecause fishing isnt allowing in Maine in this season,Ive got 200 pounds of fish with my baggage in this trainMay I ask who they are。sir?”The man answered,“Im police officerMy job is to catch people which hunt and fish during the wrong seasonsAnd who are you? Mark Twain was frightening to answer,“Well,Im thee man who tell the biggest lies America第二节:书面表达(满分25分), 假定你是高三学生李华,欲申请加入英语俱乐部,请给俱乐部负责人写一封电子邮件。 内容主要包括: 1说明写信的目的,并作自我介绍; 2对相关事宜进行咨询,如人会条件、会费、活动等; 3. 希望对方给予解答。注意:1.词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯 3.邮件开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入词数。 To whom it may concern,_ - -Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua答案21-25BBAAA26-30BABCC31-35BCADC36-40EDCFB41-45DBABD46-50ACBBD51-55BACBD56-60ABADC61when62which63from64asked65It66beliefs67servant68what69how70independent短文改错 One day Mark Twain was in the train and have had a talk with a man The man said,“We have beautifully beautifulwoods in MaineI suppose you have been in our woods,hadnt you?“Yes,answered Mark“Let me haventtell you somethingBecause fishing isnt allowing in Maine in this season,Ive got 200 pounds of fish Although/Though allowedwith my baggage in this trainMay I ask who they are。sir?”The man answered,“Im police officer You aMy job is to catch people which hunt and fish during the wrong seasonsAnd who are you? Mark who/thatTwain was frightening to answer,“Well,Im thee man who tell the biggest lies America frightened tells书面表达One possible version: I am writing to you to apply for the membership of your English ClubAs a senior grade 3 student,I love English literature very much 1 often attend the English er held on Friday in our city and would like to discuss various topics in English with others I am eager t0obe one member of the English Club and further improve my EnglishI know there are some requirements,but I am not clear abo

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