2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Topic 1 What’s the weather like in spring Section C 教学设计 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Topic 1 What’s the weather like in spring Section C 教学设计 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Topic 1 Whats the weather like in spring Section C 教学设计 仁爱版Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 . Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:hometown, if, trip, wear, had better(do sth.), find out, umbrella, go out, Australia, remember, most, part, sun, shine, shorts, later on, be different from, passage, arrive, take a walk, ourselves, hope2. Review how to express temperature.The low temperature is -8 and the high temperature is 2.3. Learn how to make suggestions for traveling.Youd better find out the weather in different places in August.You need to take an umbrella when you go out.August is the best time to go there. Teaching aids 教具录音机/一张世界天气预报图/一个旅行包/一顶太阳帽/一副太阳镜/一把雨伞/一条冬天用的毛围巾/一架照相机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)使用学过的句型向学生询问天气情况,复习一般现在时、一般过去时和温度表达法。T:Boys and girls, whats the weather like today?S1:It is T:Whats the temperature, do you know?S2: The low temperature isand the high temperature isT: What do you think of the weather yesterday?S3: It wasT: What was the temperature yesterday, do you know?Ss: The high temperature wasand the low temperature wasT: I think it is a good time to travel. Do you like traveling?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Good! I like traveling, too. Summer holidays are ing.(此处为现在进行时表示一般将来时,学生了解即可) If you plan to go traveling, where do you want to go?S1: T: Why?S1: Because T: Good idea. But there are more places to travel.(由此引入本课话题,选择去哪里度假以及要注意哪些问题。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)呈现1a。(由第一步导入1a。)1. (老师提出问题,让学生分组讨论。)T: Discuss the questions in groups. If you go on a trip to Shanghai in August, what will you wear?(板书并教学生词)if, trip, wear(几分钟后,让几名学生代表各组发表他们的意见。)T: OK, who can make a report, S1 (呈现并板书部分生词。)sunglasses, shorts, umbrella2. (呈现1a,让学生阅读1a短文,并划出文中生词及词组。)T: Please read the passage in 1a, and underline the new words and phrases.(板书生词,词组及重点句子并解释用法。)find outYoud better find out the weather in different places in August.go outYou need to take an umbrella when you go out.AustraliamostPlease remember to wear warm clothes.partsunIt rains suddenly.shinelater onStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)完成1a和1b。进一步理解并巩固表示天气的功能用语。1. (放1a录音, 让学生跟读, 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: Now, please listen to 1a and follow it, and mark the stress and intonation with your pencils.2. (让学生擦去所标重读与语调, 先自读, 然后跟读, 核对语音和语调。)T: Now, rub them out and read 1a by yourselves, and then follow the tape to check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sentence. Go!(学生开始阅读,板书并要求学生掌握be different from和passage。)(板书)be different from, passage3. (根据1a内容,回答1b问题。)T: Now, lets answer the questions in 1b. Who will answer the first question?4. (根据黑板上呈现的关键词、词组及句子复述1a。)T: Look at the key words, phrases and sentences on the blackboard. Retell 1a according to them.(板书)plan to had In English need toIn Australia the best time remember toIn most parts of China need toStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)练习1c, 巩固有关句型并完成2。1. (通过以上问答, 学生对旅行情况已有大致了解, 进入1c, 学生自由讨论去哪里度假及原因。)T: Now, please talk with your partner about where you are going for your holidays and the reasons. Ill give you two minutes.(学生开始自由讨论, 教师可以巡视, 随时解决学生提出的问题。讨论完毕后,教师可以找几名学生汇报讨论结果。)T: Time is up. Now, who can give us your ideas?(S1和S2要求表演。)T:Good, please begin.S1:Where are you going for your holidays?S2:Im going to Kunming, China.S1:Why are you going there?S2:Because the weather is fine there. The wind blows softly. It is a good place to spend holidays. What about you?S1:My favorite place is Australia.S2:Why?S1:Because it is sunny and not very cold there. It is winter now, and I like winter very much.T:Very good. Now, another pair, please.S3: Where are you going for your holidays?S4: I am going to Dalian or Beidaihe.S3: Why are you going there?S4: Because the weather is warm there. I like the sand on the beach. I can enjoy sunlight there, too.S3: Good idea!T: Wonderful. Another pair, please.S5: Harbin is my favorite place.S6: Why?S5: Because I like snow. I want to see snow.S6: But there is no snow in summer. Winter is the best time to go there. And I think you need to wear warm clothes, because it is cold in winter.S5: What a pity!S6: I think your dream will e true one day.T: Very good.2. (呈现并完成2。)T: Now, here is a letter from Michael. Last Saturday, he and his friends went on a trip to Beihai Park, and they had a good time. Later on, he wrote a letter to his mother about that. Lets read the letter plete the letter with the proper forms of the given verbs. Then check the statements that are true.(教师指导学生完成2。并教学生词arrive, Beijing Opera, ourselves, hope。)(板书)arrive, Beijing Opera, ourselves, hopeStep 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)根据天气预报图的实际情况进行表演,增强学生的应对能力。1. (教师在黑板上挂上世界天气预报图,同时拿出准备好的道具放在讲台上。) T: Very good. Now, lets play a game. If you are going for your holidays, here are the weather reports on February 20th for some big cities in the world and here are the things you have to take when you travel. Please work in groups of three:The first student tells the class his/her favorite place to travel.The second one makes a weather report for him/her.The third one makes suggestions.(请一组学生对照世界天气预报图进行表演,全班学生观看并核对活动情况是否真实。) T: Now, Group 1, please act out the dialog. (学生开始进入角色。) S3: My favorite place to travel is Washington D.C.S4: Its sunny and hot.S5: You should wear your sunglasses.S3: OK. Thank you.(S3戴上太阳镜背上旅行包准备出发。)T: Very good.(继续游戏。)2. (家庭作业。)(你的朋友想到一个大城市旅行, 他/她想了解那个城市的天气情况。请你根据本节课所学习的知识,给出建议。完成3。)T: Your friend wants to go on a trip to a big city. Try to find some information about the weather there. And give him/her some suggestions using what we have learned.Example: It is sunny/hotin Beijing/ShanghaiYou can wear sunglasses and shorts

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