2019-2020年高中英语 unit4 section3 Using Language同步练习 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit4 section3 Using Language同步练习 新人教版必修1.用所给词的适当形式填空1There was a pleased _(express)on her face.2She got very _(frighten) when a plane flew over her head.3I _(sincere) hope I can get your reply soon.4Lets get together to _(congratulation) you on your passing the driving test.5_ (judge) from his appearance, he is not from a rich family.6He was run down by a _(cycle) and was injured badly.7Smoking can do _(damage) to your health.8You shouldnt spend so much time on many _(use) things.答案:1.expression2.frightened3.sincerely4.congratulate5Judging6.cyclist7.damage8.useless.完成句子1从他说的话来看,他是一个明智的人。(judge)_ _what he said,he is a wise man.2图书馆里的许多书不见了。(number)_ _ _ _books are missing from the library.3我对她的美满婚姻送上了最热烈的祝贺。(congratulations)I _ _ my warmest _ on her happy marriage.4在我的演讲中,我真诚地向观众表达了我的感激之情。(express)I _ _ my appreciation to my audience in my speech.5我非常害怕我会被解雇。(frighten)I_ _ _death that I would be dismissed.答案:1.Judging from2.A great number of3.offered her;congratulations4.sincerely expressed5.was frightened to.语法单句填空1_(judge) from the plan, America will bee the worlds biggest oil producer by round 2020.答案:Judging考查固定搭配。句意:根据该计划判断,到2020年前后,美国将成为世界上最大的石油生产国。judging from根据判断,固定搭配。2Wenchuan Earthquake Museum was built _(honour) those who died in the disaster.答案:to honour句意:汶川地震纪念馆的建成是为了纪念那些在地震中死去的人们。3I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps.答案:when考查连词辨析。had just done.when.刚刚做完这时,be doing.when.正在这时。句意:我刚刚走出浴室正忙着用毛巾擦干,这时我听到了脚步声。4The news of the mayors ing to our school for a visit was given_on the radio yesterday.答案:out句意:市长来我们学校参观的消息昨天在广播电台中播放了。give out表示“公布,宣布,播放”。5What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given_?答案:out句意:当地球上所有的石油用完后,我们将使用什么样的能源?give out 表示“用光,耗尽”。6The boy showed me his new toy. I can see that he was very proud_it.答案:of考查短语意义。句意:这个男孩向我展示他的新玩具。我能看出他以这个玩具为荣。(be)proud of“以为荣”。7I _ (sincere)hope that I can have the opportunity to meet the famous scientist on biochemistry again in Shanghai.答案:sincerely句意:我真诚地希望在上海再次见到那位著名的生化科学家。sincerely“真诚地,真挚地”。8I feel highly_ (honour) to have a chance to speak at the meeting.答案:honoured句意:有机会在大会上发言,我感到十分荣幸。feel honoured to do sth.“对感到荣幸”。9(xx山东,31,改编)There is no simple answer,_ is often the case in science.答案:as10_ (judge) from his accent, he must be _ America.答案:Judging; from句意:从他的口音判断,他一定来自美国。“从判断”用judging from/by,“来自”用be from。.阅读理解I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was about 5 oclock in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to take my daughter from school. Our plan was to go swimming together. I had finished my work at 4 oclock and then gone to the Post Office. Then Id stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim.I was driving along a high road on my way to my daughters school. Over my road was another road which was built like a bridge for cars ing to the other way. I was hungry so I put the bag of apples in the seat beside me and started to eat one.Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. Then my car started to shake! I didnt know what was happening. Perhaps something had gone wrong with my car. I drove a little more slowly and then I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me.I found myself in the dark. I couldnt move. The bottom parts of both of my legs and my feet were hurting badly and I couldnt move them. All around me was quiet. But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I memorized (记起) what had happened. I had been in an earthquake.For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could reach the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I heard people climbing towards me. A team of people had e to see if anyone was under the broken road. I called out. “Im here!” I heard a shout. Soon a stranger climbed to the side of the road near my car. “How are you doing?” he asked.“Not too bad,” I said, “but my feet and leg feel as if theyre broken.” “Well have you out of there just as soon as we can.” They didnt get me out until the next morning. I had been in my car for fourteen hours.文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了我在路上行驶时遭遇了地震。地震发生时,我前面的车开始左右晃动,我把车停下来,结果上面的路塌下来。我的双腿无法动弹,最后有人把我救出。1When the earthquake took place, the writer was _.Aon his way to the Post OfficeBstopping off a shopCdoing some shoppingDunder a road built like a bridge答案:D细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的Over my road was another road which was built like a bridge for cars ing to the other way.可知,我在一个建的像桥一样的路的下面行驶。故选D。2The writers car began to move from side to side because _.Athere was something wrong with his carBhe ate apples as he droveCan earthquake began to happenDhe drove too fast答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. Then my car started to shake!可知,突然我看到我前面的汽车开始左右晃动,我的车也开始摇晃。这证明地震发生了。故选C。3.Which is the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWhen the earthquake happened, the writer was with his daughter together.BThe writers leg and feet were badly wounded in the earthquake.CThe writer was saved as soon as the stranger climbed up the road.DThe writer was frightened that he forgot everything that happened around.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的I found myself in the dark. I couldnt move. The bottom parts of both of my legs and my feet were hurting badly and I couldnt move them.可知,我的腿的下部和脚严重受损,不能动弹。故B正确。A项和第一段中的I was driving along the road to take my daughter from school.内容不符,我要去学校接女儿,所以他们没在一起;C项和最后一段中的They didnt get me out until the next morning. I had been in my car for fourteen hours.内容不符。他们第二天早上才把我救出。我车里待了14个小时;D项和文章第四段中的All around me was quiet. But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I memorized (记起) what had happened.内容不符。这表明地震时,他什么都清楚。.完形填空Earthquakes are mon, and thousands of them happen each day. But most are _1_ weak to feel. During a_2_earthquake, there is often a great noise first. Then the earth_3_terribly and many houses_4_down. Railway tracks break and trains go_5_lines; a great many factories are_6_; thousands of deaths are caused, and many more lose homes._7_the great damage and deaths caused by the earthquake_8_, other disasters such as fires often_9_. More buildings are destroyed and more_10_are caused.It is well known of the_11_of a possible earthquake, and for centuries man has been making researches on earthquakes. More than 2,000 years ago,_12_, a Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng _13_a machine which could find out from which_14_the seismic waves had e, and this machine is still_15_by scientists today. Now we know much more about earthquakes and _16_they happen, but we still cannot_17_exactly when and where an earthquake will happen, and cannot_18_it from happening. So earthquakes are among the_19_disasters in the world.No one can stop natural earthquakes._20_, scientists can help stop earthquakes destroying the whole cities and causing too many deaths.文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。文章讲述了地震给人类造成的损失和伤害。为了避免更多、更大的伤害,古代科学家已经研制出了地动仪来预测地震的发生;而现代科学家也在保护人民财产、安全方面做出了很大的贡献。1AveryBtooCquite Dso答案:B句意:但是大多数地震太微弱了,以致人们感觉不到。too. to.太而不能。2Areal BweakCbig Dsmall答案:C由后面的内容often a great noise和terribly可知这里是说在“大地震中”。3Amoves BshakesCjumps Dbreaks答案:B在地震中大地会“摇动”。4Aget BputCset Dfall答案:D房屋在地震中“倒塌”。get down“吞下;记下;使沮丧”;put down“放下;写下”;set down“记下”;fall down“倒下;跌倒”。5Aoff BonCinto Dbehind答案:Aoff意为“脱离”,这里指火车“脱离轨道”。6Aburst BstruckCdestroyed Dburied答案:C在地震中许多工厂被毁坏了。其他选项不符合句意。7AExcept BBesidesCInstead of DBecause of答案:Bbesides“除之外(包括)”,符合题意。except“除之外(排除)”;instead of“取代;代替”;because of“因为;由于”。后三个选项都与句意不相符。8Alonely BlaterCthemselves Ditself答案:D这些严重的毁坏和伤亡是由地震“本身”引起的。9Afollow BcopyCe Denter答案:Afollow作“跟随”解,指火灾等自然灾害也随着地震的发生而发生。copy“模仿;复制”;e“来;到来”;enter“进入”,均与句意不相符。10Aquakes BdeathsCdifficulties Dresults答案:B更多的建筑物遭到破坏,也就有更多的“死亡”情况发生。11Ainformation BquestionsCdangers Dfrights答案:C地震的“危险”是人所共知的。12Aas a result Bin factCfor example Das well答案:Cfor example“例如”;as a result“结果”;in fact“事实上”;as well“也”。a Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng是举例说明科学家对地震进行的研究。13Ainvented BdiscoveredCfound Dbought答案:A张衡“发明”了地动仪。14Acountry BdirectionCway Dcity答案:B那时候地动仪能够测量出地震发生在哪个“方向”,而不是哪个“国家”;“道路”或“城市”。15Aimproved BrepairedCprotected Dused答案:D这种仪器至今仍被科学家所“使用”,而不是“改进”;“修理”;“保护”。16Awhere BwhenCwhat Dwhy答案:D今天我们更加了解地震发生的原因,即为什么会发生地震。由17空后“when and where”可知,此处不选A项和B项。17Aspeak BtellCtalk Dpoint答案:Btell表示“判断;辨别”,即我们还不能准确判断何时何地发生地震。18Amake BprepareCstop Dlet答案:Cstop.from doing意为“阻止”,即我们也不能阻止地震的发生。19Aworst BbestCmost Dfast答案:A地震是世界上“最严重的”灾难之一。20AHowever BButCAnd DSo答案:Ahowever作副词,表示“转折”,与后面的句子用逗号隔开。but连词,后直接跟句子。虽然没有人能阻止地震的发生,但科学家却可以帮助人们尽可能地减少地震造成的损失。

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