2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Life in the future Period Three课时作业 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Life in the future Period Three课时作业 新人教版必修5.单词拼写1Today every c_ aged eighteen or over has the right to vote.2He had a sore throat and found it difficult to s_.3I was tricked by the salesmans wiles(计谋) into buying worthless g_.4I have the honor to have been sent as their r_ to attend the ceremony.5In case of fire,break the glass and push the red b_.6Some people are _(贪婪的) for money and something alike.7I have never been to the _(沙漠) visited by them.8At present theres no _(解决) in this disagreement.9The sick boy needs _(立即的) attention.10When building _(材料) cost more,the price of houses increases.词义辨析1用stare,glare或glance的适当形式填空。(1)They stopped arguing and _ at each other.(2)She _ at him in surprise.(3)He _ at his watch and then left in a hurry.(4)He _ at the problem,trying to work it out.2用happen,occur,take place或break out的适当形式填空。(1)Great changes have _ in my hometown since then.(2)Yesterday a traffic accident _ on this road,but luckily no one was injured.(3)Last night a fire _ in that building,causing a great loss.(4)An idea suddenly _ to me that our room will be decorated in blue.(5)Please remind me that the meeting will _ at two tomorrow afternoon.翻译句子1许多最新发明正在展览会上展出。(up-to-date)_2又给了一次机会,那个激动的男孩高兴得跳了起来。(过去分词作状语)_3一出火车站,火车就开始加速。(speed up)_4我一进教室,铃就响了。(the instant)_5我对他的所作所为不满意。(what)_.单项填空1The strikers and the employer have reached a _ over new working conditions.AagreementBinformation Csettlement Dsuggestion2New ways have to be found to _ of waste materials and poisonous gases so that we can have cleaned surroundings.Adeal Bdo Cremove Ddispose3How exciting!I drove my new car _ a speed of 110 km/h on Sunday morning.Afor Bat Cin Don4Be patient,please.Mr.Wang will arrive _.Ain an instant Bin instant Cafter an instant Dafter instant5The desert is moving south and _ many good fields.Amaking up Bspeeding up Cswallowing up Dstaying up6It is difficult to imagine his _ the decision without any consideration.Aaccept Baccepting Cto accept Daccepted7English is understood all over the world _ Turkish(土耳其语) is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.Awhile Bwhen Cas Dsince8Now I find the problem _.Aeasy to work out Beasily to work it outCto work out easily Dis easy to be worked out9Your ceiling requires _.Yes, Ill have some workers _ it.Amending;to mend Bmending;mendCto mend;mend Dto be mended;to mend10I wonder if I could use your telephone._.AI wonder how BI dont wonderCSorry,its out of order DNo wonder,here it is.阅读理解If there is one thing Im sure about,it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers.It is not that newspapers are a necessity.Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio.Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday.But for most people reading a newspaper has bee a habit passed down from generation to generation.The nature of what is news may change.What basically makes news is what affects our livesthe big political stories,the coverage of the wars,earthquakes and other disasters,will continue much the same.I think there will be more coverage of scientific research,though.Its already happening in areas that many directly affect our lives,like genetic(基因) engineering.In the future,I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we doas we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.Its quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted(传送) electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home.In fact,Im pretty sure that how it will happen in the future.You will probably be able to choose from a menu,making up your own newspapers by picking out the things you want to readsports and international news,etc.I think people have got it wrong when they talk about petition between the different media(媒体)They actually feed_off each other.Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers,but that hasnt happened.What it read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air.And as for the Internet,its never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.1What is the best title for the passage?AThe Best Way to Get NewsBThe Changes of MediaCMake Your Own NewspaperDThe Future of Newspaper2In the writers opinion,in the future,_.Amore big political affairs,wars and disasters will make newsBnewspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longerCnewspapers will cover more scientific researchDmore and more people will watch TV3What will probably be in the newspaper made by yourself?ASports and international news.BA menu of important news.CThe most important news.DWhat you are interested in.4From the passage,we can infer _.Anewspapers will win the petition among the different mediaBnewspapers will stay with us together with other mediaCtelevision will take the place of newspapersDthe writer believes some media will die out5The underlined phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means _.Adepend on Bpete with Cfight with Dkill off“作表语的现在分词/过去分词/形容词/介词短语系动词主语”形式的完全倒装。1Hanging on the wall was a painting by Qi Baishi.挂在墙上的是一幅齐白石的画。2Seated in the front were the guests.坐在前排的是客人。3Present at the meeting were experts from Europe.出席会议的是来自欧洲的专家。4Outside the doctors clinic were 20 patients.在医生诊所的外面有20位病人。答案 .1.citizen2.swallow3.goods4.representative 5button6.greedy7.desert8.settlement 9instant10.materials.1.(1)glared(2)stared(3)glanced(4)staredstare at尤指吃惊、害怕或深思地凝视,盯着看。glare at怒视。glance at一瞥,匆匆一看。2(1)taken place(2)happened(3)broke out (4)occurs(5)take placehappen强调事情发生的偶然性。occur属于正式用语,指在一定的时间“发生,出现”一定的事件;也可表示在脑海中出现某种想法。take place一般没有偶然的意味,往往指事先布置或策划好而后发生。break out常用于表示战争、地震、洪水、火灾等的突然发生或爆发。.1.Many uptodate inventions are on show in the exhibition.2Given another chance,the excited boy jumped with joy.3The moment the train left the station,it began to speed up.4The bell rang the instant I entered the classroom.5Im not satisfied with what he did.1.C句意为:罢工者与雇主已就新的工作条件达成协议。reach a settlement/an agreement“达成协议”。2Ddispose of“处理,解决”,符合题意。3Bat a speed of“以的速度”。4Ain an instant“立即,马上”,用于将来时。5C表示“吞没”用swallow up。6B句意为:“很难想象他没做任何考虑就接受了这个决定。”在imagine后要用v.ing形式作宾语。7Awhile“然而,而”,表示对比。8A考查句式:find宾语adj.(easy,difficult,hard,interesting等)不定式,其中不定式往往用主动形式表被动。若选D项,应改为:is easy to work out。9Bsth. need/want/require doing/to be done“某事需要被”;have sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。10C句意为:“不知我能否用一下您的电话?”“抱歉,我的电话坏了。”C项符合题意。.1.D主旨大意题。从短文第一句所说的一百年后人们仍要读报,到后面短文讲到报纸跟人们生活的关系,报纸的形式和内容,可归纳出本文的主题为“报纸的未来”。由第二段第二句可知,A项中的事件只是报纸的一些基本元素;而B项只是未来可能出现的,并不是作者的观点。2C细节理解题。根据短文第二段中“I think there will be more coverage of scientific research,though.”可推知,依据作者观点,报纸在未来将会报道更多的科学研究。3D推理判断题。从短文第三段最后一句可推知,你自己的报纸会以你感兴趣的事情为主。4B推理判断题。根据短文最后一段可推知,报纸将与其他媒体共存。5A词义猜测题。作者上一句说人们错误地认为各种不同的媒体相互竞争,而下一句作者又说“They actually feed off each other.”,我们可推知feed off与depend on意思相近。


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