2019年高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 1 Friendship作业 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 1 Friendship作业 新人教版必修1一、单项填空1. _ “Tourism Year” to be separately held in Russia in xx and in China in xx will help _ two peoples understand each other better.A. /; /B. The; /C. The; the D. A; the答案 C解析 考查冠词的用法。两个空格处都需要填定冠词the,分别特指“中俄旅游年”和两国人民。句意:分别于xx在俄罗斯和xx在中国举办的“中俄旅游年”将有助于两国人民彼此更好地了解。2. Chinas third West-to-East gas pipeline is _ to bee operational by the end of xx and will carry about 30 billion cubic meters of gas yearly.A. expecting B. expectedC. to be expecting D. being expected答案 B解析 考查谓语动词。be expected to“预计;期望”。句意:中国的第三大西气东输管道预计到xx年底可以每年运送300亿立方米的天然气。3. The rainstorm on July 21st, 2012 in Beijing has caused 37 deaths, the 25 _ were because of drowning.A. in which B. whoC. whom D. of whom答案 D解析 考查定语从句引导词的用法。句意:2012年7月21日发生在北京的暴雨导致37人死亡,其中25人死于溺水。表示“之中的”应该用of whom。4. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again.A. when B. whereC. that D. which答案 B解析 考查状语从句。根据句意可知,空处在句中作地点状语,故用where,选B。5. Astronaut Liu Wang, _ by his teammates Jing Haipeng and Liu yang, controlled the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft to dock(对接) with the Tiangong-1 space lab module.A. assisted B. assistingC. having assisted D. was asisted答案 A解析 考查非谓语动词。assist与Astronaut Liu Wang之间构成动宾关系,应用assist的过去分词形式,故选A。6. According to the latest report, in fact the Mayan people began to writing centuries earlier than previously they _.A. were thought B. were to thinkC. had been thought D. think答案 C解析 考查时态和语态。句意:根据最新报道,事实上玛雅人开始书写要比先前被认为的(时间)早数世纪。they指玛雅人和think之间为被动关系,而且previously表明是发生在过去,因此用过去时的被动语态。故选C。7. The teacher helped the students to _ after a _ of earthquakes.A. put down; serious B. settle down; great manyC. settle down; series D. set down; series答案 C解析 由于地震,同学们心神不安,故老师使他们安心。settle down“(使)安心”;a series of“一系列的”;put down“记下;镇压”;set down“写下;记下”;a great many“很多(后面名词有限定词修饰时加of)”。8. (xx银川模拟)On Christmas Eve, we put up some balloons to _ the festival atmosphere.A. make for B. add upC. add to D. join in答案 C解析 句意:圣诞前夜,我们挂了一些气球以增添节日气氛。add to“增添”;make for“走向;驶向”;add up“加起来”;join in“参加”。9. _ I wrote a little poem, I confidently placed it right on my fathers plate on the dining-room table.A. The first time B. At firstC. It was the first time D. For the first time答案 A解析 句意:当我第一次写了一首小诗的时候,我自信地把它放在餐桌上我父亲的盘子里。the first time为连词,此处引导时间状语从句。10. Whats the matter, Mary? You look _! My wallet is nowhere to be found, and my identification card(身份证)is in it.A. disappointed B. movedC. excited D. upset答案 D解析 disappointed“失望的”;moved“感动的”;excited“兴奋的”;upset“心烦意乱的”。由下句提供的情景可知应选D项。11. When _ into a warm house, a piece of ice bees smaller and smaller, until in the end it disappears pletely.A. takes B. takingC. took D. taken答案 D解析 when引导的时间状语从句所省略的主语与主句的主语相同,与动词take之间是被动关系,故选D。句意:当把一块冰放进温暖的房间时,它变得越来越小,直到最后完全消失。12. _ that made Mrs. White so upset? Her sons making trouble in the school.A. Where was it B. Why was it C. How was it D. What was it答案 D解析 考查强调句型。句意:是什么让怀特夫人这么难过?她儿子在学校惹事了。判断强调句型的要点是:当去掉“It is . that/who”时,剩下的句子结构仍然完整。这里是强调句的疑问形式,由答语可知,这里句子的主语应该用what,而不是where, why或how。所以应该选D项。13. Since China _ the WTO, the export of the weave products has increased.A. joined B. attendedC. joined in D. made in答案 A解析 这里“WTO”是一个具体的组织,所以要用join。句意:自从中国加入世贸组织以来,纺织产品的出口增加了。14. Bless your heart, I know you didnt break the vase _. Dont cry!A. on purpose B. by accidentC. on business D. by mistake答案 A解析 on purpose“故意地”;by accident“偶然”;on business“出差”; by mistake“错误地”。句意:好了好了,我知道你不是故意把花瓶打破的。别哭了。15. Would you please stop chatting? Its time we _ some serious work.A. got over B. got down toC. got across D. got along答案 B解析 考查短语辨析。句意:请你们停止闲谈好吗?是该我们认真工作的时候了。get down to sth. “开始认真处理对待某事”;get over“克服;从中恢复过来”;get across“让人理解”;get along“进展;相处”。二、阅读理解The xx preview of the new cars provides an excellent variety of cars. And it gives a look at the new models of trucks.The new xx Volkswagen Jetta is being redesigned to stay “Americas favorite people car”. The redesign will include a more reliable and economical vehicle to purchase. There is rumor that VW plans to bring the manufacturing of the xx Volkswagen Jetta to the United States. It is unclear when the official preview of the new Jetta will occur but it is expected that they should appear in the market place sometime during the fall of 2011. Sticker price will range between 18 200 and 27 500.The Euro-designed xx Kia Cadenza is replacing the Kia Amanti. Kia is promising better gas mileage and features for the money. A preview of the car can be seen now since it is currently being sold in the South Korea-market as the Kia K7. The car is said to be reliable, durable, keenly priced and will be advertised as the“smart choice” to purchase in the present economy. Sticker price will be somewhere between 30 000 and 40 000.The xx Chevrolet Caprice PPV will be sporting the big V8 engine but will only be available for the police departments. The space, driving characteristics and stamina are all included in this traditionally American vehicle. The interior is being increased to 112 cubit feet to help with leg roomThe V8 will cost approximately 32 000. There will also be a V6 that will cost approximately 29 000.The xx Coda EV will be offered to individuals only in the State of California. This all-electric midsize sedan will run on battery power only. The Coda is a cooperative product of an American start-up pany who joined with two Chinese manufacturersThe vehicle is expected to be the first car sold in the USA that will be built in China. Sticker price will be 40 000 but the 7 500 tax credit for an electric-vehicle purchase will be the cost down to 32 500.16. Which of the following is TRUE of the new xx Volkswagen Jetta?A. It will be very popular to American people.B. It will be the most expensive one this year.C. It will surely be produced in the United States.D. It will enter the market in the first half of xx.17. The most expensive one mentioned in this passage probably is _.A. the xx Chevrolet CapriceB. the xx Volkswagen JettaC. the xx Coda EVD. the xx Kia Cadenza18. All the following are the advantages of the xx Coda EV probably except that _.A. it can save a large amount of moneyB. it will be designed in an American styleC. it will be an environmentally friendly vehicleD. it will be made by the Chinese pany19. This passage is mainly to introduce _.A. all kinds of modern vehiclesB. xx exhibitions of the new carsC. the latest models of trucksD. xx car preview of new vehicles答案与解析【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了xx款的几种车型。很明显,根据文章的介绍和预测可知,各种车型各有优点,有的还属于环保车型,有的价格低廉。16. 答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The new xx Volkswagen Jetta is being redesigned to stayAmericas favorite people car.”可以推知,这款车将很受美国人的欢迎。17. 答案 D解析 细节理解题。对比文中涉及的各款车的价格,可知the xx Kia Cadenza应该是最贵的一款,故为正确答案。18. 答案 B解析 细节理解题。文章第五段介绍了xx Coda EV这款车型的诸多优点,其中B项的意思和文意不符,为正确答案。19. 答案 D解析 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段,及其下文的价格可知,本文主要是涉及xx年将要上市的几款新车型。故D项为最佳标题。

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