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2019-2020年高考英语短文改错、阅读理解四月选练10阅读理解。Finally, a cell phoneThatsa phoneWith rates as low as $3.75 per week!“Well, I finally did it. I finally decided to enter the digital age and get a cell phone. My kids have been annoying me and the last straw was when my car broke down, and I was stuck by the highway for an hour before someone stopped to help. But when I went to the cell phone store, I almost changed my mind. The phones all have cameras, puters and a “globalpositioning”something or other thats supposed to spot me from space. Goodness, all I want to do is to be able to talk to my grandkids! The people at the store werent much help.They couldnt understand why someone wouldnt want a phone the size of a postage stamp. And the rate plans! They were confusing, and expensiveand the contract(合同)lasted for two years! Id almost given up until a friend told me about her new Jitterbug phone. Now, I have the convenience and safety of being about to stay in touchwith a phone I can actually use.”Affordable plans that I can understandand no contract to sign(签订)! Unlike other cell phones, Jitterbug has plans that make sense. Why should I pay for minutes Im never going to use? And if I do talk more than I plan, I wont find myself with no minutes like my friend who has a prepaid phone. Best of all, there is no contract to signso Im not locked in for years at a time. The USbased customer service is second to none. And the phone gets service anywhere in the country.Monthly Minutes50100Monthly Rate$14.99$19.99911 AccessFREEFREELong Distance CallsNo additional chargeNo additional chargeFriendly Return Policy30 days30 daysCall now and receive a FREE gift when you order.Try Jitterbug for 30 days and if you dont love it, just return it! Why wait, the Jitterbug es ready to use right out of the box. If you arent as happy with it as I am, you can return it and get your money back. Call now, the Jitterbug product experts are ready to answer your questions.Call 18888098794 or visit jitterbugdirect.1What made “I” finally think of getting a cell phone?ABeing stuck by the highway.BBeing urged by his grandkids.CBeing persuaded by cell phone salespersons.DBeing attracted by the friendly return policy.2On the monthly basis of 100 minutes, the Jitterbug weekly rate is about _.A$3.75 B$4.99 C$14.99 D$19.993An advantage of Jitterbug mentioned in the passage is _.Aits discount price with a free giftBits reasonable rate plans without a contractCits “globalpositioning” system with 911 accessDits good customer service all over the world4The main purpose of the passage is to _.Atell a customers story of JitterbugBprovide two ways to order JitterbugCgive a brief introduction of JitterbugDattract potential customers to Jitterbug【要点综述】本文是一篇应用文。即是一篇手机广告。1. A细节理解题。从第一段“the last straw was when my car broke down”可知答案。the last straw意为“导火线”。2. B细节理解题。该题要注意题干的“weekly”,从表格中可知,每100分钟每月价格为$19.99,则每星期价格为$4.99。3. B细节理解题。根据第二段可知答案。A选项中的discount price文中未提及,D选项中的all over the world错误。4. D推理判断题。根据文章对手机的介绍及最后两段的购买优惠和售后服务的描述可知答案。阅读理解。Now scientists believe that global warming affects hibernating animals, causing them to wake up earlier. While this may seem a little concern, it is in fact a significant environmental problem. The shortened hibernation period could actually lead to significant declines in the population of several species. Some of the first concrete evidence of the phenomenon came from Colorado, where researchers at the Rocky Mountain Biological lab have been observing marmot(旱獭)hibernation behavior since the 1970s. In the early days of their studies, marmots generally hibernated several weeks into the month of May. Nowadays, however, temperatures in the area have risen by 2. 5 degrees Fahrenheit, and the marmots wake up about a month earlier. At least the marmots are still hibernating. Several other animals have not been hibernating at all recently. Brown bears in the Spanish Cantabrian Mountains did not hibernate last year. In parts of the United States, chipmunks(花鼠)also skipped the hibernation period. The bears seem to have survived without losing many individuals. The chipmunks, however, were not so lucky. Many of the animals died of starvation during the winter. The problem with animals waking up early, or skipping hibernation altogether, lies with the creatures metabolism(新陈代谢). When the animals hibernate, their metabolism drops significantly. The animals heart rate slows, and they require very little energy to live. When the animals awake from their winter slumber, their metabolism returns to normal. But while their metabolism may be as active as it was before hibernation, food sources arent as available as they were before. A marmot may wake up when temperatures get warmer, thinking its spring, but plants will not have got the amount of sun they need to signal their spring period of growth. So until the plants grow, the marmots have no reliable food source. Many scientists believe the problem will continue to get worse. In addition to changes in hibernation patterns, some believe that other animals will also begin to change their migration patterns or begin to give birth earlier. For many biologists, thats a scary prospect. Terry Root, an animal expert at Stanford University, said, “I do think what we will be facing is the extinction of many species. ”【文章大意】全球变暖带来的连锁反应是多方面的, 其中之一就是导致一些冬眠动物的冬眠期缩短, 这会给这些动物带来巨大的影响。1. What is the viewpoint of the writer? A. Global warming will continue to get worse as time goes on. B. Global warming will lead to shortened hibernation of some animals. C. Shortened hibernation will result in declines in the population of animals. D. Some animals will skip hibernation altogether. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话可知答案为C。2. The writer sets the example of the marmot so as to. A. explain that global warming influences animals hibernationB. indicate that the weather gets warmer and warmer nowC. show that the weather in the United States is quite differentD. say some animals do not hibernate now due to warm weather【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话可知作者是想借这个例子来说明全球变暖使得动物的冬眠期缩短了。3. The underlined word“slumber”in the fourth paragraph means“”. A. weatherB. activityC. nestD. sleep【解析】选D。词义猜测题。联系本句中的awake from可知答案为D项。4. Why cant marmots find enough food when they wake up? A. Because there are too many marmots in the wild now. B. Because plants havent received enough sunlight for spring growth. C. Because winter days end much earlier than before. D. Because more and more animal species skip hibernation now. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的but plants will not have got the amount of sun they need to signal their spring period of growth可知答案为B项。9. Terry Root holds a(n)attitude towards the future of animals. A. optimisticB. doubtfulC. pessimisticD. sensitive【解析】选C。观点态度题。根据文章最后一句话I do think what we will be facing is the extinction of many species. 可以看出他是持悲观态度。1.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有l0处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改l0处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Elli, Im a senior student. I like making friend with people and I do my best to get on well for everyone. But in last week I found that one of my friends wrote in her English diary that shedislikes me. He doesnt want to my friend any longer. Now she has started making fun of mebecause of Im fat. I am kind to her but why cant she be friend towards me? My other problemis trying to lose weight. Do I do more exercise? Use pills? And do you know any other way?Please give me some advices. Yours, Mary 【参考答案】1.Dear Elli, Im a senior student. I like making friend with people and I do my best to get on well for friends witheveryone. But in last week I found that one of my friends wrote in her English diary that shedislikes me. He doesnt want tomy friend any longer. Now she has started making fun of medisliked She bebecause of Im fat. I am kind to her but why cant she be friend towards me? My other problemfriendlyis trying to lose weight. Do I do more exercise? Use pills? And do you know any other way? Or Please give me some advices. advice Yours, Mary 2.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. 请按标准格式改错,每处错误及其修改均限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Though great progress has made in science these years, there are still many people lived in poor conditions. They make their livingby collecting and selling used thing. Their children cannot go to schoolbecause they have no enough money to send their children to there.Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?The answer lies on the population explosion. A president of a developing country once said: “It is us who are to blame for the poverty because we used to produce child without limit.” Although these few words sound simple enough,but they have clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion.【参考答案】2.Though great progress has made in science these years, there beenare still many people lived in poor conditions. They make their living livingby collecting and selling used thing. Their children cannot go to school thingsbecause they have not enough money to send their children to there.Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now? doThe answer lies on the population explosion. A president of a developing incountry once said: “It is us who are to blame for the poverty because we used to weproduce child without limit.” Although these few words sound simple enough, childrenbut they have clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion. clearly3.短文改错We are all busy talk about and using the Internet 76. _which set up in the 1960s. At first, the Internet was 77. _only used by the government, but in early 1970s, 78. _the universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to 79. _use it, too. Otherwise, puters were still very expensive 80. _and the Internet was difficult to use it. By the 81. _start of the 1990s, puters bee cheaper and easier. 82. _Today it is easily to get on-line and it is said 83. _that millions of people use the Internet every day. 84. _Send e-mail is more and more popular among students. 85. _It has now bee one of the most important parts of peoples life.【参考答案】3.76. talk-talking 77. set 前加was78. early 后加the 79. 去掉the80. Otherwise -However81. 去掉it 82. bee 前加had83. easily-easy 84. 85. send 改为sending

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