2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十四)外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十四)外研版必修3.完形填空While adults can readily recognize signs that they are angry, this may be _1_ for children. So naturally, children will act it out in ways that will indicate there is a _2_. There are several reasons why children may get angry. If you are _3_ some behavior changes in your child, you may want to find out how to manage _4_ in children.If your child is having trouble at school, this could cause feelings of _5_ that your child may not know how to express. Not _6_ in , or not being able to follow what the teacher is saying could cause your child to get _7_. If your childs teacher is expressing _8_, its time for the three of you to sit down and _9_ the cause of your childs anger. You should also meet with the teacher to e up with _10_ for improving your childs learning and behavior.Managing childrens anger is _11_ after a child experiences a major change or loss, such as moving to a new city, or _12_ one of his or her relatives. Children may express their anger by role playing, drawing pictures that _13_ these events, or crying out loud whenever they dont get their way, or feel _14_ or unfortable. If you notice any of these signs, talk to your child about whats _15_ him. Your child may express that he feels _16_, or that certain parts of his body are hurting him. When you talk about anger with a _17_, you may have to ask more “trigger questions”. It is easier for a child to answer “yes” or “no” than to have to _18_ his feelings in detail.A diet that contains nutritious foods and frees of chemicals will help to _19_ negative feelings in your child. _20_, you can enroll your child in a number of sports activities, which can give your child a more positive outlook on life.1. A. confusing B. difficultC. interesting D. simple2. A. danger B. fightC. quarrel D. problem3. A. noticing B. expectingC. ignoring D. counting4. A. money B. sadnessC. anger D. time5. A. relief B. anxietyC. happiness D. satisfaction6. A. arriving B. joiningC. sharing D. fitting7. A. discouraged B. excitedC. inspired D. embarrassed8. A. support B. doubtC. concern D. regret9. A. care about B. talk aboutC. write about D. worry about10. A. excuses B. ideasC. plans D. solutions11. A. necessary B. usefulC. helpless D. critical12. A. recognizing B. contactingC. losing D. meeting13. A. remind B. resembleC. connect D. display14. A. lucky B. uneasyC. serious D. easy15. A. bothering B. challengingC. pushing D. attracting16. A. strong B. hopefulC. sad D. lonely17. A. friend B. teacherC. doctor D. child18. A. hide B. explainC. record D. recall19. A. increase B. expressC. reduce D. strengthen20. A. Besides B. HoweverC. Clearly D. Luckily答案与解析【文章大意】 每个家长都有必要关注孩子的心理健康。如果孩子有负面的情绪,家长应主动帮助孩子找出原因和应对的方法,使孩子尽快消除消极的情绪。本文针对家长如何帮助孩子消除愤怒的情绪提出了建议。1. 答案 B解析 考查形容词。尽管成年人可以轻易地识别愤怒的迹象,然而,对儿童而言,这也许是一件艰难的事情。readily“轻而易举地”,与之相对的词是difficult。2. 答案 D解析 考查名词。所以儿童很自然地会把愤怒的情绪表现出来,以表明自己遇到了问题(problem)。3. 答案 A解析 考查上下文暗示。如果你注意到(noticing)孩子出现了一些行为变化,你也许会想知道如何应对孩子的愤怒(anger)情绪。文章第三段中的If you notice any of these signs也有暗示。4. 答案 C解析 考查上下文暗示。此处选anger,呼应上文中的children may get angry。5. 答案 B解析 考查名词。本文是讲如何帮助孩子消除愤怒的情绪的,如果孩子在学校遇到问题,他很可能会产生焦虑(anxiety)感。relief“宽慰”;happiness“幸福”;satisfaction“满足”。6. 答案 D解析 考查语境选词。不适应(fitting in)学校生活或者跟不上老师讲的课都会让孩子感到泄气。arrive“到达”;join“加入”;share“共享”。7. 答案 A解析 考查语境选词。根据语境可知,这样会让孩子感到泄气的(discouraged)。excited“兴奋的”;inspired“鼓舞的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。8. 答案 C解析 考查名词。此处表示如果老师对孩子发生的这种情况表示担心。concern“担心;忧虑”,符合语意。9. 答案 B解析 考查动词短语。那么,你们三人应该坐下来好好谈论(talk about)引起孩子愤怒的原因。10. 答案 D解析 考查名词。你也可以和老师见面,找到改善孩子学习和行为的对策(solutions)。11. 答案 A解析 考查形容词。当儿童在经历了重大变化或失去亲人后,处理孩子的愤怒情绪是必要的(necessary)。12.答案 C解析 考查语境选词。例如,当孩子搬到一座新的城市,或者失去了一个亲人。本空填losing与上文中的loss相呼应。13. 答案 D解析 考查动词。孩子可能会通过角色扮演、画画等方式重现这些事件,以表达自己愤怒的情绪,或者当事情不如意的时候,就大声喊叫。根据语境可知选D项。remind“提醒”;resemble“相像”;connect“连接”。14. 答案 B解析 考查形容词。此处表示孩子感到不安(uneasy)或不适。连词and连接两个并列成分,因此填uneasy。15. 答案 A解析 考查动词。如果你注意到了孩子身上出现的这些迹象,与你的孩子聊聊他所遇到的烦心事。bother“使烦恼”;challenge“挑战”;push“推”;attract“吸引”。16. 答案 C解析 考查形容词。你的孩子也许会说他感到难过,应填sad,呼应or that certain parts of his body are hurting them。17. 答案 D解析 考查语境选词。根据语境可知,此处表示当你和孩子(child)在谈论愤怒情绪的时候,故选D项。18. 答案 B解析 考查动词。对孩子来说,回答“是”和“否”比详细地解释自己的感觉更容易。根据语境可知应填explain。19. 答案 C解析 考查动词。富有营养的、不含化学物质的饮食有助于帮助孩子减轻(reduce)消极的情绪。20. 答案 A解析 考查副词。此处表示除此之外(Besides),鼓励孩子参与一些体育活动,也有助于培养孩子积极的心态。.阅读理解Sitting in a well-known coffee shop with my friend, we enjoyed our coffee when a man entered and sat on an empty table beside us. He called the waiter and placed his order saying, “Two cups of coffee, one of them there on the wall”. We heard this order with rather interest and observed that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter pasted a piece of paper on the wall saying, “A Cup of Coffee”.While we were still there, two other men entered and ordered three cups of coffee, two on the table and one on the wall. They had two cups of coffee but paid for three and left. This time also, the waiter did the same. It seemed that this gesture was normal at this place. However, it was something confusing for us. Since we had nothing to do with the matter, we finished our coffee, paid the bill and left. After a few days, we again had a chance to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not match the standard nor the atmosphere of this coffee shop.As he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said, one cup of coffee from the wall. The waiter served coffee to this man with the respect and dignity. The man had his coffee and left without paying. We were amazed to watch all this when the waiter took off a piece of paper from the wall and threw it in the dustbin. Coffee is not a need of our society neither a necessity of life for us. The point to note is that when we take pleasure in any blessing, maybe we also need to think about those people who appreciate that specific blessing as much as we do but they cannot afford to have it.1. Why was a coffee put on the wall?A. To tell people coffee got ready.B. To show the cup of coffee was best.C. To help those in need of a coffee.D. To bring convenience for customers.2. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.A. the author was curious about the mans wordsB. the author was willing to help the man beside C. the author decided to order a coffee on the wallD. the author talked with the waiter for information3. Before leaving the coffee shop, the author _.A. also paid a cup of coffee on the wallB. noticed three cups of coffee on the wallC. felt confused by the waiter and customersD. did nothing but watch the waiter working4. If you asked for the coffee on the wall _.A. the waiter would look down on youB. the waiter would also serve you warmlyC. the waiter would feel very unimaginableD. the waiter would tell you the coffees price答案与解析【文章大意】 贴在墙上的一杯杯咖啡令作者感到好奇,咖啡的真相更令作者感叹不已,作者向那些为他人着想的人表示深深地敬意。1. 答案 C解析 推理判断题。依据文章第四段的The man had his coffee and left without paying可知,放在墙上的咖啡(单)是为那些想喝咖啡,又付不起钱的人准备的。故选C项。2. 答案 A解析 推理判断题。依据文章第一段的We heard this order with rather interest可知,作者听到墙上的咖啡时,非常感兴趣,就继续观察。故选A项。3. 答案 C解析 细节理解题。依据文章 第二段的However, it was something confusing for us.可知,作者在离开这个咖啡馆时,依然不解人们的做法。故选C项。4. 答案 B解析 细节理解题。依据文章第四段的The waiter served coffee to this man with the respect and dignity可知,这位要墙上咖啡的人,同样被给予喝咖啡的人尊严和尊敬。故选B项。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The last school bell rings and your kids are off for the summer. For most kids, those thoughts of schoolwork and lessons are a distant memory that they wont be thinking about again until fall. _1_Have your kids hit the library._2_ If they dont have a library card, get them one. Many local libraries sponsor summer reading clubs that keep your kids wanting to read. Be sure to let your kids pick their own books out; summer is for fun reading.Have your kids read every day.Ask your kids to read outside in the sun. Join in with them, and read aloud their favorite books, no matter how many times you have read them. _3_ Nothing will stimulate a child to read more than to have adults reading with them._4_If you are planning a family trip, have them check out the map. Let your kids go online and research where you are going. Have your kids check the weather report in the newspaper or what big event is happening and then have them report back on them at dinner time. Have your kids check out magazines or websites for recipes that can be prepared.Improve your kids writing skills.Learning to express your thoughts in writing in a logical manner is a skill that is often lost. To help your kids, have them write about things during the summer. If your kids love something such as animals, have them write reports about them to share with the family. _5_A. Find other ways to encourage the kids.B. However, its important for them to continue some learning.C. Reading in the sun is bad for their eyes.D. If you are going on a trip, have your kids keep a travel journal.E. Improve your kids planning skills.F. Encourage your kids to read by taking them to the library during the summer.G. Pick a time every day when you all stop and read as a family together.答案与解析【文章大意】 假期里如何让孩子继续学习一些东西呢?本文给了一些建议。1. 答案 B解析 本空所填句子起承上启下的作用。B项的“然而,让他们继续学习一些东西很重要”符合要求。2. 答案 F解析 小标题的关键词是library,F项意为“通过在暑假带孩子去图书馆的方式来鼓励孩子阅读”,对小标题进行解释说明。3. 答案 G解析 结合上文的Join in with them和下文的have adults reading with them可知选G项,每天挑选一个你们都空闲的时候一起阅读。4. 答案 E解析 本空填的是小标题,下文提到planning a family trip,并提到让你的孩子进行计划和安排,故选E项。5. 答案 D解析 此部分讲的是提高孩子的写作技能,故选D项,“如果你去旅行,让你的孩子写游记”。.语法填空Causes of Exam StressParents are often angry because of their students failing grades caused by test anxiety. It is especially so when they place a strong emphasis _1_ getting high scores on examinations instead of on the effort _2_(make). Research shows that parental pressure is associated with greater worry.Other causes of test anxiety may include fear of _3_(fail) and previous poor test performance. As well, characteristics of the test environment such as: nature of the task, _4_(difficult), atmosphere, time limits and examiner can affect the level of stress felt by the student. Researchers examined test performance among elementary _5_(child) when the teacher put pressure on the students in an attempt to create a more high stress environment. Their findings showed that students performed _6_(badly)in high threat situations and experienced more test anxiety than when in a _7_ threat environment.Test anxiety is _8_(know) to develop into a vicious cycle. After experiencing test anxiety on one test, the student may bee so fearful of it happening again _9_ they bee more anxious and upset than they would normally, or even than they experienced on the previous test. If the cycle continues without acknowledgement, the student may begin to feel _10_(help) in the situation.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。主语论述了学生考试焦虑症的产生原因,本文认为父母过分强调孩子的高分数,而不关注孩子在学习过程中做出的努力,会让孩子产生考试焦虑症。1. on 考查介词。place an emphasis on .表示“关注,把重点放在”。2. made 考查动词。根据空格前面的effort可以得知,此处考查make an effort表示“努力”的用法,make 和effort之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词made作后置定语。误解分析:此题考生易误填入to make。解答此题时要先了解make an effort表示“努力”之意的用法,即make与effort之间为动宾关系,即可得知答案。3. failure 考查名词。根据空格前面的介词of可以得知,此处需要用fail的名词形式failure“失败”作介词of的宾语。4. difficulty 考查名词。根据空格前面的名词短语nature of the task,以及空格后面的名词atmosphere可以得知,此处需要用difficult的名词形式difficulty“困难”与前后成分并列。5. children 考查名词。根据空格后面的students可以得知,此处表示复数意义,故用child的复数children“孩子们”。6. worse 考查形容词。根据空格后面的语境than可以得知,此处需要用badly的比较级形式worse。7. low 考查形容词。此处与上文的in high threat situations相对比,故用high的反义词low,即“低威胁的情况下”。8. known 考查动词。根据空格前面的语境is可以得知,此处表示被动意义,即“人们知道考试焦虑会发展成为恶性循环”。9. that 考查连词。根据空格前面的语境so fearful .可以得知,此处考查so . that .句式表示“如此以至于”。10. helpless 考查形容词。根据空格前面的系动词feel可以得知,此处需要用help的形容词helpless作表语,即“感到无助的”。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Ralph,Im a newer here of a small town. I would describe myself as shy and quietly. Before my classmates, this seems always difficult for me to do things well as they do. Im sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. So I feel unhappy every day.Besides, I have few friends. I dont know that they dont like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class, but after class we bee stranger at once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesnt seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do?答案与解析Dear Ralph,Im a newer here of a small town. I would describe myself as shy andfromquietly. Before my classmates, this seems always difficult for me to do things quiet it aswell as they do. Im sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. So I feel atunhappy every day.Besides, I have few friends. I dont know that they dont like to talk with me. whySometimes, we talked to each other very well in class, but after class we bee talkstranger at once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesnt seem to work. strangers butCan you tell me about what I should do?第1处:of改为from。此处表示“我”是来自一个小镇的新生。第2处:quietly改为quiet。quiet与shy为并列的两个形容词,在句中作宾补。第3处:this改为it。it作形式主语,代替句中的to do things .。第4处:在well前加as。as . as为固定结构,表示同种程度的比较。第5处:to改为at。laugh at为固定搭配,意为“嘲笑”。第6处:that改为why。“我”不知道他们为什么不喜欢跟“我”说话。第7处:talked改为talk。此处用一般现在时,与上文时态一致。第8处:stranger改为strangers。strangers与句中的主语we一致。第9处:since改为but。后半句表示转折意义,故用but。第10处:去掉what前的about。该句表示让对方告诉自己应该怎么办。tell sb. about sth. 意为“向某人讲述某事”,与句意不符。.书面表达你作为你班班长,发现某些同学在课堂上有打瞌睡的现象。经过进一步地观察,你发现很多同学不知如何利用好白天的时间,导致生活和学习习惯不好,影响了健康和学业。请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文给校报投稿,就怎样充分利用好时间向同学们提出建议。要点:1. 时间管理很重要。2. 关于怎样利用好时间提出三条建议。注意:1. 词数不少于100。2. 符合语言规范。3. 适当增加细节。_参考范文Time management is of great importance in our daily life. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to acplish all you need to do. Here are some tips that might be of some help to you.Set up a plan. Make a list of your tasks and tick the most important ones, including the things you want to do.Focus on one thing at a time, or you will lose concentration. Otherwise, it will take you longer to plete what you set out to do.Relax. The most important thing is to remember to take time to relax. You need a break every now and then to keep working efficiently.Dont delay. Get your life in order now.


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