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2019-2020年高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时作业:语言朋友(91)Chinese media and Internet users on Monday condemned a lack of morals in society after a toddler was struck twice by two different vans and left bleeding on the road as more than a dozen bystanders did nothing to help the seriously injured girl.The incident, captured by a surveillance camera and aired by Southern Television Guangdong (TVS), showed the twoyearold girl was knocked down and run over by a white van on a narrow market street on the afternoon of Oct.13, in Foshan City of Guangdong Province.The driver fled the scene of the accident, leaving the girl to bleed on the sidewalk.Over the next six minutes, more than a dozen people walked by the girl, yet not one individual did anything to help her.The girl was then hit a second time by another van before an elderly trash collector came to her aid and brought the attention of the girls mother, according to the video and eyewitnesses.Doctors said that the girl, who was put on life support after being hospitalized, remains in a deep a.The girls parents, who are migrants living in the city, are now with her.Police said the drivers of both vehicles have been arrested.However, the apathy of the bystanders shown in the video has shocked the public, as Internet forums have seethed with anger, and people are questioning the morality of society.High moral standards were once triumphed as national pride in China where individuals known for selflessly helping others were adored by the public.But in recent years, the perception of a decline of morals has bee a hot topic as profit and materialism are perceived to be affecting societys values.On Sept.2.an 88yearold man in central China collapsed, his face striking the pavement.Yet, no one came to his aid, and he ended up choking to death on the blood from his nose.Some have linked the absence of good models to a previous case in which a man trying to help an elderly woman who fell was accused of harming her.A strong chorus of opinion on the Internet says laws should exempt(免除)models from responsibility, yet laws themselves cannot solve societys morality dilemma.Cao Lin, a China Youth Daily mentator, said in a signed article published on Monday that the worry of responsibility should not be an excuse for not helping, and this case exposes the decline of humanity in Chinese society.解题导语:社会上见死不救、漠视生命的现象反映出了人们道德的缺失,这引起全国人民的注意。1From the passage, what would happen if someone helped others selflessly in the past?AHe/she would be condemned by the public.BHe/she would be awarded by the government.CThe public would feel proud of him/her and showed love and respect for him/her.DHe/she would have to worry about liability.解析:细节理解题。根据第六段“High moral standards were once triumphed as national pride in China where individuals known for selflessly helping others were adored by the public.”可知选C。答案:C2Which of the following is TRUE about this passage?ANobody helped the girl who was struck twice by two different vans.BThe toddler died immediately after she was hit a second time.CHigh moral standards were once regarded as national pride in China.DJournalists from TVS captured the incident by using a camera.解析:细节理解题。根据第六段“High moral standards were once triumphed as national pride in China”可知选C。答案:C3In recent years, societys values is believed to be affected by _Apeoples perceptionsBprofit and materialismCthe apathy of bystandersDthe morals of society解析:细节理解题。根据第七段“But in recent years, the perception of a decline of morals has bee a hot topic as profit and materialism are perceived to be affecting societys values.”可知选B。答案:B4According to Cao Lin, what is the fundamental reason for not helping the girl?AThe worry of responsibility.BLack of laws that exempt role models from responsibility.CThe decline of humanity in society.DThe other two cases mentioned in the articlethe case of an 88yearold man and the case where a man trying to help an elderly woman who fell was accused of harming her.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“the worry of responsibility should not be the excuse for not helping, and this case exposes the decline of humanity in Chinese society”可知选C。答案:C5Where is the article probably taken from?AA fashion magazine.BA news report.CA science fiction.DAn education column.解析:文章出处题。根据全文内容可知这是一篇新闻报道,故选B。答案:B语法填空We often think of future.We often wonder what the world will be like6._a hundred years time.Think of space.Perhaps7._permanent station on the space will have been set 8._.Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as9._(travel)Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed, 10._(permit) long journeys through the solar system.When that time es, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting 11._ planets.Great progress will have been made 12._ medicine, too.Pollution will have been controlled in a hundred years time.All the world will have been developedeven Antarctica.We will have used up most of the earths land 13._ (build) our cities, 14._ floating cities will have been built.The Japanese have already made plans of this kind.And there 15._ (be) cities under the sea.解题导语:作者在文中畅想了未来世界的模样。6解析:由will可知用将来时,“in一段时间”常与一般将来时连用。答案:in7解析:表“一个”,且表泛指,故填a。答案:a8解析:set up为固定搭配,意为“建立”。答案:up9解析:人类去月球参观,显然是作为“旅游者”,注意要用复数形式。答案:travelers10解析:现在分词作伴随状语。答案:permitting11解析:人类将在太空度假,参观“其他”星球。答案:other12解析:in表示“在方面”。答案:in13解析:不定式作目的状语。答案:to build14解析:前后为因果关系。答案:so/thus/therefore15解析:根据上文提示,此处应用将来时态。答案:will be

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