2019-2020年高考英语 第九套 Unit3-5(必修4).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 第九套 Unit3-5(必修4)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where are the mans sunglasses probably?A.In his bag. B.On the table. C.In the womans bag.2.What does the woman think of the lecture?A.Its great. B.Its dull. C.Its terrible. 3.When did the concert begin?A.At 8:00. B.At 7:55. C.At 8:45.4.What are the speakers talking about?A.A physics exam. B.An experiment. C.A medical exam.5.Where are the speakers?A.On a bus. B.In a taxi.C.On a plane.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why does the man call the police? A.His car was stolen. B.He found a car.C.He had a traffic accident.7.What color is the car? A.Black. B.Blue. C.White.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What are the speakers doing? A.Climbing a mountain.B.Cycling.C.Running.9.What does the woman regret doing?A.Going so far.B.Carrying so much.C.Missing the beautiful scenery.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Why does the man ask the woman for help?A.He has to go to the caf.B.He has to write a report.C.He has to wait for a call.11.What does the woman suggest the man have for dessert?A.Cookies. B.Pie. C.Cake.12.How does the woman feel in the end?A.Impatient. B.Excited. C.Pleased. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Where is the news from? A.A radio. B.CCTV Channel 9.C.A newspaper.14.What is the man doing?A.Surfing online. B.Reading the newspaper. C.Watching TV.15.How strong was the earthquake?A.8.2 on the Richter scale. B.7.5 on the Richter scale. C.6.3 on the Richter scale. 16.What can we learn from the conversation?A.300 people are missing and 75 died in the quake. B.A serious earthquake hit the biggest city in New Zealand.C.The speakers will volunteer for the clean-up.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What did the two men do the night before they left Australia?A.They went shopping. B.They stayed up late with fans. C.They drank beer together and got drunk.18.What happened on their way to the airport?A.Their car hit a kangaroo. B.They killed a kangaroo. C.A kangaroo took their jacket.19.Why was the motorist surprised at the sight of the kangaroo?A.It was in a green jacket. B.It was bleeding. C.It was running to the airport.20.Where were the mens air tickets?A.In the car. B.In the hotel. C.In the pocket of the jacket.试题答案15BABCC610BAABC1115BABCC1620ACAAC 附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)M:Oh, no. I cant find my sunglasses! Are they in your bag?W:They were, but I took them out and put them on the table.(Text 2)M:Did you get to attend the lecture yesterday?W:Yes, it couldnt be better. But I didnt like the people there. They always made noises. (Text 3)M:Did you enjoy the concert last night?W:Yes, very much. It was really different. But I was 45 minutes late. When I got to the theater, it was already 8:40.(Text 4)M:The results of your physical examination are back from the lab today.W:How do they look?M:Your blood pressure is a little high. But your heart rate is normal.(Text 5)M:Good morning. W:Good morning. Wele aboard! This way please.M:Thank you. Can you direct me to my seat?W:Certainly. May I see your boarding pass, please?M:Sure, here it is.(Text 6)W:Police station. What can I do for you? M:Yes. Im calling to tell you I found a car near Green River. I thought it might be a stolen car. W:I see. Where exactly did you find it? M:Near the No. 2 Bridge along the Green River. W:Can you tell me the number of the car? M:Yes, the number was CDE xx.W:What color is the car? M:Its black and nearly new. (Text 7)W:Shall we rest for a while? Im tired and sweaty.M:OK. Im already out of breath, too.W:I shouldnt have taken so many things with me.M:Yeah. The extra weight really affects how fast you can go.W:Pass me the water bottle, please. My throat is so dry.M:Here you are.W:Thank you.M:How much farther do we have to walk?W:We have about 600 meters left until we reach the top.M:We surely are getting higher and higher.W:Yes. The scenery on the mountain is so beautiful!M:Look, two birds just flew over our heads!(Text 8)W:Oh, I finished my report finally. How about your paper?M:Done. But Im waiting for an important call. By the way, are you going to the caf? Can you bring me something to eat?W:Sure. What would you like?M:Hmm. I think Ill have a chicken sandwich.W:Okay, a chicken sandwich. Anything else?M:Soup would be good. Yes, bring me some tomato soup and a salad as well. W:Fine, tomato soup, salad and a chicken sandwich. A piece of pie for dessert?M:No, but you know how much I love cake. Bring me three pieces of cake and some cookies too.W:Cake and cookies?M:Youre right. Thats too much. Forget the cookies. Just bring me the cake and a glass of milk and some coffee and .W:Still more? Why dont I just bring back the whole caf?(Text 9)W:Hello? M:Hey, Jenny. Its Kevin. Are you watching TV now?W:No, why?M:Just turn it on and switch to CCTV Channel 9.Theres some striking news.W:What is it?M:An earthquake!W:In China?M:No, in New Zealand, the second biggest city in the country. Now it is facing a great clean-up after being struck by a serious quake, which measured 6.3 on the Richter scale. 75 people died and 300 are still missing.W:I heard about that. Lots of people were injured and there are still lots of aftershocks. M:Yes, thats horrible. You know, it is possible to survive a quake but then die in an aftershock.W:No worries, Kevin. Thats in New Zealand, which is really far from China.M:Are you sure there are no earthquakes in Beijing?W:As far as I know, there wont be any earthquakes in the near future in Beijing. (Text 10) Two businessmen flew to Australia to play in a weekend golf match. Their team won and they both received green jackets. On their last night in Australia, they stayed up late drinking beer. They were still drunk in the morning, but they drove their rented car to the airport. The road was empty. Suddenly, something jumped in front of the car. The driver couldnt stop in time and the car hit it. The men got out of the car and found a large kangaroo lying on the road. The drunken men began to laugh and decided to take some photos with the “dead” kangaroo. One of the men decided to put the jacket on the kangaroo. So they dressed the poor kangaroo in a green jacket. Then they posed with it for some photos. Suddenly, something amazing happened. The kangaroo opened its eyes. It was not dead, but very angry. The kangaroo hit the two men and knocked them out, then it ran away. In the kangaroos new green jacket were the car keys, a passport, and the air tickets. Later that day, a motorist phoned the police. “Youre not going to believe this,” he said, “but a kangaroo in a green golf jacket is running along the road to the airport!” The police later found out the whole story, and they punished the two drunken men.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AEvery year, I tell my sons what Id like for Mothers Day: a lettersomething written from the heart and offered freely rather than bought from a store and wrapped neatly. But its a pity that I dont always get my wish, nor do I always take the time to write to my own mother.This year, my boys will be in two different states on Mothers Day. My mom and dad will be away together, and Ill be driving home from a writers workshop in Massachusetts. Thinking of the fact that many friends have already lost their mothers and that a few have lost children, Im deeply grateful that what separates us, for now at least, is only distance. It wont always be so, and there is no way to prepare for that fact other than to appreciate the moment that is. My sons know that they can please me on Sunday with a phone call or an e-mail, and that is enough as I love their words. The very best gift they can possibly give me is their own happiness, the very fact of their busy, full and well-lived lives.Still, knowing that my years of staying with my sons are over, I do feel doleful. The truth is, I miss being the center of the universe to two little boys. And this holiday can be a bit painful.I wonder if my own mother ever felt nostalgic (怀旧的) for the passing of my childhood. I wonder if she realizes that she is still at the center of my universe and always has been. I dont often pause to think about it. But of course she is the one who has been right there, at my side from the moment I drew my very first breath. How to ever fully appreciate the woman whose presence and love and example have shaped me into the adult I am? How to describe even a small part of the sharing, sacrificing, and support she has given me over the years?21.The author is deeply grateful for the present life because .A.her parents and children are still alive B.her sons dont live far away from her homeC.her sons can please her on Sunday with a phone call D.her parents are ing to her house to spend Mothers Day22.According to the author, .A.young people nowadays tend to ignore their parentsB.parents should not give their children too much freedomC.childrens happiness and success are the biggest fort to parentsD.parents are not the center of their childrens universe when children grow up23.The underlined word “doleful” in Paragraph 3 probably means “”.A.excited B.guilty C.proud D.sad 24.What will the author probably tell about after the last paragraph?A.Her mothers present situation.B.How her mother educated and cared for her.C.The reunion of her family on Mothers Day.D.Her mothers achievements in her profession.【答案与解析】 子女长大后离开父母外出工作和生活这种现象在现代社会非常普遍,在母亲节的时候作者最希望收到儿子们的来信,作者在文中也回忆起自己的父母对自己的教育和照顾。21.A根据文章第2段中的“Thinking of the fact that many friends have already lost their mothers and that a few have lost children, Im deeply grateful that what separates us, for now at least, is only distance”可知,作者对现在的生活心存感激是因为自己的父母和孩子都健在。22.C根据文章第2段最后一句“The very best gift they can possibly give me is their own happiness, the very fact of their busy, full and well-lived lives”可知,作者认为孩子们的快乐和成功是父母最大的安慰。23.D根据前一句“knowing that my years of staying with my sons are over”可知,作者知道跟儿子们在一起的日子要结束了,由此可以推测作者应该是感到很难过。24.B作者在文章最后一段回忆了自己的母亲对她的教育和照顾,因此作者在下一段很可能会讲述自己的母亲是如何对她进行教育和照顾的。BThe Future StarsGeneral introduction The Future Stars was set up in 1988 as a non-profit service center for child development devoted to providing quality childcare in a loving and educational environment for children 6 weeks to 6 years of age. Our funds mainly e from public donations. A healthy curiosity for learning is the most important quality for early childhood development. We aim at offering high quality developmentally age-appropriate activities for early childhood, the most important time of child development, so that they can do better after they start formal schooling. Hours of operation Childcare will be provided for the child from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday except for holidays. Children may not arrive before 7:00 am or remain after 6:00 pm. Should an emergency arise, the parent should immediately make us know in consideration of our work arrangements. A late charge of $1 per minute will be assessed if the child is not picked up by 6:05 pm. Charges for these services are to be paid directly to the staff person that has been looking after your child until your arrival; not to the center. Failure to pay late charges may affect continued services with the center.ParkingDropping off and picking up your child can be made from the two main areas, Spring Street and Seventh Street. Parking is free for parents ing to visit their children in our center. Please do not leave your purse or valuables in your car and be sure to lock your vehicle. Tuition (学费): When it has been confirmed that a position is available for your child, you must pay a registration (注册) fee of $200 per child. The weekly tuition fee is $98.You can make payments either by credit card or in cash on Monday every week. If your payment is not made by Tuesday at 9:00 am, you will be charged a $25 late fee. For more information, please call 434-293-6110 or visit childdevelopmentcenter.25.The Future Stars is intended for .A.would-be parentsB.teenagersC.child experts D.pre-school children 26.What can we know about late pick-ups from the passage?A.They may affect continued services with the center.B.Parents have to pay late charges for them to the center.C.Parents have to inform the center of them right away.D.They greatly disturb the work arrangements of the center.27.If you want your child to receive childcare services from the Future Stars, you must .A.pay extra for delayed payment B.pay every TuesdayC.pay $98 for registration D.pay in cash 【答案与解析】 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了一家提供儿童照料服务的名为the Future Stars的儿童发展中心的有关信息。25.D根据General introduction部分中的“children 6 weeks to 6 years of age.early childhood development.so that they can do better after they start formal schooling”等可以推断出the Future Stars招收的是学龄前儿童。26.C根据Hours of operation部分中的“Should an emergency arise, the parent should immediately make us know in consideration of our work arrangements”可知,若出现紧急情况,家长应该立刻告知中心。27.A根据Tuition部分内容可知,家长必须每周一缴纳学费,如果迟于周二上午九点,将要收取二十五美元的滞纳金。CBeets (糖萝卜) are a tasty root vegetable that do not require much work in the garden. People might think beets are always dark red. But they can also be pink, yellow or white. Beets with circles of red and white inside are known as candy cane or candy stripe beets. Beets can be eaten fresh or frozen, canned or pickled (腌渍). And not just the root but also the tops can be eaten. The leaves make good salads when the plants are young, and the greens can be cooked when the plants are older. Beets like cool temperatures. They grow best in full sun and in loose soil that is not too wet. Remove stones from the soil while preparing the ground. Agriculture expert Cindy Haynes suggests planting the seeds a little more than one centimeter deep. They should be planted in rows that are spaced thirty to forty-six centimeters apart.Planting them every two to three weeks will provide a non-stop harvest into the fall. A beet seed is a fruit containing several seeds. Overcrowding the plants will mean that the roots cannot spread out and grow. Thin the beets by removing the smaller ones. These can be used as greens. Once the seeds are planted, Cindy Haynes suggests covering the soil with a little mulch (覆盖物) to protect it during rains and dry periods. She also suggests putting a fence around the plants to keep away rabbits and deer. She says the only work needed once beets have been thinned is weeding and, when the weather is dry, a weekly watering. For best results, beets should be picked when they are four to five centimeters across. Beets much larger than that can be tough and have to be cooked for a long time.28.According to the passage, beets grow best where .A.the soil is loose and quite wet without direct sunshine B.the soil is loose and a bit wet with enough sunshineC.the soil is dry and it is cool without direct sunshineD.the soil is dry and it is hot with enough sunshine29.Why does the author suggest planting beets every two or three weeks?A.To follow strictly the life cycle of beets.B.To satisfy peoples different tastes for beets.C.To make the most of the farmland to produce the most beets.D.To make sure that beets can be harvested constantly into the fall. 30.What can we infer from the passage?A.Beets dont require weeding at all.B.Beets might be the food of rabbits and deer.C.Beets should be planted as thickly as possible.D.Beets need to be watered every day in dry weather.31.Beets should be picked when they are four to five centimeters across for the best .A.tasteB.colourC.shapeD.nutrition 【答案与解析】糖萝卜不仅含有丰富的营养价值,还有很高的药用价值。本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了糖萝卜的吃法、生长环境和栽培技术等方面的相关知识。28.B根据文章第2段前两句“Beets like cool temperatures. They grow best in full sun and in loose soil that is not too wet”可知答案。29.D根据文章第3段第1句“Planting them every two to three weeks will provide a non-stop harvest into the fall”可知答案。30.B根据文章第4段中的“She also suggests putting a fence around the plants to keep away rabbits and deer”可以推断,糖萝卜可能是兔子和鹿的食物。31.A根据文章最后一段中的“Beets much larger than that can be tough.”可以推断出答案。DWhat would you like to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? An astronaut? What do you need to do to achieve your dream job?Perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you the successful career (事业) you want. We are constantly taught that our hard work will eventually pay off.But a government survey has shown that hard work is not the only thing that will help you to move up the ladder. Seventy-six percent of people believe that who you know matters more than what you know when it es to social activity. So are the connections that you have more important than your education?Two thirds of the people in the survey believed that family background is important in influencing your chances of success. They believe that if you are privileged from birth, you are more likely to have a successful career, especially if your family is wealthy. Even if you dont have a privileged background, the people you know can still make a difference to your career. Networking is a skill which is encouraged by many career advisers. Some panies run networking workshops to try and encourage staff to meet other people, to municate and build relationships. Its a valuable skill.But the survey also showed something quite interesting. Although most people believed that networks are more important than education, many people put their own career success down to talent, rather than family background. 41% of the people said that their parents ine had influenced their life, but at the same time, another 41% believed that they had achieved their own success.So which is more important, what you know or who you know? It seems that by working hard and making lots of connections, the answer may be that both are very important. 32.According to the government survey, what plays the most important role in helping people move up the ladder?A.Hard work. B.Education.C.Social relationship. D.Social activity.33.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Most people think education matters most.B.Most people think their success has nothing to do with family background.C.41% of the people believe they gained their own success.D.41% of the people believe parents ine is very important.34.Whats the writers purpose in writing the passage?A.To stress the importance of education.B.To challenge the traditional belief.C.To make lots of social connections.D.To encourage people to work hard.35.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.The way to successB.Keep your dream in mindC.A wealthy and smooth careerD.A survey on peoples dreams 【答案与解析】本文是一篇议论文。影响人们成功的根本因素是什么?政府的一项调查显示,人们对于这个问题持不同的观点。文章的结论是,要想获得成功,自身努力和良好的社会关系都很重要。32.C根据文章第3段中的“Seventy-six percent of people believe that who you know matters more than what you know when it es to social activity”可知答案。33.A根据文章第6段内容可知B、C、D三项都是正确的,只有A项与原文内容不一致。 34.B通读全文内容尤其是文章第2、3两段可以推断,作者写作本文是为了质疑人们对于成功因素的传统看法。35.A通读全文可知,本文全文都是谈论影响成功的因素,即如何才能成功。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As we grow up, we get better at knowing what we are feeling and why. 36 Understa


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