2019-2020年高考英语 完形填空专题选练9.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 完形填空专题选练9完形填空。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My sister, Cathy, who lives in Vancouver, sent me a package full of Christmas gifts. She told me that she had 1 it in advance to make sure it would arrive at my house weeks before the 2 . Christmas was drawing near, but no package arrived. Cathy checked the tracking number every 3 with Canada Post, and every evening she would call me to 4 if there was any sign of it on our end.The 5 always started with questions about the package, but twenty minutes later we would still be 6 . We talked about our family , such as parents, our kids, 7 and so on. Of course we also talked about our jobs. We had never made so much 8 for each other! The talk always took us back to the hours we spend together in our childhood. By Christmas Eve we finally had to 9 the fact that the package was 10 lost. On Christmas morning, Cathy got on the phone with everyone in my 11 and told them what she had sent. Later on, after a big Christmas dinner, I had forgotten all about the 12 package when there was a knock on the door. Who could it be at such a time? As I 13 the door, a man was standing there.“I 14 this is yours, ” he said, holding a package. Just then I 15 that it had been delivered to the wrong address. “I just got home from vacation,” he explained, “16 I wanted you to have this in time to open for Christmas.” I thanked this 17 stranger for taking so much trouble to 18 this gift to us on Christmas Day, and 19 thanked God that the package had been lost in the first place.The real gift that holiday season was the new 20 to my sister who lives far away from us. Now theres one gift I never want to give back!1.A.booked B. decoratedC. mailedD. listed2.A.appointmentB. holidayC. deadlineD. party3.A.yearB. monthC. weekD. morning4.A.find outB. take outC. figure outD. pick out5.AplaintB. discussionC. conversationD. quarrel6.A.kidding B. arguingC. chattingD. scolding7.A.giftsB. husband C. secretsD. clothing8.A.foodB. money C .achievementD. time9.A.acceptB. ignoreC. considerD. study10.A.entirelyB. suddenlyC. mostlyD. simply11.A.restaurantB. houseC. officeD. class12.A.terribleB. missingC. bigD. outstanding13.A.openedB. lockedC. leftD. watched14.A.understandB. forgetC. knowD. believe15.A.expectedB. dreamedC. realizedD. remembered16.A.becauseB. butC. orD. so17.A.generousB. honestC. politeD. kind18.A.showB. presentC. returnD. offer19.A.silentlyB. carefullyC. gentlyD. actually20.A.connectionB. guideC. recognitionD. closeness【参考答案】CBDAC CBDAD BBADC BDCAD完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like (1) and straightforward. And its still what (2)a man a good citizen. This is my secret, and I try to live by. Ive been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, (3) there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough and tumble(乱作一团) fellows to be able to take it in New York. Youve got to be (4) to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day. Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the (5) impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will act as (6) fellows. You read in the papers almost every week (7) a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or like that people leave in their (8). If they werent honest, you wouldnt be reading those stories in the papers. One time, I found an emerald(翡翠的) ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of suitcases that day, so I went back to where I had (9). It took me almost two days to wait for her in order to return her (10) to her. I didnt get as much as “thank you.” (11), I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she (12).I was born and raised in Ireland until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I (13) several jobs to earn a few dollars before joining the army in World War I. After being discharged(退伍), I bought my own car and have owned one ever since. It hasnt been too easy (14), but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit (15) for a rainy day(一时之需). In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had (16) with the public, not even with drunks. Even if they get a little headstrong(顽固的) once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves.People ask me about tips. As far as I know, (17) everyone will give you something, because most Americans are (18) generous. I always try to be nice to everyone, whether they (19) or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish(教区). I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the (20) I try, the easier it gets.1.A.dishonor B. dishonesty C. upright D. faithful2. A. takes B. bees C. makes D. has3. A. know B. known C. knew D. knowing4. A. generous B. tough C. mild D. warm-hearted5. A. right B. proper C. bad D. wrong6. A. rude B. honest C. good D. tough 7. A. when B. what C. which D. where8. A. houses B. cars C. pockets D. rooms 9. A. picked her up B. dropped her off C. dropped her down D. pull her down10. A. ring B. suitcase C.car D. emerald 11. A. So B. Still C. But D. Though 12. A. was B. did C .has D. is13. A. made B. put C. held D. took14. A. at one time B. some time C. in no time D. at times 15. A. put off B. put up C. put on D. put away16. A. trouble B. difficult C. word D. anything17. A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. practically18. A. never B. seldom C. rather D. fairly19. A.tip B. advised C. suggested D. ask20. A. longer B. harder C .better D. shorter【参考答案】CCDBD BDBBA BBCDD ADDAA完形填空。 The one thing I can _1_ from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge挑战. You can never be the best suffer because the ocean _2_ an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some suffers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive活跃有力的and _3_. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it _4_ from any other sport. Ive _5_ to tell every girl I know to do something that people dont think girls can do. Its part of being human to advance to new _6_, so shouldnt it be expected that girls should step up and start _7_ the limits of things boys and men used to dominate主宰? Therere women _8_ side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys _9_ the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to _10_, and they will.(B)1. A. take B. get C. make D. keep(C)2. A. catches B. includes C. offers D. collects(A)3. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm(D)4. A. known B. right C. far D. different(B)5. A. chosen B. tried C. learned D. promised(A)6. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts(C)7. A. reaching B. accepting C. pushing D. setting(D)8. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working(C)9. A. of B. from C. on D. with(B)10. A. think B. succeed C. perform D. feel1. 【解析】B 作者不是从其他运动,而是从冲浪运动中获得get了无止境的挑战的体会。再则,前文The feeling I get when Im surfing across that water,being one with the ocean也有暗示。take from减少,降低;get from从得到;make from由制造; keep from阻止,隐瞒,抑制。2. 【解析】C 你永远也不会是最好的冲浪手,因为大洋呈现、提供offer的是任何人都控制不了的、数不尽的、各种各样的海浪。catch抓住,捕获;include包括,包含;offer提供;collect收集,聚集。3. 【解析】A有些冲浪手自由自在、娴熟流畅,有些冲浪手则活跃有力、生机勃勃。注意这两个句子的并列关系,应该特别注意free 和 flowing之间词义的顺承和协调自由而流畅,后句的aggressive and_3_也应该是这样一种意义联系,故选择A,sharp可以表示精明敏捷的,迅速活泼,有力有为意思,其它三项在意义上与aggressive的顺承和协调相距甚远。4. 【解析】D 所有的这些都在吸引着我去冲浪,并使之不同于different其他运动。注意此段第一句The one thing I can get from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.也有所暗示。bedifferent from和不同。befar from远离,远非;known和right通常不与from搭配。 5. 【解析】B 我尽力try地劝我所认识的每一个女孩去做人们认为女孩不能做的事情。choose选择、挑选;try试图、努力;learn学习;promise答应、许诺。6. 【解析】A 朝着新的水平level不断前进是人类活动的组成部分。level水平,水准,标准,级别;point 点,尖端;step步调,步伐,步骤,措施;part 部分,局部。7. 【解析】C 所以女孩子们难道不应当拾级而上,开始冲破push男人们过去主宰的事物的极限吗?reach到达,伸出;accept 接受,认可;push突出,突破攻击;set 放置,树立,调整。8. 【解析】D在我们国家有女性和总统不仅仅一起坐sit,步行walk,战斗fight,而且并肩工作work着。同时注意句子的一般现在时意义特征,表示经常性的行为。9. 【解析】C所以为什么女孩子不能够肩并肩地与男孩子一起踢足球,外出一起冲浪呢?介词on表示在供职、是的成员,on the football team的意思是是/成为足球队队员。10. 【解析】B 给女孩子一个获得成功succeed的机会,让她们思考think,感觉feel表演perform,她们就都会有所成就。完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some _1_ countries, people can turn on their _2_ and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys and _3_ things.Teleshopping is being popular in Sweden. _4_, the biggest Swedish pany sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries, and in one year, it makes $10 million. In France, there are two teleshopping channels, and the French _5_ about $ 20 million a year in buying things through those channels.In Germany, _6_ last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can _7_ for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping pany and a 24-hour teleshopping pany. German _8_ are hoping these will help them sell more things.Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without _9_. With all the traffic problems in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing. But at the same time, other Europeans _10_ like this new way of buying things. They call _11_ “junk on the air.” Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things _12_ on TV. They think high quality is the most important thing, and they dont believe they can be sure about the quality of the things _13_.The need of high quality means that European teleshopping panies will have to be _14_ the American panies. They will have to be more careful about _15_ of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves.名师点评本文介绍了发源于美国并流行于欧洲各国的电话购物法,说明了电话购物法的发展情况以及受大众欢迎的原因,同时也指出了这种购物法存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的途径。(A)1. A. EuropeanB. Asian C. American D. African【解析】A。上文讲到电话购物法在欧洲也开始起步,本句承接上文,对欧洲的情况作进一步介绍,因此,应选European。(D)2. A. lights B. switches C. radios D. TVs【解析】D。电话购物法,应通过看电视选择物品,然后电话订购, 故应选TVs。(D)3. A. some else B. another many C. the other D. many other【解析】D。else为副词不用来修饰名词作定语。the other things意为“别的所有商品”不合文意,选项many other things意为“别的许多商品”为正确选项。(B)4. A. Such as B. For example C. For teleshopping D. It is like【解析】B。such as中的as为介词,因此该词组用于列举时,后面常直接接名词或名词性短语。而for example用于列举时与后面例子常用逗号隔开。因此B为正确选项。(D)5. A. takes B. cost C. spends D. spend【解析】D。分析句子,不难发现本句使用了“spend money in dong something”这一结构,且主语the French为第三人称复数,故应用spend的原形。(B)6. A. to B. until C. unless D. by【解析】B。该句子表示“在德国,每天电话购物法仅在一个频道播放一个小时,这种情况一直持续到去年”,表示某状态一直持续到某个点时间,应用“until + 点时间”。(C)7. A. begin B. leave C. open D. turn on【解析】C。这里open表示“开放,开张,营业”,本句表示电影频道对电话购物实行了开放政策,可用来进行电话购物。(C)8. A. people B. women C. businessmen D. officials【解析】C。很明显,电话购物法为商人销售产品提供了一个极佳的渠道。因此本句表达了商人的愿望。(B)9. A. to go outB. going out C. to buy things D. buying things【解析】B。without为介词。后面应跟动词的-ing形式。根据文意,going out应为正确选项。(B)10. A. still B. dont C. even D. wont【解析】B。根据本句开头的But以及下文内容,这里提到的是对电话购物持反对态度的人。故选dont。(A)11. A. teleshopping B. TV C. radio D. telephone【解析】A。一些人不喜欢电话购物法,称其为“垃圾”。故应选teleshopping。(C)12. A. appearing B. ing out C. for sale D. to buy【解析】C。人们担心的是电视上正在销售的产品的质量。A,B意思不对。for sale表示“待售”,为正确选项。(B)13. A. in the shop B. on TV C. they bought D. by this way【解析】B。电话购物法令人们担心的是电视上展销的商品的质量,而不是商店里的商品,也不是已经买到手的商品。故选on TV。(B)14. A. the same with B. different fromC. as big as D. larger than【解析】B。根据上文,欧洲人的购物观念与美国人有所不同。因此电话购物公司也得采取不同的措施。固定结构be different form意为“不同于”为正确答案。(B)15. A. the number B. the quality C. the places D. the buyers【解析】B。根据上文,消费者关心的是质量。因此电话购物公司必须对质量倍加小心。故选择quality。

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