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2019-2020年高三英语(9月)第一学期模块诊断试题注意:本考试严禁使用手机、电子词典或其它电子存储设备,违者按作弊处理。第卷(选择题 共100分)第1节 :阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Whats on Your Pets Mind?In 1977, Irene Pepperberg of Harvard University began studying what was on another creatures mind by talking to it. Her first experiments began with Alex. Alex was a one-year-old African grey parrot and Irene taught him to produce the sounds of the English language. “I thought if he learned to municate, I could ask him questions about how he sees the world.”At the time, most scientists didnt believe animals had any thoughts. They thought animals were more like robots but didnt have the ability to think or feel. Of course, if you own a pet you probably disagree. But it is the job of a scientist to prove this and nowadays more scientists accept that animals can think for themselves. “Thats why I started my studies with Alex,” Irene said, “Some people actually called me crazy for trying this.”Nowadays, we have more and more evidence that animals have all sorts of mental abilities. Sheep can recognize faces. Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) use a variety of tools and even use weapons to hunt. And Alex the parrot became a very good talker.Thirty years after the Alex studies began, Irene was still giving him English lessons up until his recent death. For example, if Alex was hungry he could say “want grape”. Alex could count to six and was learning the sounds for seven and eight. “He has to hear the words over and over before he can correctly say them.” Irene said, after pronouncing “seven” for Alex a few times in a row. Alex could also tell the difference between colors, shapes, sizes, and materials (e.g. wood and metal). Before he finally died, Alex managed to say “seven”.Another famous pet that proved some animals have greater mental skills was a dog called Rico. He appeared on a German TV game show in 2011. Rico knew the names of 200 different toys and easily learned the names of new ones. When Rico became famous, many other dog owners wanted to show how clever their pets were. Another dog called Betsy could understand 300 words.One theory for dogs ability to learn a language is that they have been close panions to humans for many centuries and so their ability to understand us is constantly evolving. While animals cant do what humans do yet, some scientists believe that examples like Alex and Rico prove that evolution develops intelligence, as well as physical appearance. 1. Irene wanted to find out _. A. what a parrot thinks B. why a parrot can speak C. how parrots make sounds D. if parrots speak English2. Alex learnt new words by _. A. singing them B. reading them C. writing them D. rehearing them3. The article concludes that _. A. our pets understand what we say B. dogs may speak to humans one day C. humans are related to chimpanzees D. mental ability can evolve in animalsBAs we grow old, we realize that we have so little time to read and there are so many great books that weve yet to get around to. Ye re-readers are everywhere around us. For certain fans, re-reading The Lord of the Rings is a conventional practice annually. One friend told me that Jane Austens Emma can still surprise him, despite his having read it over 50 times. New sudden clear understandings can be gained from the process of re-reading. Journalist Rebacca Mead, a long-time Englishwoman in New York, first came across George Eliots Middlemarch at 17. Since then, she has read it again every five years. With each re-reading, it has opened up further; in each chapter of her life, it has resonated (引起共鸣) differently. Mead evidenced the large number of ways in which really good books not only stand the test of repeat reads, but also offer fresh gifts each time we crack their spines. These kinds of books grow with us.Scientists have also recognized the mental health benefits of re-reading. Research conducted with readers in the US found that on our first reading, we are concerned with the “what” and the “why”. Second time round, were able to better appreciate the emotions that the plot continues to express. As researcher Cristel Russell of the American University explained, returning to a book “brings new or renewed appreciation of both the great book and its readers.”Its true that we often find former selves on the pages of old books (if were fond of making notes on the pages). These texts can carry us back to a time and place, and remind us of the kind of person that we were then. Were changed not only by lived experience but also by read experience by the books that weve discovered since last reading the one in our hand.More so than the movie director or the musician, the writer calls upon our imaginations, using words to lead us to picture this declaration of love or that unfaithfulness in life. A book is a joint project between writers and readers, and we must pour so much of ourselves into reading that our own life story can bee connected with the story in the book.Perhaps whats really strange is that we dont re-read more often. After all, we watch our favourite films again and we wouldnt think of listening to an album only once. We treasure messy old paintings as objects, yet of all art forms, literature alone is a largely one-time delight. A book, of course, takes up more time, but as Mead confirms, the rewards make it adequately worthwhile. 4. The underlined expression “crack their spines” in Paragraph 2 refers to _. A. recite them B. re-read them C. recall them D. retell them5. It can be learned from the passage that _. A. reading benefits people both mentally and physically B. readers mainly focus on feelings on their first reading C. we know ourselves better through re-reading experience D. writers inspire the same imaginations as film directors do6. The purpose of the passage is to _. A. call on different understandings of old books B. focus on the mental health benefits of reading C. bring awareness to the significance of re-reading D. introduce the effective ways of re-reading old booksCYou may have heard of the man who decided to repair the roof of his house. To be safe, he tied a rope around his waist and threw the other end of it over the top of the house. He asked his son to tie it to something secure. The boy fastened the safety rope to the bumper of their car parked in the driveway. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But a little while later, his wife, unaware of the rope securing her husband, she started the car and drove away. Imagine what the result would be.This story, factual or not, points to a great truth. It is a truth about where we place our security; about those things to which weve tied our safety lines. What is your rope tied to? Think about it. What do you depend on to keep you from disaster? Is your rope tied to a good job? Is it tied to a relationship with somebody you rely on? Is it tied to a pany or an organization?Writer Susan Taylor tells of discovering how unreliable some of our safety lines really are. She tells of lying in bed in the early hours of the morning when an earthquake struck. As her house shook, she fell out of bed and managed to go to the doorway, watching in horror as her whole house cracked down around her. Where her bed had once stood, she later discovered nothing but a pile of bricks. She lost everything every button, every dish, her automobile, every article of clothing. Susan trembled, scared and crying, in the darkness. In the early morning she cried and called out for help. Thoroughly exhausted, she thought that maybe she should be listening for rescuers instead of crying. So she grew still and listened. In the silence around her, the only sound she heard was the beating of her own heart. It occurred to her then that at least she was still alive and, amazingly enough, unhurt. She thought about her situation. In the stillness, fear abandoned her and a feeling of indescribable peace and happiness flooded in, the likes of which she had never before known. It was an experience that was to change her life forever.In the deepest part of her being, Susan realized a remarkable truth. She realized she had nothing to fear. Amazingly, whether or not she was ever rescued , whether she ever made it out alive, she sensed she had nothing to fear.For the first time in her life she understood that her true security did not depend on those things in which she had placed her trust. It lay deep within. And also for the first time, she knew what it was to be content in all circumstances. She realized that whether she had plenty or hardly enough, somehow she would be all right. She just knew it. She later wrote, “Before the quake I appeared very successful, but my life was out of balance. I wasnt happy because I had been making money and always wanting more. My home, my job, my clothes, a relationship I thought they were my security. It took an earthquake and losing everything I owned for me to discover that my security had been with me all alongTheres a power within us that we can depend upon no matter what is happening around us.”She had tied her rope to the wrong things. It took a disaster for her to understand that those things are not trustworthy. So she let go of the rope and discovered peace. She found that her true security was a power within- dependable and sure. What is your rope tied to? And what would happen if you found the courage to let go of it?7. If the story of the man was true, the most probable result would be that_.A. the bumper of the car broke up B. the house was destroyed by the carC. the wife was scolded by her husband D. the man was badly injured or even killed8. Why was Susan crying in the darkness?A. Because she was afraid of staying in the dark . B. Because she wanted to be heard by the rescuers.C. Because she was frightened and felt helpless. D. Because she had tied her rope to the wrong thing.9. What did Susan feel after she thought about her situation?A. She felt very peaceful.B. She felt she was still alive.C. She felt pletely hopeless.D. She wanted to change her life forever.10. How did Susan like interpersonal relationship and ine before the earthquake?A. They were alternative.B. They were unnecessary.C. They were very important.D. They were among some choices.11. Which of the following should be the best title?A. What to Depend on.B. A Rope Tied to a Car.C. Please Let Go of Your Trust.D. An Experience from an Earthquake.D Its amazing how we grow from careless kids to responsible teens. What happens in the course that makes us responsible now? Its the seed that we sow in the beginning which grows and bees a huge tree. As I sit here, silently thinking about my growth, I wonder over some questions which dont have an answer but its because of such unanswerable situations that life has bee a roller coaster ride.As a kid, I used to read a lot of story books. In one particular book, I read a story of a bird. From then on, that has bee an integral (必不可少的) part of my life. It described a male bird which takes a lot of pain to build a nest and the female bird takes shelter in it and nourishes the baby. When the bird learns to fly, the whole family flies off to a different place leaving behind the beautiful nest for other birds to grow their family in it. It made me wonder. How could they so easily sacrifice their house built with so much effort?One night, when I was deep in sleep, I got this particular dream. I was walking miles on the endless road, totally isolated but lined with beautiful trees on the either side. Fascinated by the greenery, I marched towards it only to end up deeper and deeper into the greenery. I happened to stop upon seeing something. It was a massive, wonderful house. I fell in love with that amazing part of art. Yeah, it was indeed a piece of art with every nook and corner touched artistically and lovingly. I dont know why I felt that it was done lovingly. Maybe because, things turn out to be beautiful only when we put our love into it just like the food prepared by mom which tastes more delicious with her love.I explored the house only to fall more in love with it. There was a sloping roof which matched with the greenery around; the large central open courtyard reminded me of the activities that might have taken place there which felt lively even now when it is pletely deserted. The small water body that kept the house cool added to the beauty of the house of course, it was all dried up now. Its really wonderful how such things add life to the spaces which otherwise just bee structures. Such liveliness and happening turns the house into a home. They say THE HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS, but now I began to feel it. This is where my heart belongs. This is what Im destined to do.When I woke up from the dream, I was clear about everything. I realized where that mile of walk was intending me to lead. I realized what message my dream wanted to convey me. And years later, when finally my turn of choosing my destination came, I simply closed my eyes, held that book in my hand, pressed it against my chest and relived the dream. When I opened my eyes, I was sure what to do. I decided to choose the road less traveled. Yes, I took up architecture as my profession because this is what I am destined to do. I wanted to do the same thing that the male bird in the story did, to take pain in building a beautiful house and let others stay in it. This is my dream e true and the happiness that I gain now from this profession is indescribable.12. When the writer read the story of the bird, he probably felt _. A. upsetB. confusedC. amazedD. amused13. To the writer, “the seed that we sow in the beginning” (Paragraph 1) is _. A. the house in his dream B. his mothers food C. the story of the bird D. his story books14. In the writers dream, what part of the house attracted him most? A. The greenery surrounding the house.B. The body of water that keeps the house cool C. The liveliness he sensed around the house.D. The fact that the house was very large.15. The above passage is mainly about _. A. how the writer finally bees an honest citizen B. where the true meaning of responsibility lies C. what we need to do when we are seeking fortune D. why the writer takes up architecture as his career第二节:七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 _16_Safety in the highway is not totally out of our hands. Here are four ways we can protect ourselves when we travel. 17 People in small cars are injured more often and more severely than people traveling in large cars. Factories of small cars are strengthening their products safety, which helps. But the mix of large cars and small cars on the road is the main reason of the problem.Being thrown into glass and metal car parts, or being thrown from the car can really hurt or even kill you. 18 The safety belts main purpose is to pull you back if your car has a sudden crash with another vehicle or object, or if it rolls over. A belt can reduce the chance of deadly injury by 45% and the chance of serious injury by 50%.Air bags are important. More than half of all new cars sold have air bags. Air bags provide protection in frontal crashes the type of crash that kills the most drivers when they are also wearing safety belts. Most people are demanding air bags in the cars they buy. 19 Effective as they are, they cant take the place of safety belts.Drunk driving crashes are less likely to happen if you dont drink. 20 Many people have realized that drunk driving can lead to death and injury, prison time and other results. There are movements to strengthen penalties (处罚)for drinking and driving.A. How to drive safely? B. You are safer in a large car.C. How to protect ourselves in the highway? D. Air bags are not installed in all cars.E. Thats why safety belts should be worn. F. Drunk driving is the most serious problem.G. But the protection provided by air bags is limited in side or rear crashes.第3节 :完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I was unbelievably proud of my nine-year-old daughter. Emily 21 to buy a mountain bike. Shed been saving her pocket money all year, 22 doing small jobs to earn extra money. By Thanksgiving, she had collected only $49. I said, “You 23 have your pick from my bicycle 24 .” “Thanks, Daddy. But your bikes are so old.” She was right. All my girls bikes were 1950s models, not the kind a kid today would 25 choose. As Christmas 26 , Emily and I went bike shopping. As we left one store, she 27 a Salvation Army volunteer standing next to a big pot. “Can we give something, Daddy?” she asked. “Sorry, Em , Im out of 28 .” Throughout December, Emily continued to 29 hard. Then one day, she made a 30 _ announcement(宣告). “You know all the money Ive been saving ?” she said hesitantly. “Im going to give it to the poor people.” So one cold morning before Christmas, Emily handed her total savings of $ 58 to a volunteer who was really very 31 . 32 by Emilys selflessness, I decided to contribute 33 of my old bicycles to a car dealer who was collecting used bikes for poor children. 34 I selected a shiny model from my collection, however, it seemed as if a second bike took on a glow (发光). Should I contribute two? No, one would be enough. But I couldnt 35 the feeling that I should give a second bike. When I later 36 the bikes, the car dealer said, “Youre making two kids very 37 , sir. Here are your tickets. For each bicycle contributed, were giving away one chance to 38 a girls mountain bike.”Why wasnt I surprised when that second ticket proved to be the winner? I like to think it was Gods way of 39 a little girl for a sacrifice(牺牲) beyond her years- while giving her dad a 40 in the process.21. A. promisedB. amazedC. determinedD. organized22. A. as well as B. in addition C. because of D. except for 23. A. needB. shouldC. must D. can24. A. collectionB. contributionC. shopD. club25. A. seldomB. likelyC. slightlyD. only26. A. approachedB. becameC. wentD. appeared27. A. observedB. sensedC. watchedD. noticed28. A. charge B. change C. controlD. order 29. A. study B. try C. listen D. work30. A. disappointing disappointing B. surprisingC. formalD. public31. A. agreeableB. hopefulC. thankfulD. pitiful32. A. MovedB. ShockedC. PersuadedD. Demanded33. A. oneB. someC. twoD. any34. A. WhileB. WhenC. BecauseD. Though35. A. expressB. describeC. explainD. shake36. A. returnedB. deliveredC. choseD. shared37. A. sweetB. healthyC. happyD. fair38. A. buyB. winC. storeD. give39. A. greetingB. praisingC. rewardingD. sheltering40. A. shock B. dutyC. pityD. lesson第II 卷(非选择题 共50分)第一节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Long ago, there was a mother and a son living in a house. She worked hard every day, _41_ they were always poor. One day, her son stole his friends bag. “Mom, what do you think of this bag?” His mother praised her son instead of scolding him. The next time, he stole _42_ overcoat. She praised him again. A few years _43_ (late), he grew up to be a young man. He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother. This time, she _44_ did not scold her son. Then, he started to steal more expensive things.One day, the police caught

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