2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Part Ⅲ Grammar and Useful Structures双基限时练新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 3Part Grammar and Useful Structures双基限时练新人教版必修4.单词拼写1She _(小声说) something in his ear.答案whispered2Your room is in a _(脏或乱的状态). Please tidy it.答案mess3The only _(解释) for his failure is that he has no confidence.答案explanation4He realized that he was followed by a _ (侦探)答案detective5He lives in a _ (多山的) district.答案mountainous.短语填空ask for, treat . as, angry about, give an answer, in the open air, in a mountainous area, look up at, think of, a third time, react to 1She _ me _ one of the family, which made me moved.答案treated; as2They went camping last week and slept _ rather than in the hotel.答案in the open air3 Why do you e _? I forgot to bring my wallet.答案a third time4He _ me from what he was doing and asked me to sit down.答案looked up at5They used to live _ before they moved to Shanghai. So it took them a long time to adapt to the life there.答案in a mountainous area6I asked him why he stood in the cold but he didnt _.答案give an answer7 What did he _ when he met you in the street? Some money.答案ask for8Did the boy _ your questions?答案react to9I have never _ being a teacher.答案thought of10Parents are _ the decision to let the students stay at school studying all through the week.答案angry about.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Mum whispered _ us, “Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping.”答案与解析towhisper to sb.“对某人耳语,低声说”。2 Has the doctor arrived yet? No, she ought to _ (e) an hour ago.答案与解析have e句意:医生来了吗?还没有,她一个小时前就应该来了。ought to have done表示“本应该做而未做”。3He treated us _ a good dinner on New Years Day.答案与解析to句意:在元旦他请我们好好吃了一顿。treat . to用款待、宴请某人。4“Someone is watching us from above,”Jack said to me _ a whisper.答案与解析in句意:杰克小声地对我说:“有人正从上面看着我们”。in a whisper低声;小声说。5 My cats really fat. You _ not have given her so much food.答案与解析should句意:我的猫真胖。你不应该给它那么多食物。shouldnt have done“本不该做某事而做了”,符合题意。6What have you done at home? Look, the room is in _ mess.答案与解析a句意:你在家里都做了些什么?瞧,房间乱七八糟的。be in a mess“乱七八糟”。7Graham was too _ (drink) to remember what happened last night.答案与解析drunkdrunk意为“喝醉的”,经常用作表语。8How did the students react _ your explanation?答案与解析toreact to意为“对作出反应”。9There were many _ (amuse) scenes in Chaplins films. I like them very much.答案与解析amusing由下句及scenes in Chaplins films可知空处意为“令人高兴的”。句意:在卓别林的电影中有许多令人发笑的场景。我非常喜欢它们。10The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Mr. Black to speak at the meeting.答案与解析it这里it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。.语法填空After a quick breakfast in the station restaurant, Peter set off to look for a room where he could live for the next few months. He knew exactly what he wanted: a room, _1_ was not too small, nor _2_ large that it would be difficult to heat in winter. It had to be clean and _3_(fort), too. But above all, it had to be quiet. In the newspaper he had bought from the bookshop,there were very few advertisements _4_ rooms to let. But as he glanced down the page, _5_ notice caught his eyes.This seemed hopeful, _6_ he made a note of the address and set off in search of the agency. He found _7_ in a narrow street just off the main road. The woman at the desk gave him a bright smile as he entered and after Peter had explained _8_ sort of room he _9_(look) for, he paid two pounds for a list of about half a dozen landladies who had rooms _10_(let)1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案1.which2.so3fortable4.for5.a6.so7it8.what9.was looking10.to let.完形填空A minister went to the home of the rich members of his munity (社团). It was _1_ outside, so he was dressed in warm clothes. The minister was _2_ to go into the _3_ room and removed his coat. They _4_ for a short while and then the minister prepared to go back. He put on his _5_ overcoat and asked his host (主人) to go with him to the outer _6_, as he wanted to say something to him in great privacy (secret). The host, _7_ that he would be ing back in a minute or so, did not bother to put on his own overcoat,although he was going out into the _8_ hall. The minister kept himself busy with a small talk, which was _9_ to the disfort of the host. He became so cold that his teeth began to chatter. But the minister continued _10_ his small talk. Several times the host asked the minister to _11_ to the living room, but _12_ time the minister replied that in another minute he would _13_._14_,the rich man said, “If you do not tell what we have e out here for, Ill freeze to _15_”“Ill tell you what I have e for,” replied the minister. “I _16_ fifty dollars to buy some _17_ which will go to some poor people.”“_18_ is the money,but did we have to e outside for you to tell me this?”“Inside, perhaps you would not have realized what it means to _19_ cold. Now you must have e to know what it _20_ like,” replied the minister.1A. cloudy B. fineC. sunny D. cold2A. allowed B. wantedC. ordered D. invited3A. bed B. diningC. living D. meeting4A. talked B. spokeC. stood D. sat5A. new B. oldC. warm D. expensive6A. hall B. houseC. room D. building7A. insisting B. thinkingC. wondering D. knowing8A. heated B. firedC. hot D. unheated9A. many B. muchC. lot D. little10A. for B. onC. with D. at11A. walk B. runC. return D. go12A. every B. eachC. any D. some13A. finish B. stopC. end D. plete14A. First B. SecondlyC. Thus D. Finally15A. ice B. fogC. death D. steam16A. beg B. askC. need D. require17A. food B. coalC. meal D. heater18A. Here B. ThereC. It D. That19A. catch B. feelC. be D. bee20A. looks B. isC. appears D. sounds答案与解析1D由下文. dressed in warm clothes .可知cold正确。2D去富人家是被邀请。3C从下文中推知是living room。4A两个人谈话,动词应该用talk。5C由本段第二句可知答案。6A由第8空后的hall可知答案。7Bthink认为。8D由下文可知,大厅没有暖气。9B表示程度。10Ccontinue with固定用法。11C返回去(外面冷)。12B强调每次。13A要讲完了。14D最后富人受不了了。15Cfreeze to death 冻的要死。16Cneed sth. to do 需要来做。17B只有天冷才给人送coal。18A给别人什么(常用句型)。19Cto be cold作从句的主语,it为形式主语。20Bwhat it is like固定用法。.七选五How to save money during your studiesOne of the biggest factors(因素) about studying at university is that you might be away from your parents for the first time. _1_ If youre worried about that, the following tips can tell you how to save your money.Food and drink_2_ Food in particular has bee more expensive but its possible to eat well on the cheap.Use student discounts (折扣)In just about every city with a university, shops and bars near campus have some special discounts just for students. You can take advantage of offers on food from the Student Union shop. _3_4_When you get into university, it can be tempting (吸引人的) to buy things you dont need. However, restraint (控制) is importantbuy the essentials (必需品) first like food, and then work out what, if anything, you have left to spend. If you have money left over before you go home for Christmas, well done you!Find a parttime job_5_ So it may be a good idea to find a parttime job, even if its just for a few hours a week. Having a little extra ine during each term will mean you can afford to live a little and there are good student job search sites to help you.Whatever university you find yourself in, being frugal (节俭的) is important.A. Making it on your ownB. Only get what you needC. You can also buy cheaper textbooks there.D. It is important to enjoy yourself in the university.E. You may worry about not being able to afford to study.F. This is the most important thing youIl spend money on.G. Living alone requires you manage your money properly.答案1.G2.F3.C4.B5.E.短文改错Its not polite you to arrive at a dinner more than 15 minutes later in foreign countries. The host usually waited for all guests to arrive before served the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and neither may the hosts kind feelings. If you have to be late, call on and tell them to start without themselves.Its even bad to be early! The host probable wont be ready. If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car until a right time. The host invites guests to arrive and leave in between certain times.答案Its not polite you to arrive at a dinner more than 15 minutes in foreign countries. The host usually for all guests to arrive before the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and may the hosts kind feelings. If you have to be late, call on and tell them to start without .Its even to be early! The host wont be ready. If you are early, drive or walk around the block few times, or just sit in your car until a right time. The host invites guests to arrive and leave between certain times.

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