2019年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom综合检测 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom综合检测 新人教版必修5.多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1Some reporters asked the newlyelected president to his position on education reform.AconcludeBexplainCintroduceDclarify【解析】conclude总结;explain解释;introduce介绍;clarify阐明。句意:一些记者请新当选的总统就教育改革阐明他的观点。【答案】D2(xx黄石高二调研)When you rewrite the paragraph,I advise you to the last sentence as it is rather misleading.Apoint outBmake outCleave outDput out【解析】point out指出;make out辨别出,填写,理解;leave out省略,漏掉;put out扑灭。此处应用leave out表示“当你再写这一段时,我建议你省略最后那个句子,因为它很有误导性”。【答案】C3Electric trains have steam trains in England.Atake placeBtaken upCtaken onDtaken the place of【解析】句意:在英国电动火车已经取代了蒸汽火车。take place发生;take up占据(时间、空间);take on呈现。【答案】D4To his ,the MP4 he has had repaired not long before doesnt work at all.AdelightBjoyCexcitementDdisappointment【解析】to ones delight/joy使某人高兴的是;to ones excitement使某人激动的是;to ones disappointment使某人失望的是。句意:使他失望的是,不久前刚刚修过的MP4根本不能用。【答案】D5The incident reflected the between religion and science.AquarrelBbattleCwarDconflict【解析】句意:这起事件反映了宗教和科学间的冲突。conflict冲突,矛盾;quarrel吵架;battle战斗;war战争。【答案】D6Although it is not our normal practice in our shop to ,this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.Agive creditBwork wondersCmake bargainsDmake sales【解析】考查动词短语。句意:在我们商店概不赊欠,但这次我想我们应更周密地考虑这个问题。give credit“让赊欠”;work wonders“创造奇迹”;make bargains“达成协议;成交”;make sales“做成买卖”。【答案】A7The opening province which thirteen counties and three coastal cities will quicken its paces of economic development.Aconsists ofBmakes upCis includedDis contained【解析】“包括”应用consist of。B项“由组成”,主宾颠倒过来才正确,C、D项无被动形式。【答案】A8It was wrong of you to all your friends who helped you when you were in trouble.Aget away fromBbreak away fromCfill up withDend up with【解析】考查动词短语辨析。解决本题的关键是掌握不同的动词短语的含义。get away from“从中离开;逃避”;break away from“脱离;断绝(关系)”;fill up with“填满;装满”;end up with“以结束”。句意:和在困难的时候帮助过你的朋友们决裂是错误的。【答案】B9Dorothy divides her time work,child care and play.AintoBinCamongDbetween【解析】句意:Dorothy把时间分配给工作、照看孩子和玩耍。宾语是三件事情,因此用among。【答案】C10(xx武汉高二检测)How do you like the scenery(景色)here,Mr.Black?Wonderful indeed.Beyond all ,I suppose.AexplanationBintroductionCdescriptionDinstruction【解析】考查名词的用法。beyond all description的意思是“无法(用言语)表达”,即这里的景色很美,无法用言语表达。【答案】C.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Spend a pound to win a pennySome people were steaming peas under a tree in order to make a meal for their horses.Up in the branches sat a monkey, 11 what they were doing.“Aha!” thought the monkey, “I spot my 12 !” So when the men had finished steaming the peas and 13 for a moment to look after the horses, 14 ,the monkey let himself down from the tree.He snatched (抓)the peas and filled his 15 and both hands as full as they could 16 .Then he climbed up the tree and sat there,eating happily.Suddenly one pea fell.“Oh dear!Oh my pea!” cried the monkey.The other peas 17 to drop out of his mouth.He 18 his hands in despair (绝望地), and the peas fell out of his hands too,but he took no 19 .All he thought of was that one pea was gone, 20 he climbed down the trunk to hunt for his lost pea on the ground.At this time, the men came back.When they saw a monkey 21 with their pots,they all 22 their arms and shouted, “Shoo!Shoo!” Then they picked up stones and began to 23 the monkey with them.The monkey was so 24 that he gave one jump to the nearest 25 , and swung himself up to the top of the tree.“After all,” said he to himself, “it was 26 one pea.” But he ought to have thought of that 27 , for now all the other peas had gone too.That day the monkey had to content himself with the 28 of boiled peas for dinner,and I hope the 29 taught him not to be so 30 in future.【语篇解读】本文通过一只猴子因贪婪一粒豌豆而丢掉所有豌豆的故事,教育我们不要因一时的贪婪而丧失了一切。11A.watchingBenjoyingCdescribingDguessing【解析】由语境可知,当人们在树底下蒸豌豆时猴子在树上“看着(watching)”下面发生的一切。【答案】A12A.shelterBneighborsCdinnerDfriends【解析】由最后一段中的for dinner可知,猴子为自己找到了一顿饭而欣喜若狂,故C项正确。【答案】C13A.turned upBturned awayCgave upDgave away【解析】由第四段中的the men came back可知,那几个人“离开(turned away)”一会儿去照看马匹。【答案】B14A.easilyBgentlyCsafelyDconfidently【解析】因为是偷吃别人的豌豆,故此处用gently符合语境。【答案】B15A.bowlBpocket CmouthDbag【解析】由第17空后drop out of his mouth可知选mouth。【答案】C16A.receiveBhold CsupportDput【解析】由第四段中的drop out of his mouth可知,猴子跳下树后,抓起豌豆就往嘴里和手里塞,直到塞不下为止。第16空用hold表示“放得下,容纳”。【答案】B17A.seemedBbegan ChurriedDfailed【解析】猴子一叫,豌豆“开始(began)”从嘴里掉出来。【答案】B18A.crossedBhidCtouchedDsqueezed【解析】由本句中的the peas fell out of his hands too可知,此处表示猴子绝望地攥紧拳头,故选squeezed。【答案】D19A.interestBtime CnoticeDsign【解析】但是猴子并没有注意这些。下文中的All he thought of was that one pea was gone给出了提示。【答案】C20A.soBbecauseCalthoughDif【解析】前后两个句子之间是因果关系,故用so。【答案】A21A.helpingBplaying CmixingDdealing【答案】B22A.carriedBbroke CwavedDbent【解析】人们回来后看到猴子“乱动(playing with)”他们的锅,都“挥着(waved)”胳膊朝猴子吼叫。【答案】C23A.attackBseparateCdestroyDbother【解析】接着他们又捡起石头“攻击(attack)”猴子。【答案】A24A.puzzledBdisappointedCterrifiedDannoyed【解析】由猴子逃回到树上可知,人们追赶它时,它“吓坏了(terrified)”。【答案】C25A.branchBstone CpeaDhorse【解析】由swung himself up可知,猴子抓住了离得最近的一个“树枝(branch)”,一荡荡到了树顶。【答案】A26A.stillBeven Conly D, almost【解析】仓皇而逃后,猴子反思才意识到:不就是一粒豆子吗?用only符合语境。【答案】C27A.earlierBsooner ClongerDlater【解析】由该句中的虚拟语气可知,此处指猴子本该早点想到这一点,故用earlier。【答案】A28A.imageBsmell CdreamDtaste【解析】丢了所有的豆子,因此只能闻着豆香“味(smell)”充饥了。【答案】B29A.trickBdisaster ClossDprocess【答案】C30A.curiousBambitiousCproudDgreedy【解析】猴子因小失大,因此作者希望这次“损失(loss)”能使猴子吸取教训,以后不要那么“贪婪(greedy)”。这也是这篇文章的寓意所在,我们人类又何尝不是这样?【答案】D.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AChristopher Paolini,born in 1983 in Southern California,is the author of the Inheritance Cycle book series,which consists of the books Eragon,Eldest,Brisingr, and Inheritance.Christopher Paolini lives in Paradise Valley,Montana,where he wrote the first book Eragon.Homeschooled by his parents,Paolini graduated from high school at the age of 15,but felt he was not yet mature enough for college,so in his spare time he wrote Eragon.After writing the first draft for a year,he spent a second year rewriting it,and then presented it to his parents.They saw the books potential and published it in xx through their homebased publishing pany,Paolini International.Paolini and his family toured across the US to promote the book.Over 135 talks were given at bookshops, libraries, and schools,but the book did not receive much attention.Paolini said,“I would stand behind a table talking all day without a breakand would sell maybe forty books in eight hours if I did really well.It was a very stressful experience.I couldnt have gone on for very much longer.”In the summer of xx,American novelist Carl Hiaasen was on vacation in one of the cities that Paolini gave a talk in.While there,his stepson bought a copy of Eragon that he “immediately loved”He showed it to his stepfather,who brought the book to the attention of the publishing house Alfred AKnopf.Michelle Frey,executive editor at Knopf,contacted Paolini and his family to ask if they were interested in having Knopf publish Eragon.The answer was yes,and Knopf republished Eragon in August xx, which was followed by Eldest in xx, Brisingr in xx, and Inheritance in 2011.【语篇解读】本文主要回顾了奇幻小说遗产四部曲第一部伊拉龙的出版过程。31According to the text,Eragon was .Apleted in two yearsBwritten by Paolini at collegeCnamed after a fictional worldDcreated in Southern California【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的After writing the first draft for a year,he spent a second year rewriting it,and then presented it to his parents可知,鲍里尼用了两年时间完成了伊拉龙的创作。【答案】A32What was the attitude of Paolinis parents towards his efforts to write?AAmazed.BUnconcerned.CTolerant.DSupportive.【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段They saw the books potential.和第三段Paolini and his family toured across the US to promote the book可知,鲍里尼的家人很支持他的写作事业。【答案】D33Eragon was remended to Alfred AKnopf by .APaolinis fatherBCarl HiaasenCCarl Hiaasens stepsonDMichelle Frey【解析】细节理解题。最后一段中说到He showed it to his stepfather,who brought the book to the attention of the publishing house Alfred AKnopf,这里his stepfather和who指的都是美国作家Carl Hiaasen。【答案】B34For what purpose is the text mainly written?ATo advertise the book Eragon.BTo show Paolinis personal life.CTo describe the history of Eragon.DTo introduce a series of fantasy novels.【解析】写作意图题。遗产四部曲是一套由美国青年作家克里斯托弗鲍里尼所著的奇幻小说。本文主要回顾了第一部伊拉龙的出版过程。【答案】CBIt is important to diagnose (诊断) cancer as early as possible.Some kinds of cancer, however, are especially hard to spot, including cancer of the head and neck.This is why a study published in The Journal of Cancer Research seems to hold good news for cancer diagnosis.The study shows that a tool called Nano Artificial Nose (or shortened to NaNose) is able to detect the breath of patients with the head and neck cancer.In other words,NaNose can “smell” the head and neck cancer.Israeli researchers at the TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology collected breath samples from volunteers: 22 with various head and neck cancers, 24 with lung cancer,and 36 healthy and cancerfree.The technology of NaNose is based on its ability to detect different chemical pounds (混合物) in the breath.The tool is so sensitive that it can tell the difference between people with and without cancer,as well as detecting which patients have the head and neck cancer.The significance of this study is the possibility of detecting these hardtodiagnose cancers at an earlier stage, leading to quicker treatment.Lead researcher Professor Hossam Haick said, “Theres a desperate need to develop new ways to detect the head and neck cancer because diagnosis of the disease is plicated, requiring specialist examinations.Weve shown that a simple breath test can spot the patterns of molecules (分子)which are found in head and neck cancer patients in a small,early study.”The Journal of Cancer Research,which published the study,is owned by Cancer Research UK.The charitys head of cancer information, Dr.Lesley Walker,said,“Its important to be clear that this is a small study,at a very early stage,so many more years of research with patients will be needed to see if a breath test could be used in the clinic.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。以色列的科学家发明了一种能够“嗅出”癌症的装置。35The main function of NaNose is to .Atreat various kinds of cancerBcollect the breath of patientsCcheck whether people are healthyDhelp spot the head and neck cancer【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知,NaNose可以“嗅出”头部和颈部的癌症。【答案】D36From what Hossam Haick said we know .ANaNose is convenient to useBthe breath test is not always effectiveCthe head and neck cancer is a rare diseaseDcancer researchers are making slow progress【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的Weve shown that a simple breath test can spot.in a small,early study.可知,NaNose应用起来比较方便。【答案】A37Lesley Walker seems to think that .ANaNose will play a great part in peoples livesBthe new technology will soon be used in the clinicCmore study about NaNose should be conductedDthe head and neck cancer can be cured in the near future【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段的so many more years of research with patients will be needed可知,这项研究还需要很多年的临床试验才能投入实际应用。【答案】C38The main purpose of the text is to .Areport an important development in cancer researchBexplain why cancer patientsbreath is differentCshow the features of the head and neck cancerDintroduce a new way of treating cancer【解析】写作意图题。本文主要介绍了以色列科学家发明的一种诊断癌症的装置,它能够通过人呼出的气体检测出头颈部的癌症。故选A项。【答案】ACLets be honest:If you like to take lots of vacation,the United States is not the place to work.Besides a handful of national holidays,the typical American worker gets two or three precious weeks off out of a whole year to relax and see the worldmuch less than what people in many other countries receive.Only 57% of the US workers use up all of the days theyre entitled (授权) to,pared with 89% of workers in France, a recent research found.So whats going on here?A big reason for the difference is that paid time off is supported by law in many parts of the world.Germany is among more than two dozen industrialized countriesfrom Australia to Slovenia to Japanthat require employers to offer four weeks or more of paid vacation to their workers,according to a xx study by the human resources consulting pany Mercer.Finland, Brazil and France are the champions, guaranteeing six weeks of time off.But employers in the United States have no duty under federal law to offer any paid vacation, so about a quarter of all American workers dont have access to it,government figures show.That makes the US the only advanced nation in the world that doesnt guarantee its workers annual leave,according to a report titled “NoVacation Nation” by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a liberal policy group.But the fear of layoffs(下岗) and the everfaster pace of work mean many Americans dont want to be absent from the officeanxious that they might look like theyre not willing to work hard.Or they worry they wont be able to deal with the backlog (积压未办之事)of work waiting for them after a vacation.Working more makes Americans happier than Europeans, according to a study published recently in the Journal of Happiness Studies.That may be because Americans believe more than Europeans do that hard work is associated with success, wrote Adam OkuliczKozaryn,the studys author and an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Dallas.“Americans increase their happiness by working, and Europeans increase their happiness through vacation,” he found.【语篇解读】本文介绍了相比较之下美国工人假期少的现象并剖析了原因。39Which of the following countries has the longest paid vacation?AAmerica.BGermany.CAustralia.DFrance.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的Finland,Brazil and France are the champions,guaranteeing six weeks of time off可知,在四个选项中,法国的带薪假期最长。【答案】D40What does the underlined word “it”in Paragraph 3 refer to?AFederal law.BPaid vacation.CAnnual leave.DLong vacation.【解析】推断指代题。根据上文可知,美国法律规定雇主没有义务提供带薪假期,因此大约有四分之一的美国工人就不能享受到带薪假期,故it指代paid vacation。【答案】B41What is the text mainly about?AWhy American workers have fewer vacations.BThe reasons why American workers dislike work.CHow workers in different countries take vacations.DWhy American workers are happier than Europeans.【解析】主旨大意题。文章开头就点出美国的工人假期很少,因此想享受假期的话,就不要去美国工作,接下来从几个方面分析了其中的原因,故A项正确。【答案】ADIn the last two years, weve watched kids on reality TV working like dogs for 14 hours per day,getting yelled at by badtempered caretakers and receiving toilet training in front of a national audience.All bad enough.But it wasnt until people saw the bad situations of Falcon Heene, the child who has sadly e to be known as Balloon Boy,that they really paid attention.He was sick on the Today Show,which made the entire nation feel sick as well.Millions of us stayed glued to our TVs on October 15, praying and watching the live drama as helicopters and jets flew over Colorado tracking a silver balloon which was thought to be holding 6yearold Falcon.But in the end we found out that the child had been hiding in the attic(阁楼) of his house.The whole thing was a trick played by Falcons parents who hoped to get their own reality TV show.“This affair made all of us feel sick,” said reporter Jere Hester on nbcmiami.The national reaction against Falcons parents has encouraged activists to push for ethical (伦理的) treatment of kids on reality TV.“Now everybody gets it! We cannot keep doing this to kids,”said Paul Petersen,a kid star on The Donna Reed Show and now an advocate for kids on TV.His organization, A Minor Consideration, has been trying for years to put an end to the action of making use of children on television.“Children are treated like slaves,” said Petersen,“They dont have freedom.” Thats absolutely true, says Dr.Drew Pinsky, host of VHIs Celebrity Rehab.And Petersen says the effects are longterm.“The images of these kids on the potty (便壶)and being angry will open them up to unkind laughter or remarks as they get older.”Protecting children from being made use of by TV shows may finally be an issue for lawmakers.Petersen says no reality shows are filmed in California because the states child labor laws are the strictest in the country.He would like to see a similar federal law to protect kids.【语篇解读】作者认为小孩不应该上真人秀电视节目,希望相关部门出台法律保护他们的权益。42Falcon Heenes story told in Paragraph 2 is mainly to .Atell us that kids nowadays lack courageBexplain why kids take part in reality TV showsCprove that reality TV shows are usually not trueDshow that kids on reality TV shows are badly treated【解析】推理判断题。作者在第一段就指出一些小孩在节目上待遇不好的现象,但这种现象直到发生在Falcon Heene身上时才受到重视。作者在第二段讲了Falcon Heene上真人秀电视节目的故事。父母为了上节目一直让他在阁楼里待着,并导致他得病,这说明他没有被好好对待,故选D项。【答案】D43After watching Falcon Heenes show, activists realized that they must .Aencourage kids to say no to their parentsBask TV producers to be honest with the publicCtry to prevent kids from being hurt by TV showsDhelp the public know the challenges facing TV stations【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的The national reaction against Falcons parents has encouraged activists to push for ethical treatment of kids on reality TV及第四段的Now everybody gets it!We cannot keep doing this to kids可推断看完节目后,激进分子认为应该阻止小孩被利用来上这样的节目。【答案】C44Paul Petersen would agree that kids on TV shows .Amay suffer in the futureBare usually very popular at schoolCcan easily lose their temper in the futureDare likely to be admired by people around them【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段的And Petersen says the effects are longterm.“The images of these kids on the potty and being angry will open them up to unkind laughter or remarks as they get older.”可知应选A项,这种节目会对孩子的未来造成不良影响。【答案】A45In the authors opinion, reality TV shows involving kids are .AboringBexcitingCreasonableDunacceptable【解析】作者态度题。通读全文,尤其是第一段叙述的语气及第二段开头的All bad enough可知,作者是反对小孩上真人秀电视节目的,故选D项。【答案】DEIn an effort to save fuel,reduce traffic congestion and encourage greater use of public transportation,police in Central City are enforcing new driving restrictions through the use of specially marked license plates.These restrictions apply to all vehicular traffic within a twomile radius(半径) of the city center and are effective Monday through Friday.Vehicles with an “A” license plate are considered essential to city services and may travel and park freely in the city center.Police,fire and emergency vehicles are examples of vehicles that would be issued an “A” license plate.Public transportation vehicles such as buses and taxis will be issued a “K” license plate,and they too may travel freely through the city center,though they may not park anywhere within the city center.Delivery vehicles will be issued a “B” license plate which allows them access to the city center for loading and unloading between 8 and 10 am.and 4 to 6 pm.only.There is no restriction on deliveries over the weekend.Shop and business owners within the city center will be issued a “Q” license plate which allows them access to their place of business;however,parking within the city center must be offstreet.Privatelyowned vehicles with an “X” license plate may be driven and parked within the city center on Monday,Wednesday and Thursday only.Vehicles issued a “Z” plate may be driven and parked within the city center on Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday only.Central City police are authorized to ticket and


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