2019-2020年高中英语 专项练习1 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 专项练习1 新人教版选修8七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(1) Simple Ways You Can Avoid Overeating During HolidaysThe holidays are all about best purpose: early finish of shopping,mailing cards on time,and what is the most important onesurviving the years fatfilled feeding race Sorry,we cant help in licking envelopes or shopping that is up to you ! But we can arm you with these smart eating tips for indulging without weight gain_1_The worst thing you can do is to stand around the table at a party and dip into the bowl You will have no idea how much you are really eating unless you do put your choices on the plateCalm yourself_2_When someone gets third or orders that second glass of wine,you can go along them by default Why do we eat more than we think? If you are surrounded by fast eaters,take a half glass of water between bites to slow downReduce those portions Choose the smallest plate as possible _3_It has been tested out that whether it is popcorn or even spaghetti the bigger the plate,package or bowl is,the more you are likely to eat_4_Variety might be the best of life,but it is also a recipe for overeating Researchers found that adults who were offered sandwiches with four different kinds of filling ate a second more than those who got only their favorite ones So the advice is to pack together similar flavorsDont talk with your mouth full One of the best ways to keep from employing yourself at a big family dinner is great conversationSo as Mom used to say,before you start chatting first finish chewing When you talk and eat at the same time,you are not really paying attention to either of them_5_AControl your choicesBAlways pick up the special foodCYou look pretty unpleasant as wellDYour eyes can trick the stomachEGet away from the tableF Feel the taste of each biteGTake your seat near the slowest eater at the table1_2_3_4_5_文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了怎样在假期期间避免大吃大喝,从而造成我们过于肥胖的方法。比如要远离吃饭的桌子,和吃饭慢的人在一起等。答案:1E这是一个段落小标题,因此所选的句子应该与本段的主要信息一致,综合下文中的stand around the table at a party and dip into the bowl可知与E项Get away from the table远离饭桌呼应。误解分析:此题容易错选B,根据空格后面have no idea和后面的put your choices on the plate,好像与B中的pick up the special food信息一致。2G根据空格后面的If you are surrounded by fast eaters被吃饭快的人包围,与G中的the slowest eater相呼应,因此选G。3D根据空格前面的Choose the smallest plate as possible再根据空格后面的the bigger the plate,package or bowl is,the more you are likely to eat可知与D项信息一致,因此选D。4A这是本段的小标题,根据本段中的信息variety多样性和sandwiches with four different kinds of filling四种不同馅的三明治,表明有多种的选择,可知与A项控制你的选择信息呼应。5C本段的小标题是Dont talk with your mouth full不要嘴里满是东西和人说话,再根据When you talk and eat at the same time,you are not really paying attention to either of them你一边说话,一边交谈,这都是讨论的不好的一面,与C项这样看上去也不好看信息一致。(2)Dear IML,I got my report card today,and my parents wont leave me aloneI got a D and two Cs in math,but they expected me to get straight As!_1_They plain that I dont work hard enough and that Im spending too much time working on my writing I want to let everyone else know that writing is still a talent,whether they like it or not,but they wont listen! What should I do?DML,12Hi DML,_2_I myself am not the math whiz that my mother would love me to be,and I happen to want to be a journalist when l grow up so say for writing! I think that parents just react when they see bad grades; they know how smart you are so they expect a lot from youSometimes its especially hard for them to see their kids struggle with things that e easily to them_3_Maybe they dont see the point in writingshow themTell them about how you feel when you write,or great writers,or even just show them a newspaper and point out the importance of your talents_4_Maybe if studying on your own isnt working,ask your parents for help,study with a friend,or approach your teacher after class one day and ask for some extra help If you take the lead on this,even if you dont get an A but maybe work your way up to a B,your parents will be so happy and proud to see an improvementWriting is in my opinion the best subject of all but that doesnt mean that you can just pretend math doesnt count!_5_Maybe a different study method will open doors up for you and youll find you have a knack for math also!Stormie,IML MentorATry to explain to them how important writing isBI know its hard but just give it a tryCThey are screaming at me about my bad gradesDYou should think about getting a tutor for mathEIm not saying its easy to be good at every subjectFI totally understand your frustrationGNow its also important to keep up your grades1_2_3_4_5_文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要讲述一个学生数学成绩不是太好,而喜欢写作的事,但是这引起了父母的不满和责备,答疑者给予这个学生怎样和父母进行沟通的建议。答案:1C上文的句子I got a D and two Cs in math,but they expected me to get straight As!给出了这个学生数学成绩得了一个D和两个C,而父母希望他得A,表明他成绩出来之后,父母对他大声地抱怨,给予他批评等,故选C。2F前面这个学生提出了自己的问题,不知道该怎么办才好,因此下文这里答疑者上来先表明充分理解他的问题,下面即将对他的问题 给出自己的建议,故选F。3A这里是一条具体的建议,结合全段中的关键词show them,tell them可知此处建议这个学生向父母解释写作的重要性,因此选A。4G结合本段最后部分的If you take the lead on this,even if you dont get an A but maybe work your way up to a B可知建议他也要把数学成绩提上去,因此选G。5B根据后面的句子Maybe a different study method will open doors up for you and youll find you have a knack for math also!表明建议者认为这个学生也可以尝试一下努力学习数学,也许哪一天他会发现自己在数学方面的天赋,与B项“虽然知道这是很难的,但也可以尝试一下”相呼应,故选B。(3)What A Real Leader DoesIs a leader merely a manager? What should we expect from our leaders?_1_Yes,we do need leaders On our own,we lack the vision,direction,and strength to reach our goals We were all in need of guidance when we were childreneven the cleverest child could not possibly be expected to make certain crucial decisions Once we bee adults,with the capacity to reason for ourselves,we are facing so many pressures of daily survival that we rarely find time and energy to focus on lifes larger issues And when we do,our emotions and subjectivity limit our vision and our movement_2_When we are occupied with our selfinterestpetty or great,a leader sends out a wakeup call,alerting us to seek the true priorities in lifeWith so many people trying to be leaders these days,how do we recognize a true leader? To answer this question,we must step back and ask:_3_A true leader wants nothing more than to make people stand on their own,as leaders in their own right Instead of trying to blind us with his or her brilliance,a true leader reflects our own light back to us,so that we can see ourselves anewThe differences between a leader and a boss: A boss drives their employees,and a leader coaches them A boss inspires fear,and a leader generates enthusiasm A boss says “I”,and a leader says“ we” A boss places blame for breakdowns,and a leader fixes them_4_Decide now Decide today Are you going to be a real leader?Are you going to develop real leaders?_5_Remember,a leader with vision has a clear,vivid picture of where to go,as well as a firm grasp on what success looks like and how to achieve itAA leader provides a new perspective,inspiring us to abandon our narrow field of visionBThis sense of urgency is just as important in a leader as a sense of visionCAnd do we really need leaders in the first place?DAre you going to inspire and generate enthusiasm?EWe have a CEO who can direct thousands of employees toward a single objective,and politicians who inspire millions of citizens to support themFWhat is it that a leader is really trying to acplish?GA boss knows how it is done,and a leader shows how it is done1_2_3_4_5_文章大意:一名公司领导者是否就是经理或者老板?我们是否需要领导?需要领导做些什么?我们如何才能成为一名成功的领导者?作者针对这一系列问题作出了解释。答案:1C根据前两句提示可知本句应为问句形式,根据第二段首句的回答Yes,we do need leaders可知本句是在问“我们最初是否确实需要领导者?”。2A下句讲到我们追求私利时,领导会提醒我们去追求生活中真正重要的事情。由此可推断出答案“一名领导者会提供新的观点,激励我们放弃自己狭隘的观点”。3F根据上句可知本句为问句形式,根据下段“A true leader wants nothing more than to make people stand on their own”可知,这是在解释真正的领导者要实现什么目标,故答案为F项。4G本段在解释领导与老板的区别,根据本段句子结构可知答案为G项。5D本句与前两句并列,为问句形式,提出现在你要决定的几个问题,由此可知答案为D项,根据上文可知,inspire and generate enthusiasm是一名真正领导者所具备的素质。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(1)I cant believe I made it into San Francisco at long last! This morning,I went to the airport to catch my 10:00 am flight I got there early to go through security Since I had_1_electronic ticket,I then went straight to the boarding gate When I got there,I couldnt believe_2_eyes The flight was put off for two hours!I made a_3_(decide) to look at the flight monitors to see if there was an_4_(early) flight to San Francisco I saw that there was another flight_5_will leave in 40 minutes,so I ran to the boarding gate of that flight When I got there,I asked the gate agent_6_I could get on that flight instead She said that I needed to stay in the gate area and wait_7_my name to be called if they had a seat available So,I waited,and waited,and waitedThe gate agent_8_(begin) calling out names Guess what? The last name_9_(call)was mine The last seat left on the plane was a middle seat and I usually prefer a window,_10_I was just happy to get on board I didnt want my vacation to get delayed because of a late flight1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_文章大意:作者的航班要推迟两个小时,这使得他无法按时前往旧金山度假,但是最终他很幸运地搭乘上了另一航班。答案:1anticket为可数名词,且有元音音素开头的形容词修饰,故要用不定冠词an修饰。2my“我”不能相信“我”的眼睛。3decisionmake a decision作出一个决定。4earlier因为10点钟的航班推迟了,所以“我”要找其他早一点的航班。5that/which先行词是another fight,故用that/which引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。6if/whether此处要填if/whether表示“是否”,引导宾语从句。7forwait for等待。8began根据上下文可知此处要用一般过去时态。9called动词call与名词name为逻辑上的动宾关系,故要用动词的过去分词形式作后置定语。10but分析句意可知此空前后两句存在转折关系,故要用转折连词but。(2)Most Americans treat their pest like a member of the familyThis means_1_Americans love their pets,and that they provide them_2_proper homes,food and medical careAmericans love pets so much that sometimes they even use _3_(entertain) videos and amusing toys to make their pets life more interesting_4_they have an eye for fashion,pet owners can dress their pets in pretty clothes On special occasions,_5_can use perfume to make their pets_6_good You might say Americans treat their pets like they treat their childrensometimes even_7_(well)The most mon pets in the US are dogs,cats,birds and fish Pets,such as dogs and cats,make good panions But in addition to providing good panionship,pets are useful,too For example,dogs guard property,cattle and sheep,and lead_8_blind Monkeys,unusual pets in the US,will soon bee useful pets for_9_(disable) persons Now scientists_10_(train) monkeys to help paralyzed persons do simple tasks,such as eating,cleaning the house and even changing the channel on TV set!1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_文章大意:美国人对待宠物就像对待自己的孩子一样,有时甚至更好。答案:1that动词means后是宾语部分,且连接词在从句中不作成分,故用that。2withprovide sb with sth给某人提供某物。3entertainingentertaining“有趣的”。此处表示他们甚至用有趣的录像和好笑的玩具来使宠物的生活更加有趣。4If结合语境可知主句和从句之间为条件关系,此处表示如果宠物主人对时尚有鉴赏力的话,他们还会给宠物穿上漂亮的衣服。5they此处用they指代pet owners。6smell由前面的use perfume以及常识可知,香水可以让动物闻起来很香。7better副词even之后常修饰副词比较级。此处表示美国人对待宠物就像他们对待自己的孩子一样,有时甚至更好。8the“the形容词”表示一类人或事物。此处表示狗可以为盲人领路。9disabled结合语境可知,此处应用形容词修饰persons,disabled persons残疾人。10are training根据语境及关键词now可知,此处表示目前科学家们正在训练猴子帮助瘫痪的人做简单的工作。短文改错阅读短文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1 每处错误仅限1词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(1)I went to the Internet bar near our school on the other day To my surprised,I saw many of my classmates and friends there,watching movies,listening to music or talk with strangers in the chat room Some seem to be enjoying playing puter games online In my opinion,the Internet bar should be a place which we can search for useful information we need But the Internet bar should be a window for us learn more about the outside world instead of a place for fun The Internet can benefit us greatly if we make a good use of them I hope schools should take effective measure to prevent students from spending too much time on the Internet答案:I went to the Internet bar near our school on the other day To my ,I saw many of my classmates and friends there,watching movies,listening to music or with strangers in the chat room Some to be enjoying playing puter games online In my opinion,the Internet bar should be a place we can search for useful information we need the Internet bar should be a window for us learn more about the outside world instead of a place for fun The Internet can benefit us greatly if we make a good use of I hope schools should take effective to prevent students from spending too much time on the Internet(2)Nowadays more and more students are wearing glasses It is due for,I believe,bad habits they have formed at school and at home On the one hand,they dont keep book far enough from their faces when theyre reading They also spent too much time reading and writing without a rest On the other hand,they arent careful enough about protect their eyes at home Sometimes they get absorbed puter games or TV programs,ignoring the radiation that e from TV or the puters Reading on the bed is also the bad habit,especially when the light isnt bright enough Good eyesight is real necessary for a good life Please to protect your eyes!答案:Nowadays more and more students are wearing glasses It is due ,I believe,bad habits they have formed at school and at home On the one hand,they dont keep far enough from their faces when theyre reading They also too much time reading writing without a rest On the other hand,they arent careful enough about their eyes at home Sometimes they get absorbed puter games or TV programs,ignoring the radiation that from TV or the puters Reading on bed is also the bad habit,especially when the light isnt bright enough Good eyesight is necessary for a good life Please to protect your eyes!


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