2019年高中英语 Unit 1 Learning about Language语篇训练卷 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 1 Learning about Language语篇训练卷 新人教版必修2阅读理解AIt is a plain fact that we are in a world where petition is going on in all areas and at all levels. This is exciting. Yet, on the other hand, petition breeds a pragmatic(实用的)attitude. People choose to learn things that are useful, and do things that are profitable. Todays college education is also affected by this general sense of utilitarianism(功利主义). Many college students choose business or puting programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is. It is not unusual to see the college students taking part-time jobs as a warming-up for the real battle. I often see my friends taking GRE tests, working on English or puter certificates and taking the driving lessons to get a license. Well, I have nothing against being practical. As the petition in the job market gets more and more intense, students do have reasons to be practical. However, we should never forget that college education is much more than skill training. Just imagine, if your utilitarianism prevails on campus, living no space for the cultivation(培养)of studentsminds, or nurturing of their soul, we will see university is training out well trained spiritless working machines. If utilitarianism prevails society, we will see people bond by mind-forged medicals lost in the money-making ventures; we will see humanity losing their grace and dignity, and that would be disastrous. Id like to think society as a carriage and peoples pursuit for profit or fame as the horse that pulls the carriage. Yet without the driver picking direction the carriage would go straight and may even end up in a precarious situation. A certificate may give you some advantage, but broad horizons, positive attitudes and personal integrities(正直), these are assets you cannot acquire through any quick fixed way. In todays world, where highest level of petition is not of skills or expertise(专业技能), but of vision and strategy, your intellectual quality largely determines how far you can go in your career. 1. The authors attitude toward todays college education is. A. positiveB. cautiousC. criticalD. doubtful2. Many college students choose to major in business because. A. a businessman is very likely to make big moneyB. studying business is less petitiveC. too many students have chosen puting programmingD. puting programming is not a must for them3. The author does strongly suggest that. A. more petition be encouraged on college campusB. people not ignore the value of broad horizons, positive attitudes and personal integritiesC. intellectual quality determines how far one can go in his careerD. college students get as many part-time jobs as possible4. In the authors opinion, . A. college students are not pragmatic enoughB. college students should have drivers pick direction for themC. college education should provide students with more business coursesD. college education should value the cultivation of students mindsBWhy did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Most people know this joke. But recently, some people have been much more worried about how the grizzly bear and mountain lion can cross the road. “Millions of animals die each year on the U. S. roads, ”the Federal Highway Administration reports. In fact, only about 80 ocelots(豹猫)exist in the U. S. today. The main reason? Roadkill. “Eco-passages” may help animals cross the road without being hit by cars. They are paths both over and under roads. “These eco-passages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid road accidents, ” said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Protection Society. But do animals actually use the eco-passages? The answer is yes. Paul Beier of Northern Arizona University found foot marks left by mountain lions on an eco-passage that went under a highway. This showed that the lions used the passage. Builders of eco-passages try to make them look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around them. Animals seem to be catching on. Animals as different as salamanders(蝾螈)and grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses. The next time you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around. You might see an animals overpass! 5. The writer uses the example of “ocelots” to show that. A. an increasing number of animals are killed in road accidentsB. the driving conditions have improved greatlyC. the measure for protecting wildlife fails to workD. wild animals have bee more dangerous6. From the passage, we know an eco-passage is. A. an underground path for carsB. a fence built for the safety of the areaC. a path for animals to cross the roadD. a bridge for animals to get over a river7. The writer asks visitors and drivers to look around when travelling because. A. wild animals may cause dangerB. wild animals may jam the roadC. they may kill the animalsD. they may see wild animals on eco-passagesCCelia Cruz was born in 1925 in Havana, Cuba. Her parents were not musicians. But music played an important role in her childhood. Her grandmother once said that Celia could sing before she could talk. Celia often sang at school and munity gatherings. Later, as a teenager Celia started peting in singing contests. She won many petitions. Music is an important part of the cultural life of Cubans. During the 1930s and 1940s in Havana, Celia heard many kinds of music. Famous music groups and singers performed live on the radio. She could listen to dance music like rumba, mambo and guaracha. In 1947, Celia started studying at the Cuban Conservatory of Music. She was discovered a few years later by the music group La Sonora Matancera. This group was one of Cubas most famous orchestras. Their lead singer had just left the band, so they needed a new performer. When the group heard Celias voice, they hired her immediately. At first, listeners missed the bands former singer. But soon, they fell in love with the powerful voice of Celia Cruz. In the early 1960s, Celia Cruz moved to the United States. Celia Cruz lived in New York City where Latin music could be heard in many forms. Many musicians were experimenting with mixing different traditions, rhythms(节拍)and styles. The music known as salsa was a bination(结合)of Cuban music and other Latin sounds. This music expressed the happiness and the pain of life in Latin American munities. Celia Cruz soon became the voice of salsa. She performed and made records with many musicians. She wore wildly colorful clothing with tall shiny shoes. Her face was often painted with bright makeup. And her dancing was as energetic as her voice. Celia Cruz enjoyed a full and successful life. She won many Grammy Awards. With her seventy albums, she became the most famous voice of salsa music. She was a strong and powerful woman in a music industry made up mostly of men. 8. What would be the best title for this passage? A. Salsafamous Cuban musicB. Salsapowerful music in CubaC. Celia Cruzthe queen of musicD. Celia Cruzthe queen of salsa9. We can infer from Paragraph 1 that Celia Cruz. A. talked much later than most kidsB. had a gift for music as a young childC. was greatly influenced by her parentsD. was very popular with other kids as a kid10. The underlined part “rumba, mambo and guaracha” in Paragraph 2 refers to. A. music made for dancingB. popular music around the worldC. the names of three radio programsD. three totally different kinds of music11. Through Paragraph 3, what does the writer want to tell us about Celia Cruz? A. She sang songs really well. B. She was good at dealing with others. C. She knew how to seize opportunities. D. Luck played an important role in her life. 12. What do we know about salsa? A. It was created by Celia Cruz. B. It was born in Cuba in the 1970s. C. It was hard to be performed well at first. D. It expressed Latin Americans happiness and sadness. 答案解析本文作者用批判的语调告诉我们, 现在的大学教育是一种功利主义的教育。这样的教育对学生的成长弊大于利, 针对这种情况, 作者对大学教育提出了一些建议。1.【解析】选C。观点态度题。通读全文尤其是文章第一段可知, 作者认为现在的大学教育追求的是功利主义, 作者对其持批评的态度, 故选C项。2.【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段的第一句“Many college students choose business or puting programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is. ”可知A项正确。3.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句可知作者建议人们不要忽略宽阔视野、积极态度和个人诚信的价值。4.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的内容可知, 在作者看来, 大学教育应该重视培养学生的思想, 故D项符合题意。为了不使过往车辆伤害过路的动物, 人们修建了一些eco-passages使动物避免受到伤害。5.【解析】选A。推理判断题。考查论点与论据的关系, 根据第三段, 作者举豹猫的例子是为了说明每年数百万的动物死在路上, 故A项是正确的。6.【解析】选C。根据第四段的解释可知, eco-passage指的是专门为动物通过马路而设立的通道, 故答案选C。7.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段可知, 游客或司机在经过有野生动物的区域的时候, 环顾四周可能会发现通道上有野生动物, 故答案选D。本文向我们介绍了萨尔萨舞曲皇后Celia Cruz。8.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文主要向我们介绍了Celia Cruz, 根据末段的“. . . she became the most famous voice of salsa music. ”可知她是萨尔萨舞曲最著名的歌手, 故选D。9.【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第一段的“But music played an important role in her childhood. Her grandmother once said that Celia could sing before she could talk. Celia often sang at school and munity gatherings. ”可知Celia Cruz小时候就表现出了在唱歌方面的天赋。10.【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据画线部分前面的“dance music”可知画线部分都是一些舞曲的种类。11.【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段的“When the group heard Celias voice, they hired her immediately. At first, listeners missed the bands former singer. But soon, they fell in love with the powerful voice of Celia Cruz. ”可知作者在这一段主要想表现Celia Cruz歌唱得非常好。12.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段的“This music expressed the happiness and the pain of life in Latin American munities. ”可知应选D。

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