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2019-2020年高考英语适应性考试试题本试题卷分选择题部分和非选择题两部分。满分120 分,考试时间120 分钟。选择题部分(共80 分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30 分)第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5 分,满分10 分)从 A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。1. Do you think you will be able to finish your writing by five oclock today? _. Ill be busy with experiments all day.A. Not a chance B. Not a little C. Not to mention it D. Not a big deal2. Yuan Longping insists that _ application of gene technology should be careful and the government should take _ “scientific attitude” toward food.A. the ; a B. an; the C. the; the D. an; a3. Google launched its indoor maps feature in Singapore on Tuesday, _ the city state the second country in Asia to have it.A. to make B. make C. making D. having made4. If you follow a diet experts advice, eating more can mean losing _ weight rather than less. A. heavier B. lower C. lighter D. more 5. People _ say “me”, “myself” and “I” frequently are more likely to suffer with depression and anxiety, according to a new research. A. whoever B. whom C. whomever D. who6. Whats your plan for the future? I hope to get a job in the local newspaper at first and _ work for China Daily.A. regularly B. frequently C. eventually D. gradually7. France has reported a second case of a new type of virus infection. The virus is similar to _ that caused SARS, a breathing disease that killed 775 people in xx. A. ones B. those C. one D. the one8. Jiaxing is a small city. Therefore, to _ the flow of traffic, the government has decided to broaden some main streets.A. speed up B. build up C. put up D. e up9. In Hong Kong the eighth day of the fourth lunar month is a special day, called Bun Festival, _ many residents and travelers gather at Cheung Chao island to celebrate a unique tradition.A. which B. when C. while D. as10. A survey says what parents say and do in daily life usually has a(n) _ influence on their child.A. logical B. permanent C. avoidable D. beneficial11. About 300,000 people climb Mount Fuji each year, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization, _ crowding into a brief summer climbing season. A. most of them B. most of whom C. most of which D. most of where12. As the quality of the citys air continues to give rise to _, the residents are encouraged to set off fewerfireworks. A. descriptions B. parison C. concerns D. emergency13. So far no one has e up with a _ explanation of why dinosaurs died out. A. convincing B. demanding C. touching D. puzzling14. According to the weather report, the temperature tomorrow will rise up _32 degrees centigrade, which I think is quite hot _May in Zhejiang. A. at; in B. to; for C. to; in D. at; for15. Half the worlds population _ water shortages within 15 years according to the World Bank, just one of many recent alarming reports on the worlds fresh water supply. A. are suffering B. have been suffered C. will suffer D. were suffered16. A man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost pletely hidden by a long and untidy hair and a wild beard, but you _ make out his eyes, shining like black beetles under all the hair. A. might B. could C. should D. would17. A total of 548 students fell ill _ consuming milk and biscuits in schools in Northwest Chinas Qinghai Province on Wednesday, local authorities said. A. before B. when C. after D. while18. Samsung Electronics, the worlds largest smartphone maker, said Thursday that it has sold more than 10 million units of Galaxy S4, in _ a month since its first appearance. A. less than B. more than C. other than D. rather than19. The charity sale our school organizes every year has taught us much that we _would never have learned in class. A. therefore B. meanwhile C. otherwise D. instead 20. Here is a new edition of Crazy English. Do you want to look at it? _! Let me see it.A. Forget it B. Not really C. Mind your own business D. By all means第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly that you would rather die than go? Well thats how I 21 about joining Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club assisting philanthropies(慈善事业). But now I believe that you 22 open up your mind to things because eventually you might 23 end up enjoying it.“Its a waste of time”, I said when my mom told I had to join Madcaps, and then when she said I had to 24 at a homeless shelter I thought this just could not be 25 .We got there late, of course, and the security guard led us to the kitchen 26 we ran into 48 other fellow Madcaps members. Since Im 27 so socially awkward I had met only one person at a pool party, earlier this year. I looked around for her but she was not there. Damn, I was 28 ! When the man in charge came out and asked for 3 mothers to work outside the 29 to clean up the plates, my mom just happened to volunteer leaving me to 30 food with others.Soon the 31 families started to walk in and a little girl walked up and pointed to the food I was 32 . I gave her the cold sandwich, she nodded in a form of saying 33 , and then walked to join her family at the large table.As she walked away I thought of how much I 34 getting to go the top schools. I have a great house and I have a warm meal every night. It 35 that little girl to make me realize how lucky I am. After that moment I had a change of 36 . Now, I love Madcaps and dont miss one meeting, I have 37 being socially awkward and now have many friends. And this year I am sure I will do 38 the required 20 hours of philanthropies.I believe that if you have an 39 mind about things you can acplish more and bee a better rounded person. I believe sometimes you can make a difference just 40 doing one thing you dont want to do .21. A. carriedB. jokedC. feltD. doubted22. A. shouldB. wouldC. mayD. can23. A. alsoB. justC. nearlyD. still24. A. reportB. liveC. donateD. volunteer25. A. betterB. soonerC. easierD. worse26. A. whereB. whenC. untilD. because27. A. suddenlyB. occasionallyC. hardlyD. normally28. A. shyB. lateC. aloneD. hopeless29. A. kitchenB. houseC. clubD. shelter30. A. packB. purchaseC. serveD. bake31. A. poorB. homelessC. voluntaryD. local32. A. playing withB. putting awayC. looking forD. holding out33. A. helloB. sorryC. thanksD. okay34. A. hadB. earnedC. achievedD. did35. A. movedB. tookC. helpedD. encouraged36. A. heartB. luckC. identityD. taste37. A. believed inB. learnt fromC. got overD. thought about38. A. more thanB. nothing butC. anything butD. less than39. A. intelligentB. abstractC. empty D. open40. A. beforeB. byC. uponD. to第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,第一节2 0小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分5 0分)第1节 :阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。ALooking for a new weight loss plan? Try living on top of a mountain. Mountain air contains less oxygen than air at lower altitudes, so breathing it causes the heart to beat faster and the body to burn more energy. A handful of studies have found that athletes training at high altitudes tend to lose weight. Doctor Florian Lippl of the University Hospital Of Ludwig-Maximilians-university Munich wondered how the mountain air would affect overweight individuals if they werent doing any more physical activity than usual. Lippl and his colleagues invited 20 overweight men to an environmental research station about 300 meters below the summit of Zugspitze, a mountain around 2,970 meters near the Austrian border. They were allowed to eat as much as they liked. The men also gave blood so that researchers could test for hormones linked to appetite and fatness. At the end of the week, the men, whose mean weight starting out was 105kg, had lost on average about l.5kg. The mens blood pressure also dropped, which the researchers believed was due to weight lost. Exactly what caused the weight loss is uncertain. Loss of appetite is mon at higher altitudes, and indeed the men ate significantly less than usualabout 700 calories fewer per day. Lippl also notes that because their consumption was being recorded, they may have been more self-conscious about what they ate. Regardless, eating less accounts for just l kg of the l.5 kg lost, says Lippl. He thinks the increased metabolic (新陈代谢的) rate, which was measured, also contributed to weight loss but cannot separate the different effects with the given data. Appetite loss at high altitudes could certainly be key, notes Damian Bailey, a physiologist at the University of Glamorgan, UK, who recently lost 11 kg during a 3-month expedition to the Andes in Chile. Unfortunately, for the average person there is no treatment that can resemble(相似) living at high altitude, says Lippl. The only alternative is hypobaric chamber(低压舱), which exposes subjects to low oxygen and isnt practical as a treatment. He says, half-jokingly, “If fat people plan their holidays, they might not go to the sea, but maybe to the mountain.”41. What contributes the most to ones heart rates according to the first paragraph? A. our bodyweight B. the consumption of energy C. the rates of our breathing D. the amount of oxygen provided42. Hormones are tested in the research because they can affect _. A. ones bodyweight B. ones blood pressure C. ones way of living D. ones metabolic rate43. What was found about the 20 overweight men in the process of the research? A. They controlled what to eat self-consciously. B. They took in much fewer calories than usual. C. They lost appetite because of lack of physical activity. D. They were provided with a healthier diet than before.44. Why does Damian Bailey agree with the idea of appetite loss at high altitudes? A. He experimented with the new weight loss plan in the Andes. B. He found no other reasons for his loss of weight in the Andes. C. He researched the related subject in the Andes. D. He lost much weight in the high altitude Andes.45. In what manner does Lippl talk about the way of losing weight by spending holidays on mountains? A. casual B. inaccurate C. uncertain D. confidentBWele to JobServeThe worlds first Internet Employment Service1. Emphasize your grades. Grades are still important to potential employers. 2. Get out into the real world. An internship or part-time job tells employers that you have already experienced a realworld work environment and know what to expect. 3. municate well with others. No matter what career path you choose to followfrom nurse to puter programmeryou have to have solid written and oral munication skills to get a job. 4. Network, network, network. Most graduates land jobs through people they knownot by answering newspaper ads. So, make a list of your own contacts, such as professors, family and friends, and add to it by attending career fairs and other professional associations and activities. 5. Be able to use puter. It is the information ageyou need to be able to show solid puter literacy(计算机能力) that is related to your field. 6. Put your best resume (简历) forward. A resume should be a short and clear, error-free, reader-friendly, one-page document that can be easily looked through. 7. Research. Take the time to learn about the pany you are targeting by visiting its Website or researching the pany in the library. 8. Use examples. Using detailed examples from school and practical training experiences to answer questions about your experiences and paint a clearer picture of your strengths and skills for the employer. 9. Smile! It is hard to smile when you are on the hot seatbut a smile during an interview shows enthusiasm for the position and the pany. Potential employers might regard a non-smiling face as a lack of interest. 10. Show your thanks. A thank-you note following a phone or a face-to-face interview expresses your interest in the position and the pany. 46. If you _ you cannot give the potential employers a good impression. A. make a list of your contacts B. prepare a fine resume C. show enthusiasm D. write a thank-you note 47. What does the underlined words “you are on the hot seat” probably mean? A. The seat is very hot. B. You are in a difficult situation. C. Nobody else is helping you. D. Everybody else is laughing at you. 48. We can infer from the passage that _ A. It is hard to find a job if you can not write well and municate well. B. You have to be an expert on puter to get a job. C. It is not necessary to visit the Web site of the pany you are interested in. D. A resume can be a several-page document if you have a lot to show to the pany. 49. What is the main idea of the passage? A. You can get a good job if you have good network. B. The ability to get a good job. C. Tips for landing a job. D. How to municate with potential employers.CSo far, scientists have named about 1.8 million living species, and thats just a small part of what probably exists on Earth. With so many plants, animals, fungi(真菌), and other organisms covering the planet, it can be tough to figure out what type of spider is crawling up your leg or what kind of bird just flew by. A soon-to-be-launched Website might help. An international team of researchers has announced the creation of a Web-based Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). The project aims to catalogue every species on Earth in a single,easy-to-use reference guide. To get the encyclopedia(百科全书) started, the creators will use information from scientific databases that already exist. And eventually, in special sections of the site, nonscientists with specialized knowledge will join. Gardeners, for example, will be able to record the dates that their flowers first bloom each year. Bird-watchers will be able to input which birds theyve seen and where. The technology for this kind of tool has only recently bee available. As the EOL develops, you might find it useful for school projects. The site will have special pages for kids who are studying ecosystems in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it. People who visit the site will be able to choose to skip pages that havent been reviewed. Another convenient characteristic of the EOL is that youll be able to pick the level of detail you see to match your interests, age, and current knowledge. If you wanted to learn about polar bears for a science class report, for example, you could use the novice setting to get basic information about the animals. On the expert setting, on the other hand, you could get much more detailed information about the history, literature, and exploration of polar bears. It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species. The creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed that process. Keep an eye on eol.org. Pages will begin to go up sometime next year,and you might find them useful for your school reports. The EOL team might have the basics for all 1.8 million entries online as early as xx. Someday, you might add your own notes. 50. What is implied in the last sentence of Paragraph 1? A. No one can bee an expert on spiders and birds. B. So many spiders have crawled up your leg. C. Its not easy to tell apart different species. D. Scientists have named a lot of living species. 51. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.You can find information of all living species online in xx. B. Nonscientists will be able to add their own notes to the website. C. The kids preparing school reports can not have access to the information. D.You are not free to choose the amount of detailed information. 52. What does the underlined word “novice” probably mean in Paragraph 5? A. Beginner. B. Specialist. C. Scientist. D. Pupil. 53.Who are the intended readers of this passage? A. Students. B. Researchers. C. Bird watchers or Gardeners. D. People in general. 54. What is the best title for the passage? A. Exploring Polar Bears. B.Visit Our Website Now. C. How to Do School Projects. D. Encyclopedia of Life online. D Hans was an honest fellow with a funny round good-humored face. Living alone, every day he worked in his garden. In all the countryside there was no garden so lovely as his. All sorts of flowers grew there, blooming in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another flowers place, so that there were always beautiful things to see, and pleasant odors to smell. Hans had many friends, the most devoted being the Miller. So devoted was the rich Miller to Hans that hed never go by his garden without plucking a large bunch of flowers or a handful of sweet herbs, or filling his pockets with fruits. The Miller used to talk about noble ideas, and Hans nodded and smiled, feeling proud of having such a friend. The neighbors thought it strange that the rich Miller never gave Hans anything in return, though he had hundreds of sacks of flour, many cows and sheep; but Hans never troubled his head about these, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things about the unselfishness of true friendship. In spring, summer, and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, and he had no fruit or flowers to sell, he suffered from cold and hunger. Though extremely lonely, the Miller never came to see him then. “Theres no good in going to see Hans while the snow last.” The Miller said to his wife, “When people are in trouble they shouldnt be bothered. So Ill wait till the spring es when hes happy to give me flowers.” “Youre certainly very thoughtful,” answered his wife, “Its quite a treat to hear you talk about friendship.” “Couldnt we ask Hans up here?” said their son. “Ill give him half my meal, and show him my white rabbits.” “How silly you are!” cried the Miller; “I really dont know whats the use of sending you to school. If Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybodys nature. I am his best friend, and Ill always watch over him, and see that hes not led into any temptation. Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me for some flour. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they shouldnt be confused. The words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that”. He looked seriously at his son, who felt so ashamed that he hung his head down, and grew quite scared, and began to cry into his tea. Spring ing, the Miller went down to see Hans. Again he talked about friendship. “Hans, friendship never forgets. Im afraid you dont understand the poetry of life. See, how lovely your roses are!” Hans said he wanted to sell them in the market to buy back his things which were sold during the hard time of the winter. “Ill give you many good things. I think being generous is the base of

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