2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1期末复习题新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1期末复习题新人教版必修3一、重点单词1收获;收割 2庆祝;祝贺(n)3(使)饿死;饿得要死4起源;由来5. 宗教上的;虔诚的6节日;盛宴7信任;信仰;信念8到达;到达者9获得;得到10搜集;集合;聚集11奖;奖品(n.) 授予;判定(v. )12赞美;钦佩;羡慕13充满活力的14习俗;风俗15道歉;辩白16许可;允许(n.)17淹没;溺死18明显的;显而易见的19原谅;饶恕二、重点词组1发生2纪念;追念3盛装;打扮4搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑5期望;期待;盼望6日夜;昼夜7好像8玩得开心9出现;到场10守信用;履行诺言11屏息;屏气12出发;动身;使爆炸13使想起14赏月15伤害某人/某物16提供某物给某人17通往;通向;导致18. 被.覆盖 19. 因做了某事而向某人道歉三、重点句子1. Festivals and celebrations _ _ _(各种各样的) have been held everywhere since ancient times.2. Some festivals are held to _(纪念) the dead or to _(使满意) the ancestors, who might return _ to help _ (要么要么)do harm.3. It is now a childrens festival, _ they can _ _(盛装打扮) and go to their neighbors homes to ask for sweets.4. The country, _ _(被覆盖) cherry tree flowers, looks _ _(好像) it is covered with pink snow. 5. People love to _ _(聚在一起) to eat, drink and _ _ _(玩得开心) each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, _ _ _(为感到自豪) our customs and forget our work for a little while.6. _ _ _ _(很明显) the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.四单词拼写1. The proud man said he would rather s_ than beg for food.2. What he said couldnt s_ his parents, so they kept asking him.3. A boy l_ us to the old mans house, so we had no trouble in finding him.4. He is a famous p_ and his poems are popular with the youth.5. It is not his custom to d_ his sadness in wine.6. She entered the lab without _ (许可).7. There is now no _ (可能) that she es to apologise to us.8. Do you know when India gained its _ (独立) from Britain.9. He is the most _(英俊) man Ive ever met.10. He got a lot of _ (奖状) for his excellent study.B. 句型转换11. A: Do you know how the accident happened? B: Do you know how the accident _ _?12. A: On this important feast day, people might eat and cakes with “bones” on them. B: On this important feast day, people might eat and cakes _ _ “bones” on them.13. A: In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mahatma Gandhi, B: In India there is a national festival on October 2 _ _ _ Mahatma Gandhi, 14. A: Obviously, the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave. B: It _ _that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.15. A: He had expected to meet her all day. B: He had _ _ _ meeting her all day.C. 完成句子16. Every year many people in the world _ _ _(饿死).17. Drinking and smoking will _ _ (有害) to your health.18. Drinking and smoking can _ _ (导致) health problems.19. In order to plete the task on time, they work _ _ _(日夜).20.The manager said he would e to the meeting but he hasnt _ _(来).五句子翻译1. 他因让女朋友等了好长时间而向她道歉。(apologize to sb for sth)_2. 她期待着母亲的早日到来。_3.她对待这个孩子好像自己的亲生女儿一样。(as though)4.很显然他盛装打扮是为了满足他父母的要求。_5.他写了一首诗歌来纪念他的好友。_六课文浓缩语法填空Festivals and _1_ (celebrate) of all kinds _2_ (hold) everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Todays festivals have many _3_ (original)Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, _4_ might return either to help _5_ to do harm. During the festivals, children often dress _6_, going from door to door to ask for sweets. If they are refused, they might play a trick _7_ their neighbours.Spring Festivals are the most _8_ (energy) and important festivals _9_ people are looking _10_ to the end of winter and the ing of spring.七、基础写作,翻译下列句子并连接成文“盛世中国迎奥运,独特民俗飨宾朋”。xx是中国的奥运年,无数外国友人将来中国旅游观光,请你用英语写一篇文章介绍中国的舞狮。 写作内容1 舞狮是中国传统的民间艺术,每逢佳节或庆典,都以舞狮庆祝。(traditional,celebrate)2 起源于三国时期,至今已有一千多年的历史。(Origin/date back to, has a history of)3 一般由两人表演,一人舞狮头,另一人舞狮身和狮尾。(one of whom)4 表演者在锣鼓音乐下, 装扮成狮子的样子, 表演狮子的各种动作。(be dressed up as)5 舞狮随着华人移居海外而闻名世界,尤其在东南亚盛行。参考词汇:舞狮 lion dance 锣 gong_

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