2019-2020年高中英语 Unit17 Laughter Period Three课时作业 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit17 Laughter Period Three课时作业 北师大版选修6.语境填词1We must proceed with _ (谨慎)2The cat _(抓伤) my hand.3The professor is a specialist of studying a criminals _(心理学)4The young man a_ his mistake and made an apology to us.5Many young people could not r_ playing net games.6What made you choose law as a p_?7He is an important political f_.8Smoking is _(禁止) in the whole building.选词填空1Dr. Yuan Longping has been devoting himself to developing new hybrid rice,so one day the world will _ hunger.2She always _ the smell of fresh bread _ her grandmother,who loves baking.3He is a determined man. Difficulties and hardships cant _ him.4He is aged seventy but _. He often plays pingpong with young men.5Have you ever _ a jam and felt very anxious?6He nearly _ a bus when it stopped suddenly in front of him.根据提示翻译下列句子1他们正在谈论如何摆脱这可怕的气味。(get rid of)_2他时不时地从沙发上站起来,在房间里踱来踱去。(from time to time)_3上一次的台风造成上百万美元的损失。(result in)_4沉思之中,他差一点撞到树。(knock into)_5他被看作全国最优秀的诗人之一。(acknowledge)_.单项填空1How to get _ of the poisonous gas is being discussed at the meeting.Atired Bawkward Csuperb Drid2Could you please tell me where I can find an authority unit to _ the visitors to throw away rubbish?Adisgust Bboard Cforbid Dseal3The global temperature _ going up so far,which has resulted _ raising sea levels.Ais;out Bwas;toCwill be;from Dhas been;in4The author of the guidebook is an architect _.Aof profess Bby professionalCof professor Dby profession5She could hardly resist _ when she heard that she hadnt passed the test.Ato cry BcryCbeing crying Dcrying6The incident has further increased the _ between the two countries.Aadmission BpermissionCdivision Dtension7His salary went into five _ a year.Afigures Bnumerals Cnumbers Dfatigue8We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.Aworked out Btried outCwent on Dcarried on9He had tried so many times,and at last he succeeded _.Aabove all Bafter allCat all Din all10The dog _ the door because it wanted to go in.Ascratched BwatchedCrubbed Dgrasped.完形填空The lawyer began to read out Henrys will. “Dear friends,”he began. “I have set you a little petition. Each of you in turn must tell the _1_ joke he or she can think of and the one who causes the _2_ laughter will receive my fortune after my death. My lawyer will be the only _3_ of the best joke.”“So,ladies and gentlemen,”said the lawyer,_4_ the will down on the table,“Its up to you now. Who will go first? May I suggest that you go in the alphabetical(字母表的) _5_ of surnames?”The first person stood up and told a very funny joke about an Englishman who _6_ in love with his umbrella. When he _7_,he was in tears of laughter,_8_ he always laughed at his own jokes. The rest of people _9_ there remained pletely silent. You could _10_ their red faces and their eyes that they found the joke funny, but _11_ wanted to laugh and gave him the chance to _12_ the petition. The second person told a story about a threelegged pig. When she sat down,the others coughed,_13_ to spit or dropped pencils under the tableanything to _14_ their laughter from being noticed. And so it went on,joke after joke,the sort of jokes that made your sides _15_ and nobody dared to laugh!_16_ the time the last joke had been told, every one of the twelve people _17_ the reading out of Henrys will was seated perfectly still. Silence, painful silence. Suddenly the lawyer sneezed(打喷嚏). Then he _18_ a large red spotted handkerchief and blew his nose. That was _19_. Someone burst out laughing, unable to _20_ it any longer. That started the others off. Immediately the hall was filled with laughter.1A.saddestBfunniestCseriousDordinary2A.mostBfewestCfewerDmore3A.managerBartistClistenerDjudge4A.throwingBputtingCtearingDlooking at5A.distanceBwordCorderDplace6A.gotBfellCfeltDbegan7A.spokeBsmiledCclosedDfinished8A.becauseBalthoughCbeforeDso9A.gradualBpresentCunbelievableDtroublesome10A.find outBfigure out Ctell fromDkeep watch11A.everyoneBnobodyCsomebodyDanybody12A.winBloseCtakeDoverlook13A.pretendedBlikedCstoppedDused14A.letBpreventCincreaseDcause15A.separateBremoveCacheDlaugh16A.ByBToCForDHowever17A.joiningBattendingCappearingDthinking18A.threw outBpicked out Ctook outDpassed on19A.halfBenoughCallDlittle20A.drawBresistCputDpullresult in,result fromresult inlead to/contribute to导致,造成result fromarise from起于,由于His carelessness resulted in his failure.他的粗心导致了他的失败。His failure resulted from his carelessness.他的失败是由于他的粗心造成的。答案.1.caution2.scratched3.psychology4.acknowledged5.resist6.profession7.figure8.forbidden.1.get rid of2.associateswith3.have an effect on4.stays active5.been stuck in6.ran into.1.They are talking about how to get rid of the terrible smell.2From time to time he got up from the sofa and walked about the room.3The last typhoon resulted in several million dollars worth of damage.4Lost in thought,he almost knocked into a tree.5He is generally acknowledged as one of the finest poets in the country.1.D从the poisonous gas看出空白处应该填入“除掉”。get rid of除掉;get tired of对变得厌烦;get awkward变得笨拙;get superb变得出色。句意为:会上正在讨论怎样除掉有毒的气体。2C句意为:你能够告诉我在哪里能找到一个权威单位来禁止游客扔垃圾吗?disgust厌恶;board寄宿;forbid禁止;seal密封,因此选C项。3D句意为:到目前为止,全球温度一直在上升,这导致海平面也在不断上升。so far与现在完成进行时态连用。result in.导致,第二空要填入in而不填out。4D句意为:这本旅游手册的作者是在职建筑师。D项表示“作为职业”。5D此题考查动词resist的用法。resist后面要用动名词,而不用动词不定式。根据句意“当她听说她没有通过考试的时候,她忍不住哭了”,选D项最合适。6D句意为:该事件导致两国关系更加趋于紧张。tension紧张,焦虑。7A句意为:他一年的薪金达到5位数字。figure指某一数量或数值,也可指算术中的数字位数;numeral数字,数码;number指事物的数字和具体的数目;fatigue疲乏,劳累。8A句意为:我们没有像那样计划我们的艺术展览,但是其(发展)结果却很好。work out按某种方式发展、结果,符合语境。try out测试,试验;go on继续,进行;carry on实施。9B句意为:他已尝试了多次,而最后终于成功了。after all意为“毕竟;归根结底”,符合题意。10A句意为:狗抓门,因为它想进来。scratch抓、搔,抓伤。.1.B这是一则幽默故事,讲述Henry在临终前立下一个奇怪的遗嘱:他要举行一场竞赛,如果谁讲的笑话能让最多的人开怀大笑,他就让这个人继承他所有的财产,以他的律师为裁判。根据后面的内容推断,参赛的人将轮流讲他们觉得最有趣的笑话。2A句意为:最能引人大笑的人将获得继承权。the most laughter最多的笑声。3D从下文可知,那位律师是判定谁讲的笑话最有趣的裁判。4B动词短语put down在这里表示“放下来”,现在分词作伴随状语。5C按姓氏的开头字母顺序,in.order表示“以的顺序”。6B词组fall in love with.意为“一下子爱上;一见钟情于”。7D填入finished,其后省略了telling his joke。8A这里说明原因,因此用because。9B这里的形容词present表示“在场的,出席的”,用作后置定语。10C固定搭配,tell from表示“从中辨别出,从中看出来”。11B当然谁也不愿意开怀大笑。12A如果他们大笑就等于让他有机会赢得这场竞赛。13Apretend to do sth.表示“假装做某事”,假装吐唾沫。14Bprevent/keep/stop.from doing.表示“阻止/防止做”。做出像把铅笔丢到桌子下这样的事情来避免被别人注意到自己的笑。15Cmake your sides ache表示“笑话使你感到腰痛”,但是没人敢笑出来。16A词组by the time引导一个时间状语从句,表示“到时为止”。17B现在分词attending作people的定语。参加这个竞赛的12个人静静地坐着。18Ctake out表示“拿出”手帕擦鼻子,符合语境。throw out扔出;pick out精心挑选;pass on转交,传给,均不符合句意。19B由于大家一直在努力克制不笑,所以那位律师的一点有趣的举动就足以让大家开怀大笑。enough最恰当。20B所有人都讲完了笑话,由于大家都竭力克制自己,结果谁也没有获得那份遗产,而最后那位律师的一个喷嚏却惹得大家再也控制不住了而开怀大笑,动词resist表示“克制,控制”。

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