2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges单元测试题 外研版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges单元测试题 外研版必修4第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Jessie, a student from Shanghai, is studying in Chicago. The following entries are taken from her blog (博客) during her first three months in the United States.August 31People often refer to Shanghai as “The Sleepless City,” but I didnt understand why until I got to Chicago. I was window-shopping with another student this evening when suddenly the store owners started pulling down their gates and locking their doors. Soon the whole street was closed, even though it wasnt dark yet. Ive never seen this in Shanghai, where the busiest streets “stay awake” all night. You can go out to restaurants, stores, and movies even long after midnight. September 5After the first week of class, Ive found some differences between Chinese students and American students. Whenever a teacher asks a question, my classmates immediately shout out their answers. And some of them interrupt (打断) the teacher. In Shanghai, were usually quiet in class so that the teacher can finish on time. We usually ask the teacher questions afterward. October 6I met an interesting girl in an Internet caf today. I was writing an email to my mother, and she asked me what language I was using. We ended up talking for about an hour! People in Chicago seem very fortable with each other. It seems quite natural for two people to start talking in a caf. This is something that doesnt happen in Shanghai. At home, Id never just start chatting (聊天) with a stranger. I like that its easy to meet new people here. 21. What did Jessie learn on August 31? A. Students in Chicago prefer shopping. B. People in Chicago sleep less than people in Shanghai. C. Streets in Chicago are less busy than those in Shanghai. D. Business hours in Chicago are shorter than those in Shanghai.22. How do American students behave in class? A. They express their opinions directly. B. They show no respect for their teacher. C. They try to attract the teachers attention. D. They seldom cut in on the teachers speech.23. When meeting a stranger, people in Chicago seem to be _. A. shy B. nervous C. municative D. defensive24. What does the text mainly tell us? A. A girls experience of culture shock in a foreign country. B. The differences between China and America. C. How to make friends with foreigners. D. How to live a happy life abroad.BAllan Pease has been known internationally as “Mr. Body Language” since his book on the subject became a multi-million best-seller all over the world.Allan started his sales career at age 10 selling rubber sponges (橡胶海绵) door-to-door after school to earn pocket money. He began writing and developing his own techniques of selling at age 18. By 21 he was the youngest person ever to sell over $1,000,000 of life insurance in his first sales year and at 24 achieved membership in “International Top 20” for multi-million dollar sales the youngest ever to do it. At 29 he was a manager and partner in Australias largest Life Insurance Brokerage and was responsible for $103,000,000 of insurance sales in one year before being a full-time speaker.For over 30 years Allan has taught others how to succeed. He teaches skills and techniques in a humorous way that people never forget. His addresses, books and videos are sought by business managers, Prime Ministers, TV presenters and stars. He has written six best-selling books and has appeared on TV and radio throughout the world including a TV and video series on body language which has been seen by over 100 million people.Today, he heads his own Training pany and gives speeches in 30 countries. His client (客户) list reads like a “Whos Who in Business” names like IBM, McDonalds and the BBC. Allan has given speeches for the army and navy, and at hospitals and universities. In his classes, he teaches others to read between the lines of what others say and develop an understanding through “Body Language” signals. Dr. Blair Stone, from Macquarie University, said, “Allan Pease is hilarious. He makes his class very humorous. Plus I never realised that I can laugh so much while learning so much, and his address was consistent (符合的) with the high standards a university expects.” “Allan Pease can hold an audience for several hours and still be wonderfully interesting and entertaining. He does an exceptional job,” said Tetra Pak from Master Builders Association.25. According to the text, Allan _. A. was an early success B. became famous late in life C. earned his living at the age of ten D. had a sudden rise in his sales career26. Paragraph 3 is mainly about Allans _. A. influence on famous people B. great achievements C. best-selling books D. teaching methods27. The underlined word “hilarious” in the text probably means “_”. A. brave B. strange C. noisy D. funny28. What do Tetra Paks words suggest? A. He thinks highly of Allan. B. He laughs more and learns less. C. Allan talks big to impress the audience. D. Allan always keeps the audience waiting.CLocated 40 miles northeast of San Diego, California, Valley Center has more than 27 square miles of countryside beauty and 21,000 acres (英亩) of agricultural land. Along with the activities mentioned here, the Chamber of merce website (vcchamber) lists a large number of outings for your family to enjoy: Palomar Mountain Observatory, Lakes Wohlford, Hodges and Henshaw, Sengme Oaks Water Park, and Pala Mission. Bates Nut Farm 15954 Woods Valley Rd. batesnutfarm.biz760-749-3333Most people would agree that no visit to Valley Center would be plete without a stop at Bates Nut Farm. Gilbert and Beatrice Bates founded the farm in 1921. The farm has a picnic area and a large store full of nuts (坚果) , candies and treats. Kids can feed farm animals, and in the fall, find pumpkins along with many fun, seasonal activities for the family. The place, which started out as a nut farm, is now home to many family-friendly events throughout the year like car shows and music festivals. Valley Center Wellness Spa 28714 Valley Center Rd.valleycenterwellnessspa760-751-5303The Valley Center Wellness Spa invites you to experience some of the special spa (温泉疗养) treatments in a private environment. Spa-goers can enjoy facials and skin treatments at this spa owned by Jana Limon.Keys Creek Lavender Farm 12460 Keys Creek Rd. kclfarm760-742-0523San Diego Countys lavender (薰衣草) farm has eight acres of lavender fields. Open during harvest time May through June it offers lavender picking, English high teas and workshops. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Valley Center Western Days 28246 Lilac Rd. westerndays.org760-749-8041Each May, the week-long series of events kicks off with the Western Days Parade, the Valley Center Stampede Rodeo, and an evening musical performance. You can enjoy the fun and meet some new friends here.29. If you want to go somewhere for a picnic, you may call _. A. 760-742-0523 B. 760-749-8041 C. 760-749-3333 D. 760-751-530330. What can one do in Keys Creek Lavender Farm? A. Pick lavender. B. Watch car shows. C. Feed farm animals. D. Have a lavender spa.31. One can enjoy live music in _. A. Bates Nut Farm & Valley Center Wellness Spa B. Valley Center Wellness Spa & Keys Creek Lavender Farm C. Keys Creek Lavender Farm & Valley Center Western Days D. Valley Center Western Days & Bates Nut FarmDThe Internet is a growing new world that has been developing ever since it was created many years ago.The only reason Internet sales are not taxed (征税) is because we did not know the Internet would be used to sell products when it was created.Internet sales are no different than going into the store to buy the exact same product except for the fact that Internet sales are not taxed.When buying online, people cannot see and touch the product the same way they could in a store. To fix this, customers are going into the store to see the product. Then if they like the product, they buy it online to save money on the sales tax. This is a form of tax evasion (逃税) if you ask me! Everyone has to pay the tax in the store so they should have to pay taxes online as well. Also, the added money brought in through Internet taxing could help the government to fund (为拨款) certain policies and other things that they could not do without the added funds. This could go toward the countrys schools or other things necessary for society to function (运转) well. These funds could be extremely beneficial because of the recession (经济衰退) that the country is in at this point. Internet taxing is a way to increase those funds and in turn improve the quality of life for all who live in that country.In conclusion, there are many more positives than negatives in the argument over taxing Internet sales.I do understand that I may have to pay more if I want to buy something online, but the funds stay within my society and help my country.The added cost may hurt me at first but in the end, the funds will help me and others in our country.32. The text mainly discusses _. A. whether it is a good way to buy things online B. whether Internet sales should be taxed C. why people love to buy things online D. why Internet sales are not taxed33. Internet sales are not taxed because _. A. selling online was unexpected B. they are different from store sales C. people dont know how to tax them D. many people are against taxing them34. What can we learn from Paragraph 2? A. Online shoppers find it difficult to buy satisfactory goods. B. Customers get better products at a lower price online. C. Problems related to online shopping are hard to fix. D. Online shoppers probably try to avoid paying tax.35. According to the author, taxing Internet sales _. A. is good for all people B. can help the country out of the recession C. can help improve the quality of products D. is beneficial to the development of Internet第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In 1982 I found myself in need of a lock to use on an exercise room locker where I work. My oldest daughter had one that she had been using for her middle school locker. 36 It was just an ordinary lock. It is always tied to a loop (环) on my workout bag and gets moved to a locker each day, then moved back when I leave the exercise room after a run outside or exercise inside. Since 1982, the lock has seen three different locker rooms. I guess I have locked and opened it 10,000 times. 37 On a few occasions I left it unlocked on a locker, but it was always there when I returned the next day. Generally, people around here are very honest. 38The lock is a small thing, not worth much in monetary terms. 39 Funny how you can get attached to something that bees part of your life without your even realizing it. When I die, I will give it back to the daughter who never asked for the lock back. 40 A. It is still in good working order. B. My daughter lost her lock somewhere. C. Many people ask me where I get my lock. D. I hope she will keep it to remember me by. E. Some people dont even lock their lockers. F. But it has e to be one of my most prized belongings. G. But since it was summertime she didnt need it and gave it to me.第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Have you ever volunteered (自愿去做) for something? Why did you do it? How did you feel when you finished?41 arrive early, stay late, go without breaks, and always smile. They do a job without being 42 and they are willing to offer 43 . Can you imagine what would happen to our work 44 everybody did his or her 45 in the volunteer spirit of “I want to” rather than in the contractual (合同的) spirit of “I have to”? Contracts require you to do what you have 46 to do or promised to do. Volunteerism 47 requires you to do so, 48 it leads to higher productivity at the same time. Imagine what a(n) 49 would be like without volunteers. Consider the organizations that 50 volunteers: youth groups, hospitals, schools, sports leagues and environmental groups in every area throughout our country. Our life would be 51 if it were not for the volunteers who selflessly offer their time while 52 no pay and often little or no recognition. What is the force 53 these unusual efforts and the great desire to help others? Volunteers find the work extremely satisfying and volunteering 54 personal skills. It 55 us how to use our time more productively. More 56 , it teaches us that it isnt 57 what you have, but more often what you 58 that matters most in life. It teaches us to place a greater value on what we contribute to society than on what we 59 .Through volunteering, we make more than just a living with our lives we make a 60 and create “ordinary” miracles (奇迹). May each of us volunteer to make and keep our country friendlier, kinder and more helpful in the world!41. A. Volunteers B. Students C. Doctors D. Teachers42. A. respected B. protected C. found D. paid43. A. adviceB. places C. help D. chances44. A. for B. if C. and D. unless45. A. homeworkB. job C. exercise D. research46. A. remembered B. learned C. agreed D. prepared47. A. soonB. also C. often D. just48. A. but B. before C. till D. so49. A. organization B. school C. hospital D. country50. A. belong to B. depend on C. wait for D. laugh at51. A. more excitingB. more pleasing C. less surprising D. less satisfying52. A. receiving B. leaving C. minding D. imagining53. A. behind B. against C. without D. among54. A. requires B. shows C. developsD. studies55. A. challenges B. allows C. reminds D. teaches56. A. interesting B. important C. reasonable D. successful57. A. always B. sometimes C. finally D. much58. A. build B. give C. achieve D. expect59. A. value B. like C. get D. know60. A. choice B. decision C. difference D. plan第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Jade: Hey, Michael! Youre so busy. Are you working on homework?Michael: No, I 61. _ (research) hotel prices.Jade: Oh! Where are you going?Michael: Im going on 62. _ trip to Europe with some friends in a few months. Im in charge of finding hostels or hotels for us to stay in.Jade: Cant you ask a travel agent to do 63. _ for you?Michael: Oh, were arranging the trip by ourselves.Jade: That sounds 64. _ (real) stressful. I always travel with a tour group. Michael: Why would you want to go with a tour group?Jade: Because the tour pany takes care of all of the travel arrangements. I dont have to worry 65. _ anything or waste time 66. _ (do) my own research.Michael: Thats true, but we can save a lot of money by making our own arrangements.Jade: That might be true, but doing everything yourself can be difficult. Michael: We dont mind doing that 67. _ we can save money. Jade: Traveling on my own seems 68. _(danger) to me.Michael: Maybe you should join the trip 69. _ Im planning with my friends. Jade: Thanks for the 70. _ (invite). But Ill have to think about it.第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。During the summer vacation, I often got up at 6:00 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English books and did some exercise in maths, what took me several hours. I worked quite hardly and made a good progress. I went to swim in the afternoon. I did go home until it was about five or six oclock. Sometimes a friend of me would e to see me and we would spend some time listen to music. I spent my vacation happily by this way. I not only improved my studies rapid but also became a good swimmer. 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)英语写作课上,你的外籍教师要求每个同学写一篇题为My Hometown的作文。请根据以下要点简要介绍你的家乡贵阳。1. 位置:位于中国的西南,是贵州省省会城市,交通便利;2. 概括:有“林城”之称,全市总面积的40%被森林、湖泊和河流所覆盖;3. 气候:温暖潮湿,冬暖夏凉;4. 旅游胜地:黔灵山公园、河滨公园等;5. 人口:大约为400多万,贵阳人民热情、智慧和勤劳。注意:1. 词数120左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_Book 4 Module 5参考答案参考答案21-25 DACAA 26-30 BDACA31-35 DBADA 36-40 GAEFD 41-45 ADCBB46-50 CBADB 51-55 DAACD 56-60 BABCC61. am researching 62. a 63. it / that 64. really 65. about66. doing 67. because 68. dangerous 69. that / which 70. invitation短文改错:71. . and take a . take took 72. . some exercise in . exercise exercises73. . maths, what took . what which74. . quite hardly and . hardly hard75. . made a good . 去掉a76. . I did go . did后加not或did didnt77. . of me would . me mine78. . time listen to . listen listening79. . by this way. by in或去掉by80. . my studies rapid . rapid rapidly部分解析阅读理解:A篇 (热点话题) 本文是记叙文。文章主要描述了作者在国外感受到的文化冲击。21. D。推理判断题。根据8月31日描述的“尽管天还没黑,但是芝加哥的商场就已经关门了,而上海最繁华的街道则是通宵营业”可知,芝加哥的商店营业时间比上海的短。22. A。细节理解题。根据9月5日描写的Whenever a teacher asks a question, my classmates immediately shout out their answers. And some of them interrupt the teacher可知,美国学生在课堂上很直率。23. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段的People in Chicago seem very fortable with each other. It seems quite natural for two people to start talking in a caf可知,芝加哥的人遇到陌生人时很愿意交谈。24. A。主旨大意题。文章主要描述了上海的女孩在芝加哥受到的文化冲击。B篇 (个人情况) 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了国际著名的人际关系和身体语言专家亚伦皮斯。25. A。推理判断题。根据第二段描述亚伦30岁前的个人成就可知,他年轻有为。26. B。段落大意题。第三段主要讲述了亚伦的成就。他受到众多名人的追捧和广大观众的关注。27. D。词义猜测题。根据划线词接下来的句子He makes his class very humorous可知,亚伦很风趣、幽默。由此可知,hilarious和funny意思相近。28. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段Tetra Pak所说的“亚伦可以一直风趣地给观众讲几个小时的课,他的工作非常杰出”可知,Tetra Pak高度赞扬亚伦。C篇 (旅游)本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了圣地亚哥的Valley Center。29. C。细节理解题。根据Bates Nut Farm部分的760-749-3333和The farm has a picnic area可知。30. A。细节理解题。根据Keys Creek Lavender Farm 部分的it offers lavender picking可知,这家农场提供采摘活动。31. D。细节理解题。根据Bates Nut Farm部分的home to many family-friendly events . music festivals以及Valley Center Western Days部分的the week-long series of events . and an evening musical performance可知。D篇 (购物) 本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了网购该不该收税。32. B。主旨大意题。本文主要讨论了网购该不该收税。33. A。细节理解题。根据第一段的The only reason Internet sales are not taxed is because we did not know the Internet would be used to sell products when it was created可知,网购之所以没收税是因为网购出乎人们意料。34. D。推理判断题。根据第二段的they buy it online to save money on the sales tax可知,在网上购物实际上是逃避纳税。35. A。推理判断题。根据第三段的Internet taxing is a way . improve the quality of life for all who live in that country可

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