2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 First aid Words and expressions试题.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 First aid Words and expressions试题poison【匹配】在括号中填出与poison相对应的词性及英文释义。n. a. an idea or a feeling that is extremely harmfulb. something that causes death or serious illnessv. a. to make land, rivers or air dirty and dangerousb. to have a bad effect on someones mind or emotionsc. to harm or kill a person or an animal by giving them poisond. to put poison in or on something1. The dog was killed by rat poison. ( )2. Hate is a poison which will destroy your life. ( )3. Troy poisoned his wife and no one knew why he had done so. ( )4. They have threatened to poison the citys drinking water. ( )5. Waste from the factories is poisoning the water supply. (v. a)6. Do you think puter games are poisoning the minds of our children? (v. b)【拓展】poison gas 毒气 poison pen letter 匿名诽谤信poisoner n. 下毒人 poisonous adj. 有毒的poisoning n. 中毒;毒害【小试】用poison的适当形式完成下列句子。1. Waste gases are _ the air of our cities.2. The leaves of certain tress are _ to cattle.Key: 【匹配】1. n. b 2. n. a 3. v. c 4. v. d【小试】1. poisoning 2. poisonouspourpour v. 倾倒,倒 倾泻,涌流 (雨)倾盆而下 不断涌向【例句】1. Sit down and have a rest. I will pour you an orange juice. 2. When she heard the news, tears poured down her pale face. 3. At two oclock that afternoon it began to pour.4. The crowds were pouring out of the football ground.【拓展】pour in / into / out of 大量涌进/涌出pour out 涌出;倾诉pour cold water on对泼冷水pour oil on the flames火上浇油 pour oil on troubled waters调解争端;平息争吵It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。【小试】将下列句子翻译成汉语。1. As soon as the door was opened, tens of thousands of fans poured into the stadium. 2. Nancy listened carefully while I poured out my troubles.Key:【小试】1. 门一开,好几万球迷涌进了体育场。2. Nancy认真地听我倾诉心中的烦恼。in place【观察】仔细观察in place在下列句中的含义。1. Her room is very clean and tidy. She always puts everything in place. 2. I think what you said is not in place. You should make an apology to him. 3. The arrangements for the evening party this Sunday are not in place. 【点拨】 in place是介词短语,意为“_”(句1);“适当的,合适的”(句2);“准备妥当”(句3)。【拓展】与place相关的其他短语:out of place位置不当;不适当in place of代替;顶替take place发生,进行take ones place / take the place of sb.代替;替换 【小试】选用以上短语的适当形式完成下列句子。1. 我希望你把自己所有的书都在课桌上放整齐。I hope you can put all your books _ on the desk. 2. 运动会已经准备就绪,后天就要举行了。The arrangements for the sports meet are _ and it is going to _ the day after tomorrow.Key:【点拨】在适当的位置【小试】1. in place 2. in place; take placetreat观察 阅读下列各句,并观察treat在句中的词性和用法。1. The driver whose leg was broken was treated in the hospital.2. Please treat the matter seriously.3. He treated my kind tips as a joke.4. Father treated us to a big meal in the restaurant.5. She treated herself to a new hat.6. Mum bought us some delicious cakes as a treat.7. The visit to the seaside was a real treat for us.8. Its my treat; what would you like to eat?点拨 treat vt. 治疗,如句1;对待,如句2;看作,当作,其后通常跟介词as, 如句3;请客,款待,招待,其后通常跟介词to, 如句4; 买(可享受的东西),如句5。n. 款待,招待,如句6;乐事,享受,如句7;常用于be ones treat, 意为“由(该)某人请客”,如句8。扩展 treatment n. 治疗,疗法;对待be under treatment 正在治疗中小试 把下列句子翻译成汉语。1 She treats me as her own child.2 When I was young chocolate was a treat.3 She treated us to some delicious fruits.4 The doctor treated him for his disease.5 The Blacks were once treated terribly in the USA.6 Lets go out for lunch my treat.Key: 1 她把我当作自己的孩子来看待。2 我年轻的时候,吃巧克力是一种享受。3 她用美味的水果招待我们。4 医生给他治病。5 黑人在美国曾受过虐待。6 咱们到外面去吃午餐,我请客。apply观察 阅读下列各句,并观察apply在句中的用法。1. The nurse applied some medicine to his wound.2. The little girl applied pressure to the bleeding finger.3. Mr. Zhang is trying to apply the theory to his research.4. I have applied to the pany for the post of the secretary.5. He has applied to join the army.6. That argument does not apply in this case.点拨 apply vt. 涂,敷,搽,贴,如句1;压,如句2;运用,应用,其后通常跟介词to, 如句3。vi. 申请,常用于apply to . for ., 表示“向申请”,如句4;其后跟动词不定式to do, 表示“申请做”,如句5。适用,如句6。小试 把下列句子翻译成汉语。1. He has applied to the pany for a job.2. We should apply theory to practice.3. Apply the cream to your face and neck.4. She applied pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.5. The young man has already applied to be transferred to another department.Key: 1 他已经向这个公司申请工作了。2 我们应当把理论运用到实践中去。3 把乳霜抹在脸和脖子上。4 她压住伤口来止血。5. 这位年轻人已经申请被调到另一个部门。bleed(bled, bled) vi. 流血,失血 vt. 给(某人)放血例句He is bleeding like crazy from the stomach.他腹部流血不止。The doctor said it was necessary to bleed him. 医生说有必要给他放血。blood n. 血;血统 例句Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。She is a real blue blood. 她是个纯正的贵族。bloody adj. 血染的;出血的;残暴的 例句Finding a bloody knife in his pocket, the police arrested Tom at once. 发现汤姆口袋中的血染的匕首后,警察立即逮捕了他。 He gets an awful bloody nose. 他的鼻子大出血。They won the bloody fighting in the end. 最后他们赢了那场血腥的战斗。小试 请从上述词中选择适当的词填空。1. The wound _ for a long time. No wonder there was so much _ on the ground.2. Seeing his sons _ nose, the young mother wondered what to do.3. They are of the same _.Key:1. had bled; blood 2. bloody / bleeding 3. blood“hand”短语put ones hands on 意为“找到”。例句He remembered buying some stamps before, but failed to put his hands on them.他记得曾买过一些邮票,但就是找不到。拓展hold ones hand 给某人支持shake ones hand (与某人)握手set ones hand to 着手做小试 请用以上短语的适当形式填空。1Whatever you _, you should try your best to do it well.2Seeing the guest arrive, the host went over and _ to show him a wele.3I dont need anyone to _.4He managed to _ what he had been looking for.Key: 1. set your hand to 2. shook his hand3. hold my hand 4. put his hands ona number of寓词于境 阅读下列句子,观察a number of的意思及用法。1. We have been friends for a number of years.2. A number of valuable stamps were on exhibition at the Museum of Art.3. The lake produces a good number of salmon each season.自我归纳 a number of是固定短语,意为“_”,number前可加good, large, great等形容词修饰,后跟复数名词。辨析 a number of与the number of的辨析:含义不同:a number of许多、若干;the number of 的数量。用法不同:a number of + 复数名词 + 复数谓语;the number of + 复数名词 + 单数谓语。如:The number of homeless people has increased.A number of problems have arisen. 即学即练 用以上合适的短语填空。1. Johnson writes on _ social problem topics.2. Last night _ people were invited to the party, and _ them was fifty.Keys: 许多,a number of, a number of., the number ofmake a difference寓词于境 阅读下列句子,观察make a difference的意思及用法。1. Does his absence make a difference to your work?2. Your support will certainly make a difference in our cause.自我归纳 make a difference意为“_”(句1)、“_”(句2),其后多与介词in或to连用。拓展 make some, no, any etc. difference (to / in sb. / sth.)有(或没有、有些等)作用、关系、影响。如:Whether he is here or not will make no difference to our work. Morning or afternoon. It makes no difference to me.即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。1. It _ (没有影响) to us whether he goes or not. 2. The sea air has _ (起重要的作用) to his health.Keys: 自我归纳 有影响;起(重要)作用 即学即练 1. makes no difference 2. made a difference

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