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2019-2020年高二英语下学期第十次周练试题第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. It doesnt make sense to go there nowthe party is ing to end.A. 不填; theB. a; anC. a; theD. 不填; an 2. Do you think well be in Spain this time next year? Nothing is impossible. A. Dont worry.B. Yes, I do. C. No, I dont. D. It depends.3. A coal mine in Qujing, Yunnan Province was flooded on April 7, xx and 22 miners got underground.A. trappingB. trapped C. to be trappedD. having trapped4. I wonder he said that at dinner.I think he thought he was being funny.A. why B. whatC. howD. whether5. We shouldnt any important details when listening to the lecture.A. look outB. leave out C. attend toD. lead to6. Im going to meet a friend of mineSallyat the railway station, is from Shanghai.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. who7. He was determined to double his efforts from then on he wouldnt fall behind. A. now thatB. as thoughC. so that D. ever since8. Follow us closely or we may lose of you as it is so crowded here.A. view B. look C. sight D. notice9. Our washing machine doesnt work. Well have to get it .A. repairedB. being repairedC. repairingD. to repair 10. and happy, he held the award high, tears rolling down his cheeks.A. Exciting; excitingB. Excited; excitingC. Exciting; excited D. Excited; excited11. our muscles from getting hurt, we need to warm up before taking exercise.A. PreventB. To preventC. Preventing D. Having prevented12. When deeply in reading a good book, you will find time passing quickly.A. absorbingB. to absorb C. absorbed D. having absorbed13. His silence at the meeting suggested that he to our decision, which was clear.A. didnt agree B. shouldnt agreeC. hadnt agreedD. wouldnt agree 14. The police began to the truth of what the man said. A. concludeB. suspectC. rejectD. challenge15. The national flag of China is red in color with four smaller yellow stars a large yellow star.A. surroundedB. to surroundC. surrounding D. surround第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A little boy was standing outside the mall in the cold spring wind, collecting donations for cancer research. I noticed he had no 16 .I checked my purse, but didnt find any 17 . It is a principle of mine to always 18 money to cancer researchI have 19 dear friends and family members to the disease, and want to do my little part to help find a 20 .“Ill bring you some money when I e back,” I 21 the boy. “Thank you!” he smiled and let out a loud sneeze.“Youll get yourself a 22 ! e inside the mall,” I asked him. “Sorry, I 23 ,” he stated. “The guard there said no one is 24 to gather money in the mall.” I could not believe my 25 . I looked inside, 26 could not see a guard. If I had I would have told him what I thought of such 27 .I did my shopping quickly and bought 28 a pair of gloves. “OK, now give me your list,” I said to the boy. I looked at the empty lines. “Do you need to get all these lines 29 ?” “No. I dont have to, but I want to. My best friend Pete has cancer. I want to help him,” he said 30 . Deeply moved, I took the gloves out. “These are for you.” “Thank you!” he said, and he 31 bowed. “Now I can stand here a lot longer than I 32 !”I asked, “Will the organization give you something to 33 you for doing this?” “They sure do!” “What do you get then?” I asked, 34 to hear he got some nice toys or perhaps a certificate (证书). He was smiling broadly now. “I get a new, 35 list!”16. A. chances B. clothes C. gloves D. feelings17. A. coins B. cards C. tips D. drugs18. A. earn B. give C. owe D. save19. A. met B. asked C. visited D. lost20. A. cure B. result C. job D. goal 21. A. invited B. reported C. promised D. advised22. A. flu B. drink C. pay D. meal23. A. wont B. may not C. cant D. neednt24. A. supposed B. allowed C. proved D. believed25. A. senses B. ears C. eyes D. words26. A. when B. so C. if D. but27. A. customers B. guards C. rules D. advices28. A. himself B. me C. myself D. him29. A. filled B. pulled C. attached D. handled30. A. weakly B. sadly C. quietly D. secretly31. A. gradually B. actually C. possibly D. hardly32. A. judged B. expressed C. announced D. thought 33. A. direct B. employ C. defend D. thank34. A. starting B. imagining C. hoping D. realizing 35. A. empty B. full C. long D. short第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe mother of the 13-year-old Dutch girl Laura Dekker, whose plans to make a solo sailing trip around the world have recently made world headlines, has spoken out against the trip. “It breaks my heart to think that because of this I could lose contact with my daughter,” she said in an interview. “I have never before made such a difficult decision. But I must accept the consequences. I would rather have a live daughter who I will never see again than a dead daughter.”It is the first time that Lauras mother, Babs Mller, has spoken out against the trip. Lauras parents are divorced and the girl has lived with her father since she was six. Her father Dick Dekker supports Lauras plans. However, the Dutch Child Protection Board has decided to place the girl under supervision (监督) for two months to ascertain whether she is mentally and physically capable of undertaking the journey.Ms Mller says she is confident that Laura is technically capable of making the journey. “She can sail like the devil. Thats not the problem.” However, she is afraid of the problems a 13-year-old girl can encounter in the harbors of Third-World countries and of the psychological (心理上的) pressure of being alone for such a long period on the ocean. “The most important thing, in my eyes, is that she is not yet an adult.” Ms Mller says she told Laura once before that she was opposed to the idea. Her daughter replied, “If you forbid me, you will have ruined my entire life. Then Ill never want to see you again.” However, Lauras mother says that reports that a camera team is planning to follow her around the world could change her opinion about the trip.36. Laura Dekkers plans to sail solo around the world .A. made her parents divorceB. have attracted wide attentionC. made her father unhappyD. were a difficult decision to make37. It can be inferred that Laura Dekker and her mother .A. are angry with Dick DekkerB. had a quarrelC. lost touch with each otherD. are all good sailors38. We can learn that the Dutch Child Protection Board .A. will train Laura for two months B. will help Laura realize her dreamC. cares about Lauras safetyD. doesnt believe in Laura at all39. Laura Dekkers mother is confident about .A. her daughters sailing abilitiesB. her daughters psychological state C. her relationship with her husbandD. her relationship with her daughter 40. What does the underlined part “opposed to” mean?A. Against.B. Shocked by.C. Beyond.D. Satisfied with.BAmericans do many different things during their vacations. Some people stay at home and enjoy time with their families. They may go to a local swimming pool, zoo or museum. Other people travel to enjoy large national parks, the mountains, the ocean, or large amusement parks. Many people visit interesting American cities or historic areas. Some people visit family members in other states. Still other Americans visit foreign countries. Recently there is a new use for vacation time learning about a new kind of job. This program is called Vocation Vacations. People pay between six hundred and five thousand dollars to work at a job for a few days or a week. Brian Kurth of Portland, Oregon, started Vocation Vacations. He says it serves a valuable purpose. It gives people a chance to try out a job they always wanted without leaving their present job.People use Vocation Vacations to try many kinds of jobs around the United States. These are jobs that anyone can learn to do. For example, they can learn how to make beer, wine, cheese or cakes. They can help train dogs or horses. They can learn how to be a hunting and fishing guide or a gardener. They can work with a sports announcer, television producer, wedding planner or photographer. Or they can learn how to operate a very small hotel, called a “bed and breakfast”. Vocation Vacations recently added several new jobs. They include edians, dog-sled (雪橇) drivers and hair stylists. The pany says the most popular job so far is winemaking.The Vocation Vacations Website recently asked visitors what prevents them from working at their dream job. More than two thousand people answered. Forty-two percent said the main block is money. Lack of the right education or experience was the answer given by twenty-five percent. Other answers included fear of failure and lack of family support.41. From the first paragraph we can learn that on holiday .A. Americans often try out new jobsB. Americans prefer to travel C. what Americans usually do D. how Americans enjoy themselves at home42. What is “Vocation Vacations” according to the passage?A. The best way of enjoying time with ones family.B. A program of learning a new job on holiday.C. A chance to learn how to operate a hotel.D. The most popular jobs around the US.43. It seems that most of the jobs in Vocation Vacations are .A. difficultB. boringC. expensiveD. enjoyable44. Which of the following jobs in Vocation Vacations is the most popular in America?A. Training dogs.B. Hairdressing. C. Making wine. D. Making cakes.45. When people take the jobs in vocation vacations, .A. they can choose many kinds of themB. they can get some money for their workC. they must have much experienceD. they must have a lot of moneyCA 400-pound adult male gorilla (大猩猩) escaped from his cage at the Buffalo Zoo on Monday. He bit a female zookeeper before being caught. The 24-year-old gorilla came out of his living quarters through an unlocked door on Monday morning. He ran into the space which was used by zoo workers but closed to the public.A keeper who has cared for Koga since he arrived in xx was bitten on her hand and leg. Zoo officials said it was an act of excitement. “He was probably just as surprised ing face to face with her as she was with him,” Buffalo Zoo President Donna Fernandes said. The keeper took refuge (庇护) inside the habitat of a female gorilla and her newborn baby. The keepers decision to lock herself inside the separate habitat likely kept her from being further harmed. The keeper had a good relationship with the mother who, like Koga, is a west lowland gorilla, native to West Africa and the Congo River Basin, according to Fernandes. Several locked doors prevented Koga from running wildly through the zoo and beyond. The police sent in a team to make sure the area was safe while a vet (兽医) used a pipe to sedate (给服镇静剂) Koga. The gorilla was dragged by the zoo staff back to his cage once the drugs took hold. Visitors to the zoo were moved indoors and stayed there for about 45 minutes while the team was trying to catch the gorilla and send it back to his cage. “That was the scariest thing Ive ever done in my career,” said the teams captain Mark Maraschiello. “Its a 400-pound gorilla. Nobody knew what harm he could do to us. He could have bitten my arm off easily,” Maraschiello added.46. What is the main idea of this passage? A. A zoo keeper was injured while working at the zoo.B. A zoo keeper forgot to lock the door of a gorillas cage. C. A 400-pound gorilla ran wildly in the zoo after breaking his cage. D. A 400-pound gorilla bit a zoo keeper after escaping from his cage.47. According to Donna Fernandes, the gorilla bit the zoo keeper because . A. he was too angry to see the zoo keeper B. he was too excited to see the zoo keeper C. he didnt want to be sent back to the cage D. he wanted to find some delicious food48. What did the zoo keeper do after being bitten by the gorilla? A. She asked another gorilla to protect her. B. She tried her best to fort him. C. She locked herself in a cage of another gorilla. D. She called the police and asked them to rescue her.49. The gorilla was taken into his cage after . A. a zoo keeper calmed him down with words B. he was sedated by a policeman with a gun C. a vet calmed him down by using some drugs D. he became tired from running around the zoo50. According to the last paragraph, how did Mark Maraschiello feel when he was trying to catch the gorilla? A. Excited. B. Calm. C. Angry. D. Frightened. DFor the past week, hundreds of firefighters have been battling a wildfire that started on March 26 in the mountains southwest of Denver, Colorado. The fire quickly burned through 4,140 acres of land an area the size of more than 3,000 football fields. It killed three people, destroyed at least 25 houses, and forced hundreds of people to evacuate their homes.Investigations have found that the fire was likely caused by a controlled burn started one week earlier by the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS). A controlled burn is a fire ignited (点燃) by professionals to clear the ground of built-up fuel such as dead wood, thick layers of pine needles (松叶), and overcrowded trees that can cause dangerous wildfires. Hundreds of controlled burns have been safely managed in Colorado forests over the past few months. Fire professionals take many measures to make sure that burns can be controlled. Before starting a burn, the professionals look carefully at weather forecasts, how close the fire will be to houses and roads, and other factors. They plan how they will ignite and contain the fire and arrange for resources such as fire trucks and firefighters to be present.CSFS officials say fire crews followed all safety procedures (步骤) before starting the controlled burn near Denver on March 19. The fire died down four days later. But on March 26, high winds blew embers (余烬) onto unburned land, starting the deadly flame. Unusually warm temperatures and dry conditions helped it spread. Fire crews now have the flame almost fully contained, and most families have been allowed to return to their homes. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has issued a temporary ban on controlled burns on state land and has called for a plete review of the rules for these types of fires.51. In the first paragraph, the underlined word “evacuate” can be explained as “”.A. build B. protect C. leave D. watch52. According to the passage, CSFS officials may agree that .A. fire crews carelessness led to the fireB. firefighters should be present when the burn was started C. burning wood in the forest will be bannedD. the weather factor was blamed for the fire53. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. How serious the wildfire was.B. What probably caused the wildfire?C. The facts about controlled burns.D. The changes of the rules for controlled burns.54. From the passage, we can learn that .A. hundreds of people were injured in the wildfire.B. the wildfire is an unexpected event.C. no measures were taken to control the burn.D. the wildfire has been pletely put out.55. Where can the article probably appear? A. In a TV guide.B. On a website.C. In a science book.D. In a tour booklet.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。1 Not all sleep is the same every night. We experience some quiet sleep and some active sleep, which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking would happen during active sleep, but a person isnt physically active during active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called deep sleep.2 Not all sleepwalkers actually walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like theyre awake when, in fact, they are asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers eyes are open, but they dont see the same way they do when theyre awake and often think theyre in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend to go back to bed on their own and they wont remember it in the morning. 3 Researchers estimate (估计) that up to 15% of kids sleepwalk regularly. Sleepwalking may run in families. Sometimes it occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting enough sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, its a good idea to see a doctor. But occasional sleepwalking generally isnt something to worry about, although it may look funny or even scary for the people who see a sleepwalker in action. Although occasional sleepwalking isnt a big deal, its important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions (预防措施) should be taken so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking.4 Sleepwalkers can get confused and scared if you wake them. So what do you do if you see someone sleepwalking? You should gently lead the person back to bed. 56. When does sleepwalking usually happen? (no more than 5 words) 57. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us? (no more than 6 words) 58. Why doesnt a sleepwalker remember his sleepwalking? (no more than 8 words) 59. Why is sleepwalking dangerous? (no more than 8 words) 60. What shouldnt you do if you see someone sleepwalking? (no more than 5 words) 第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)假如你是林丽,你因故不能参加外教Jerry今年7月份组织的去美国纽约的夏令营活动,请你根据下列要点提示给他发一封120词左右的电子邮件。1. 致歉并说明不能参加的原因;2. 预祝他们旅途愉快并希望他们归来时与你分享旅行感受。答案:1-15 DBBAB DCCAD BCABC16-35 CABDA CACBB DCDAB BDDCA36-55 BBCAA CBDCA DBCCD CDDBB56. During deep sleep.57. What sleepwalkers do while sleepwalking.58. Because he isnt awake when it happens.59. Because one may get hurt while sleepwalking.60. You shouldnt wake them. 书面表达One possible version:Dear Jerry,I am afraid that I wont be able to take part in the summer camp this July because my family cant afford it. As you know, I e from a small village in the mountains. Both of my parents are peasants and they can only earn enough to pay for my education. So Id like to take up a part-time job during the summer vacation in order to help my parents support the family. However, I do hope you and my classmates will have a good trip to the US. And when you return, I hope that you can share your experiences of the summer camp with me. I believe you will show me a lot of beautiful pictures.Best wishes! Yours, Lin Li

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