2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习 专题四 动词和动词词组练习.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习 专题四 动词和动词词组练习1(xx课标卷)The watch was very good, and he _ 20 percent down for it.ApaidBcostCbought Dspent解析:这块表非常好,他就预付了20%的钱。本题考查动词辨析。表示“某人付钱买某物”时,可以说sb. pay money for sth. 或sb. spend money on sth. ;buy后接所购买的物品,即 buy sth. ;cost通常不能用人作主语。答案:A2(xx天津卷)If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to _ a hand.Alend BshakeCwave Dwant解析:句意:如果你处于困境中,Mike总是乐于帮忙。本题考查固定搭配。lend a hand帮忙。答案:A3(xx浙江卷)When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to _ it with important points.Aconclude BleadCavoid Dhold解析:句意:当小组讨论接近尾声的时候,一定要用要点来结束讨论。本题考查动词词义辨析,A:结束,符合题意,B:领导;导致,C:避免,D:抓住,均不符合句意,故选A项。答案:A4(xx福建卷)Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _ spending quite a lot of time with students.Aenjoys BinvolvesCpractices Dsuggests解析:句意:Michelle找了份当高中教师的工作,这份工作涉及要花很多的时间与学生在一起。本题考查动词辨析。A:喜欢;B:包括,涉及;C:练习;D:建议。B项符合句意。答案:B5(xx江苏卷)The town is so beautiful! I just love it.Me too. The character of the town is well _.Aqualified BpreservedCdecorated Dsimplified解析:句意:这城镇多么漂亮啊!正是我所喜欢的。我也是。这个城镇的特色被保存得完好无缺。本题考查动词辨析。qualify使具有资格;preserve保存,保护,维护;decorate装饰;simplify简化,精简。答案:B6(xx课标卷)At the last moment, Tom decided to _ a new character to make the story seem more likely.Aput up Bput inCput on Dput off解析:句意:在最后一刻,汤姆决定增加一个新人物,以使故事更可信。A:建造;B:把写进;C:上演;D:推迟。故答案为B项。答案:B7(xx天津卷)I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to _.Aget away Bdrop inCcheck out Dhold on解析:句意:我本希望今年度个假,但没能够去。本题考查动词短语辨析。get away度假。如:Were hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.我们盼着复活节休息几天。B:拜访;C:退房;D:坚持,别挂断电话。故选A项。答案:A8(xx浙江卷)Bears _ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.Apack up Bbuild upCbring up Dtake up解析:熊在夏天和秋天积累脂肪,以便有足够的能量使它们度过冬眠。本题考查动词词组辨析。pack up打包,收起来;build up逐渐积累;bring up养育,提出,呕吐;take up开始从事,把继续下去,占据。答案:B9(xx福建卷)Oldfashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disasters.Aturn down Bturn outCbreak down Dbreak out解析:句意:在灾难中无线网络瘫痪的时候,老式电话起到重要作用。本题考查动词短语辨析。A:拒绝,关小(声音);B:结果是;C:出故障;D:爆发(战争,打斗等)。答案:C10(xx辽宁卷)Briggs will _ as general manager when Mitchell retires.Aget away Btake overCset off Drun out解析:Mitchell退休之后,Briggs将接任总经理的职位。考查动词短语辨析。take over接收,接管;get away逃脱,离开;set off出发,动身,使爆炸;run out用尽,过期。答案:B1(xx河北质检)A college is going to _ a students ability based on grades and then make the decision to admit or refuse an applicant.Aexperiment BparallelCassess Dobserve解析:句意:大学将根据分数对学生的能力进行评估,然后决定是否录取。A:试验;B:与相似;D:观察,遵守。assess评定,评估,估算。答案:C2(xx宝鸡二模)He will to find some other work, for he cant _ this loud noise any more.Ae up with Bput up withCmake up with Dkeep up with解析:句意:他得找到另外一份工作,因为他再也忍受不了这种巨大的噪音了。A:想出;B:忍受;C:(与某人)言归于好;D:跟上。答案:B3(xx安徽联考)According to the Nobel Prize organization, Mo Yans work displays a mixture of fantasy and reality, _ historical and social aspects.Aconducting BbiningCconflicting Dconcluding解析:诺贝尔奖组委会认为莫言的作品把历史方面和社会方面融为一体,展示了想象与现实的结合。A:引导;C:冲突;D:得出结论。bine:联合,合并。又如:He bines creative imagination and true scholarship.他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的学问。答案:B4(xx南京二模)She wanted to ask if he had news of Williams, but words _ in her throat.Aburst BstuckCbroke Dsettled解析:句意:她想问他是否有威廉姆斯的消息,但难于说出口。A:爆炸;B:卡住;C:破碎,破晓,转晴;D:定居,(鸟等)飞落。答案:B5(xx福建质检)He made a good preparation for the job interview, for he couldnt _ losing the good opportunity.Aadmit BdelayCavoid Drisk解析:句意:他为工作面试做了充分的准备,因为他不能冒险失去这个好机会。A:承认;B:推迟;C:避免;D:冒险。答案:D6(xx衡水六模)Children who are overprotected by their parents may bee _.Ahurt BspoiledCdamaged Dharmed解析:被父母过分保护的孩子可能会被宠坏。hurt伤害;spoil娇惯,宠坏,溺爱;damage毁坏;harm伤害,损害。答案:B7(xx天津质检)What will we do tomorrow?It is unclear whether the meeting will _ as planned.Ago up Bgo overCgo ahead Dgo through解析:句意:我们明天做什么?尚不清楚会议是否会按计划举行。go ahead进行。又如:The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.新桥的修建将按计划进行。A:上升;B:复习;D:遭受,仔细检查。答案:C8(xx成都诊断)As the road to the airport is under reconstruction, wed better _ early to avoid the traffic jam.Apay off Bset offCput off Dtake off解析:句意:由于通向机场的路在重建,所以我们最好早点动身以避免交通阻塞。A:付清,取得成功;B:出发,动身;C:推迟;D:起飞,脱掉。答案:B9(xx盐城二模)Getting your students _ in classroom activities is vitally important.Atrapped BdevotedCstuck Dinvolved解析:句意:使你的学生参与课堂活动极其重要。trap使陷入困境;devote献身;stick(在某物中)卡住;involve参与。答案:D10(xx湖北调研)Chengdu is famous for various kinds of snacks. Prepared in different ways, they _ different tastes, good quality and low prices.Aspill BfeatureCsuit Ddistribute解析:句意:成都以各种小吃著称。使用不同的方法进行制作,这些小吃的特色是味道各异、物美价廉。A:(使)溢出,洒落;B:以为特色;C:适合;D:分发,分配。答案:B11(xx东城联考)During the summer vacation, kids are often seen hanging _ in the streets.Aup BonCover Dout解析:句意:在暑假,可以经常看到孩子们在大街上闲逛。hang up 挂断电话;hang on 坚持,抓紧,别挂电话;hang over 使忧心忡忡;hang out闲逛。答案:D12(xx东北调研)If you cheat in the exam, you can hardly _ it.Aput up with Bget away withCbreak away with De up with解析:句意:如果你考试作弊,你很难免受惩罚。A:忍受;B:做坏事而未受惩罚;没有break away with 结构;D:想出。答案:B13(xx安徽联考)What attracted you to our university?You have a great basketball team and I can _ for it.Awork out Blook outCtry out Dcarry out解析:句意:是什么吸引你到我们的大学?你们这里有一支很好的篮球队,我可以参加这支队伍的选拔赛。A:解出,算出;D:执行。以上两项均不能与介词for构成固定短语。look out for 小心;try out for 参加选拔(或试演)。又如:Shes trying out for the part of Cleopatra.她正在试演克娄巴特拉这个角色。答案:C14(xx济宁二模)The fight would have been avoided if either of you had been able to _ your anger.Aput down Bhold backCkeep up Dcut off解析:句意:这场争斗本来可以避免的,如果任何一方能控制住怒火的话。本题考查动词短语辨析。hold back ones anger 抑制住怒火,符合题意。put down 放下,镇压;keep up保持,继续,使不低落。答案:B15(xx安庆三模)The two countries agreed to _ their differences and work together for peace, which has a positive effect on the international situation.Aset down Bset outCset aside Dset about解析:句意:两国同意搁置争议,共同为和平努力,这对国际形势有积极的影响。本题考查动词短语辨析。set aside 把放在一边,留出,符合题意。set down记下,写下;set out 出发,动身;set about 着手做,开始做。答案:C1John went through the test paper once more carefully for fear that he would _ any essential details.Abetray BabandonCoverlook Descape解析:考查动词辨析。语意:John仔细把试卷又检查了一遍,以免忽略了任何重要的细节。overlook“忽略”,符合题意。abandon“抛弃”;betray“背叛”;escape“被忽视”,均不符合语意。答案:C2The story of Whitney Houston is a good example of how drugs and bad relationships can _ even the most talented stars.Amurder Bconfine Cruin Dsuspect解析:考查动词辨析。语意:Whitney Houston的故事是一个很好的例子,说明吸毒和遇人不淑可以毁掉哪怕是最具天赋的明星。根据语意可知选C项“毁灭,毁掉”。答案:C3At the press conference, the manager _ the message that the pany is trying to find possible solutions to the problem. Aleft BconveyedCcarried Dtook解析:考查动词辨析。语意:在新闻发布会上,经理传达了公司正努力寻找这个问题的合理解决方法的信息。convey表达;传递。答案:B4We appeal to all countries to _ cooperation on climate change, food security and natural disasters. Acall up Bstep upChold up Dmake up解析:考查动词短语辨析。语意:我们呼吁所有国家在气候变化、食品安全以及自然灾害方面加强合作。step up加强,符合语意。答案:B5Can I take these seats?Im sorry. These seats are _ for special guests. Astored BreservedCprotected Dguarded解析:考查动词辨析。语意:我可以坐这些座位吗?对不起。这些座位是为特别来宾保留的。reserve“储备,保留”,符合题意。答案:B6You cant see the person speaking, so its much harder to _ their emotional state or opinion.Alook through Bget throughCfigure out Dtake out解析:考查动词短语。语意:你看不到说话的那个人,所以你很难理解他们的情绪状态或想法。look through “浏览,快速查看”;get through“通过,用完”;figure out“弄懂,弄明白”;take out“切除”。答案:C7The nonprofit organization _ donation to the snowstormstricken area. Acalls in Bcalls forCcalls back Dcalls up解析:考查动词短语。语意:这个非营利组织号召大家向雪灾地区捐款。call for在此处表示“号召,呼吁”,符合语意。call in“招来”;call back“回电话”;call up“回忆起来,打电话给”。答案:B8What should I do first?The notice _ that helmets must be worn on the construction site.Agoes BtellsCsays Dwrites解析:考查动词辨析。语意:我首先该做什么?告示上说在工地上必须戴安全帽。say提供信息,指示。答案:C9Its time for us to _ all the negative feelings and cheer up.Yeah, we are sure to be better next time.Acarry on Bget backCbreak off Dput away解析:考查动词短语辨析。语意:我们是时候抛弃所有消极的想法振作起来了。是的,我们下次一定会做得更好。carry on“进行(某事)”;get back“返回,回去”;break off“折断,中断”;put away“将收起”。D项符合语意。答案:D10Fortunately, when I _ my stolen wallet, I found my ID and credit cards left untouched.Arecovered BreviewedCrequired Dremembered解析:考查动词辨析。语意:很幸运,当我拿回被偷走的钱包,我发现我的身份证和信用卡都完好如初。recover找回,寻回,找到丢失或失窃的东西;review回顾;require需要;remember记得。答案:A11The results of this research can be _ to new developments in technology.Aadded Bpared Cdelivered Dapplied解析:考查动词辨析。语意:这项研究的结果能够被应用于科技的新发展上。add.to.“把加到里”,pare.to.“把比作”,deliver.to.“把送往”,apply.to.“把运用于”。故选D。答案:D12We cant _ the unjust decision.Instead, we should try to defend against the actions that harm the interests of the workers.Asubmit to Bcorrespond toCsubscribe to Dcontribute to解析:考查动词短语辨析。语意:我们不能屈服于这项不公平的决策,相反,我们应该尽力抵制这些损害工人利益的行为。submit to“顺从,屈服”;correspond to“相一致,符合”;subscribe to“订阅,同意”;contribute to“造成”。故选A。答案:A13If youre a valued employee who isnt making the money you _, you do have other options.But you see, jobs remain scarce today.Aearn BdeserveCreward Dpay解析:考查动词辨析。语意:如果你是一位没有得到应得报酬但却备受重视的员工,你可以有其他的选择。但是你知道,现在工作机会仍然很少。根据语意可知,应选deserve“应受,应得”。答案:B14According to school bus safety rules, when a school bus stops on the road to _ or pick up students, the vehicles behind it must stop to wait.Adrop off Btake offCpay off Dturn off解析:考查动词词组辨析。语意:根据校车安全条例,当校车在公路上停车上下学生时,其后的车辆必须停车等待。drop off“中途卸客”,对应pick up。take off“脱下,脱掉”;pay off“付清,还清,付清工资解雇(某人)”;turn off“关掉”。答案:A15Maybe you could be an inventor maybe even good enough to _ an idea for the next iPhone or new medicine for cancer.Aput up with Bkeep up withCcatch up with De up with解析:考查动词短语辨析。语意:也许你会成为一名发明家,甚至可能会优秀到能想出关于下一代iPhone或治疗癌症的新药的主意。put up with“容忍”;keep up with“与齐步前进,跟上”;catch up with“追上,赶上”;e up with“想出,提出(主意、计划、回答等)”。答案:D

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