2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Design Period one课时作业 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Design Period one课时作业 北师大版必修2.介、副词填空1During his lifetime,Xu Beihong developed the tradition of bining poetry _ painting.2Across this painting,named Racing Horse,we can see a horse running _ high speed like a missile across the sky.3_ the left and right side of the painting,Xu cleverly drew _ black ink to show the moving hair on the horses mane and tail.4He also used different shades of grey _ a creative way to show the sweat _ the horses body.5_ 1902 and 1909,Qi Baishi travelled _ the country and painted many pictures of scenery.6His interest changed later to simple pictures _ everyday life,such _ vegetables,flowers,birds and insects.7In the painting,a young woman sits alone and is deep _ thought.8To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail _ the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background _ the woman black.佳句翻译与仿写1Across this painting,named Racing Horse,we can see a horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky.翻译:_仿写:被邀请参加宴会的电影明星大部分来自美国。Most of the film stars _ were from America.2Its black eyes,which are fixed on the cabbage,show the creatures interest in the vegetable.翻译:_仿写:这部小说很感人,我已经读了三遍了。The novel,_,is very touching.3Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.翻译:_仿写:不要让他一直在外面等。_.单项填空1Across his painting,_ Racing Horse,we can see a horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky.Ato name Bnaming Cnamed Dnames2The truck is travelling_ high speed.Aon Bby Cin Dat3Then,between 1902 and 1909,he travelled across the country and painted many pictures of_.Aview Bsight Cscenery Dscene4The painting,named Poppy,is a_ example of Chens style.Anormal Btypical Cmon Dordinary5Its black eyes,which_ the cabbage,show the creatures interest in the vegetable.Afixes on Bfixing on Cfixed on Dare fixed on6To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the_ of her dress.Acloth Bclothes Cclothing Dclothe7In the painting,a young woman sits_ and is_ in thought.Aalone;deep Balone;deeplyClonely;deep Dlonely;deeply8Ill do_ I can.I wont_ your trouble.Aas;add Bmuch;add up toCwhatever;add to Dwhat;add up9The Chinese people will not look on with_ arms!Afold Bto fold Cfolding Dfolded10He hurried to the hospital,_ his breakfast_.Aleft;unfinished Bleaving;unfinishedCleaving;to unfinish Dleft;unfinishing.阅读理解The painter Georgia OKeeffe was born in Wisconsin in 1887 and grew up on her familys farm.At seventeen she decided she wanted to be an artist and left the farm for schools in Chicago and New York,but she never lost her bond with the land.Like most painters,OKeeffe painted the things that were most important to her,and nearly all her works were simplified portrayals (简笔画) of nature.OKeeffe became famous when her paintings were discovered and exhibited in New York by the photographer Levered Stieglitz,whom she married in 1924.During a visit to New York in 1929,OKeeffe was so moved by the bleak (阴冷的) landscape and broad skies of the Western desert that she began to paint its images.Cows skulls and other bleached bones found in the desert figured prominently (突出地) in her paintings.When her husband died in 1946,she moved to New Mexico permanently (永久地) and used the horizon lines of the desert,colorful flowers,rocks,barren hills,and the sky as subjects for her paintings.Although OKeeffe painted her best known works in 1920s,1930s and 1940s,she continued to produce tributes to the Western desert until her death in 1986.OKeeffe is widely considered to have been a pioneering American modernist painter.While most early modern American artists were strongly influenced by European art,OKeeffes position was more independent.She established her own vision and preferred to view her painting as a private endeavor (努力)Almost from the beginning,her work was more identifiably (可识别地) American than that of her contemporaries (同龄人) in its simplified and idealized treatment of color,light,space,and natural forms.1Which of the following best tells what this passage is about?AOKeeffe was a distinctive (特殊的) modern American painter.BOKeeffe was the best painter of her generation.COKeeffe liked to paint only what was familiar to her.DOKeeffe used colors and shapes that are too reduced and simple.2Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an influence on OKeeffes paintings?AHer rural upbringing.BHer life in the West.CThe works of European artists.DThe appearance of the natural landscape.3Which of the following is most similar to OKeeffes relationship with nature?AA photographers relationship with a model.BA writers relationship with a publisher.CA students relationship with a hammer.DA carpenters relationship with a hammer.4Why is OKeeffe considered as an artistic pioneer?AHer work became influential in Europe.BShe painted the American Southwest.CHer paintings had a definite American style.DShe painted things that were familiar to her.taste n味道,味觉;vt.尝,吃;linkv.尝起来,有味道生义:n.(对衣服、音乐等的)鉴赏力;品味,趣味,爱好;v.体验,感受(1)She has a taste for painting.她爱好绘画。(2)She had the whole house redecorated to her taste.她按照自己的品味把整座房子重新装修了。(3)I have never tasted the delights of country life.我从未体验过乡村生活的乐趣。【答案解析】Period OneWarmup & Lesson 1 A Matter of Taste.1.with2.at3.Onin4.inalong5.Betweenacross6.fromas7.in8.tobehind.1.在这幅名为奔马图的画中,我们能看到一匹骏马像导弹穿越天空那样在飞速奔驰。invited to the party2它的黑眼睛正盯着那棵白菜,显示出对白菜的极大兴趣。which I have read three times3齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。Dont leave him waiting outside.1.C由句式结构分析,painting与name之间为被动关系,故用named Racing Horse作后置定语。2D句意为:这辆卡车正以高速行驶着。at high/top speed为固定用法,“以高速”。故选D项。3C句意为:从1902至1909年期间,他游历大江南北,画了许多山水画。scenery指大范围的自然风光,为总称,符合句意。4B句意为:这幅名为罂粟花的画是陈逸飞艺术风格的代表作。normal正常的;typical典型的,具有代表性的;mon共同的;ordinary普通的。5D考查固定短语。fix ones eyes on凝视,eyes作fix的宾语。在句中which引导的从句作eyes的定语。which代指eyes,所以eyes与fix on之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故选D项。6A句意为:为更进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子和衣服的布料上加入很多细节。cloth布料,布匹;clothes衣服;clothing服装的总称;clothe为动词,给穿衣,只有A项符合句意。7A句意为:在画中,一个年轻女子独立坐着,陷入深思中。alone表示独自一个人,单独一个人,不含感情色彩;lonely多形容人孤独寂寞,含有感情色彩;deep用于具体的深度,包括时间,空间;deep in thought陷入深思;deeply用于抽象和比喻的意义。故选A项。8Cwhatever引导宾语从句;add to your trouble增加你的困难。9D句意为:中国人民绝不会袖手旁观。with folded arms交臂(而无所行动)。10B现在分词短语leaving his.作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果,he与leave为主谓关系;形容词unfinished作宾补,表示“未完成的”。.1.A本文为人物传记,介绍了美国本土画家Georgia OKeeffe以及她的作品情况。根据第三段最后一句“Almost from the beginning,her work was more identifiably American than that of her contemporaries.”可知,OKeeffe与其他同时代的画家相比,她的作品更具有美国特色(不受欧洲画法的影响),可以称之为美国本土画家。故A项正确。2C根据第三段第二句“While most early modern American artists were strongly influenced by European art,OKeeffes position was more independent.”可知,OKeeffe受欧洲画法的影响较小,故可得出正确答案为C项。3A根据第一段最后一句“.nearly all her works are simplified portrayals of nature”可知,这位画家的作品主要是表现自然界,可见她与自然的关系是描写者与描写对象的关系。A项意思与之类似,摄影师和模特的关系也是描写者与描写对象的关系。4C根据最后一段“.OKeeffes position was more independent.She established her own vision.Almost from the beginning,her work was more identifiably American than that of her contemporaries.”可知,OKeeffe与其他同时代的画家相比,她有自己独特的绘画风格,不受欧洲画法的影响,开创了美国本土绘画风格的先河,故可称之为“艺术先驱”。

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