2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising测试题 新人教版选修9.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising测试题 新人教版选修9第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIsnt it true that words carry with them great power? Such was the case with the words of Maude, a woman who learned that there is no wrong time to say the right thing.It was a cold, rainy day in March. Across the room in the millinery department of the store where Maude worked, sat Laura, a woman about Maudes age. Other workers did not like Laura; they thought her to be too proud and unfriendly. And Maude agreed.But sweeping the discrimination (偏见) from her eyes, she made up her mind to say something kind to Laura. Finally, she managed, “You know, Laura, that Ive worked in this room with you for several years. And whenever I glance up I see your head silhouetted (使呈现轮廓) against the window there behind you. I think you have the prettiest profile (轮廓) and hair that I have ever seen on anybody.” Her words were not insincere praise. She meant it.Laura looked up and began to cry. “Thats the first kind word anybody has ever said to me in all the years Ive worked here,” she said.Maude discovered that Lauras unfriendliness was not due to pride, but shyness. The two became friends. Other workers soon began to include Laura in their activities, and she blossomed like a flower that, for the first time, found sunlight. The right words, spoken in kindness, changed a life.Never underestimate (低估) the power of your words. There is no wrong time to say the right thing. And there is no better time than now. 1. Why did the workers dislike Laura in the beginning?A. She was too proud.B. She was a shy person.C. They envied her beauty.D. They misunderstood her.2. When she praised Laura, Maude was _.A. careless B. serious C. false D. nervous 3. What is the reason for Lauras action after she heard Maudes words?A. She was moved.B. She was surprised.C. She was satisfied.D. She was puzzled.4. The purpose of the text is to tell us that _.A. we should tell the truth B. kind words are importantC. making friends requires kindnessD. shy people deserve equal treatment B4 movies to see this summerAnna KareninaLeo Tolstoys novel about a married woman who defies (藐视) social expectations has been adapted for the big screen many times. In this latest version, director Joe Wright brings 19th-century Russia to life with beautiful costumes (戏服), wonderful sets and big moustaches. Keira Knightly stars in the lead role, while Jude Law plays her husband.Life of PiDirector Ang Lee has turned Yann Martels award-winning novel about a boy stuck on a boat with a Bengal tiger into a movie. Newer Suraj Sharma stars as Pi, while the fierce and hungry tiger is, for the most part, the creation of digital technology. Life of Pi is a 3-D movie and was rated PG in the US. Les MisrablesAfter the success of The Kings Speech, British director Tom Hooper turned his attention to filming one of the worlds most popular musicals. Based on the epic (宏伟的) novel by Victor Hugo, Les Misrables is set against the political unrest of 19th-century France. The movie features an all-star cast (演员阵容) including Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway all of whom had to prove their singing and dancing abilities, despite their star power.Twilight: Breaking Dawn Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner return for the final Twilight movie. After giving birth to daughter Renesmee, Bella is saved from near-death by Edward and starts her new life as a vampire (吸血鬼). But when the newly-married couple are falsely accused of breaking a sacred vampire law, the stage is set for an epic battle between different vampire groups. It is probably strictly for fans but with takings (收入) of over $340 million in its opening weekend, theres obviously no shortage (缺少) of those.5. If you prefer 3-D movies, you should see _.A. Les Misrables B. Anna Karenina C. Life of Pi D. Twilight: Breaking Dawn6. Anna Karenina and Les Misrables _.A. both have an all-star cast B. are both set in the 19th century C. both involve social unrest in EuropeD. are famous novels adapted for musicals 7. What is true about the movie Twilight: Breaking Dawn?A. It is directed by Ang Lee.B. It is entirely an action movie. C. It will attract more fans.D. Its sales of tickets hit an all-time high. CBritish singer Sarah Brightman will tour six Chinese cities in June, which she said will be her last tour before flying into space in xx.Shortly after the China tour, Brightman will begin six months of hard training for her trip to the International Space Station (ISS), she said on Saturday, after a private concert in Beijing. She has accepted medical examinations and various tests since xx for her 10-day space adventure as a paying passenger to the ISS. Last October, Russian federal space agency Roscosmos said Brightman was fit for space travel and her flight would likely be carried out in October or November xx.The singer describes the journey as fulfilling (满足) a childhood desire, adding that space exploration has inspired her life. At 8, she dreamed about traveling to space someday herself after seeing television pictures of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon in 1969. “Hopefully, I can sing from space with children on Earth, which will be very exciting for me.” When she es back to Earth, Brightman will plan a xx tour themed on the universe. She also plans to work with a Chinese musician on a new album.She is one of the most popular Western singers among Chinese fans, and is eager to learn more about China and its people. “I am curious to see the countrys changes and want to know about the people here,” says Brightman, who held concerts in Beijing in xx and xx. The singer won the hearts of more Chinese after she performed the theme song of the xx Beijing Olympic Games, You and Me, with Chinese singer Liu Huan.Sarah Brightmans uping (即将到来的) tour in China will give fans a sense of being in space. “The costume and stage designs will remind audiences of the universe, stars and the moon,” she says. 8. In June Brightman will be in China _.A. having medical tests B. receiving special trainingC. giving concerts D. working on a new album9. Brightman has decided to go on a space travel because _.A. she has got a special invitationB. she wants to realize her dreamC. the ISS needs a singer D. she is physically qualified10. Brightman is planning to _ in xx.A. give themed concerts B. sing from space C. walk on the moon D. e back to Earth11. So far(before June) Brightman has been to China for at least _.A. seven times B. six times C. five timesD. four timesDOver in the German capital, street art is a big industry. Its not 100-percent legal yet, but the citys title of UNESCOs City of Design has kept the authentic style of graffiti (涂鸦) and urban art alive. Now the citys raw side has attracted a great number of visitors, and has bee a profitable hot spot for tourism. From huge mural (壁画) paintings to smaller graffiti, the German capital is a hot spot for the temporary, and often illegal, art form. Back when the city was divided between East and West Berlin, the western side of the citys wall became a large mural, where artists from around the world would write messages and paint pictures. And after the fall of the wall, the vast open and largely abandoned spaces of East Berlin became an empty canvas (画布) that gradually became filled with art and graffiti.Alana Richards, a tour guide, said, “Many street artists and graffiti writers from around the world are travelling to this city. Some of them stay long term; others just pass through. They put up a lot of works throughout. And we have plenty of abandoned buildings for their display.” The Berlin street art tour has been running since xx, and has bee a tourist attraction in itself. Each year around 2 thousand people take part in the Alternative Street Art Tour of Berlin. The tours are always in English, but around half of the visitors are German, the other half from all over the world. The 5-hour tour runs 4 times a week, all year around. And with the ever-changing street art landscape (风景), the thoughtful tour guides will change routes for visitors, depending on where the best works are available.12. “The citys raw side” in the first paragraph refers to Berlins _.A. street art and graffitiB. abandoned buildingsC. tourist service D. illegal business13. What was not filled with art and graffiti until Germany was reunited?A. The west surface of the Berlin Wall.B. The east surface of the Berlin Wall. C. West Berlin. D. East Berlin.14. A visitor in the Alternative Street Art Tour of Berlin has to _.A. be a street artist himself/herselfB. understand both German and EnglishC. go round the city 4 times a weekD. follow whatever route their guide chooses15. The last paragraph mainly tells us about _.A. the development of Berlin street artB. the origin of the Berlin street art tourC. the business of the Berlin street art tourD. the career of a Berlin street art tour guide第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Dealing with depression (抑郁)Depression drains (消耗) your energy, hope and drive, making it difficult for you to feel better. 16 The key is to start small and build from there. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make positive choices for yourself each day.Expose yourself to sunlight every day. Lack of sunlight can make depression worse. 17 Take a short walk outdoors, have your coffee outside, enjoy a delicious meal, watch people on a park bench, or sit out in the garden. Aim for at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day to improve your mood (情绪). If you live somewhere with little winter sunshine, try using a light therapy (治疗) box. Keep stress in check. Not only does stress extend and worsen depression, but it can also cause it. 18 Examples include: work overload, taking on too much, or health problems. Once youve identified the causes, you can make a plan to avoid them or reduce their influence. Practice relaxation techniques.Daily relaxation practice can help relieve symptoms of depression, reduce stress, and promote feelings of joy and well-being. 19 Turn to trusted friends and family members. Share what youre going through with the people you love and trust. 20 You may have got away from your most treasured relationships, but they can get you through this tough time. A. Make sure youre getting enough.B. Ask for the help and support you need.C. Figure out things in your life that stress you out.D. You will bee more confident by helping those in need. E. Try deep breathing, progressive body relaxation or thinking in silence.F. But while overing depression isnt quick or easy, its far from impossible.G. If youre sleeping too little or too much, you are more likely to suffer from stress.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One evening, after the kids had gone to bed, my husband and I were chatting. My husband said, “I heard you and the boy had a 21 day!” I looked at him, pletely 22 . It turned out that our 6-year-old son had told him this 23 of how we ordered pizza for lunch, had big bowls of ice cream for dessert and then went to a carnival. 24 we did none of that. What a little 25 ! My husband and I decided we should have a talk with our son about telling lies. I was a bit 26 because he had 27 this whole story and it was so believable! And he 28 it without showing any signs that he was bluffing (欺骗). What else had he been 29 ?The next day when I questioned my son about the fun, but 30 story he had told his father, he 31 , “Its not a lie, Mom! Its realistic fiction.” He 32 that recently at school, he had learned about realistic fiction. So he imagined himself as a(n) 33 and created such a story. While I was proud that he had tried to employ 34 he learned, it was 35 for him to learn the difference between creatively telling a story and just telling someone a straight-up 36 . Even realistic fiction is still fiction; it is still not true. You cannot represent it as 37 . As a mother, it was so important for me to teach my child the importance of honesty without 38 his creativity. My son 39 loves telling stories. But since our 40 , we have not had any other incidents like this.21. A. longB. terribleC. funD. boring 22. A. excitedB. puzzledC. frightenedD. disappointed 23. A. book B. message C. storyD. note 24. A. ButB. So C. And D. Or 25. A. liar B. world C. place D. country 26. A. pleased B. sympathetic C. hopeful D. worried 27. A. forgotten aboutB. made up C. laughed at D. written down 28. A. deliveredB. watched C. refused D. studied29. A. lying about B. working for C. asking for D. passing down 30. A. goodB. reasonable C. monD. false31. A. suggested B. responded C. addedD. continued 32. A. believed B. proved C. explainedD. discovered33. A.visitorB. author C. host D. student 34. A. something B. anything C. nothingD. everything 35. A. convenientB. important C. natural D. typical 36. A. secret B. legend C. jokeD. lie 37. A. future B. reality C. success D. magic 38. A. expecting B. encouraging C. ruining D. finding39. A. stillB. neverC. hardly D. seldom40. A. matchB. conversationC. lecture D. ceremony 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Ella: Bill, do you know Tom?Bill: Tom what?Ella: Tom Smith.Bill: No. But I know a man 41 (call) Tim Smith.Ella: Oh, yes, you are right. It is Tim Smith. You know what happened 42 him the other day?Bill: No, what happened then?Ella: Well, he told me he saw his “dead” grandfather in London.Bill: Oh, e on. You are not telling a ghost story, are you?Ella: But he told me it was true. You see, his grandfather used to be an army officer during the war. And 43 he didnt return home after the war, everybody thought he 44 (kill) in the war.Bill: But then, he suddenly appeared 45 (live), like in those films.Ella: Exactly. Tim told me that by chance he saw an old man 46 (sell) newspapers at the railway station. And he was surprised to see someone like his grandfather in a picture he had seen. So 47 (nature) he went to the man and asked him 48 his name was Smith. And 49 man, I mean, his grandfather, said yes, and after that everything happened just like a film.Bill: Amazing. But why didnt the old man go back to his hometown after the war?Ella: Well, thats another long story, and Ill tell 50 sometime later.41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Last week my youngest son and I had visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was exciting to see his new place. My earliest memories of my father are of a tall, handsome, successful man devoting to his work and his family, but unfortable to his children. He was strict with me, and seemed unhappy with me if I got straight As. On the first day of our visit, they talked a lot, did some shoppings, ate on a street table, and laughed over my sons funny facial expressions. Gone was my fathers critical (挑剔的) air but strict rules. The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite few stories about his childhood. I never felt so closely to him until that moment.第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 假设你是你校英语内刊的编辑李华,你校的一位同学Mary最近在网上结识的一位网友约她见面,她不知道该不该去,因此写信向你咨询。请你用英文给她写一封建议信。内容应包括:1. 最好不要去见任何网友;2. 如果确实想见,要保证自身安全(选择人多的公众场合;不要透露过多个人信息)。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 文中不得使用真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 开头和结尾已给,不计入总词数。Dear Mary,Im happy that you have made friends with someone online. _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Hua 参考答案:1-15 DBABC BCCBA DADDC 16-20 FACEB21-40 CBCAA DBAAD BCBAB DBCAB41. called 42. to 43. because 44. had been killed 45. alive 46. selling 47. naturally 48. if/whether 49. the 50. you短文改错Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was exciting to see his new place. My earliest memories of my excitedfather are of a tall, handsome, successful man devoting to his work devotedand his family, but unfortable to his children. He was strict with withme, and seemed unhappy with me if I got straight As. unless On the first day of our visit, they talked a lot, did some shoppings, ate on a street table, we shoppingand laughed over my sons funny facial expressions. Gone was my fathers critical (挑剔的) air but strict rules. The next andday my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite few stories about his childhood. aI never felt so closely to him until that moment. close书面表达Dear Mary, Im happy that you have made friends with someone online. Its really nice to have a friend to share your happiness and sorrow. But I want to remind you that it can be dangerous to make friends online because you dont know who the one you are chatting with is. She said she was a girl, but maybe the person is a bad man. So I dont think it is a good idea to see the friend in person. However, if you insist on meeting him or her, I suggest you choose public places, such as KFC, as your meeting place, where there are numerous people. Besides, you shouldnt let out too much of your personal information. Hope the suggestions above can be of some help. Yours, Li Hua


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