2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers Communication Workshop课时作业 北师大版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers munication Workshop课时作业 北师大版选修7.单词拼写1The doctor doesnt_(允许)the patient to go upstair until her leg is better.2The impression she had made on me seemed to _(逐渐变弱)gradually from my mind.3The_(现象)that rivers freeze in cold winter is mon in this area.4The black did not know which part of Africa their_(祖先)had e from.5Dogs are used to _(嗅)out unlawful drugs which are hidden somewhere.6Dont _(压)this ball hard,otherwise you will get it blown up.7Modern international business is believed to e from this_(最初的)trade from.8The language _(障碍)cant prevent these engineers from cooperating well.9The thick clouds passed_(在头顶上)It seemed that rain would soon pour down.10I must_(宣布)that I have nothing to do with the affair.单项填空1He was taken on for a threemonth trial period before being accepted as a_member of staff.AautonomousBpermanentCamateur Dpunctual2(xx马鞍山高二检测)Jenny nearly missed the flight_doing too much shopping.Aas a result of Bon top ofCin front of Din need of3Jims father didnt_to join the school football team because he should spend more time in studying knowledge.Alet BpromiseCpermit Dhope4(xx北京高考)I took my driving license with me on holiday,_I wanted to hire a car.Ain case Beven ifCever since Dif only5(xx安徽名校高二联考)Jeremy rather than his friends_for the accident.Absolutely.He shouldnt have driven after being drunk.Aare to be blamedBare to blameCis to blame Dis to be blamed6At the conference the Chinese foreign minister_that China was strongly against the terrorism.Adeclared BannouncedCtold Dshowed7John shut everyone out of the kitchen_he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.Awhich BwhenCso that Das if8_the numbers were being counted down,five,four three,two,one,the manders_the red button and shouted,“Fire!”AAs;pressed BWhen;fastenedCSince;clicked DIf;ensured9Attendance at football matches has greatly_since they can be broadcast live on TV.Adropped in Bdropped offCdropped out Ddropped by10My enthusiasm for the Chinese football team_because of countless failures.Avanished BfadedCran off Dgave up.阅读理解AScientists have created a “humanlike robot”that can dance and do the housework.“Mahru”has been developed to imitate humans and can move its lips,eyebrows and pupils(瞳孔)The machine can also move its upper and lower body freely and automatically(自动地)stop itself when walking.In addition,it has been programmed to give out two kinds of pleasant smells to match its emotions.The 1.5m tall robot was produced by researchers at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and is the first South Koreandeveloped machine of its kind.“Mahru will open the way for the mercial use of humanoid robots doing housework,”You BumJae,leader of the development research team,said,“Mahru can dance while walking on its legs and is able to work in place of a human.”Through an advanced motion capture system,“Mahru” can follow a variety of human movements and move its hands freely enough to deal with any obstacles that may get in its way when walking.Statefunded KIST showed the robot during a presentation at its head office in Seoul.People here were treated to an entertaining demonstration which saw the robot show off the full range of its skills,most notably a series of dance moves.The research team added that they had designed another “Mahru”,this time with sensors(传感器)allowing it to distinguish between faces and objects.The showing of“Mahru” came a week after researchers in Japan said they had created the“most humanlike” robot in the world.A team at robotics department of Osaka University in Japan claimed that“robotgirl”,Repliee RI,“looks,moves and interacts(相互作用)like a human,and has silicone(硅胶)skin that feels almost human to the touch.”1“Mahru”made by KIST can do the following things EXCEPT_.Aexpress certain feelings through smellsBmove its body freelyCstop automatically when walkingDdance with other humanlike robots2According to what You BumJae said in Paragraph 4,his research team wants to_.Ahelp robots with doing houseworkBshow its scientific powerCmake “Mahru” offer more funDexplore the mercial use of “Mahru”3When“Mahru”meets something in its way,it will be likely to_.Ago around itBturn back quicklyCdeal with it using its handsDask humans for help4According to the last paragraph,Repliee RI_.Ais another “Mahru”Bwas made by KISTChas skin feeling similar to humansDlooks like a boyBThe 20th century witnessed some of the most surprising achievements as far as the field of science and technology is concerned.Among these,the Indians account for a significant share of the pie.Srinivas Ramanujan(18871920)Ramanujans great mathematical findings were beginning to be appreciated from 1915 to 1919.But his achievements were to be fully understood much later,well after his death in 1920.For example,his work on highly posite numbers(高合成数)with a large number of factors started a whole new line of researches in the theory of such numbers.Meghnad Saha(18931956)Meghnad Saha belonged to an outstanding group of Indian scientists whose contributions revolutionized diverse branches of knowledge and earned global recognition.He introduced the teaching of Nuclear Physics in Calcutta University at a time when the world had not even witnessed the impact of Nuclear Energy.Together with SN.Bose,he made the first English translation of Einsteins papers on relativity.CV.Raman(18881970)Ramans discovery that molecules scatter light is known as the Raman effect.It is used to study the internal structure of the molecules.Early in his life,Raman carried out and published extensive research on acoustics(声学)and optics(光学)He received the Nobel Prize for his wellknown Raman effect in 1930.Dr.Hargobind Khorana(1922)Khorana shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1968 with Marshall WNirenberg and Robert WHolley for cracking(破译)the genetic code.His researches have opened up a new branch called genetic engineering in science.In 1970 he became the Alfred Sloan Professor of Biology and Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he continued his work.Apart from the Nobel Prize,Khorana has won many awards and honors for his achievement.5In which year did CV. Raman win the Nobel Prize?A1919B1920C1930 D19686Whose contributions were NOT well received when he was alive?ASrinivas Ramanujans.BMeghnad Sahas.CC.V. Ramans.DDr. Hargobind Khoranas. 7Dr.Hargobind Khorana mainly researched into_.Amathematics BrelativityCgenetic code Doptics8Which would be the BEST title for this passage?AIndian scientific achievementsBIndian contributions to the worldCFamous Indian universities in historyDFamous Indian scientists in the 20th century.翻译句子1他认真听讲,以便理解老师说的话。(follow)_2我决定写信而不打电话。(decide)_3有那么多文章要写,他今天早晨没有时间去购物。(essay)_4万一下雨,野餐将推迟。(picnic)_5父母不准他们的孩子喝酒。(permit)_课时作业(六).1.permit2.fade3.phenomenon4.ancestors5sniff6.press7.initial8.barrier9.overhead10.declare.1.B考查形容词辨析。permanent“永久的”;autonomous“自治的”;amateur“业余的”;punctual“准时的”。trial和permanent staff相对应,故B项正确。句意:三个月的试用期过后,他被接受为永久雇员。2A句意:由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。as a result of作为的结果,由于;on top of在之上;in front of在前面;in need of需要3Clet sb. do sth.“让某人干某事”,do前面不加to,排除A项。promise sb. to do sth.“向某人许诺干某事”,to do sth.的逻辑主语是句子的主语。此处显然不通。没有hope sb. to do sth.结构。4Ain case以防万一,引导条件状语从句;even if纵然,即使,引导让步状语从句;ever since自以来,引导时间状语从句;if only要是就好了,常用于虚拟语气,表示一种强烈的愿望。句意:我度假时随身带着驾照,以备我租车之需。由句意可知正确答案为A项。掌握连词的用法以及正确理解句意和前后的逻辑关系是解题关键。5C句意:是杰里米而不是他的朋友们应对这次事故负责。绝对地。他本不该酒后驾车。be to blame for为固定短语,意为“对负责,”排除A、D两项;当“A ratherthan B”作主语时,谓语动词应与A在“数”上保持一致,故选C项。6A句意:在会议上,中国外交部长宣布中国强烈反对恐怖主义。declare的意思是“(正式)宣布”,一般指官方正式宣布;announce也有“宣布”的意思,它一般指宣布或预告大家关心的问题;tell告诉;show表明。7C句意:约翰把大家都关在厨房外面,以便他能够准备他的派对大惊喜。so that在此引导目的状语从句。8A句意:随着倒数五个数,五、四、三、二、一,指挥官按红色按钮和大喊:“点火!”as引导伴随状语从句,表示“随着”,when表示某个时候;press the.button“按按钮”;fasten“扣紧”;click“点击”。9B句意:自足球赛能在电视上现场直播以来,到现场看足球赛的人数大幅度下降。drop off下降,减少,符合句意。drop in拜访;drop out退出,退学;drop by顺便访问。由语境可知B项切题。10B句意:由于中国足球队无数次的失败,我对它的热情逐渐消失了。fade在此指“(热情)逐渐变弱/消失”,符合语境。vanish消失,强调莫名其妙地消失;run off流出,偷走;give up放弃。.1.D细节判断题。本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了韩国所制造的一种能够跳舞、会做家务的人形机器人。文章第二、三段提到这种机器人能够自由移动身体部位,行走时能自动停止,而且还能够通过气味表达出特定感情,但并未提到它会跟其他机器人跳舞,故选D项。2D推理判断题。文章第四段中You BumJae提到Mahru会做家务,这将为机器人在商业领域的应用开辟新的道路,故D项正确。3C细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的“move its hands freely enough to deal with any obstacles that may get in its way when walking”看出,它会用手来处理挡道之物,故C项正确。4C细节理解题。根据文章最后一段看出Repliee R应该是日本生产的一台看上去像女孩一样的智能机器人,其肌肤触摸起来几乎跟真人的一样,故选项C正确。5C细节判断题。本文介绍了四位20世纪印度著名的科学家。对C.V.Raman介绍的最后一句“He received the Nobel Prize for his wellknown Raman effect in 1930.”看出是1930年。6A细节判断题。根据对Srinivas Ramanujan介绍的第二句看出,在去世后他的科学成就才得到全面的承认。7C细节理解题。根据对Dr.Hargobind Khorana的介绍“for cracking(破译)the genetic code”看出是genetic code。8D标题归纳题。本文介绍的是20世纪印度杰出的科学家,他们对科学作出过伟大贡献,是科技领域出类拔萃的人物。.1.He listened carefully so that he could follow the teacher.2.I decided to write rather than telephone.3.With so many essays to write,he wont have time to go shopping this morning.4.In case it rains,the picnic will be put off.5.Parents do not permit their children to drink.

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