2019-2020年高中英语 Module6 第3课时 Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module6 第3课时 Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版选修6词拼写1In my _ (观点),Im for the plan.2When you face difficulty,dont lose _ (勇气)3The workers are loading their _ (行李)4Her room is always in a _ (脏乱)5Before _ (解放),people led a hard life.6It is _ (值得做的) to read the book.7My English teacher often _ (鼓励) me to learn English well.8My parents were forever reminding me of the _ (牺牲) they made to give me an education.同义词辨析1用in return,in turn填空(1)The girls called out their names _.(2)I gave him a present _ for his help.(3)I invited him to dinner _ for his kindness.2用worthwhile,worth,worthy填空(1)The book is _ 30 dollars.(2)The place is _ of being visited.(3)It is _ to visit the place.(4)His suggestion is well _ considering.完成句子1政府已经制定了应对失业问题的策略。The government has made up a _dealing with unemployment.2公司在上一财政年度蒙受巨额亏损。The pany _ in the last financial year.3吉姆看到岳母在门口便回避了。Jim _ when he saw his wifes mother at the door.4她引用了报纸上一篇文章的内容。She _ a newspaper article.5他们交战有多长时间了?How long have they _?6使我惊讶的是,他在大街上没认出我来。_,he didnt recognize me in the street.单项填空1Tom _ his aunts last week.Acalled in Bcalled in onCdropped in at Ddropped at2They illuminate Kafkas life as well as his art by presenting the works in the _ in which they were written.Aconsequence BsequenceCresult Dreason3I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies.AI realized BI had realizedChad I realized Ddid I realize4In my _,her criticisms were pletely justified.Asight Bview Cscene Dscenery5Dogs have a very good _ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.Asense BviewCmeans Didea6I appreciated _ the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.Ahaving been givenBhaving givenCto have been givenDto have given7The room is in a terrible _;it cant have been cleaned.Amass BneatnessCmess Dorder8_ that all mountain roads were closed.ASo became the dangerous weatherBSo dangerous did the weather beeCSo dangerous became the weatherDDangerous the weather became so9Its wise of you to _ your fathers advice when you e to any difficulty.Aask Bseek Ctry Dattempt10Judging from her _,Mrs.Smith must be a southerner.Apronunciation BaccentCvoice Dsound.完形填空With a group of colleagues,I travelled to the north of Thailand.I loved the heat,the streets,the busy markets and the smell of Thai food.One day,I set off from my _1_ to find a temple that interested me.When I walked past some buildings,I was _2_ as I glanced between two unfinished buildings.There,an old woman in _3_ clothing lay on the dusty stones.A terrible thought crossed my mind _4_ she might be dead.Feeling quite helpless,I _5_ her.She looked quite beautiful but very ill.As an instant _6_,I reached into my pocket to find some money._7_,I pushed it into her hand.It was enough money for her to _8_ for a few months.At this moment she opened her large,brown eyes filled with tears and _9_ the money Id given her.I felt like the “kind stranger”_10_ a mon language,she looked at me with the _11_ and pity that could burn into a soul.She _12_ pushed back the money.I was leftshocked.Her eyes were _13_ me.It took at least a kilometre of walking to _14_ I was quite the fool.She didnt _15_ money.She needed covers,a bottle of water and possibly some human fort.She was the one to teach me a valuable lesson.That evening,I sat analysing my material version of “_16_”I knew I had to _17_ my Western values.The beautiful woman had given me something that I will _18_ for the rest of my life.When I look back upon the _19_,I hope my face carries the same wise smile that _20_ laughed at me.1A.hotelBofficeChomeDschool2A.interestedBexcitedCdisappointedDshocked3A.traditionalBcleanCexpensiveDbeautiful4A.unlessBthoughCthatDwhen5A.greetedBapproachedCnursedDmoved6A.failureBwarningCreactionDreward7A.CarefullyBStrangelyCHopelesslyDUnhappily8A.saveBsurviveCvalueDwork9A.acceptedBwonCdiscussedDsurveyed10A.WithoutBInCExceptDLike11A.wisdomBfortCluckDcourage12A.naturallyBproudlyCnervouslyDweakly13A.depending onBcaring forClaughing atDquarrelling with14A.explainBrealiseCagreeDremind15A.needBenjoyCmakeDwaste16A.sadnessBlonelinessCkindnessDbusiness17A.offerBshareCfollowDchallenge18A.lookBcarryCstandDforget19A.experienceBtradeCpleasureDadventure20A.stillBhardlyCoftenDoncebe ashamed to admit that.羞于承认I am ashamed to admit that I have no money on me.我不好意思承认我没带钱。I was ashamed to admit that I was too young to have a girlfriend.我羞于承认我太小了没有女朋友。 答案.1.view2.courage3.baggage4.mess5.liberation6worthwhile7.encourages8.sacrifices.1.(1)in turn(2)in return(3)in return解析(1)in return指“为了回报”而做某事。(2)in turn仅表示“反过来;结果;转而”,没有“作为答谢”的含义;依次;逐个地。2(1)worth(2)worthy(3)worthwhile(4)worth解析(1)worthwhile adj.值得做的,有价值的,有用的。It is worthwhile doing/to do.做某事是值得的。可作前置定语,如a worthwhile job值得做的工作。(2)worth n价值,财产;adj.值钱的,值的。sth.is worth money/doing某物值多少钱/某事值得做,不可作前置定语。(3)worthy adj.有价值的,值得的,可敬的。be worthy of sth;be worthy of being done;be worthy to be done都是“值得做某事”的意思。worthy可作前置定语,如a worthy man可敬的人,a worthy cause高尚的事业。.1.strategy for2.suffered great loss3.beat a retreat4quoted from5.been at war6.To my astonishment.1.C句意为:汤姆上周顺路拜访了姑妈家。drop in at a place顺路拜访某地;his aunts是他姑妈家。故C项正确。call in召集。2B句意为:他们通过按照写作的顺序展示卡夫卡的作品来阐明他的生平和他的艺术。A项“结果”,B项“顺序”,C项“结果”,D项“原因”。B项符合题意。3Donly修饰副词then放在并列分句的句首,故该句应部分倒装,且时态应与前句保持一致。4B句意为:依我的观点,她的批评十分有道理。A项“视野”;B项“观点”;C项“场面”;D项“风景,景色”。由题意可知B项正确。5A句意为:狗有很好的嗅觉,常常用于搜寻地震中的幸存者。sense感官,感觉;view观点,看法;means方法;idea主意,想法。6A此题考查ing形式作宾语。句意是:我很感激两年前能有机会去国外学习。此句要用ing形式作appreciated的宾语,由于give与主语I是动宾关系,故A项最佳。7C句意为:房间里一团糟,它不可能被打扫过。in a mess一团糟;mass块;neatness整洁,干净;order次序,命令。8B句意为:天气变得如此危险以至于所有的山路都关闭了。soadj./adv.that结构中,soadj./adv.位于句首,so引导的句子部分倒装。9Bseek ones advice意为“征求某人的建议”。A应为ask for ones advice,C、D构不成有意义的词组。10Baccent口音。句意为:从她的口音判断,史密斯夫人一定是南方人。pronunciation发音;voice噪音;sound声音。.1.A考查上下文暗示。本文首句的后半句提到作者是在泰国旅游,由此可知作者应该是居住在泰国的“旅馆”中。B、C、D三项不符合语境。2D考查逻辑推理。下文提到这位女士躺在脏兮兮的石头上,看起来好像已经去世,由此可知作者对眼前的景象感到非常震惊。此处shocked意为“震惊的”。A、B、C三项都与下文内容不太相符。3A考查逻辑推理。结合本句后半部分中的内容以及下一句的内容可知此处是为了突出这位女士的悲惨处境,所以四个选项中只有A项最符合语境,即她穿着“传统的”衣服。4C考查语法结构。“she might be dead”是thought的同位语从句,对thought的具体内容进行解释说明,此处需要用that。5B考查上下文暗示。上文提到的是作者从远处观察女士,再结合下一句中的内容可知此处是指作者“靠近”女士。A项表示“打招呼”;C项表示“照顾”;D项表示“移动”,均不符合题意。6C考查逻辑推理。作者看到眼前的凄惨景象后产生了怜悯之心,立刻作出“反应”,即将手伸进口袋拿出一些钱来给对方。故选C。7A考查逻辑推理。作者与这位女士素昧平生,而对方又躺在脏乱的石头上,似乎已经死去,由此可推断作者小心翼翼地把钱塞进她的手中。B、C、D三项均不符合所给语境。8B考查逻辑推理。作者看到这位女士已经奄奄一息,所以才慷慨解囊,认为这笔钱能够让她“挺过”几个月。所以survive“幸存,挺过”符合题意。9D考查上下文暗示。根据下文的内容可知女士并没有接受作者的施舍,由此可知她只是“审视”着这笔钱。10A考查上下文暗示。文章开头部分提到作者是在泰国旅游,由此可推断作者和她无法进行语言沟通。B、C、D三项都不符合语境。11A考查上下文照应。此处与最后一段最后一句中的“wise”相呼应,即这位女士的眼光中透露出睿智和遗憾。B、C、D三项在文章中都没有信息支持,故可被排除。12D考查逻辑推理。第二段提到女士躺在脏乱的石头上,似乎已经死了;第三段第二句提到她病得非常厉害,由此可知她非常“虚弱地”拒绝了作者的资助。故选D。13C考查上下文照应。此处与最后一段最后一句中的“laughed at me ”相呼应。A依赖;B照顾;D和争吵,都不符合语境。14B考查逻辑推理。作者出于好心想帮助对方,未曾想她竟然不肯接受,作者百思不得其解。走了至少一公里后作者才“意识到”自己的愚蠢。故选B。15A考查上下文照应。此处与下一句前半部分中的“needed”相呼应。所以A项符合题意。16C考查上下文暗示。作者本来想通过钱来表达自己的同情,没想到对方竟然拒绝,所以作者认真分析这种物质上的“善意”是否可取。此处,第四段最后引号部分中的“kind stranger”也是提示。17D考查逻辑推理。文章开头部分提到作者到泰国旅游,再结合本句中的“Western”一词可知作者是西方人,由此可推断作者当时是用西方人的价值观去帮助那位女士,遭到拒绝后才开始觉得这种价值受到了挑战。A、B、C三项分别表示“提供”、“分享”、“遵循”,都不符合语境。18B考查逻辑推理。 这位漂亮女士给作者上了生动的一课;金钱不是万能的。这个教训将陪伴作者的余生,让作者终生难忘。本句中的“for the rest of my life”是时间状语,表示“余生”。所以carry“携带”符合语境。19A考查语篇理解。当作者回忆起那次“经历”时,希望自己的脸上也能浮现出那种睿智的微笑。20D考查逻辑推理。那位女士的眼神中透露出嘲笑是以前“曾经”发生的事情。A、B、C三项都与上文内容不符。

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