2019年高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection过关检测卷 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection过关检测卷 新人教版必修2第一部分词汇短语与句型一、根据首字母或中文意思完成下列句子(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)1Well go _ (打猎) tomorrow.答案:hunting2I would really _(感激) it if you could turn the music down.答案:appreciate3The rise in the price of bread will_(影响) all the people in that small town.答案:affect4The teacher walked around i_ their work.答案:inspecting5Information must be stored so that it is s_ from accidental deletion.答案:secure6The premier showed great concern over e_ animals.答案:endangered7They showed m_to their enemies.答案:mercy8Tell you a good news! That pany has accepted my a_.答案:application9At the Gulf War in xx,the air force of the US.A bombed Iraq_(猛烈地)答案:fiercely10The wildlife in China is under p_.答案:protection二、根据句子的语境选择适当的短语填入空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化)(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)1We live _with our neighbors.答案:in peace2Is the elephant really in danger of _? 答案:dying out3The Red Army _ on August 1,1927.答案:came into being4When I told the joke everyone_.答案:burst into laughter5The house is now _falling down.答案:in danger of6He said and then smiled_.答案:in relief7Theyre bound to catch him_.答案:at the moment8Plants must be_ the cold.答案:protected from9Ill see Miss Li _ tomorrow morning.答案:before long10The Prince would work his will on the people _.答案:without mercy三、根据提示翻译句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。I enjoy working with him,_.答案:even though I dont agree with him on some points2你知道恐龙为什么在大约65万年前突然灭绝了?Do you know_about 65 million years ago?答案:why dinosaurs died out suddenly3你还知道哪些其他濒临灭绝的物种吗?What other_do you know?答案:endangered species4从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。I will _ wildlife protection_.答案:pay more attention to;from now on5人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。It _one day there will be enough animals living in the wild again.答案:is hoped that第二部分语言知识与运用第一节完型填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A,B,C和D项中,选出最佳选项。There once lived a young man who was always unhappy and plained about his poverty.One day,he went to see a fortune teller to inquire how to bee.The fortune teller said,“Young man,you are already wealthy now.”“Where is my wealth? ” the young man asked . “It is with you.Your is (are) your wealth.You use them to see all the things in this world.You can read,study and learn.Your hands are your wealth.You can use them to work.You can use them to hug your beloved ones.Your are your wealth.You can go to any places.” the fortune teller said.“You call these wealth? Everyone has them,” the young man said.“These are wealth.What you have now are not what others can luckily have.Are you to give your eyes to me?I am willing to give you a lot of money to for them,” the fortune teller said.“No,are you crazy?I am not going to exchange my eyes for money! They are to me!” the young man .“Precisely,these are wealth to you.You will not exchange them for money.Furthermore,although a lot of people have their wealthy things,they do not them or treasure them.They are not to Heaven for giving them their wealth.They even plain that Heaven is unfair to them.Do you want to one of them before you will treasure them? ” the fortune teller said.Everyone is wealthy.But we should not it for granted.We need to treasure our wealth,take care of it and use it .We should not overuse it because once it is ,it is gone forever.Remember it is our wealth that we do not want to lose.1A.happy Byoung Cwealthy Dpoor解析:根据第一段可知,他不安于贫困,去找算命先生自然是询问如何致富。答案:C2A.anxiously Bsadly Cquietly Dpatiently解析:四个选项中只有A项anxiously可以表现出他迫不及待的心情。答案:A3A.knowledge Bskills Cbrain Deyes解析:根据下文“You use them to see all thethings in this world”可知应为eyes。答案:D4A.ugly Bbeautiful Cstrange Duseful解析:虽然四个选项所表示的都是眼睛可以看到的,但beautiful合乎算命先生说话的意思。答案:B5A.legs Bcars Cjewels Dbanknotes解析:根据后面的“You can go to any places.”可知应为legs。答案:A6A.lovely Boptimistic Cangry Dwilling解析:根据后面的“I am willing to give you.”及willing的用法可知选D项。答案:D7A.charge Bbuy Cexchange Dchange解析:charge和change意思不符;buy后不跟for,所以用exchange。答案:C8A.precious Buseless Cextra Dspecial解析:根据前面的一句“I am not going to exchange my eyes for money!”可知年轻人不愿意交换,可以推断眼睛对他来说是重要的、宝贵的。答案:A9A.wept Bdemonstrated Csmiled Dyelled解析:从年轻人说话的语气推断他应该很生气,所以冲着算命先生大声嚷道。yelled符合文中的情形。答案:D10A.see Brealize Ckeep Dhold解析:realize为“意识到”,其他三个选项不妥。答案:B11A.grateful Bcareful Cmeaningful Dfaithful解析:对上苍赐给我们的财富我们应该心怀感激,grateful符合文意。答案:A12A.get Bgrasp Chave Dlose解析:根据上文可知应该选lose。答案:D13A.take Bmake Cset Dsell解析:take.for granted是固定搭配。答案:A14A.wrongly Bwisely Cnaturally Dreally解析:根据上文“We need to treasure our wealth,take care of it.”推断应该选B项。答案:B15A.old Bused Cgone Ddead解析:联系下一句“.it is gone forever”可知应该选gone。gone是形容词,表示动作的完成,不表示被动。答案:C第二节语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Here in China,as the awareness of climate change improves,realizing a lowcarbon way of life,also known as reducing your carbon footprint,is a growing trend among young Chinese.Zheng Xiyu works at 16. office in Beijings Central Business District.Every day,17. takes her roughly 40 minutes to go to work by bus.But she is thinking of 18. (switch) to a different way of transporta bicycle.When buying clothes,she will choose those purely made of cotton,19.it takes less carbon to produce cotton clothes.Shes also adapting to a vegetable diet as livestock(家畜) can make many contributions 20. todays most serious environmental problems.A recent survey shows 21.78% of all the 17,000 people questioned have developed environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives.They are doing things,such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at a temperature above 26oC in summer.On many popular 22. (society) networking websites,people are advocating a lowcarbon lifestyle.Their tips include using the stairs and public transport more frequently 23. elevators and cars.They hope this lifestyle 24. (bee) more than just a trend within certain groups.As the most populous nation on the planet with the worlds fastest growing economy,China has bee the second biggest emitter(排放者) of greenhouse gases.The recent extreme weather in the southern regions reflects a serious environmental challenge.Experts say there is no time 25. (delay) with the effort to reduce carbon emissions.答案:16解析:元音字母开头的名词前需要冠词。答案:an17解析:固定句型“it takes sb. some time to do sth.”。答案:it18解析:介词后用ving或名词。此处用ving。答案:switching19解析:表因果关系。答案:because/as20解析:固定搭配 make contributions to。答案:to21解析:宾语从句连接词。答案:that22解析:形容词修饰后面的名词。答案:social23解析:more.than搭配。答案:than24解析:希望将来发生的事情。答案:will bee25解析:固定搭配there is no time to do sth.。答案:to delay第三部分阅读与表达第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B,C,D项中选出最佳答案。Kids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV,start their chores(杂事),or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions.Before you know it,youve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments,clean their room,or take out the trash.Rather than saying “Do your chores now.” youll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be pleted.So instead of arguing about starting chores,just say,“If chores arent done by 4 pm,here are the consequences.” Then its up to your child to plete the chores.Put the ball back in their court.Dont argue or fight with them,just say,“Thats the way its going to be.” It shouldnt be punitive(惩罚性的)as much as it should be persuasive.“If your chores arent done by 4 pm,then no video game time until chores are done.And if finishing those chores runs into homework time,thats going to be your loss.” On the other hand,when dealing with homework,keep it very simple.Have a time when homework starts,and at that time,all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done.If your kids say they have no homework,then they should use that time to study or read.Either way,there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when youre trying to talk to him,make no bones about it;he is not ignoring you,he is disrespecting you.At that point,everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears.Dont try to municate with him when hes wearing headphones even if he tells you he can hear you.Wearing them while youre talking to him is a sign of disrespect.Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing.Remember,mutual respect bees more important as children mature.26According to the passage,it seldom happens that _.Akids turn a deaf ear to their parents requestsBparents directions sound like a broken recordCchildren are ready to follow their parents directionsDparents are unaware of what they are repeating to their kids解析:细节理解题。注意题干中seldom表否定。从文章开头两句可知孩子们通常不理会父母的要求。答案:C27Parents will be able to deal with their children more effectively if they_.Aavoid direct ways of punishmentBmake them do things at their requestCargue and fight with their childrenDallow their children to behave in their own way解析:细节理解题。从第一段中间部分可知,作者认为“不与孩子发生正面冲突会取得更好的教育效果”。答案:A28When the kid is doing his homework,parents_.Ashould provide him with a good learning environmentBcan do whatever they likeCcan stay aside watching TVDmust switch off the power解析:细节理解题。从第一段可知“在孩子做作业时,家长要关掉所有的电器给孩子创造一个良好的学习环境”。D项“关掉电源”与文章不符。答案:A29It can be inferred from the passage that_.Aparents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their childBit will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parentsCparents should not give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respectDkids purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and control解析:推理判断题。从第二段前两句可判断选项C正确。答案:C30The main idea of the passage is_.Athat respecting each other is more important than anything elseBhow kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parentsCthat children should make choices and decisions on their ownDhow parents can deal with their kids behavior effectively解析:主旨大意题。本文旨在帮助父母有效应对孩子不听话的问题。答案:DIf you dont want people to know too much about you,then you had better keep your fridge contents secret,according to a British market research document released last week.Researchers peered (凝视) into the fridges of 400 people in Britain and pared the contents with the owners lifestyles.They claim to be able to classify the nations people by fridge contents.They say those people can be separated into five categories:nutrition nerds (no social sense),food faddiest (whatevers in style),martyr mum,fast food fanatics and restaurant regulars.Nutrition nerds care much about what they put into their bodies.Their fridges are stocked with fruit,vegetables and healthy meat.People in this category tend to be highly organized and usually work in law or accountancy.The vast majority is single,but if they have a partner,that person will be similar.A fridge full of vitamins enriched juices implies its owner works in media or fashion.They tend not to eat the foods they buy.Known as the food faddiest,they just want to be seen as purchasing the latest important things.A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the martyr mum.Her fridge tends to be stocked with every kind of product,except what she herself would want.This fridge hints at difficulty balancing family and work life.Fast food fanatics always buy mineral water or soda pop.The nearest they will get to fresh fruit is tomato sauce.Their fridges hint at someone who works hard and plays hard,also,someone who is not into long term planning.Finally,a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water implies an owner who is single,lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life.The fridge is empty because this person regularly eats in restaurants.语篇解读:本文叙述了冰箱里放的食物会展示出主人的性格和生活方式。研究人员调查表明根据冰箱里的食物能展示出五类人:营养型、食物时尚型、全职妈妈型、快餐型和餐馆型。31What can we know from the first two paragraphs?ASome researchers are fond of staring at other peoples fridges.BPeople dont want others to know about their secrets.CThe food you put in the fridge has something to do with your personality.DThere are mainly five kinds of lifestyles among British people.解析:推理判断题。根据 “They claim to be able to classify the nations people by fridge contents”可知研究人员能够根据冰箱里放的食物来判断主人的性格和生活方式。故选C。答案:C32. According to the passage,people who belong to food faddiest_.Adont care much about money when buying things Bwill try their best to stay healthyCoften stay up late to finish their job Dprefer to ask others about what to do next解析:推理判断题。根据“Known as the food faddiest, they just want to be seen as purchasing the latest important things”可知食物时尚家们只是让人看到他们买最新的重要的食物,但是他们不吃,因此可推断他们买东西不在乎钱。故选A。答案:A33Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A“Nutrition nerds” are always organized and successful in their jobs.B“Food faddists” like to stock their fridges with all kinds of vitamins.C“Martyr mums” care themselves more than others.D“Fast food fanatics” usually do not stock their fridges with fresh fruit.解析:推理判断题。根据“Fast food fanatics always buy mineral water or soda pop. The nearest they will get to fresh fruit is tomato sauce”可知热爱快餐的人冰箱里存放的是矿泉水或苏打水,他们一般吃番茄酱而不是新鲜的水果,因此推断他们经常在冰箱里不储存水果。故选D。答案:D34What will those who often dine out put in the fridge?AAll kinds of food they like. BOnly something to drink.CFruit,vegetables and meat. DFood rich in vitamins.解析:细节理解题。根据“Finally, a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water implies an owner who is single, lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life. The fridge is empty because this person regularly eats in restaurants”可知经常出去吃饭的人冰箱里只存放一些白酒和矿泉水这些喝的东西。故选B。答案:B35. What is this passage mainly about?AWhat people store in their fridges. BFridge contents and its owners secret.CWhat we should store in our fridges. DHow to keep our fridge contents secret.解析:主旨大意题。根据“If you dont want people to know too much about you, then you had better keep your fridge contents secret”和全文的内容可知冰箱里放的食物会展示出主人的性格和生活方式等秘密。故选B。答案:BCharles Dickens (18121870),the great nineteenth century English novelist,was born near Portsmouth.His father ran heavily into debt and when he was twelve,he had to go and work in a factory for making boot polish.The only formal education he received was a twoyear schooling at a school for poor children.In fact,he had to teach himself all he knew.He worked for a time as junior clerk in a lawyers office.After that,he worked as a reporter in the law courts,and later in parliament,for London newspapers.His career as a writer of fiction began in 1833 with short stories and essays in periodicals,and in 1837 his ic novel The Pickwick Papers made him the most popular author at his time in England.He was a great observer of people and their places because he was attracted by life and conditions in midnineteenth century London.He wrote 19 novels all his life and in many of them,Dickens gave a realistic picture of all classes of England society,showing deep sympathy for the poor and unfortunate,exposing the injustice and inhumanity of the bourgeoisie.Many of his novels like Oliver Twist,David Copperfield,Nicholas Nickleby,Great Expectations,A Tale of Two Cities and so on drew attention to the unsatisfactory social conditions that existed in England over a hundred years ago.Dickens criticized capitalist society from the point of view of bourgeois humanism.He wished to see improvement in the living conditions of the poor,but failed to find any effective means to achieve that end.36Dickens only received a little formal education because_.Ahe wanted to teach himselfBhe wanted to work and made a lot of money Che was too poor to afford any more formal educationDhe wanted some working experiences to be a novelist解析:推理判断题。由文章第一段的第二句得知。答案:C37According to Dickens,the society at his time in England was_.Ajustice Bpoor Cfortable Dunsatisfying解析:推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段的最后一句“the unsatisfactory social conditions that existed in England over a hundred years ago”得知。答案:D38Which of the following novel made Dickens the most popular writer at his time in England?AOliver Twist BThe Pickwick PapersCA Tale of Two Cities DGreat Expectations解析:事实细节题。由第一段的最后一句可知。答案:B39According to the passage,which of the following about Dickens is TRUE?AHe didnt go to school at all.BHe only wrote about poor people and showed deep sympathy for them.CHe began to write fictions when he was 21 years old.DHe found some effective ways to improve the living conditions of the poor.解析:事实细节题。由第一段的第一句和最后一句可知。答案:C40It can be inferred from the passage that_.ADickens had a miserable childhood BDickens tried many different jobs before he became a professional writerCDickens wrote many novels but only some of them are popularDDickens criticized capitalist society and helped to improve the living conditions of the poor解析:推理判断题。由文章第一段可知。答案:AAs the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxation.Once you are in the habit of rushing through life,being on the go from morning till night,it is hard to slow down.But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.In fact,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual.Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities,others lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties.When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically.In fact we make choice between “flight or fight” and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death.The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response.It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health bees endangered.Since we cant remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do_so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.41People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because _.Athey regard working as their greatest enjoymentBthey believe that work is superior to relaxationCthey are traveling fast all the timeDthey are being busier with their work than ever before解析:推断题。由第一段可推知,无法放松自己主要是比以前任何时候都要忙碌。答案:D42According to the author,the most important character for a good

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