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2019-2020年高二学业水平模拟考试英语试题注意事项: xx年4月1. 本试题共分I卷和II卷两部分。第I卷75分;第卷45分;共120分;时间120分钟。2.请将I卷中每小题最佳答案代号或答案填入II卷题前的表格中,18页不须上交。第I卷(选择题75分)一、听力部分(共20分,每小题1分)(一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。1. A. In xx. B. Five years ago. C. For five years. 2. A. go to school. B. On business. C. To study English. 3. A. In the city. B. In the morning. C. in holiday4. A. Three kilos. B. Five pieces C. Fifty yuan 5. A. Dumplings B. Playing football. C. Dancing.(二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题答案的图画,每段对话和问题读两遍。6. What kind of sports does Amy like?A. B. C. A. B. C.7.How do the students in big cities go to school ?8. Whats the weather like today A. B. C.9. Which place will the speaker take her son to this weekend ?10. What time is it now ?(三)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的正确的答案。对话和问题读两遍。听第一段对话,完成第11、12小题11.What are they talking about ?A. Something about London. B. Something about a picnic. C. Something about a car. 12.When was the car bought ?A. Half a week ago. B. A week ago . C. Two weeks ago.听第二段对话,完成第13、14、15小题13.Who was ill last weekend?A. Mr. Brown B. Mrs. Brown C. Jackson.14.How soon will Mr.Brown be back? A. In ten days . B. In two days. C. In five days.15.What are the two speakers going to do? A. Talk about Jackson B. Go to see Mr. Brown C. Go to help Mrs. Brown (四)听录音,根据短文内容完成表格,短文读两遍.二、 单项选择(15分)21.-Which jacket shall we take, Bob?-_ one you like, Its all the same to me.A. Any B. Other C. Another D. Others 22.- It seems to rain. Youd better take _ umbrella with you .-Thank you. I will. A. a B. an C. the D. /23.As we know, Henan has _ population in China.A. the largest B. the bigger C. the larger D. the most24. -Have you heard of the terrible fire which happened in Shanghai?- Yes, It _ many times on TV. A. reported B. was reported C. has been reported D. will be reported 25.-May I put my bike here?- No, you _. Look at the sign: NO PARKING.A. neednt B. may not C. mustnt D. wont 26.Though Guo Mingyi is poor, he often _ money to people who need help.A. gives up B. gives off C. gives away D. gives back27. -Your telephone number again? I didnt quite _ it. - 5872398.A. notice B. catch C. know D. write 28.-I think English is _ maths. - Yes, I think so. A. much important than B. so important as C. as important as D. as more important as 29.-Do you mind if I close the door?- _. Its very cold outside. A. You cant do B. Mind your own business C. Not in the slightest D. Be more careful30.-Sorry, I dont know what the teacher said just now. - He asked Maria_.A. how long she usually spends on her homeworkB. what she was doing these days C. if she has finished her homework on time D. When the speech will begin.31.- I dont like football _ basketball. What about you?- Im not sure, _ I like volleyball. A. and; but B. nor; and C. or; and D. or; but 32.-Is there _ on todays news paper?- It is reported that millions of people cant go back home in the south because of the frozen weather.A. something special B. special something C. special anything D. anything special33.-Shall I introduce you to Jim?-_. Weve met. A. As soon as possible B. Theres no need C. Not at all D. Its my pleasure34.Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Dont _ your dictionary all the time.A. keep on B. depend on C. decide on D. try on 35. The teacher speaks very loudly _ all the students can hear her. A. so that B. because C. since D. when三、完形填空(10分) Long ago there was a boy who was hungry for success. For him winning was 36 .One day the boy was to run in a race in his village. Many people got together to 37 . Among the crowd was a wise old man. The race began. All the runners ran very fast, but the boy 38 at the last minute. The crowd cheered and waved at the boy. The wise man said nothing. The little boy felt 39 and important.“Another race, another race!” cried the little boy. The wise old man came over and presented ( 交给 ) the little boy with two new runners, an old woman and a blind man. “This is no race!” the little boy shouted. “Race!” ordered the wise man. The boy won again. The crowd, 40 , was silent this time.“ 41 dont the people cheer for my success?” he asked the wise old man.“Race again!” replied the wise man, “But this time, finish 42 .” The little boy thought a little, and then took the hands of the blind man and the old woman. The race began and the little boy walked 43 to the finishing line. The crowed 44 . The wise man smiled.“Who is the crowd cheering for?” asked the little boy. The wise old man, putting his hands on the boys shoulders, replied softly, “Little boy, for this race you have won 45 than in any race you have ever run before, and for this race the crowd cheer not for any winner!”36. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything37. A. joinB. runC. watchD. hear38. A. failed B. beatC. wonD. lost39. A. angryB. sad C. proudD. surprised40. A. thereforeB. howeverC. rather D. although41. A. What B. HowC. WhenD. Why42. A. well B. togetherC. away D. off43. A. easilyB. quicklyC. slowlyD. hardly44. A. shouted B. cheeredC. talkedD. cared45. A. even lessB. much C. much more D. little四、 阅读理解(30分) A How do you feel when you stay in hospital alone? Jenny, 13, a US student, feels bored. She knows the feeling because she has been in hospital many times herself. One day, she thought of an idea -If patients could get some books to read, they would feel better. So, from May, she and many of her friends began to collect books for hospital patients.In six months the students collected 1,250 books at school. They decided to donate the books to the North Shore Medical Centre, a childrens hospital next door to their school. “There are books for kids of all ages, from babies up to high school level.” Said Jenny.The students put the books into “early readers”, “middle readers” and “advanced readers”.Then they wrote their best wishes to patients on bookmarks(书签 ) and letters, put the books in big boxes and donated them to the hospital.“We wrote things like,Keep on reading! and Hope you feel better!” said John, 14, Jennys brother. “And we also wrote some funny things to make them laugh.”Frank, 12, and Steven, 14, helped carry 16 large boxes of books into a car. “ I think these books will make a lot of patients feel happy.” Said Frank. Steven shared his opinion. “It is really the most meaningful thing that I have ever done in my life.”46. From the article, we can learn that _.A. in half a year Jenny and her friends bought 1,250 booksB. the North Shore Medical Centre is far from Jennys school.C. Jenny and her friends were willing to help bored patientsD. Steven had a different opinion from Frank and John.47.The best title for the article might be “_”.A. Collecting books for bored patients B. Writing a letter to a medical centreC. Donating books to poor students. D. Reading books for hospital patients48.Which of the following words can be used to describe those students?A. Polite and hard-working B. Lazy and stubborn C. Selfish and proud D. Thoughtful and helpfulBCharles Chaplin was born in London on April 16.1889. His patents were music hall actors. The Chaplin family were very poor, and life was difficult in London. Charlie, as he was called , used to do his mothers job in the theatre when she was ill.When he was only 17 years old, Chaplin got his first real job as an actor. What he did was to do silly things to make people laugh in the theatre. Seven years later he went to the USA. And over the next four years, he formed his own way of art. He developed the character( 角色 ) of a homeless gentleman which became very popular.From the 1920s to the 1950s, Chaplin made his most famous films. The film Modern Times(1936) shows his care about the modern industry workers. Many of his films describe the poor life and hard time of the working people during that period.Although Charlie Chaplin was British, he lived in the USA until 1953. But he never got US nationality. Then Chaplin, his wife and his five children had to move to Switzerland where he lived until he died. When he was 83 years old, he won his only Oscar for the music he wrote for the film Limelight. He was named Sir Charles Chaplin at the age of 85. Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland on December 25th, 1975.49.Chaplin used to _ when his mother was ill. A. look after her B. do the housework C. do his mothers job D. do his fathers job50.From Paragraph2, we can know that_.A. Chaplin went to the USA when he was 24 years old.B. Chaplin became famous when he was 17 years old.C. people liked Chaplin because he was a homeless gentlemanD. Chaplin did many silly things to make people laugh in the street51.We can infer from the passage that Chaplin left the USA because of _.A. his family B. his work C. the US government D. the Swiss government52.Chaplin won the Oscar for_ _when he was 83 years old.A. the acting B. the art C. the film D. the music CWhen the earthquake hit Japan on March 11, workers in a supermarket in Japan didnt run away when they felt the shaking. Instead, they held on to the shelves and tried to stop the goods (货物)from falling down.Reporters from NHK, the countrys largest TV station, stayed calm in front of cameras during the earthquake, even though some were facing real danger. The earthquake was the most powerful one to hit Japan in the countrys history. But Japans reaction( 反应 ) to the accident has shown that it is the most earthquake-prepared country in the world. The calm the Japanese showed during and after the quake has impressed the world. This is because Japan has “an earthquake culture”. Japanese people are taught how to prepare for and react to earthquakes from a young age. Schools in Japan organize earthquake practices every month. They make students bee familiar with being in an earthquake.Japan also has a good earthquake warning system(警报系统 ). Warning were broadcast on television, radio and mobile phones nine seconds after experts( 专家 ) first knew about the quake on March 11.The warning system is unable to predict earthquakes. But it can usually alert people about 15 seconds before they feel the effects. Even 15 or 20 seconds can be enough time to save peoples lives. 53.How did Japanese people react when the big earthquake hit Japan on March 11?A. The felt angry B. They were scared C. They stayed calm D. They were frustrated. 54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Japans reaction to the earthquake impressed the world.B. Japanese schools organize earthquake practice every day. C. Japan has a warning system that can predict earthquakesD. Japanese people learn about earthquake safety only from universities.55.What does the underlined word “alert” mean in Chinese?A. 改善 B. 提高C.提醒 D.改变56. What does the story mainly tell us about?A. Japans earthquake culture. B. The bad results caused by the earthquakeC. Japanese people were scared after the earthquake.D. Japanese people were homeless after the earthquake. D Do animals have a culture? What do we mean by “culture?” Lately social scientists have begun to ask if culture is found just in humans, or if some animals have culture too. When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life a group of people have in mon. Culture includes the beliefs and attitudes we learn. It is the patterns( 样式 ) of behavior that help people to live together. It is also the patterns of behavior that make one group of people different from another group.Our culture lets us make up for having lost our strength, claws, long teeth, and other defenses. Instead we use tools, cooperate with one another, and municate ( 交流 ) with language. But these aspects of human behavior, or “culture,” can also be found in the lives of certain animals. Animals can make tools, for example. We used to think that the ability to use tools was the dividing line between human beings and other animals. Lately, however, we have found that this is not the case. Chimpanzees( 黑猩猩 ) can not only use tools but actually make tools themselves. Animals can also share knowledge with each other and use their own language to know that the line dividing(区分 ) us from animals is not as clear as we used to think.57.When we talk about “culture”, we mean_.A. book language of behavior we learn B. the patterns of behavior we learnC. traditional ideas D. peoples habits58.We thought _ was the biggest difference between human beings and other animals.A. cooperating with one another B. municating with language C. using tools D. losing long teeth59.Its _ that animals have a culture too. A. sure B. unbelievable C. possible D. important 60. The main idea of the passage is _.A. chimpanzees can learn to use sign language to make sentencesB. other animals can invent tools.C. knowledge and munication are no longer signsD. the line dividing human culture from animal culture is not as clear as we might think第II卷(非选择题45分)五. 词汇综合运用:(12分)阅读短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。请将答案填写在文后相应的横线上。 It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I went to her room in a hurry and stood at the door. She was an old woman, 1 (sit) by the bed, trying to put socks on her 2 (foot). She asked if I 3 (can)help put on her socks. Instead, I said something like this, “How are you _4_(feel)? Your blood pressure was high, but its _5_(good) today” She _6_(stop)me, “Sit down, Doctor. This is my story, not your story.” I was 7 (surprise) and then I sat down. She began to tell me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she 8 (not see) him for five years. She believed that this was the main reason for her health problems. After 9 (hear) her story, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She said no and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to 10 (listen). Each story is different. Some are true, others not. Yet that does not 11 (real) matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard. From the old lady I learned that listening to 12 (someone) story does not cost a lot of money, but it is much better than expensive medicine.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._11._12._.六、 阅读表达(10分) American schools are quite different from those in China. In America, at the beginning of the term, students must select their courses and teachers first. While in China students usually have no chances to select their courses and teachers. Selecting is very important for your grades in America. So at the first term, dont select too many courses, ,4. Or youll feel very nervous and it may influence your study. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is some information about subjects, time arranging, marks and textbooks. At the some time, you must choose the teachers. Different teachers have different teaching methods. If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give up choosing him. Because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades.There is another thing after you select the course and the teacher. How to buy textbooks makes each student feel hard. The textbooks in America are very expensive. Each copy is about $30-50. In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library. You must get enough ready before class. In class, discussing is very important. 5老师鼓励你提出问题或展示你自己的观点。They dont usually ask you to sit well. Instead they allow you to sit or stand everywhere you like. They dont give you much homework to do . You can learn some knowledge and do exercises by yourself. So in American schools, you must do almost all things yourself.根据文章内容, 补全1, 2句中所缺单词、短语或句子。1.At the beginning of the new term, American students have to ask for some teaching plans and get their textbooks ready besides_.2.The teacher _ will always leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades.3.根据文章内容回答问题Why do many students in America buy used textbooks?_4.请将文中黑体字译成汉语_5.请将划线句子译成英语_七、汉译英 (用括号内所给的短语,将下列句子译成英语)(8分)。1.这箱子太重,这个小男孩搬不动。(tooto)_2.学生们放风筝玩得很开心。(have fun doing )_3.直到母亲回来他才睡觉。(not until.) _4.众所周知, 废水对环境有害。(do harm to )_八、 书面表达(15分)地球是我们的家园,我们作为地球的主人, 就应该好好保护地球。 现在正在倡导“低碳”生活, 只要我们不污染环境,不浪费能源,就能够让我们周围变得更洁净, 生活变得更美好。 作为中学生, 我们应该怎样做呢?谈谈你的想法。要求:短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;80词左右。提示词: lowcarbon lifestyle 低碳生活方式 How to make our earth turn better

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