2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第23课时(storm-television).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第23课时(storm-television)I. 单词拼写1. -Where is the station? -Sorry. I am a s_ here myself.2.Before choosing a career you should know your personal s _ and weakness.3. The TV sex education program is aimed at t_ not adults. 4. Modern t _ makes it possible for people to live longer than before.5. Dead leaves floated on the s _ of the water.6. My possessions were a s_ (衣箱)clothes and books.7. A brief s _ (概要) is given on a separate sheet.8. Tom is a regular customer in the s _ (超市)9. If you drink some water, it will make the pills easier to s _(吞咽). 10.These sausages are really t _(可口的). Where did you buy them?II. 介词填空.1.All _a sudden, the lights went out. 2. Your puter is far superior _mine.3. No one knows _sure what really happened.4. I have absolutely no sympathy _ students who get caught cheating in exams.5. Were you successful _ persuading him to change his mind?6. Millions of people are struggling _survival.7. Janets been _a lot of stress since her mothers illness.8. Tom looked up _surprise as Dale walked in .9. The palace is surrounded _a high wall. 10.Why dont you e over _supper on Friday?III. 单项选择1. -What would you like? -Steak or chicken would _. A. suit me fineB. be fitC. be suitableD. be good2. The _ of this experiment were all men aged 1835, and they were asked to write down how they felt during the test.A. studentsB. subjectsC. surgeonsD. strengthen3. Suddenly an idea _ me and I found it would be a perfect solution to our problem.A. submittedB. struckC. suckedD. subscribed4. They suggest _ to a lawyer before I do anything. A. me talkB. me to talkC. my talkingD. I will talk5. -You said youd have finished by today. -I said _!A. not a such thingB. such a not thing C. such no thing D. no such thing6. The health expert _the importance of a balanced diet.A. stressedB. strengthenedC. struggledD. supported7. The meeting _take place on Tuesday, but we have had to delay it.A. was subject to B. was supported toC. was sure to D. was suited to 8. Peter was suspected _government secrets to the enemy. A. to give offB. of giving offC. to give away D. of giving away9. As we all know, the dove is a _of peace. A. symbolB. system C. signD. symptom10.Roger _painting for a while, but soon lost interest.A. took on B. took in C. took upD. took overIV.选词填空Sweep, wear, success, straight, target, swing, suspend, tease, task, strengthen1. The experiment was a big _: the professor got what he wanted.2. The road was dead_ and it had no bends at all.3. Our friendship has steadily _ over the years. 4. I didnt mean to make you mad: I was only _. 5. Ann had the _of preparing the agenda for meetings.6. I set myself a _of learning 20 words a week. I hope I can achieve the goal.7. Let your arms _ as you walk .8. Put some ice on you injured knee before it _up.9. The long fluorescent tubes were _ from the ceiling.10.Dad _not to smoke again, but mum didnt believe his promise.V.中译英1. 在学习方面我爸爸对我要求很严格。 strict2. 他们成功找到了治疗头痛的方法。succeed3. 爸爸的背不好。suffer4. 这场演出不适合儿童观看。suitable5. 她在转行进入新闻业之前是一名图书管理员。switch6. Ben向警察提供的那些涉案人员的姓名。supply7. 我们强烈支持你的计划。support8. 这孩子在音乐方面有天赋。talent9. 她把信撕成碎片, 扔进垃圾箱里。tear 10. 他们谈话的声音很低, 我听不到他们在说什么。Talk第23课时答案I. 单词拼写1 .stranger 2 . strengths 3 . teenagers 4 . technology 5 . surface 6 . suitcase 7 . summary 8 .supermarket9 . swallow 10 . tasty II. 介词填空1 . of 2 . to 3 . for 4 . for 5 . in 6 . for 7 . under 8 . in 9 . by 10 .for III. 单项选择1 - 5 . ABBCD 6 - 10 . ABDACIV. 选词填空1 . success 2 . straight 3 . strengthened 4 . teasing 5 . task 6 . task 7 . target 8 . swing 9 . suspended 10 . sworeV. 句子翻译1. Dad is very strict with me in my studies.2. They succeeded in finding a cure for headache.3. Dad suffers from a bad back.4. The show is not suitable for your children.5. She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.6. Ben supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime.7. We strongly support your plan.8. The child has a talent for music.9. She tore the letter into pieces and threw them in the bin.10 . They were talking in low voices, and I couldnt catch what they are saying.

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