2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 Living well课时作业 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 Living well课时作业 新人教版选修7.用所给词的适当形式填空1.One of his_(ambitious)is to bee a great poet.2.There are three boys making_(annoy)noise around me.3.You only can leave after get the managers_(approve)4.By traveling outside,people are close to nature,which is_(benefit) to both their health and peace of mind.5.The people living in this apartment have free_(accessible) to the parking area.6._!Your success is really worth_.(congratulate)7.He was determined_from his position and his_would cause great loss to the pany.(resign)8.It is an honor for me_(invite) to attend the meeting.9.He pretended_(work) hard when his boss passed him.10.Women and children were the first_(save) in the boats.答案:1.ambitions2.annoying3.approval4.beneficial5.access6.Congratulations;congratulating7.to resign;resignation8.to be invited9.to be working10.to be saved.完成句子1.The reason why he_(缺席)his best friends birthday party was that he had to look after his sick mother.2.Most students have a little difficulty in_(适应社会生活)after graduating from university.3._(为了身体健康),we should set aside some time to take exercise.4.The plan would be carried on smoothly if he hadnt_(辞去经理职务)last year.5.He easily loses his temper,so he_(不适合这项工作)which needs great patience.6._(有鼓励和支持)from their parents,the students made great progress.7.What will the weather be like tomorrow?I think it will be_(和昨天一样天气晴朗)8.My little brother is like a bull in a China shop,_(总是把东西撞倒)答案:1.was absent from2.adapting(themselves)to the social life3.For the benefit of our health4.resigned position as a manager5.is not suitable for the job6.With support and encouragement7.as/so sunny a day as it was yesterday8.always knocking things over.阅读理解(xx安徽六校教育研究会高三联考)Bea,a fiveyearold girl,was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children of her age,because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a mon cold.Bea was diagnosed(诊断)with this disease when she was five months old.Since then,the hospital has bee her second home,medicines for food,and all kinds of treatments her friends.Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old,which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful.After that,she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward(病房)Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria.Anna,Beas mother,said,“She is weak but so strong.Weve never seen any child stronger than her.It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her.We really hope to send her to school next year.”She used to drive on the local playground,but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car.“It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there.She never stopped fighting the disease.I know shes dying for such a normal life.”Hearing of Beas story,the MakeAWish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden.“Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,”said the chairman of the foundation.语篇导读:本文为记叙文。Bea是一个五岁的小女孩,因患病不能与其他小朋友在一起。但是她从未放弃,一直顽强地与疾病作斗争。1.If Bea stayed with other children freely,_.Aother children would have a higher chance to catch her diseaseBshe would catch a mon cold which would kill her quicklyCher life would be in great danger as she could fall ill easilyDshe would be lost in playing and forget to receive treatment答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a mon cold”可知,她身体很虚弱,如果她与同龄孩子一起玩,她很容易生病。2.From the passage we can infer that_.ABea will need a tube in her nose all the timeBBea has to stay in hospital until she is an adultCBeas parents will send her to school next yearDBeas mother feels proud when talking about her答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“She is weak but so strong.Weve never seen any child stronger than her.”可推知,她妈妈在谈到Bea的时候感到很自豪。3.The MakeAWish Foundation had a play park built for Bea to_.Ahonor her bravery in fighting against her diseaseBcall for attention to this immune system deficiencyCencourage more children like Bea to be optimisticDlaunch a campaign against this serious disease答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her”可推知,愿望成真基金会为她建了一个游乐园,是为了鼓励其他孩子要向她学习,表扬她勇于与疾病作斗争的精神。4.What makes Bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?AHer parents encouragement and care.BHer dreaming of owning a play park.CHer wish to bee a normal child.DHer doctors skills and experience.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“She never stopped.a normal life.”可知,她非常渴望能过上正常的生活,这种信念激励着她不断地与疾病作斗争。.完形填空(xx福建厦门质检)You are trapped at the window of a building that is on fire.You hear a mans voice through the smoke_1_you shouting,“Jump!”Will you jump?Will you leave the known,as_2_as it is,and jump into the unknown?The_3_depends on two factors.The first has to_4_how much you know about the person who is shouting to you.Is he_5_?Will he let you fall to the ground_6_support your weight?So it is with all of our_7_.What do we know about the people we would like to_8_?Will they stand by you when circumstances_9_?Can they be depended on?Its like a woman who once purchased two watches from a street vendor(小贩) on Londons Oxford Street.When she asked if the street salesman could_10_her guarantees,he said,“Certainly,madam.I can give you even_11_guarantees.”Then he added,“The only thing I_12_guarantee is that I will be here this time next Monday morning.”So the first part of trust is_13_.Is the other person worthy of your trust?_14_important is a second factor,which is ACTION.Will you jump?It_15_little how much you believe you trust someone if you are finally_16_to jump.Will you show your trust for them by jumping?You may be_17_to make a jump.Staying in the burning building is_18_an option,but not one youll want to make for long._19_it feels risky to leap into the smoke,you may discover there is a safe and secure_20_.You may also discover that there are those to be trusted.And you may discover that it is worth the jump.语篇导读:本文为议论文。假使你被困在一幢失火的楼房里,此时下面有人透过浓烟向你高喊“跳!”你会跳吗?你会离开已知的危险而投身于未知的情况吗?1.Abeside BbelowCbehind Dabove答案:B解析:根据下文第6空处“Will he let you fall to the ground_6_support your weight?”可知,这个朝你大喊的人应该是在下面。2.Astrange BdangerousCsecure Dplex答案:B解析:因为楼房已经着火,所以离开的应是已知的危险,应选择B项。3.Aphenomenon BproblemCanswer Dapproach答案:C解析:此处指是否要往下跳这一问题的答案取决于两个因素。phenomenon“现象”;problem“问题”;answer“答案”;approach“方法”。4.Ago with Bmake outClook over Ddo with答案:D解析:其一是与你对那个向你喊的人了解的程度有关。go with“伴随,搭配”;make out“认出”;look over“快速地查看”;do with“与有关”。5.Areliable BcapableCstrong Dclever答案:A解析:他可靠吗?他是让你摔落在地,还是会接住你呢?reliable“可靠的,可依赖的”;capable“有才能的,有能力的”;strong“强壮的”;clever“聪明的”。6.Abut BandCor Dthen答案:C解析:空处前后为选择关系,因此使用or。7.Asituation BoptionsCcharacter Drelationships答案:D解析:根据下文可知,此处表示“人与人之间的关系也是如此”。relationship“关系”,符合语境。8.Aacpany BtrustCsupport Dprotect答案:B解析:根据前文,并结合下文的“Can they be depended on?”可知,此处表示“我们有多了解那些我们愿意信任(trust)的人?”9.Achange BcontinueCdisappear Dimprove答案:A解析:当环境改变(change)了,他们还会支持你吗?10.Adelay BconsultCoffer Dacquire答案:C解析:根据下文“Certainly,madam.I can give you even_11_guarantees.”可知,她在问小贩能不能提供保修单。delay“推迟,延误”;consult“查阅,磋商”;offer“提供”;acquire“获得”。11.Alifetime BprofessionalCcertain Dannual答案:A解析:根据“even”可知,小贩说他甚至可以提供终身保修,lifetime“终身的”,符合语境。12.Amustnt BcantCneednt Dwont答案:B解析:小贩说:“我唯一不能保证的是下周一上午这个时间我还在这儿。”根据语境可知,应选cant。13.Acourage BdependenceCstrength Dbelief答案:D解析:所以说,信任的第一部分就是“相信”,courage“勇气”;dependence“依赖,依存”;strength“力量”;belief“相信,信赖”。14.AEqually BAbsolutelyCBasically DRelatively答案:A解析:此处指同等重要的,因此选择A项。equally“相等地,同等地”;absolutely“绝对地”;basically“基本地,主要地”;relatively“相对地”。15.Acosts BbothersCmatters Ddiffers答案:C解析:如果你最终还是不愿意跳,那么你有多相信你所信任的人也就无关紧要了。matter“要紧”,符合语境。16.Aunwilling BunlikelyCeager Dready答案:A解析:参见上题解析。unwilling“不愿意的”,符合语境。17.Aexpecting BdemandingCdeciding Dfalling答案:C解析:根据下文“but not one youll want to make for long”可知,留在着火的楼房里不是长期的选择,因此你可能决定(deciding)跳下去。18.Amerely BalwaysChardly Doccasionally答案:B解析:留在着火的楼房里在任何时候都算得上是一种选择,但它不是长期的选择。merely“仅仅”;always“总是,一直”;hardly“几乎不”;occasionally“偶尔”。19.AThough BBecauseCWhen DOnce答案:A解析:根据“risky”与“safe and secure”可知,前后为转折关系,因此选择A项。20.Asurvival BjumpCescape Dlanding答案:D解析:虽然从浓烟中跳下去很危险,但你落地(landing)时可能会很安全很平稳。.语法填空(xx河南豫东、豫北十所名校检测五)Sarah:What can you refer to if you want to know how tall the tallest person in the world is?_1_is only one place where you will find the information.And thats the Guinness Book of World Records.This morning we have someone from the Guinness pany that produced that famous book,Tomas Manning._2_to the program,Tomas!Tomas:Thanks.Sarah.Its a pleasure to be here.Sarah:Perhaps you could start by telling us where the idea for the book came from?Tomas:Well,it was first suggested in the early 1950s.Sir Hugh Beaver,the managing director of Guinness,was out shooting birds with some friends.A bird_3_(fly) away so quickly that no one was able to shoot it.Sir Hugh wondered whether this bird was the fastest bird in Europe.And it wasnt the fastest.He wondered_4_it was.Sarah:So I suppose he went to the_5_(near) library to look for the information and he couldnt find it.Tomas:Yeah,thats exactly what happened.And this made Sir Hugh think there_6_be other people in the same situation who wanted this kind of information He thought that,like_7_,people would be interested in finding facts about the records to satisfy their_8_(curious)Sarah:So_9_idea for a book of records was born.And when did the first book e out?Tomas:A few years later,in 1955.So_10_(answer)your question:the tallest person in the world is 231.7cm tall.语篇导读:本文通过一个生动活泼的现场访谈,向我们讲述了吉尼斯世界纪录一书的创作来源。1.答案:There解析:考查固定句式。“There be”表示“有”。句意:只有一个地方可以找到想要的信息。2.答案:Wele解析:考查动词。根据本句的“program”可知,Tomas为本节目的嘉宾,故应用“Wele to the program”表示对Tomas的欢迎。3.答案:flew解析:考查时态。本段主要回答了Guinness Book of World Records一书的创作来源这个问题,陈述的是过去的事情,故应用fly的过去时flew。4.答案:what解析:考查连接词。宾语从句缺少表语,且由句意“他想知道飞得最快的是什么”可以推断,应填what。5.答案:nearest解析:考查形容词。根据上段最后一句的句意可以推知,Hugh Beaver迫切想知道问题的答案,故应去“最近的(nearest)”一家图书馆搜寻信息。6.答案:must解析:考查情态动词。must在此表示肯定推测,一定会有其他人遇到同样的境况,想要这样的信息。7.答案:him/himself解析:考查代词。对寻找关于记录的事实感兴趣的人们和Hugh Beaver一样,故用him/himself。8.答案:curiosity解析:考查名词。名词前有“their”修饰,故应用curious的名词形式curiosity。9.答案:the解析:考查冠词。“idea”在上文中已出现,故用定冠词the,特指上文提到的事物。10.答案:to answer解析:考查非谓语动词。不定式在此做目的状语。.短文改错In order to make use to learning materials,the Students Union of our school are planning an activity.The schoolleavers are called on to give away our used books,newspapers or magazines to the student in the lower grades.The idea,that is intended to encourage a lowcarbon lifestyle,is praised and supported by the teachers and students.The activity will be hold on the first floor of the school library and so it will last for eleven days,from June 10 to 20.As student,I am strong for the activity because it is very meaningful and helpful.I hope this activity would continue every year in the future.答案:In order to make use learning materials,the Students Union of our school planning an activity.The schoolleavers are called on to give away used books,newspapers or magazines to the in the lower grades.The idea, is intended to encourage a lowcarbon lifestyle,is praised and supported by the teachers and students.The activity will be on the first floor of the school library and so it will last for eleven days,from June 10 to 20.As student,I am for the activity because it is very meaningful and helpful.I hope this activity continue every year in the future.

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