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2019-2020年高考英语(三月)阅读理解、书面表达小练(11)阅读理解。【xx山东烟台模拟】If youre in Florence,Italy,and see a man on a ladder wiping the dust off statues and buildings,dont worry.Its just Alessandro Ricci gathering material for his famous smog paintings.Ricci is not a mon artist,because he used smog as the main medium of his artworks.Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent,he doesnt really care about “being this big artist”Instead he is more concerned about bringing attention to how much smog there really is in his home town and how its destroying both its monuments and people.Although he did take a couple of art classes a few years back,he is mainly selftaught,doesnt work in a studio,donates most of his work,and refuses to play by the rules of the Florentine Art Gallery,which he considers corrupt.Alessandro Ricci believes selling his smog paintings will not only promise his principles,but also contradict the very thing hes trying to doraise awareness about smog pollution in this city.Alessandro lives with his parents nearby Florence,but almost every day he visits the streets of the city,and collects smog for his paintings.He gets it from several meters above ground,from clean surfaces like marble,plastic and stone,using damp pieces of cotton.Then he applies the smog directly onto a cloth and creates street scenes and reproductions of the very buildings from which he got the dangerous material.Finally,he seals his paintings with a natural resin (树脂)His actions helped win a small victory for the people of Florence,as in October 25,xx the Duomo area of the city was made pedestrianonly.But there is still a long way to go,the artist believes,and only cleaning the thick layer of smog that has accumulated throughout Florence would take several years.Still,he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.1What does the text mainly tell us?AFlorentine artist fights pollution by painting with smog.BRicci invents a unique way to paint buildings in Florence.CPeople in Florence gather smog to create street scenes.DFlorence takes measures to improve the polluted city.2In what way is Ricci quite different from other artists?AHe lacks talent in art work.BHe cares little about fame.CHe hates all the art Galleries.DHe likes to do things at will.3Ricci paints his unique smog artworks aiming to_.Afight government corruption Badvertise the monumentsCcreate more street scenes Draise awareness about pollution4What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe place where Ricci lives.BThe problem that Florence faces.CThe way Riccis paints with smog.DThe materials for his painting.5We can learn from the last paragraph that_.ADuomo area of Florence has bee more crowded with trafficBRiccis action has brought no change to the people of FlorenceCRicci will continue to raise Florentine peoples awareness about pollutionDSmog pollution in Florence will be pletely settled in several years语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了意大利弗罗伦萨市的一名艺术家通过用烟雾作画来抵制环境污染的故事。1解析:主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段的总结和文章的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了意大利弗罗伦萨市的一名艺术家通过用烟雾作画来抵制环境污染的故事,故答案A符合文意。答案:A2解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第二句“Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent,he doesnt really care about being this big artist”可知,他并不在乎名气的大小。答案:B3解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“Still,he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.”可知,答案D符合文意。答案:D4解析:段落大意题。根据第四段的整体理解可知,本段主要讲的是这名艺术家是如何用烟雾作画的,答案C符合文意。A、B、D三项均不是第四段的主要内容。答案:C5解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的第二句“But there is still a long way to go.”和最后一句“Still,he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.”可推知,这名艺术家Ricci将继续从事这项活动以唤醒人们保护环境的意识。答案:C。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA higher reading rate, with no loss of prehension, will help you in other subjects as well as in English ,and the general principles apply to any language .Naturally, you will not read every book at the same speed. You would expect to read a newspaper, for example ,much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover so that the percentage gained will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with .The reading passages which follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. They are all about five hundred words long .They are about topics of general interest which do not require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Thus they fall between the kind of reading you might find in your textbooks and the much less demanding kind you will find in a newspaper or light novel .If you read this kind of English, with understanding at four hundred words per minute, you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650700, while with a difficult textbook you might drop to two hundred or two hundred and fifty.Perhaps you would like to know what reading speeds are mon among native English-speaking university students and how those speeds can be improved .Tests in Minnesota, U.S.A., for example, have shown that students without special training can read English of average difficulty, for example, Tolstoys War and Peace in translation, at speeds of between 240250 words per minute with about seventy percent prehension. Students in Minnesota claim that after twelve half-hour lessons, once a week, the reading speed can be increased, with no loss of prehension, to around five hundred words per minute.1. According to the passage, the purpose of effective reading with higher speed is most likely to help you _. Aonly in your reading of a physics textbookBimprove your understanding of an economics textbookCnot only in your language study but also in other subjectsDchoose the suitable materials to read2Which of the following does not describe the types of reading materials mentioned in the second paragraph? .AThose beyond ones reading prehensionBThose concerned with mon knowledgeCThose without the demand for specialized knowledgeDThose with the length of about five hundred words3The average speed of untrained native speakers in the University of Minnesota is .Aabout three hundred words per minuteBabout two hundred and forty-five words per minuteCabout sixty words per minuteDabout five hundred words per minute4According to the passage, how fast can you expect to read after you have attended twelve half-hour lessons in the University of Minnesota? .AYou can increase your reading speed by three timesBNo real increase in reading speed can be achievedCYou can increase your reading speed by four timesDYou can double your reading speed5Where do you think the passage is taken from ? .AThe introduction to a book on fast readingBA local newspaper for young people CA school newspaper run by studentsDThe introduction to an English textbook 【参考答案】15、CABDA 【陕西省西安市长安一中xx第二次模拟】书面表达(满分30分)假定你是中学生李华。在国外中学生贴吧上看到一位名叫Slowstudent的中学生的帖子,你看到如下内容。请你根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求跟帖。写作要点:1. 表明自己的看法; 2. 陈述自己的理由(可举例说明);3. 提出至少两条建议。要求:1. 短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。2. 短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。3. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。 4. 书写需清晰、工整。【参考范文】书面表达(满分30分)(One possible version)Slowstudent, This is really a tough nut to crack. In my opinion, you should not be afraid of a parents meeting; instead, youd better take a proper attitude to it. In fact, a parents meeting is for the most part a munication meeting, where teachers and parents exchange information and opinions about students situations at school and home, which is beneficial to improve teaching quality. As for your problem, I think you can have a good talk with your parents and teachers. While talking with your parents, you can focus on how hard you study (if it is the case) and why you failed this time or even ask them to help analyze your failure. When talking with your teachers, better ask them for the law of each subject and effective methods of learning them. Anyhow, improving your grades is the key to solving the problem. Yours,Li Hua(Another possible version)Slowstudent, This is really a tough nut to crack. In my opinion, if you use your head a little bit, it is easy to deal with. Let me put it clearer. Now that parents meetings bring troubles and unhappiness to you, that would be okay if there were no such kind of meeting. It is impossible for you to forbid your school or your class to hold a parents meeting, but you can “forbid” your parents to attend the meeting. How? One way is not telling your parents there will be a parents meeting. Another is trying to say something bad about the meeting (say, the meeting is intended for nothing but to collect money) so that your parents hate to go to it. These approaches prove effective, for I am as slow a student as you. Yours,Li Hua

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