2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第14课时(lend-mess).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第14课时(lend-mess)I. 单词拼写1. You can go to the l_ to borrow the books you want.2. One has to go through some tests to get a driving l_.3. Water is known to exist in three different states: as a solid, l_ or gas.4. Hand l_ is the small bags you carry with you when traveling on a plane.5. There was a great summer storm, with thunder, l_ and heavy rain.6. Shes the editor of a popular womens m_.7. The research shows that one in three m_ ends in divorce.8. As many as 3,000 children died of hunger and a lack of m_ care.9. Its hoped that there will be direct flights between Taiwan and the m_.10. The writer is collecting m_ for his new novel.II. 句子改写1. Dave borrowed the CD player from me.= I _ Dave. (lend)2. Jerry didnt tell me the truth.= Jerry _ me. (lie)3. Lucy will probably e tomorrow.= Lucy _ tomorrow. (likely)4. 50 sailors were killed at sea.= 50 sailors _ at sea. (lose)5. There are small shops on both sides of the street.= The street _ small shops. (line)6. Most of the students like pop music.= _ enjoy pop music. (majority)7. They write prices on the goods.= Goods _ prices. (mark)8. Nobody cares about what you wear.= _ what you wear. (matter)9. There are 10 doctors in the rescue team.= The rescue team _ 10 doctors. (make)10. If you miss the bus, youll have to wait another 15 minutes.= Missing the bus _ 15 _ minutes. (mean)III. 单项选择1. Monkeys show a high _ of intelligence: they can do things other animals cant.A. level B. length C. magic D. media2. The plan sounds great, the difficulty _ finding enough money.A. leads to B. lies in C. lights up D. makes up3. The concert will be broadcast _ via CCTV.A. live B. lively C. alive D. living4. Terry seems to be in rather _ spirits today. Whats troubling him?A. light B. merry C. lucky D. low5. John _ for 15 years.A. and Lily got married B. got married to LilyC. and Lily have been married D. has been married with Lily6. -Can I help you?-Im looking for a tie to _ the suit.A. match B. lock C. manage D. master7. You should clearly state your _ idea at the beginning of the essay.A. main B. central C. major D. middle8. -Need any help?-No, thanks. I can _.A. do B. march C. live D. manage9. If there is nothing more to do, we _ as well go to bed.A. should B. can C. would D. may10. The pany says it is unable to _ the workers demands for higher wages.A. meet B. litter C. mention D. measureIV. 选词填空memory list litter master mean measure mention mend lift limit1. The sign says, “Please do not _.” We cant throw the rubbish around the park.2. He _ his head to see who was at the door.3. As you look for material to write about, dont _ yourself to other peoples ideas.4. It takes years to _ a foreign language.5. With children, if you say “no”, you have to _ it and be serious about what you say. 6. The room _ 66 metres ; its a big room.7. Its too far to walk, not to _ the fact that we are all very tired.8. I called a service engineer in to _ the lift which didnt work.9. Gerry recited Martin Luther King Jrs famous speech from _.10. The names are _ in alphabetical order.V句子翻译1.她看到蛇,发出了一声尖叫。(let)2. 那起事故给了我一个永远也不会忘记的教训。 (lesson)3. 那本书打开着平放在他的桌上。(lie)4. 这台摄像机与一台电脑相连接。(link) 5. 你看上去没有睡好学觉。(look) 6. 我们设法及时赶到了机场。(manage)7. 说话时嘴里塞满食物是不礼貌的。(manner)8. 她绝不是一个自私的人。(means)9. CEO是什么意思?(mean)10. 政府已经采取措施阻止这个地区的水污染。 (measure)第14课时答案I. 单词拼写1 . library 2 . licence 3 . liquid 4 . luggage 5 . lightning 6 . magazine 7 . marriages 8 . medical 9 . mainland 10 . materialII. 句子改写1 . lent my CD player to 2 . lied to 3 . is very likely to e 4 . lost their lives5 . is lined with 6 . The majority of students 7 . are marked with8 . It doesnt matter 9 . is made up of 10 . means waiting, moreIII. 单项选择1 .- 5 . ABADC 5 .- 10 . AADDAIV. 选词填空1 . litter 2 . lifted 3 . limit 4 . master 5 . mean 6 . measures 7 . mention 8 . mend 9 . memory 10 . listedV. 句子翻译1. At the sight of the snake, she let out a cry of scream.2. That accident taught me a lesson Ill never forget.3. The book lay open on his desk.4. The camera is linked to a puter.5. You look as if you didnt sleep well.6. We managed to get to the airport in time.7. Its bad manners to talk with your mouth full.8. She is by no means a selfish woman.9. What is meant by “CEO”?10. The government has taken measures to prevent the water pollution in this area.

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