2019-2020年高三考前一周双练冲刺模拟卷(三)英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三考前一周双练冲刺模拟卷(三)英语试题 Word版含答案本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷(选择题三部分共85分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15 B. 9.15 C. 9.181. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife B. Good friends C. Waitress and customer2. Why wont the woman go for pizza? A. She has to finish her science project B. She has to help somebody C. She has to take classes3. What did the woman probably win? A. Plane tickets B. A CD player C. Concert-tickets4. What are the speakers talking about? A. A car B. Clothes C. The weather5. What do the speakers do on Fridays after school? A. Have extra classes B. Offer help at special schools C. Talk with their math teacher第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What happened in the physics class? A. Jenny forgot to hand in his homework B. Jennys new phone rang C. Jenny threw something out the window7. Which of the following is TRUE about Jennys mother? A. She is rich B. She will be mad at Jenny C. She is going to Hong Kong 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What did the woman plan to do for Thanksgiving? A. Go to a famous restaurant B. Get together with her family C. Make a big meal with friends9. Why does the man invite the woman to his house? A. He doesnt want her to be alone on the holiday B. His brother wants to meet her C. His wife is missing her.10. What will the man be doing before dinner? A. Hell be preparing gifts B. Hell be watching a game C. Hell be cooking a turkey听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why doesnt the woman want a dog? A. She is scared of dogs B. She thinks keeping dogs needs a lot of work C. She thinks dogs always get dirty12. What is special about the cats the woman talked about?A. They like sleeping on beds B. They look like dogs C. They can use toilets13. What do we know about the man at last? A. He will go to get a dog B. He thinks the woman is ridiculous C. He is interested in the womans idea听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. How old was Marci when she first wanted to be an astronaut? A. About 4 years old B. About 7 years old C. About 10 years old15. Where did she go for the first camping trip? A. To the beach B. To the mountains C. To the forest16. What did she like best about the camping trip?A. Flying kites B. Jumping the waves C. Looking at the stars17. When will she take her first flight? A. Tomorrow B. Next week C. Next month听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Where is Tea Street? A. In Hangzhou B. In Xian C. In Beijing19. Why do people go to Tea Street? A. To buy ancient teapots B. To see tea ceremonies C. To experience tea culture and buy tea20. What does the speaker say about the shops on the Tea Street? A. The shop owners are very patient B. They are all small family-run stands C. You can visit all of them in one day第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. My brother may win the petition, _, he is likely to get into the national team. A. in which case B. in that case C. in what case D. in whose case22. Countries cannot deal with this problem by raising taxes, since any tax increase on that scale will _ economic growth. A. crack B. corrupt C. crush D. convey23. -Alice is said to have been offered a job in the university, but also doesnt want to take it. -_? Its a good chance after all. A. Guess what B. So what C. Who cares D. But why24. Both technologies require careful selection of the methods _ to achieve the highest performance. A. piling B. to be piled C. being piled D. piled25. People can find so many good things, such as useful information and lovely pictures on the web, _ it is also a global village filled with bad things. A. what B. when C. where D. while26. More policemen should be sent to everything in order _ the roads are crowed with vehicles during the rushing hours. A. whether B. when C. where D. how27. -What a pity! My American friends didnt laugh over my jokes! -Dont be so silly. You know cultural differences? They did not _these jokes. A. catch on B. focus on C. hit on D. take on 28. Why _ I drive so many miles away for a supper when I easily have it at one of the restaurants nearby? A. could B. must C. would D. might29. Check carrots, potatoes, onions and any other vegetables _ and immediately use of throw away any which show sings of rotting. A. in demand B. in store C. on loan D. on sale30. -The zookeeper was really annoyed with me. -How could he have been if you _ stones at animals? A. didnt throw B. dont throw C. hadnt throw D. havent thrown31. What was so _ about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed. A. awful B. essential C. impressive D. obvious32. University majors should not be _ market demand and the govemment should give more support for “unpopular” majors such as literature, history and philosophy. A. in the form of B. in the process of C. at the mercy of D. at the risk of33. If you dont work hard, I think, in the near future you will definitely be _ from this club. A. exploited B. eased C. equated D. excluded34. Laura decided that _ she might face, she would make any sacrifice to make children in poor areas happy. A. however a serious challenge B. what a serious challenge C. however serious a challenge D. what serious a challenge35. -What do you think the _ should do first? -They should learn to take _ as well as share rights in life? A. grown-up; responsibility B. growns-up; responsibility C. grown-ups; responsibilities D. growns-ups; responsibilities第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。You may have heard of Osceola McCarty, an 88-year-old woman in Mississippi who had worked for over 75 years as a36 woman.One day after she retired, she went to the bank and discovered that her small monthly37 had grown to over150,000. Then to everyones surprise, she turned around and38 almost all of the money to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) for a39 fund for students with financial needs. Immediately, she made national40.What you have not heard is how Osceolas gift had41 my life. I am 19 years old and the first42of an Osceola McCarty Scholarship.I was a43 student, and I was determined to go to USM. But I44 being qualified for a regular scholarship by one point on the entrance exams, and a scholarship was the45 way I could attend.One Sunday, I came across the story in the paper about Osceola McCarty and her generous46. The next day I went to the financial aid office, and they told me there was still no money47 for me, but if anything came up theyd call.A few days later, I was going out with my mother48the phone rang. I was told I had been chosen to be given the first Osceola McCarty Scholarship. I was49 !McCarty worked hard her whole life, washing clothes by hand. Now that she is50, she sits most of the day and reads the Bible, that is, when she is not getting rewards. Every time I go to visit her, she has a new51. Shes even gone to the White House. She is so happy and proud. We have tried to talk her into getting a VCR (录像机) so she can tape the programs and see52 on TVshe just smiles.McCarty gave me much more than a scholarship. She taught me about the gift of53. Now I know there are good people in the world who do good things. She worked hard and helped others, and in turn she has inspired me to54when I can some day. So55I plan to add to her scholarship fund.36. A. caf B. buffet C. laboratory D. laundry37. A. expenses B. profits C. savings D. wages38. A. returned B. donated C. delivered D. removed39. A. welfare B. project C. scholarship D. research40. A. headlines B. customs C. sympathies D. doubts41. A. affected B. formed C. disturbed D. ruined42. A. designer B. receiver C. contributor D. reporter43. A. considerate B. dedicated C. casual D. sensitive44. A. advocated B. regretted C. missed D. avoided45. A. normal B. wrong C. legal D. only46. A. gift B. idea C. decision D. plan47. A. left B. raised C. available D. enough48. A. since B. before C. though D. when49. A. shocked B. excited C. puzzled D. encouraged50. A. retired B. dismissed C. promoted D. transferred51. A. job B. hobby C. life D. award52. A. everybody B. everything C. herself D. us53. A. giving B. understanding C. receiving D. loving54. A. give up B. give back C. give off D. give in55. A. suddenly B. originally C. gradually D. eventually第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThis is the most exciting kayaking expedition(皮划艇探险)possible for beginner kayakers. You can expect to experience a whole range of different conditions and scenery. This expedition is a total of 8.27 km in distance and it actually enters the streams in the North of Ubin and exits in the South.Three and a half kilometers of pure mangroves(红树林), makes this the longest pure mangrove kayaking expedition in Singapore. The distance spent inside the mangrove gives you the maximum opportunity to witness wildlife within the mangrove eco-system. e experience the challenge of operating your kayak through the labyrinth( 迷宫) of waterways and be amazed at the calm and quiet beauty of the wetlands. This last corner of natural wilderness in Singapore is so inaccessible, that very, very few have ever experience itwhich makes this a truly special program.Most Recent Traveler ReviewsTraveler A: Traveled from bottom to top of Singapore in rush hour traffic in order to get to Ubin for a 9:30 startonly to find no guide there. Although, once he arrived, the guide was lovelyoffering a very knowledgeable tour and lots of enthusiasm around a beautiful part of the worldour 6-hour kayaking trip was actually over before 2:30 pm , despite only hitting the water at 12 noon.Traveler B: The guides were nice, however the biggest disappointment was the timing. We thought we were going for a 4-hour kayak but were back in 2 hours and that included the prekayak safety talk. The mangroves are lovely but we were told that a storm was near. We felt that there had never been any intention of going out for longer.56. What is special about the kayaking trip for travelers is that they_.A. have a good relaxation by kayaking B. feel the challenge of kayakingC. enjoy the beauty of the wetlands D. experience the wonder of mangroves57. Which of the following information is TRUE about the kayaking expedition?A. The time, distance and cost are referred to.B. The kayaking trip starts at 9:30 am and ends at noon.C. The distance spent inside the mangrove is 3.5 kilometres.D. The mangrove wetlands of Ubin lie in the south of Singapore.BBuilding a foundation for your child of family values may not be as easy as you think. Often we believe that our child will pick up on our values if they live in thesame home. While they may pick up many of our values, parents need to remember they are not the only influence in their childs life. These outside values often pete with family values for your childs attention. If we do not make a conscious effort toinstill our values intoour children, they may not get instilled at all. I wish I had learned that lesson a little earlier. I thought if I lived my values for my children they would pick them up and make their own. Sometimes this happened and sometimes it didnt. I often see twenty-something “kids” who have no faith in many of the values of their family in favor of the values of their friends. Children will often pick up the negative you show quicker than the positive, so the positive things need extra focus to set them.Some of the influences your children face every day include their church, their school, their friends, any clubs or sporting groups they are part of and more. Kids spend many hours a day at school and with their friends. Sometimes in the business of life, we suppose our children will obtain that foundation we want for them.Instilling a foundation of family values to sustain(维持) your child requires more than living it in front of them. That is important, but building up your child with this important foundation must bee intentional.That means we plan times to gather as a family. We plan activities together that show the values we want to pass on. We talk about our values; we live our values; we discuss the values of others and how they differ from ours; we constantly look for opportunities and make our own opportunities to share these values in word or deed with our children.Family values give our children a foundation to build upon. It helps them know they are loved and gives them a sense of belongings. Upon this sure foundation, they can spread their wings and grow to bee parents who share these same values with their own children.58. The underlined word “instill our values into” in the 1st paragraph probably means “_”.A. get our ideas out of B. impress our ideas onC. collect our ideas for D. force our ideas upon59. We can learn from the passage that children _.A. sustain their family values easily B. will hold their family values with ageC. often discuss family values of others D. accept negative values more quickly60. Family values can be passed on if _.A. we live with our children B. parents show positive thingsC. parents foster them intentionally D. we plan times to gather with other families61. The passage mainly tells us about _.A. the importance and the way to pick up family valuesB. a lesson the writer learned in educating his(her) kidsC. the influences the children face while growing upD. some negative and positive family valuesC“Beauty is only skin deep.” This expression means that beauty is only a temporary surface quality. Some beauty products can cause lasting damage that goes far below the surface of the skin. In America, many people use sunlight and non-natural light to darken their skin. Health experts advise against what is called “tanning” because of its links to akin cancer. In the African country of Senegal(塞内加尔), some women take health risks trying to do just the opposite.An average beauty supply shop in Dakar has many kinds of skin-lightening creams and soaps. The World Health Organization says that 25of Senegalese women use skin-lightening production a usual basis. These products can contain chemicals, like mercury(汞),hydroquinone(对苯二酚), etc. These are dangerous ingredients that can cause cancer and possibly other physical damage to the akin. They can actually burn the eyes and skin.Shop worker Adama Diagne advises her visitors to avoid the stronger products that promise fast results. She users a cream that is made from carrots, not the strong chemical, hydroquinone. She says that it is a personal choice and that no one pressures her. Some women want to be black every day, but for her, she likes to be a shade of brown.Women in Senegal say they lighten their skin for the same reason that women all over the world make changes to their appearance. They say they want to look beautiful, to find a husband, to stand out in a crowd or simply to look great for a special event.This thinking troubles Senegalese film-maker Khardiata Pouye Sall. So, she made “This Color That Bothers Me”, a film about the subject of skin lightening. She said, “I used the most shocking images so that women would see the dangers. It is hard to understand why a woman says that dark skin is not beautiful. It is in their heads. They want to please a man, to he loved or they want to please society, to succeed.”Ms. Sall says that the government needs to better control the marketing and the sale of skin-lightening products. But she adds that education is the best way to persuade people against using them.62. The underlined part “the opposite” in Paragraph 2 means some Senegalese women_A. use sunlight to darken their skin B. try creams to prevent skin cancerC. use products to lighten their skin D. take health risks to bee beautiful63. According to Adama Diagne, women shouldnt believe_A. beauty is just a personal choice B. a cream from carrots is healthierC. it is beautiful to be black every day D. a product can make you beautiful quickly64. We can infer that women in Senegal_A. attract attention with shocking images B. dont consider dark skin to be beautifulC. find it hard to understand the true beauty D. put beauty in the first place in their heads65. What is Salls attitude towards skin-lightening products?A. Unsupportive. B. Casual. C. Responsible. D. Positive.DBernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrants. In his reinterpretation, migration bees the organizing principle for rewriting the history of preindustrial North America. His approach rests on four separate propositions.The first of these asserts that residents of early modern England moved regularly about their countryside; migrating to the New World was simply a natural spillover. Although at first the colonies held little positive attraction


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