2019-2020年高三下学期第11次月考英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三下学期第11次月考英语试题 Word版含答案英语试题时量:120分钟 分值:150分本试卷由试题卷和答题卡两部分组成。试卷分五个部分,共 9 页,所有试题均需在答题卡上作答。Part I listening (30 marks) Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B, and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 1 1. Where will Billys wedding be held?A. In the mountains. B. Under the sea. C. In the air.2. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man enjoys sky diving.B. The man likes playing jokes.C. The woman has joined a sports club.Conversation 23. Why does the man make the phone call?A. To confirm an appointment. B. To make an appointment. C. To change an appointment.4. When will the man e? A. On Thursday morning. B. On Thursday afternoon. C. On Friday afternoon.Conversation 35. Where are the speakers?A. At a restaurant. B. At a clothes shop. C. At the womens place.6. What will the woman probably do afterwards?A. Plan a farewell party. B. Listen to an album. C. Buy a flowered dress.Conversation 47. What is the man doing?A. Seeing a film. B. Downloading a film. C. Reading an article.8. What does the woman think of the film?A. It is funny. B. It is terrible. C. It is meaningful9. Which of the following is true?A. The woman is interested in science fiction films.B. The woman is curious about life forms from other planets.C. The man thinks people can contact with life forms from other planets one day.Conversation 510. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Fill in a form B. Give her his address. C. Pay the membership fee.11. How many books can be taken out at one time?A. 10 B. 5 C. 312. Why cant the man take newspapers and magazines out?A. He isnt a member of the library.B. The library doesnt have many copies.C. He doesnt bring his student ID card with him.Conversation 613. What does the man usually write?A. Biographies.B. Fiction, poems and short stories.C. Articles for newspapers and magazines.14. What is the disadvantage in working at home according to the man?A. He feels lonely sometimes.B. It is hard to concentrate on his work.C. He has to work long hours every day.15. How does the man write the biography?A. By doing some research. B. By staying with the musician. C. By interviewing the musicians friends.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, youll hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Suggestions on Buying a PlantI. Ask yourself some questions before buying a plantWhere am I going to put it: influenced by 16._ and shadeDo I want a fast or a slow growing plant?II. Look for a(n) 17. _ that has a good stockSelect a plant with healthy 18. _Choose the right size 19. _ Select a plant that has established itself well in the potAvoid buying plants in plastic bags unless you want to plant them in the 20. _.Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions:for each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best pletes the sentence.21. _ has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.A. That B. Which C. As D. What 22. Whateveryoudo, _thatyoudo it for yourself andyouwill not plain.A. to remember B. remembered C. remembering D. remember 23. If we _ more effective measures, the problem of pollution would have been solved. A. had taken B. have taken C. take D. took24. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _. A. not to do B. not to C. not do D. do not25. Hearing the loud explosion, _ with nothing on him. A. out did he rush B. out rushed he C. out he rushed D. rushed he out26. The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. write B. written C. being written D. to be written27. Would you like to tell me _ you fell in love with English songs? A. that it was when B. that was it when C. when was it that D. when it was that28. Thirty-three people have been poisoned by gas leaked from a local chemical plant, and causes of the accident _. A. are investigated B. are being investigatedC. will be investigating D. have investigated 29. Wang Lin has been studying here for two years and by the end of next summer she _ from No.2 Middle school.A. will graduate B. will be graduating C. will have graduated D. will be graduated30. Few people can realize thatthebeautyoflives_inthe peace and serenity, not the splendidness and passion.A. lies B. lie C. has lain D. have lain31. The government has decided to build a park on _ used to be a shoe factory to satisfy the needs of the city residents.A. what B. where C. which D. that32. At least five thousand people were reported _ in the earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25th, xx.A. to kill B. to be killed C. to have been killed D. having killed33. _ we admit that there are some problems with the new system, we believe they can be solved soon if the government takes powerful measures .A. Until B.While C. As D. Unless34. I tried to explain the problem to John, but he was so angry that he _ listen.A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. wouldnt D. mightnt35. When you stare at the clouds and smile to yourself, _ back on the happy moments of your life, you will feel less stressed in no time. A. look B. looked C. to look D. looking Section B (18 marks)Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the words or phrases that best fits the context.I was sitting in the surgical waiting area at the hospital waiting for word of my wifes operation. The small room was filled with other families and friends who were 36 waiting to hear how their loved ones were doing.There was a young boy sitting quietly in the corner. He held a small box of 37 in one hand and a tablet (写字板) in the other. So often hed place the tablet on his lap and draw something. As the hours passed I began to see the room almost 38 . And there was a strange silence.“Daddy, when is Mommy going home?” the young boy asked, breaking the silence.“Tomorrow,” his father replied. The boy picked up his crayons and 39 something on the tablet.I 40 him as he moved his feet back and forth, looking up at the ceiling and then toward the sunshine-filled window. “Whens tomorrow, Daddy?” he asked. His father 41 him over to sit by him. “e, sit here next to me,” he said with a gentle tone in his voice. 42 his things, the little boy walked slowly to his fathers side from the corner.The man reached out and held his son by his shoulders.“There are three days in life. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. One is over and done, one we live in, the other we 43 . We cant live in yesterday, but if we are happy enough today, we will be even happier tomorrow,” he said in an attempt to 44 the boy. The little boy looked at him for a moment and said, “If Mommy is going home tomorrow, Ill be happier. So, I want it to be tomorrow already, Daddy.”Now hanging on every word of this 45 , I leaned forward to hear his response. It was really perfect.“Son, the one great thing about today is once it 46 , it is already almost tomorrow.”I thought about how 47 it was. Even in my adult life, I still live waiting for what tomorrow may bring. Now I know that it is already “almost tomorrow.”36. A. eagerly B. impatiently C. happily D. curiously37. A. gifts B. toys C. chalks D. crayons38. A. dark B. full C. empty D. clean39. A. wrote B. drew C. printed D. carved40. A. followed B. found C. caught D. watched41. A. knocked B. forced C. called D. pulled42. A. Gathering B. Forgetting C. Saving D. Choosing43. A. spend B. waste C. regret D. expect44. A. frighten B. satisfy C. disappoint D. surprise45. A. story B. argument C. conversationD.discussion46. A. ends B. starts C. passes D. lasts47. A. meaningful B. important C. interesting D. fantasticSection C (12marks)Directions: plete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.With the National College Entrance Examination drawing closer, Senior 3 students will do almost anything to ensure successeven change 48._ they eat. More than 70 percent of high-scoring students in last years exam admitted taking “brain food”. 49._, only 30 percent of them said they would do this again.Experts say that, as long as they eat properly, teens will have no problem getting enough nutrition 50._ their daily food.You can eat healthily without giving up your favourite foods, but 51._ should limit the fat you eat to keep your cholesterol(胆固醇) low. Only animal fat provides cholesterol, 52._ is known to cause heart problems. Most people like the taste of table sugar, so 53._ are sweeteners “hidden” in many foods like soft drinks, cookies, and so on.If you have high-energy needs, sweets can be 54._ useful source of calories but they contain limited nutrients and can cause bad teeth. You should try eating milk-based high-calcium (钙) foods instead of creamy items to reduce the fat 55._ calories you take in. Your attitude towards nutrition now can make a big difference to your health in years to e. Part III Reading prehension (30marks)Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C, and D .Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. ASchouten University is a highly respected online education provider offering officially-recognized degree programs across the globe. Our mission is to provide students with a high-quality mixed learning MBA program and personal coaching to help them to bee world-class managers.MBA with Unique Skills & Personal Development ProgramStudents will benefit from 30 years of soft skills training experience from Schouten & Nielsen, the leading soft skills training institute in Europe. To bee an effective manager, theory alone is not enough, and being able to put theory into practice is more important today than ever before. With the Schouten University MBA program you will have the unique opportunity to develop such soft skills as influencing skills, leadership skills, munication skills and motivational skills.International Network + 2 Residential Study weeks in Cambridge & ShanghaiAt Schouten University, students, tutors and coaches meet each other online. But there is also the opportunity for students to study face to face by way of the two Residential(居住的) Study weeks. One week will be held in Shanghai (China) and the other week at Cambridge (UK). Shanghai is the mercial and industrial center of the worlds leading economy. Cambridge is home to some of Europes oldest and best universities. Residential weeks will be held several times a year. Therefore, you can choose when to participate, depending on the progress of your study. In the residential weeks cooperation between students will be an important element. Students will work together on real pany cases. During the residential week students will be supervised by a professional trainer.*Residentials are an obligatory(必须的) part of the program and the costs of the residential weeks are covered by your tuition.*The fee includes the study weeks housing, food and participation but not the costs of travel.Maximum FlexibilitySchouten University introduces a new way of learning: students will study online through my.schoutenuniversity and interact via rich social media. It allows busy working professionals like you to study a world class MBA degree anytime, anywhere at any pace.Great SupportAccess to the Universitys virtual learning environment (VLE) 24/7, and your study coach, tutors are all here to give you strong personal support to ensure your success.56. Most graduates of Schouten University will work in the field of _. A. education B. business C. medicine D. military57. According to the advertisement, which of the following DOESNT belong to soft skills? A. Leadership skills B. munication skills C. Driving skills D. Motivational skills58. The time to participate the residential weeks is _. A. flexible B. fixed C. unnecessary D. inconvenient59. If you attend the two Residential Study weeks, you will have to pay for _ besides your tuition. A. housing B. participation fees C. meals D. travel costs60. The advertisement is probably intended for _. A. full-time college students B. working businessmen C. studying teenagers D. retired managersBEddie Arcaro dreamed of being the worlds greatest jockey(赛马骑师). But after watching him ride a horse for five minutes, reality reflected a rough contradiction. He was awkward and clumsy, and in his early years in the saddle he couldnt do one thing right. In his first 100 races he never even came close to winning. Still, he got right back on and trained again. Even as a schoolboy, Arcaro had set his own track in life. Because he was only a little over five feet tall (1.5 meters) and weighed barely 80 pounds (36kg), the other students picked on him. So he skipped school, hanging out at the local race track where a trainer let him ride horses. His father reluctantly agreed to let him pursue a career as a jockey. The trainer had told him so. “Send him back to school,” he said. “Hell never be a rider.” In spite of that, Arcaro was determined not just to ride, but to bee the worlds greatest jockey. But first someone would have to give him a chance. He finally got to ride in a real race. Before it was over, hed lost his whip and his cap and had almost fallen off the saddle. By the time he finished the race, the other horses were on their way to the stables(马厩). Hed e in dead last. Nevertheless, Arcaro went from track to track, looking for any opportunity to ride. Finally, a trainer who pitied him took him in and gave him a chance. One hundred losses later, he was still giving him chances. He saw something in this unlucky jockey, something he couldnt define. There were many brushes with death and several broken bones. Every time he would return to the saddle. Then Arcaro began to win. In thirty years of riding, he won 4,779 races, being the only jockey in history to win the Kentucky Derby five times. By the time he retired in 1962 he was a millionaire and a legend in his own lifetime. From the moment he walked onto a track, Eddie Arcaro had his mind on the finish. Even when it looked impossible and hopeless to everyone else, Eddie knew he was going to win.61. The underlined phrase “picked on” in the passage probably means _.A. paid attention to B. made fun of C. offered help to D. took special care of62. According to the article, Arcaco started doing horse racing because _.A. he had no interest in school workB. his father urged him to take up the sportC. he wanted to make his first trainer proud of himD. he felt great love for the sport and had a deep desire to win63. The trainer who believed in Arcaro did so because _.A. Arcaro had shown great talents in horse racing B. he had sympathy for Arcaro for his unfortunate experiences C. he was impressed by the way Arcaro stuck to his dream D. he thought all that Arcaro needed was a bit of luck64. The key message the author wants to convey through the passage is that _.A. we have to train for years in order to winB. support from others is unimportant for career successC. sports legends are made from determination and confidenceD. it is never too late to set goals for your life and go for them65. Which of the following can be the best title?A. Stay in the saddle B. Legend of loveC. Determination and luck D. Track millinaireCPeople in Cardiff are generating a rubbish mountain. A council report says that waste levels increase by 5% every year, while the citys maximum limit could be full by xx. The council report admits that the targets set by the local government for 40% of waste to be recycled or posted(制成堆肥) by xx will not be reached through its existing scheme.New technology could be introduced to deal with the problem of rubbish which cannot be recycled. This includes Mechanical Biological Treatment(MBT)-a process which treats waste by allowing it to degrade(降解) by a biological action which in turn produces a dried organic material which can be burned to produce power or buried in landfill. Friends of the Earth has said that the process has its advantages but fears that the local authorities who adopt it will only dispose of(处理) the waste via incineration(焚烧), which they say will lead to pollution.Julian Rosser from Friends of the Earth said, “There is nothing wrong with MBT in itself, but we are worried that the treated rubbish produced will only be disposed of through burning.” This will lead to pollution, even though incineration has improved from what it was 20 years ago.But the council has said that the process is just one of a number of choices being considered. It has said that by xx, all household in the city will be able to take advantage of a free kerbside(街边) recycling collection-currently some households have to buy the green bags needed to take part. The council said it was important that householders change their attitude to the disposal of waste.A Materials Recycling Facility(MRF) is in the process of being consrtucted in Cardiff which will be one of the largest publicly owned facilities in Europe. It will classfiy 60,000 tons of rubbish each year-operating several times faster than the current facility.Elgan Morgan, the executive member for environment and transport said, “We want residents to think green when disposing of their waste.” A public consultant into how to handle the problem of waste in the city has been launched, starting with a survey in the councils newspaper.66. What can we learn about MBT from the passage? A. It is designed to classify rubbish. B. It has been improved over 20 years. C. It is a process that can turn waste into power. D. It is a process that trea

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