2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 unit1 friendship课堂演练 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 unit1 friendship课堂演练 新人教版必修1. 单词拼写根据首字母提示写出下列单词的正确形式。1. My sister was u_ at the result of the exam last week.2. The driver drove into another car because he i_ the traffic lights.3. With the help of modern instruments fishing is no longer e_ dependent on the weather.4. There is a c_ hanging before his window in the bedroom.5. The student always asks his teacher a s_ of questions.答案:1. upset2. ignored3. entirely4. curtain5. series. 选词填空join in; calm down; get along; add up; fall in love1. How are you _ with your English studies?2. They said this boy and I _ already.3. There must be some mistakes in this bill; please_the figures again.4. Help! Helpl Police._, sir. Whats the trouble?5. Thank you for _ our conversation tonight.It is my pleasure.答案:1. getting along2. had fallen in love3. add up4. Calm down5. joining in.单句语法填空1. If you are lost in the mountains, _ _(calm) in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown.答案:keep/stay/remain calm解析:句意:如果你在深山里迷路了,面对黑暗、孤独和未知因素,你要保持镇静。根据题意故用keep/stay/remain“保持镇静”。2. You are no longer a child. Its time for you _ _(settle) differences with your parents.答案:to settle解析:Its time (for sb.) to do sth.为固定句式,意为“到了(某人)做某事的时候了”,故答案为to settle。3. The oil is spilling and polluting the sea; the local people are concerned _ the matter.答案:about解析:句意:原油正在溢出,并且污染了海洋;当地人们十分关注这件事情。be concerned about意为“关心,关注”,与语意相符。4. Even though he manages a shop without any help, it has got _nicely so far.答案:along/on解析:根据句意“尽管他独自经营一家商店,但是迄今为止商店的发展状况良好。”可知,应用get along/on(进展,发展)这一短语。5. Some people got injured and some even got killed in the floods in Beijing in the summer of xx, _ made us upset.答案:which解析:句意:xx年夏天在北京发生的洪水中有些人受伤,甚至有些人死亡,这让我们不安。其中,引导词which用来修饰前面整句话。6. Many programmers_ _(suffer) neck pain.答案:suffer from或suffered from解析:suffer from意为“遭受”,后跟某种具体的疾病,符合语意语法。7. You can hardly imagine the _(suffer) they _ _(go)答案:suffering; went through解析:句意:你几乎不能想象他们曾经历的苦难。第一空,根据空前的the可知,应用suffer的名词形式suffering;第二空,根据语意语境可知,应用go through(经历)的一般过去时。8. The natural scenery and the newlybuilt tall buildings along the streets_ _(add) the beauty of my hometown.答案:add to解析:根据句意“优美的自然风景和沿街新建的高楼增添了我的家乡的美丽。”可知,应用add to“增加,增添”。9. Hardly could Tom get_this amount of homework in such a short time.答案:through解析:句意:在这么短的时间内汤姆几乎完不成这些作业。get through有“完成,通过”之意,符合语意语境。10. It is our daily decisions, rather than our abilities, _ show what we truly are.答案:that解析:句意:是我们的日常决策,而不是我们的能力,显示我们的本质。这是一个强调主语的句子,被强调部分是“our daily decision, rather than our abilities”,根据强调句式的结构可知,应填that。实战能力提升.完形填空xx辽宁省六校高三年级联合考试I had my first chocolate bar at five years old. Ill never forget the delicious taste. But the situation was anything but _1_. It was World War . Many people in our village fled in panic.Only _2_ were allowed to board the train. Just before departure, a woman traveling alone pulled me onto the train to get the _3_. The entire trip I cried for my mother.We arrived in Hamburg. Now that the woman had escaped, she had no more _4_ for me. I lived on the streets, surviving by _5_ food. Id slip into the mess hall, hide under a table and _6_ off with loaves of fresh bread.One afternoon as I _7_ near a tent in search of food, a huge hand lifted me up _8_ the collar. It was an American soldier. “Got you!” he shouted. I was _9_, and I could see it upset him. “Its _10_, kid,” he said. He reached into his jacket and handed me a _11_. I unwrapped it and took a bite. I thought Id gone to _12_.Four years later, I was taken by the soldier to an orphanage(孤儿院) in America. Soon after, a family who lived in Pennsylvania _13_ me. Later, I joined the army, and then attended _14_. Eventually I earned a masters degree in clinical social work. I want to _15_ back all the people who were so good to me, I prayed. So in 1983 I went to work as a clinical adviser, treating retired _16_ who suffer from postwar stress syndrome. The troubled soldiers wondered how I can possibly _17_ them or help ease their pain. That is _18_ I tell them my story, and about the soldier sent to save my life. I never did learn his name, but I remember his _19_. And then I opened a drawer in my desk that is always full and _20_ them some chocolate.1. A. bitterB. sweet C. strange D. familiar2. A. women B. children C. troops D. families3. A. chance B. money C. prize D. reward4. A. like B. room C. use D. time5. A. selling B. begging C. making D. stealing6. A. leave B. make C. take D. turn7. A. wandered B. slept C. hid D. played8. A. by B. on C. in D. through9. A. excited B. amused C. alarmed D. scared10. A. fine B. okay C. serious D. mon11. A. ice cream B. candy C. chocolate bar D. cookie12. A. heaven B. hell C. prison D. hospital13. A. adapted B. rejected C. employed D. adopted14. A. church B. college C. patients D. clubs15. A. take B. call C. pay D. bring16. A. teachers B. workers C. officials D. soldiers17. A. cure B. understand C. repay D. discover18. A. when B. where C. how D. what19. A. honesty B. courage C. kindness D. appearance20. A. sold B. showed C. cooked D. offered文章大意一个人的一生不会是一帆风顺的。不管你经历了惊涛骇浪,还是小小的考验,只要活下来就是幸运的,离幸福也只有一步之遥。带着一颗感恩的心,去生活、去与人交往,坚持自己心中的梦想与承诺,就定能为他人带去一点快乐、给自己的心灵一丝安慰。1. B。由下文“It was World War .”可知,巧克力味道是甜美的,但是形势却不乐观。2. D。由下文一位妇女为了上车把作者拉上可知,当时只有家庭才可以上火车。下文的“traveling alone”也是暗示。3. A。结合上下文,可知这位妇女拉上作者是为了获得坐上火车逃跑的机会。4. C。现在,那个女人已经逃离了,她就开始讨厌作者了。have no use for“讨厌”。5. D。由下文“Id slip into the mess hall, hide under a table and.”可知作者是靠偷食物谋生的。6. B。作者溜进脏乱的食堂,藏在一张桌子底下,然后带着长条面包离开。make off“逃离”;动词leave表示离开时,无需再用off了。7. C。结合上下文可知作者是靠偷食物谋生,因此他的动作应是“藏”在帐篷附近。8. A。表示揪某人衣领时,常用“动词某人by the collar”。这时有一只大手抓住作者的衣领把作者拎了起来。9. D。作者害怕极了。偷东西被抓心里肯定担心害怕(scared)。10. B。根据“He reached into his jacket.took a bite.”可知,这位士兵非常友好,不仅没有责怪作者,反而给他东西吃。因此此处用“okay”。11. C。结合全文尤其是第一段以及最后一段,可知这位士兵给作者吃的是一块巧克力。12. A。作者不仅没有受到惩罚,反而有东西吃,所以感觉非常好,就像进入了天堂。13. D。由语境可知,作者被送到孤儿院后,一个家庭收养了他。14. B。由下文“Eventually I earned a masters degree in clinical social work.”可知作者上了大学。15. C。我祈祷说,我要报答所有帮助过我的人。pay back“报答,回报”。16. D。由下文“The troubled soldiers wondered how.”可知,作者专门治疗那些退伍军人。17. B。患病的士兵们怀疑作者怎么会理解他们,怎么能帮助他们减轻痛苦。18. A。每当这个时候,作者都会告诉他们他的故事,讲述那位营救他的美国士兵。19. C。本篇讲述了美国士兵帮助作者的故事,他给作者东西吃,还把作者送到孤儿院,因此作者一直记得他的善良。20. D。然后,作者会打开办公桌上一个装满美味巧克力的抽屉,拿出巧克力来请他们品尝。offer sb.sth.“给某人提供某物”。. 阅读理解xx甘肃省兰州名校高三阶段测试Wild swimmingtaking a dip in rivers, lakes and waterfallsis fantastic fun and has great health benefits. However, many avoidable drownings even deaths have happened, so people are asking: is wild swimming safe?One of my favourite locations is Gullet Quarry, a beautiful pool that reaches more than 18 in summer. Yet there have been two drownings of local boys there this month. The water is warmer than that in the sea, and there are no currents and no particular underwater obstructions. Many swimmers swim there all year round because its really a safer place to swim than the sea.But is wild swimming really dangerous? I believe it is behavior and activities around swimming that are dangerous, rather than the location. You might be surprised to learn that outdoor swimming is rated as a moderate risk, while other seemingly safe activities, such as fishing and sailing, are high risk. The advice I give to beginners is to know your limits and build up experience slowly. Water can be very cold. Though cold water doesnt kill you, itll make you much less buoyant. So swim 10% of the distance you can do until you have adapted to it. Above all, stay close to the bank or shore. Cold water can cause shocks, so enter slowly and be careful to jump into deep water.Nowadays, were losing basic outdoor skills and mon sense. Half of children over seven cant swim a length of a pool, and fewer havent swum outdoors. So I dont believe that fencing up wild swimming locations will improve safety.Instead, I want to see more inland swimming places, such as on the continent, where almost every reservoir has its beaches, most without lifeguards, as people are trusted to be able to look after themselves. Id like to see schools include outdoor swimming in their PE lessons, families going wild swimming together, and more water panies following the example of Rutland Water and creating seasonal swimming beaches.We need to change our attitude to inland waters and encourage children to go outdoors, swim in nature, and build a love of wild places that will serve them all their life.1. People prefer to swim in Gullet Quarry mainly because_.A. the water there is cooler than the seaB. there are no obstructions under the waterC. its a pool bining swimming with tourismD. its safer to swim there2. What does the author advise the swimming beginners to do first of all?A. Adapt to the water slowly and stay near the bank in water.B. Jump into deep water after they take off their clothes.C. Swim half of the distance they can do to adapt to the water.D. Have confidence and pretend to be brave.3. Which of the following statements does the author seem to agree?A. Many swimming locations have caused swimmers in danger.B. Swimmers behavior and activities have put them in danger.C. Families should go swimming in nature acpanied by a coach.D. More lifeguards should be given to the swimmers in swimming pools.4. It is implied from the last but one paragraph that_.A. people should be trusted to be able to look after their family membersB. Rutland Water is the first pany to create seasonal swimming beachesC. children should be given more chances to improve their swimming skillsD. modern swimming pools will improve childrens swimming safety in future5. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To explain why wild swimming is not dangerous.B. To persuade people to go wild swimming in nature.C. To express the authors attitude towards swimming.D. To advise swimming should be taught at school.文章大意本文论述了户外游泳并不是一项危险的活动,游泳爱好者不要担忧,可以积极参与。1. D。细节理解题。从第二段的最后一句“Many swimmers swim there all year round becuase its really a safer place to swim than the sea.”可知,许多游泳爱好者喜欢去那里游泳是因为他们认为在那里游泳更加安全。所以选D项。2. A。细节理解题。从第四段的内容可知,作者建议那些游泳初学者不要着急,要先慢慢适应水的温度,并且要离岸近一点。所以选A项。3. B。推理判断题。从第三段中的“I believe it is behavior and activities around swimming that are dangerous, rather than the location.”可知,作者认为是游泳爱好者的行为和相关的活动给他们带来了危险,所以选B项。4. C。推理判断题。从倒数第二段的内容可知,作者认为体育课里要包含游泳课,另外家长要多带孩子们到湖泊、河流去游泳。由此可知C项正确。5. B。写作意图题。通读全文可知,作者通过分析户外游泳并不是一项危险的活动来劝说人们要大胆地去参加野外游泳活动。所以选B项。. 书面表达近日网上就“女孩挥拳打母”事件展开讨论,请你根据以下图片所展示的内容,用英语写一篇短文。要求:1.阐述自己的观点;2词数120左右。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Recently there has been a heated discussion online._ _One possible version:Recently there has been a heated discussion online. So concerned are lots of people about the discussion on whether the girl should hit her mother.As the picture shows, 9,923 people support the girl. They think its because of the high pressure from her mother. Theyre even wondering why her mother called her back to Chongqing when she had a job in Shanghai. She should have her own life.But 14,219 people are against her, who hold an opinion that she is lacking in morality. They are angry that she doesnt know how to respect the old. Even though she didnt agree with her mother, she could make efforts to persuade her mother.In my opinion, I dont appreciate what the girl did. She can solve this problem in many ways. Above all, hitting her mother is pletely wrong.


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