2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines考点规范练11(含解析)外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines考点规范练11(含解析)外研版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines考点规范练11(含解析)外研版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines考点规范练11(含解析)外研版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines考点规范练11(含解析)外研版必修2.阅读理解(xx山西忻州联考)Canadian short story writer Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize for Literature.Eighty-two-year-old Munro is only the 13th woman to win the 112-year-old prize.Munro didnt publish her first collection of short stories until she was 37 years old,but her stories have always been well-received.Lots of her stories share similar themes and characters,but each story has its own twists and turns.Even though shes won Canadas most famous literary award,the Giller Prize,twice,winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is the cherry on top of Munros career.“It brings this incredible recognition,both of her and her career,and of the dedication to the short story,” said one person.Along with the well-respected title es 1.3 million dollars.Munro said everything was “so surprising and wonderful” and that she was “dazed by all the attention and affection that has been ing my way”.Munro knew she was in the runningshe was named the second most likely person to win this years prize,after Haruki Murakami(村上春树) of Japanbut she never thought that she would win.Munros win also represents the long way Canadian writers have e.“When I began writing there was a very small munity of Canadian writers and little attention was paid by the world.Now Canadian writers are read,admired and respected around the globe,” Munro said on Thursday.She is technically not the first Canadian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature,but many like to think that she is.In 1976 Saul Bellow,who was born in Quebec but moved to Chicago when he was still a child,won the prize.Even though he was born in Canada,he is mostly considered to be an American writer.“This is a win for us all.Canadians,by our very nature,are not very nationalistic,” said Geoffrey Taylor.“But things like this suddenly make you want to find a flag.”She wasnt sure if she would keep writing if she won the prize,saying that it would be “nice to go out with a bang.But this may change my mind”.1.What is the feature of Munros stories?A.They have their own plicated(复杂的) contents.B.They have similar story backgrounds.C.They have specific themes for children.D.They have the same characters in each book.2.For Munro,the Nobel Prize is an award for.A.her love for Canadian cultureB.her devotion to the short storyC.her special form of writingD.her career of editing short stories3.What is implied in the sixth paragraph? A.Canadian writers paid little attention to the prize.B.Canadian writers are just a small munity.C.Canadian writers have long been ignored.D.Canadian writers have a long way to win the prize.4.What does the passage mainly tell us? A.How Alice Munro wins the Nobel Prize.B.An introduction to the Nobel Prize for Literature.C.Alice Munro wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.D.A world-famous writer,Alice Munro.完形填空Xu Dexia is not known for writing megahit fairy tales but children still crowd around her for signatures whenever they meet her.The 60-year-old woman is the editor-in-chief of a 1 for childrens literature.Having been 2 quality stories for more than 30 years,she is a storyteller of authority(权威),who knows children well.Children are 3 the countrys most desirable readers.This is evident from the 4 of publishing houses involved in childrens books:530 out of some 600 of them.The countrys most 5 childrens stories are imaginative fantasy tales since such stories 6 most to an“innocent,curious mind”.Children are 7 and born romantic.Their love for good stories is permanent.The magazines decades of success is based on the 8that real literature is put out for them.The 9 minds are demanding and hard to interpret,and there is no tried and true recipe(秘诀)for an appealing story.By 10 books that fly off bookshelves,one can have a better idea of childrens tastes.The stories,which have very 11 to do with the game,are more than a battle with evil.They are situational descriptions which 12 emotional education.At the end of each chapter,there is a how-to-cope wise 13for the readers.Luolings Magic,a 14 of adventure stories that feature an otherworldly princess ing into grips with her magic home planet,while 15 the meaning of friendship and family love,is the countrys first original childrens literature to reach the 1 million benchmark.“Todays kids choose their own reading 16,not what their parents suggest,”says Xu Dexia,who scouts(搜寻)around for childrens literature 17.Gao Wenyan,a well-read 12-year-old,would 18 through the childrens section and pick out her 19,Alices Adventures in Wonderland.“I love it and have read it many times,because the book has all the right 20 that appeal to children:imagination,adventure and emotions.”1.A.newspaperB.playC.novelD.magazine2.A.readingB.introducingC.enjoyingD.studying3.A.amongB.beyondC.betweenD.at4.A.truthB.reasonC.numberD.idea5.A.popularB.specialC.funnyD.casual6.A.replyB.offerC.showD.appeal7.A.naturalB.pureC.modestD.honest8.A.resultB.qualityC.factD.reality9.A.thinkingB.workingC.expressingD.developing10.A.looking intoB.putting outC.carrying outD.getting through11.A.muchB.littleC.someD.any12.A.turn toB.aim atC.give awayD.make up13.A.tipB.pointC.gameD.support14.A.lotB.sumC.seriesD.pair15.A.protectingB.requestingC.questioningD.searching16.A.waysB.booksC.skillsD.habits17.A.opinionsB.talentsC.thoughtsD.needs18.AbB.makeCeD.see19.A.literatureB.pictureC.favouriteD.masterwork20.A.explanationsB.meansC.charactersD.elements.语法填空Although many high school dropouts leave school permanently,some dropouts later re-enter school.1.(approximate) 10 percent of the sophomores 2.dropped out between 1980 and 1982 returned to school by 3.fall of 1982.Generally,high school re-entrants differ 4.typical dropouts in several school and student characteristics.Background attributes and test score performance 5.(associate) with low dropout rates tend to be related to higher-than-average re-entry rates.For example,re-entry rates among 1980 sophomore dropouts were about one-fifth 6.(high) in the Northeast and North Central regions than in the South or West.Among whites,re-entry rates in the West were one-third lower than in other regions.7. blacks,re-entry rates in the Northeast (14 percent) 8.(be) substantially higher than those in the South (6 percent).Hispanic dropouts in the North Central region were three times 9. likely to return to school as those in the Northeast or West.Hispanics in the South were twice as likely to re-enter as 10.in the Northwest or West.短文改错The English corner,establishing in Renmin Park three years ago,is in charge of College English Association,which is held regularly on every Friday night from the seven to nine.It has a fixing theme each week for people to discuss,which is related to people life or the English speaking countries.Until now,it has bee a popularly activity in this city,which attracts not only students but also many foreigners.Here,people practise their English,making new friends and share their experiences of English learning.Many English learner think its helpful to take part in this activity and regard it like a supplement to school learning.#.【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了加拿大作家Munro获得了xx年的诺贝尔文学奖一事。1.A细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“Lots of her stories share similar themes and characters,but each story has its own twists and turns.”可知,Munro的小说的主题和人物角色相似,但是情景却各有曲折,故选A项。2.B细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“It brings this incredible recognition,both of her and her career,and of the dedication to the short story,said one person.”可知,由于Munro在短篇小说领域不懈努力而获得了诺贝尔文学奖,故选B项。3.C推理判断题。根据文章第六段“When I began writing there was a very small munity of Canadian writers and little attention was paid by the world.”可推知,加拿大作家长期不被世界关注,故选C项。4.C主旨大意题。根据文章第一段的开篇点题可知,本文是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了加拿大作家Munro获得诺贝尔文学奖一事,故选C项。.【语篇导读】本文是夹叙夹议文。一个儿童文学杂志的主编简要介绍了儿童喜欢的读物的特点:包含想象、冒险和情感等元素。1.D由第二段最后一句中的“The magazines decades”可知,她是一个儿童文学杂志的主编。2.B因为她是一个工作了30多年的主编,所以她是给孩子们介绍好故事。3.A根据下文可知,孩子们也在全国最渴望读书的读者当中。among一般指“在三者或三者以上之中”,between一般指“在两者之中”,beyond表示“除之外”,at不表范围,故选A项。4.C根据下文中的“530 out of some 600 of them”可知答案为C项。5.A根据下文可知,这样的故事最能吸引那些天真、好奇的孩子们,故可推断出这样的故事是最受欢迎的,故选A项。6.D进一步解释imaginative fantasy tales受欢迎的原因,因为这些故事最能吸引天真、好奇的孩子们。appeal to“吸引”,符合语境。7.B由后面的天生浪漫可知,前面的词跟“浪漫”应属同一个范畴,所以选B项。pure“纯真的”。8.C根据语境可知,为孩子们出版真正的文学是这本杂志数十年来取得成功所基于的一个事实,故选C项。9.D由后面的“there is no.story”可知,此处是对孩子们的描述,因此选D项,因为他们的大脑正处于发展的状态。10.A通过调查孩子们爱买的书,你会更好地了解孩子们的喜好。其他三项与语境不符。11.B根据下文对这些故事的描述可知,这些故事与游戏几乎没有关系,它们也不仅仅是同恶魔作斗争,而是充满情感教育,故选B项。12.B这些故事的目的在于情感教育的情景描述,故选B项。aim at“旨在,目的在于”;turn to“转向”; give away“分发,赠送”;make up“弥补”。13.A由空前的“a how-to-cope wise”可知,应选tip。在每个章节后面,都为读者提了一个如何来处理的明智的小建议。14.C由“Luolings Magic”和“adventure stories”可知应选series。a series of“一系列”。15.D由空后的“the meaning of friendship and family love”可知,这位公主是在搜寻友谊和家庭的爱的真正意义,故选D项。16.B从最后一段中举的例子可知,如今的孩子们自己挑选他们读的书。17.D上文提到她是一个儿童文学杂志的主编,由此可以推断出她是在搜寻孩子们的文学需求。18.A根据语境可知,这个小女孩仔细搜索,然后挑选出她最喜欢的一本,故选A项。b through“仔细搜索,搜寻”;make through“通过”;e through“履行诺言”;see through“看透,识破”。19.C根据下文中的“I love it and have read it many times”可知,她挑选出自己最喜欢的书,故选C项。20.D她读了这本书好几遍,是因为这本书具有吸引孩子们的所有要素:想象、冒险和情感。故选D项。.1.Approximately2.who/that3.the4.from5.associated6.higher7.Among8.were9.as10.those.The English corner,establishing in Renmin Park three years ago,is in charge of College English Association,which is held regularly on every Friday night from the seven to nine.It has a fixing theme each week for people to discuss,which is related to people life or the English speaking countries.Until now,it has bee a popularly activity in this city,which attracts not only students but also many foreigners.Here,people practise their English,making new friends and share their of English learning.Many English learner think its helpful to take part in this activity and regard it like a supplement to school learning.

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