2019-2020年高中英语 Unit13 People Period Two课时作业 北师大版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit13 People Period Two课时作业 北师大版必修5.语境填词1He was still wearing his school u_.2From her facial e_, I know she is very angry.3Foreign students normally cannot take a job that has no c_ to their school.4No one can p_ his future exactly, so dont believe his prediction.5The ancient pot has great _ (潜在的价值)6She had a gold _ (链子) around her neck yesterday.7As a matter of fact, many people have _(缺陷)8We all think that the little girl is a _ (有天赋的) musician.同义词辨析1用do with或deal with的适当形式填空(1)The book _ ancient Greece.(2)What did you _ my cow?(3)_ a man as he _ you.2用deserve,conserve,preserve或reserve的适当形式填空(1)To _ is to save and protect,to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.(2)Wed like to _ a table for five for dinner this evening.(3)He was anxious to _ his reputation.(4)If you do wrong,you _ severe punishment.(5)The place _ a good visit.3用likely,possible或probable填空(1)She is _ to win the match.(2)Its _ but not probable or likely that shell e here next week.(3)It is _ that a storm will e tonight.(4)Tom is _ to succeed.4用charge,accuse或blame的适当形式填空(1)He was sent to prison because the police _ him with robbery.(2) We were all _ for ing late.(3)_ of theft by his classmate,he felt ashamed.(4)Who is to _ for the accident?.完成句子1He began to _(在他五十多岁时学英语)2She _(想出) a new idea for increasing sales.3_(他迅速穿上衣服)and went to work.4_(有关系吗)between smoking and lung cancer?5There was an _(焦虑的表情)on her face.6I dont want to _(加入)this boring debate.7She _(愿意)do anything for us.8The report _(值得认真考虑).单项填空1I prayed him _ smoking,but he just wouldnt listen to me.Ato stopping Bto stop Cof stopping Dabout stopping2Have you_ some new ideas?Yeah. Ill tell you later.Ae about Be into Ce up with De out with3I would like a job which pays more,but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.Ain other words Bon the other hand Cfor one thing Das a matter of fact4Although he _ that my _ couldnt e true,I still believe in myself all the time.Apredicts;predictionBpredicted;predictionCpredicted;predictableDpredicts;predictably5The medical reform in that country turned out to be _ failure,but as we know,success often es after _ failure.Aa;the Ba;/ Ca;a D/;/6My English teacher always asks us to _ an outline before writing a position.Adraw back Bdraw up Ctake up Dkeep on7You were charged _ neglecting your duty.Who accused you _ such a crime?Awith;to Bof;with Cwith;of Dfor;of8_ many women,she was indeed very fortunate.Aparing to Bpare toCpared with Dparing with9Mr. Smith,_ in the project in the past two years,hasnt realized the decline in his health.Ainvolved Bbeing absorbedChaving involved Dto be absorbed10You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.Awalked Bwalk Cto walk Dwalking.阅读理解Relations between Frenchspeaking Qubcois and the Englishspeaking majority in Canada have been the main ethnic issue of the past 40 years. Support for separatist parties increased mainly because of the failure of Canadas other provinces to deal with Qubecs demand to be recognized as a “distinct society(特殊社会)”, with powers to preserve its culture and language from further Anglicization(使英国/英语化). Qubecs still controversial (有争议的)1977 language law made French the provinces official language.Twothirds of Canadas population live in the 5% of its land area taking up the Great LakesSt. Lawrence lowlands. However, Canadas ethnic mix has changed a lot since the 1970s, due to a move from a restrictive immigration policy to one which weles those with money or skills. Significant numbers of Asians have moved to Canada.The government promotes a policy which encourages each group to maintain its own culture, creating a “mosaic” or a “munity of munities”The largest element of the indigenous population is the one million people of native Amerindian descent, known in Canada as First Nations.There are also 300,000 Mtis (FrenchAmerindians) and an Inuit population of some 56,000 in the north. In 1992 the Inuit successfully settled their longstanding land claim, and in xx the Nunavut area, with only 27,000 mainly Inuit inhabitants, gained the status of a territory, the first part of Canada to be governed by native Canadians in modern history. A Supreme Court land rights ruling in 1997, establishing the principle of “aboriginal title”, opened the way for the return of ancestral lands claimed by native Amerindian nations, and in xx the federal government formally apologized for their past mistreatment.1. This passage is mainly about _ .ACanadas original populationBCanadas policy on ethnic affairsCCanadas main peoples and ethnic issuesDCanadas immigration policy2. The underlined word “indigenous” in the third paragraph probably means _ .Aoriginal BspecialCgreat Dforeign3. We can infer from the passage that _ .Athe federal governments language law made French the provinces official languageBthere was not any ethnic issue in Canada in the past 40 yearsCother provinces failed to deal with Qubecs demand to be recognized as a “distinct society”Dover half of Canadas population live in the Great LakesSt. Lawrence lowlands4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?AAmerindians are the only native population of Canada.BQubec want to keep their culture and language.CThe federal government didnt apologize for their past mistreatment.DThe native Amerindians established the principle of “aboriginal title”5. What do you think has promoted greatly Canadas ethnic mix?A. Most of its population live in the Great LakesSt. Lawrence lowlands. BSome provinces want to be recognized as “distinct societies”CIts policy that weles immigrants with money or skills.DIts strict restrictive immigration policy.e up with/e upe up with意为“提出,想出”时,一般不用于被动语态。若说问题、困难等突然出现,被提到、考虑时,多用e up,此短语也不用被动语态。二者易混,注意掌握。(1)I hope that you can e up with a better plan than this one.我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划。(2)A lot of new questions came up at the meeting.在此次会议上,许多新问题被提了出来。课时作业答案解析Period TwoLanguage Points.1.uniform2.expressions3.connection4.predict5.possibilities6.chain7.disabilities8.gifted.1.(1)deals with(2)do with(3)Deal with;deals with(1)do with 对付;处理,常与what 搭配。(2)deal with 对付;处理;和打交道;收拾;论述;涉及,常与how搭配使用。2(1)conserve(2)reserve(3)preserve(4)deserve (5)deserves(1)deserve vt.应受,值得,常用句式:sth./sb. Deserve(s) to be done 或sth. deserve(s) doing,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。(2)conserve vt.保存,保藏。指小心使用已有的珍贵的东西,并暗指如果用完了就很难补充。(3)preserve vt.维护,维持的原样,保养。强调使珍贵的东西保存原样不变,有时甚至根本就不使用它。(4)reserve vt.保留,留存;预订,预约。3(1)likely(2)possible(3)likely/possible/probable (4)likely(1)likely 是表语形容词,作“很可能”解,常接不定式短语;构成be likely to do sth.。主语可以是人,也可以是物,常用句型是:It is likely that.或Sb./Sth. is likely to do.。(2)possible是表语形容词,强调客观存在的可能性,但含有可能性很小的意味,常用的句型为:It is possible to do sth., It is possible for sb. to do sth.以及It is possible that.。不能用表示人或物的词作主语,只能用it作形式主语。(3)probable是形容词,常作表语,强调有根据、合理性,表示有很大可能性,它的主语不能用表示人的词,也不能跟不定式,常用It is probable that.句型。4(1)charged(2)blamed(3)Accused(4)blame(1)charge 表示“指控,控告”,一般用于较严重的错误或罪行,常用结构为 charge sb. with sth.。(2)accuse 所表达的“指控,控告,非难”比较直接和尖锐,但指控对方的事不一定很严重,有时可与charge通用,但accuse通常的搭配为accuse sb. of sth.。(3)blame常指对不好的事物或做错事的人给予责备。.1.learn English in his fifties2.came up with 3He dressed quickly4.Is there any connection 5anxious expression6.be involved in7.is willing to 8deserves careful consideration.1.B本句用了pray sb. to do sth.结构,意为“乞求/恳求某人做某事”。2Ce up with 在此句中意为“想出(主意)”。e about发生,产生;e into进入;e out with出版,提出,皆不符合语境。3B句意为:我想找一份工资高的工作,但另一方面,我喜欢目前我正在干的工作。故选B项。4B根据第一个空,“他”预测应是在过去,predict该用过去时态,故可排除A、D两项;第二个空缺的是名词,因此可排除C项,故B项正确。5B第一个空表示“失败的事”,是可数名词,故其前可用a;第二个空failure表示抽象的“失败”概念,因此其前不用冠词。6Bdraw up起草,草拟,符合语境。7C句意为:你被指控玩忽职守。是谁指控你的?accuse常与of连用表示“指控某人某事”;charge常与with连用。8Cpared to/with sth.常用来作状语,意为“与相比”。9Ainvolved in the project.是过去分词短语作定语,意为“参与到中”。10D句意为:你无法想象我们在暴风雨中走回家是多么困难。此处其实是考查have difficulty(in)doing sth.结构。.1.C主旨大意题。本文主要论述加拿大的主要民族及民族问题,A、B和D三项都太片面,不能概括整体文义。2A词义猜测题。由indigenous一词所在的语句中native一词可猜测,indigenous意为“original”或“native”。3D推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句我们可推知加拿大超过一半以上的人口居住在五大湖区及圣劳伦斯河低地地区;由文章第一段最后一句可知A项不正确;根据文章第一段第一句可知B项不正确;C项是文章直接提到的,不能选。4B细节理解题。由文章第一段倒数第二句话可知魁北克人想保持他们自己的文化和语言以防止进一步的英国化/英语化,因此B项正确。由文章最后一段可知印第安人不是加拿大唯一的原始居民,故A项不正确;根据最后一段,加拿大最高法院于1997年确立了“原始居民所有权”,联邦政府于xx年正式对自己的错误做法向原始居民道歉,因此C、D两项不正确。5C细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第二句可知加拿大由限制移民政策转向欢迎有钱和有技术的移民移入的政策,极大地促进了加拿大的民族融合。

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