2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 第1课时 Reading Comprehension课时作业 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 第1课时 Reading prehension课时作业 外研版选修6.介、副词填空1While studying _ university,he discovered the secret _ how to create life.2_ the end of the story,the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his own life.3It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation _ the first time.4Feeling very anxious,I prepared the equipment that would gave life _ the thing that lay at my feet.5It was already one in the morning and the rain fell _ the window.6My candle was almost burnt _ when,_ its ting light,I saw the yellow eye of the creature open.7I rushed out,and for a long time I walked _ and down my room.8I woke,shaking _ fear.9At last I threw myself _ the bed in my clothes,trying to find a few moments of sleep.10But these things contrasted horribly _ his yellow eyes,his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips.佳句翻译与仿写1While studying at university,he discovers the secret of how to create life.翻译_仿写在大街上散步时,我碰巧遇到了一位老朋友。_2I woke,shaking with fear.翻译_仿写他跑着来的。_3I wish I had not created this creature.I wish I was on the other side of the world.I wish I could disappear!翻译_仿写我希望我没有浪费时间去玩,我希望我现在大学校园里,我希望我能找一份好工作。_4You cannot imagine the horror of that face!翻译_仿写你无法想像那时我多么兴奋。_5As I kissed her lips,they became pale,as if she were dead.翻译_仿写当我向她问好的时候,她没有应答,好像没听见似的。_.单项填空1Using bones from dead bodies,he _ a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life.Adiscovers BinventsCfinds Dcreates2He bees _ and unhappy when he cannot find any friends.Aalone BlonelyCangry Down3When Frankenstein _ to create a wife for him,the monster murders Frankenstens brother.Arefuses BobjectsCopposes Drejects4It was on a cold November night _ I saw my creature for the first time.Awhich BwhoCthat Dwhen5Feeling very anxious,I prepared the equipment that would _ life to the thing that lay at my feet.Agive BtakeCmake Dhave6My candle was almost _ when,by its tiny light,I saw the yellow eye of the creature open.Agone out Bburnt outCput out Dturned out7He was the ugliest thing _ I had ever seen!Awhich B/ Cwhose Dwhen8When he turned _ me,I felt unable to stay in the same room as him.Alooked at Bto looking atCto look at Dlook at9I woke,shaking _.At that moment,I saw the creature that I had created.Awith fear Bfor fearCin fear Dfor fear of10The scientist _ the creature to the Arctic in order to destroy him,but he dies there.Achained Bchased Ccaught Dcharmed.阅读理解Last year college students in America spent an estimated $ 700 on textbooks on average.The National Association of College Stores reported more than five billion dollars in sales of textbooks and course materials.The association spokesman Charles Schmidt says electronic textbooks now just make up 2%3% of the sales.But he says that is expected to reach 10%15% by xx.Online versions(版本) are now available for many of the most popular college textbooks.An etextbook can cost half the price of a new print textbook.But students usually lose access to them after the end of the term.And the books cannot be placed on more than one device (设备),so they are not easy to share.So what do students think of etextbooks? Administrators at Northwest Missouri State University wanted to find it out.Earlier this year they tested them with 500 students in 20 classes.The university is unusual.It not only provides laptop puters for all 7,000 of its fulltime students.It does not require students to buy their textbooks either.They rent them to save money.The school aims to save even more by moving to etextbooks.The students in the survey reported that downloading the books from the Internet was easy.They liked the idea of carrying lighter backpacks.And 56% said they were better able to find information.But most found that using etextbooks did not change their study habits.And 60% felt they read more when they were reading on paper.In all,almost half the students said they still liked physical textbooks better.But the survey found that cost could be a big influence.55% said they would choose etextbooks if using them meant their textbook rental fee would not increase.Roger Von Holzen heads the Center for Information Technology in Education at Northwest Missouri State.He tells us that administrators are disappointed with the etextbooks now available because the majority are not interactive(交互式的)He thinks growth will e when more digital books include video,activities,games and other ways to interact with the information.The technology is improving.But for now,most of the digital books are just words on a screen.1Etextbooks are not better than paper books in that _.Athey cost more moneyBtheyre difficult to carryCtheyre not convenient to shareDthey cant be downloaded from the Internet2How many surveyed students think paper books make better reading?A60%. B56%. C55%. D50%.3Why are etextbooks now available not satisfactory?AReaders cannot interact with the authors.BThe contents cannot meet readers need.CMost of them are just words on a screen.DThey lack necessary relevant information.4It can be inferred from the text that in the future _.Adigital books will be more popularBthe digital books need improvementCfree digital books are available onlineDdigital books will replace print textbookswing n翅膀生义:v.飞,飞行;加快(步调等的)速度,促进Swallows wing their way to the south in autumn.燕子在秋天飞到南方。Horror winged her steps as she walked alone in the dark.她独自在黑暗中行走时,恐惧使她疾走如飞。 答案.1.at;of2.At3.for4.to5.against6.out;by7.up8.with9.on10.with.1.在他上大学时,他发现了如何创造生命的秘密。While walking in the street,I happened to meet one of my old friends.2我浑身战栗着醒了。He came,running.3但愿我没有制造出那个家伙,但愿我身处世界的另一边,但愿我可以消失得无影无踪!I wish I had not wasted time playing.I wish I was at university now.I wish I could find a good job.4你无法想像那张脸有多可怕!You cannot imagine how excited I was then.5当我亲吻她时,她双唇失色,犹如死人。When I greeted her,she didnt respond,as if she didnt hear me.1.Dcreate创造,符合句意。discover发现原先存在的东西;invent发明;find发现。2Blonely孤独的,符合句意。alone独自地;angry生气的;own不作表语。由句中的when he cannot find any friends可知B符合语境。3Arefuse to do sth.拒绝做某事;object to sth./doing sth,to是介词;oppose后直接接宾语,reject直接接宾语,不和不定式连用。4C考查强调句型It was. that. 结构。5Agive life to是固定短语,“赋予生命(生命力,活力)”的意思。6Bburn out燃尽,符合句意。go out(灯,火)熄灭,是个不及物动词短语,put out扑灭;turn out结果是。7B考查定语从句。先行词thing在定语从句中作宾语,其前有最高级修饰时,用that或省略关系代词。8Cturn to look at转身看;turn to 当“求助于”意思时,to是介词。9Awith fear由于害怕,表原因,符合句意。10Bchase追逐,以达到追到或抓住的目的,符合句意。chain拴住;caught抓住;charm吸引,使陶醉。.1.C细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句的内容可知,电子书的缺陷是只能在一种设备上使用,不方便与他人共享。通常在学期结束之后学生就无权再使用。2A细节理解题。60%的学生认为传统书本的阅读量更大。3C推理判断题。根据文章的最后两段可知,行政管理人员对现在的电子版的教材非常失望,因为大多数电子版的教材缺乏互动性。换言之,目前的大部分电子版的教材仅仅是出现在屏幕上的文字。4B推理判断题。根据最后两段可知,目前的电子书不是交互式的。只有未来的电子书包含有视频等交互式活动,它们才会有更好的市场。可见,目前的电子书需要进一步完善。


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