2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs综合检测 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs综合检测 外研版必修2.单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1I had _ unusual experience after I graduated from college,which had _ bad effect on my later life.Athe;/ Ban;aCa;a D/;/2(xx绵阳高一检测)Tom,will you go swimming together with us this weekend? Sorry,I have a report _,so I cant go with you.Next time,OK? Adoing Bto be doneCdone Dto do3_ make her badtempered father angry,Janna didnt buy the puter she wanted.AIn order to not BSo as not toCSo as to not DIn order not to4I kept thinking the question whether it is _for my sister to win the first prize this time.Alikely BpossibleCprobable Dpossibly5puter games are easily _ to children,and many older students are also _ to them.Aaddicted;addictive Baddictive;addictedCaddicted;addicted Daddictive;addictive6At 12 years old,he is _ a young child _ he doesnt have a sense of telling right from wrong.Aso;that Bsuch;thatCso;as Dsuch;as7The moment I got home,I found my house _ and _.Abroken into;robbedBbroken in;stolenCbroken in;robbedDbroken into;stolen8It seemed that he was _ losing his life.Luckily,he was _ in the end.Ain the danger of;out of dangerBin danger of;out of dangerCin the danger of;out of the dangerDin danger of;out of the danger9Because of drunk driving,Charlie has been banned _ for half a year.Ato drive BdrivingCfrom driving Dto have driven10The doctor tried to get his work _ in medical circles and finally succeeded.Arecognizing BrecognizeCrecognized Dto recognize.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Last week I was in the boarding area of the airport excited about my Easter trip home to see my parents.I was busy planning for the weekend,_11_ I was taken out of my daydreaming by an elderly woman talking _12_ into her cellphone.She kept asking the person to _13_ her where she was.She _14_ the gate number again and again.She got a little louder each time she did that.Many people snickered (窃笑)because she was nearly _15_ and thought how silly old people could be.Then I heard her say,“Im _16_,but I cant hear you.There seems to be something wrong with my hearing aid.”“Thats too _17_,” I thought as I moved forward to board the flight.Then I noticed her _18_was being increasingly frantic (发狂似的)as she tried to understand the person on the other end of the phone.It was almost my _19_ to board.I couldnt _20_ looking back at the woman.It made me think how _21_ I was to have my hearing.And I realized I could offer her some _22_.I suddenly got out of the _23_ and went to the woman.I showed her to _24_ me the phone and shouted,“Let me help you.Ill tell you what the person is _25_.” She looked at me and agreed _26_.I took the phone from her,_27_ who I was,listened for a moment,and told the woman her husband was _28_ her outside the airport as he could not enter the gate area.Finally,I pointed her in the right _29_.It took me less than two minutes to finish the task,but my _30_ in having been able to help her remains strong.11A.butBifCso Dunless12A.secretly BloudlyCsadly Dquickly13A.call BhelpCtell Dmeet14A.asked BwroteCrepeated Dguessed15A.shouting BsingingCleaving Ddying16A.sick BtiredCsorry Dbusy17A.bad BfunnyCpossible Dstrange18A.step BtoneCfriend Dmind19A.duty BideaCtask Dturn20A.avoid BstopCcontinue Dkeep21A.normal BluckyCproud Dhealthy22A.money BfortChelp Dguide23A.line BspaceCcircle Dthought24A.throw BexamineChand Dfix25A.doing BsayingCwatching Dplanning26A.honestly BbravelyCangrily Dthankfully27A.explained BconsideredCforgot Dlied28A.thinking of Bturning toCwaiting for Dstaring at29A.queue BdirectionCstreet Droom30A.pity BhopeClove Dpride.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AA new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking.That equals 3 million deaths around the world every year.If the present rate of smoking continues,the number of deaths each year from smoking could rise to 10 million by the year 2020.The study describes smoking as the biggest cause to deadly diseases among grownups in industrial countries.So far most of the smoking deaths have happened to men,especially in developing countries.A research at the World Health Organization says 70% of Chinese men smoke more than 15 cigarettes each day.In Latin America about 50% of the men are smokers.There are also a very large number of smokers in the former Soviet Union and in the east Europe.And 25% of all smoking deaths worldwide are in those areas of the world.Scientists say smoking will kill 50% of the smokers.Experts say that people reduce their chance of dying from smoking if they stop smoking pletely.They say smokers who give up smoking can improve their health.31According to the passage,if there are 100 Chinese men smokers in the room,as a result,the number of cigarettes that they smoke is at least _ each day.Aabout 1,500B5,000 or soCunder 750 Dover 1,05032A new international study shows _.Ain 2020,10 million smokers will die from smokingB360 smokers die from smoking every hourCsmoking will kill 50% of the men around the worldDbecause of lack of money,men in developing countries smoke less than men in industrial countries33Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASmoking is the biggest cause to deadly diseases among grownups.BThe writers main purpose of writing this story is to arouse smokers interest,fear and notice.CFrom this passage,we can clearly pute that the number of smokers in east Europe is much bigger than that in Latin America.DAbout one half of the Latin American men are nonsmokers.34The main idea of this passage is that _.Awe must give up smokingBsmoking causes lung cancerCsmoking does harm to healthDmen like smoking much more than womenBSome teens believe drugs will help them think better,and be more popular.These days,drugs can be found everywhere.Many teens are tempted(诱惑)by the excitement or escape from reality that drugs seem to offer.Drugs are chemicals that change the way our bodies work.When you put them into your body,drugs find their way in your blood and are taken to parts of your body,such as your brain.The effects of drugs can be different depending on the kind of drug taken,how much is taken,how often it is used,how quickly it gets to the brain,and what other drugs or food are taken at the same time.Although drugs can make you feel good at first,they can finally do a lot of harm to the body.There are many kinds of drugs available,and there are many reasons for trying them regularly.People take drugs just for pleasure they believe they can bring.Often its because someone told them that drugs would make them feel good or that theyd have a better time if they took them.Many teens use drugs because theyre unhappy or think drugs will help them escape their problems.The truth is that drugs dont solve problemsthey simply hide feelings and problems.When a drug wears off,the feelings and problems remain,or became worse.Drugs can ruin every aspect of a persons life.35The main idea of the second paragraph is probably _.Ahow drugs workBwhat drugs are made ofCthat drugs can reduce physical painDthat drugs dull your senses36_ cause teens to take drugs.APhysical pain,escaping and fearBEscaping,excitement and unhappinessCCuriosity,fear and escapingDExcitement,unhappiness and their physical pain37Which of the following is NOT true?ADrugs may be tempting to teens.BDrugs do harm to the body.CDrugs can solve peoples problems.DDrugs can make people happy.38Which of the following would be the BEST title for the passage?ADrugs:the Killer of PeopleBDrugs:the Favorite of TeensCDrugs:What You Should TakeDDrugs:What You Should KnowCAustralians have been warned they face a life or death decision over their waterdrink recycled sewage (污水)or die.With the drought (干旱)continuing,the country is set to be forced to use purified (净化的)waste water for drinking,even though there is great opposition to the measure.Queensland has bee the first state to introduce the policy after a warning from its premier (总理)“I think in the end,because of the drought,all of Australia is going to end up drinking recycled purified water,” said Peter Beattie.“These are difficult decisions,but you either drink water or you die.Theres no choice.Its liquid gold,its a matter of life and death.”Beattie said Australias second largest state would bee the first to use recycled water for drinking.Water is recycled in Britain and parts of northern Europe along with the US and Israel.But Australians have rebutted the idea.To try to change the way Australians think,Prime Minister John Howard and Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull have backed Queenslands move.“I am very strongly in favour of recycling and Mr.Beattie is right and I agree with him pletely,” Howard said.Turnbull added that Australian cities,all now facing water shortages because of the worst drought on record,must start to use recycled water.“All of our big cities have to widen the range of water sources to include sources which are not dependent on rainfall,” he said.39What would the BEST title for the passage be?AIts Life Or DeathBStruggling With DroughtCAustralians Efforts to Settle Water IssuesDDrinking Recycled Purified Water Or Not40Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AQueensland is the first state to use recycled water for drinking voluntarilyBNo other countries but Australia once used purified waste water for drinkingCAustralians well understand the policy,showing support and acceptanceDThe drought is the worst one of the droughts recorded in Australian history41The underlined word “rebut” (Paragraph 7)probably means _.Abeen fond ofBobjected toCturned a deaf ear to DdoubtedDThere is new medical evidence for the expression“better late than never.”Researchers have found that smokers reduce their risk of dying from tobacco(烟草)even if they stop smoking after the age of sixty.Smokers,sixty and older,have an eightythree percent increased risk of dying from all causes pared to people who have never smoked.Smokers also have a thirtyfour percent higher risk of death pared to former smokers.TH.Lam is a professor in the school of public health at the University of Hong Kong.He says people who continue to smoke as seniors(年长者 )have at least a fifty percent chance of dying from their smoking habit.TH.Lam adds, “And if they stop smoking,then they can reduce about onequarter of their risk.So this is good news that older people should not continue to smoke.”What about smokers who start at a young age and stop when they are in their thirties? Dr.Lam says they can reduce their risk of dying from a smokingrelated illness to almost the same level as someone who never smokes.Even people who never smoke can still die from breathing other peoples secondhand smoke.In other news,the World Health Organization (WHO)now says pollution from cars or factories causes cancer.It pares the risk to that of secondhand cigarette smoke.This months announcement came after international scientists spent a week studying new research findings.Those included a longterm study of more than twelve thousand factory workers working on engines.But engine makers say their new designs produce far less pollution than before.The WHO says strong measures must be taken to stop pollution from being put into the air.42When it es to giving up smoking,which of the following is TRUE?AIts difficult to do so.BBetter late than never.CIt s too late for seniors.DIts unnecessary to do so.43From the passage we learn that the senior smokers _.Ahave more difficulty giving up smokingBhave more difficulty recovering from illnessChave a higher risk of dying from all causesDhave a higher risk of breathing secondhand smoke44What can we learn from Paragraph 6?AWhat the WHO promotes.BHow people get cancer.CAir pollution has bee serious.DAir pollution is different from secondhand cigarette smoke.45What would be the BEST title for the passage?ANew Medical Evidence.BMeasures to Stop Polluting the Air.CFor Smokers,Never Too Late to Stop.DNew Designs Make Less Pollution.EAmerica is a mobile society.Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change.Neither side feels hurt by this.Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a whilethen no more.If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship.This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may bee lifelong feelings, extending sometimes deeply into both families.Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life.They will enjoy weling us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they dont show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time.This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous_with_our_time.Sometimes,we,as hosts,will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend.We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends.The Americans,however,express their wele usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine.They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus.And they expect that we will phone them from there.Once we arrive at their homes, the wele will be full, warm and real.We will find ourselves treated hospitably.For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters.So accept their hospitality at home!46The writer of this passage must be _.Aa Chinese Ban AmericanCa professor Da student47Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AFriendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.BAmericans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.CAmericans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.DFriendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.48From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend,we will probably be _.Awarmly weled at the airportBtreated hospitably at his homeCoffered a ride to his homeDtreated to dinner in a restaurant49The underlined words“generous with our time”in paragraph 3 probably mean _.Astrict with time Bserious with timeCwilling to spend time Dcareful with time50A suitable title for this passage would probably be“_”AFriendships between ChineseBFriendships between AmericansCAmericans and Chineses views of friendshipsDAmericans hospitality.补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(xx四川高考)James,can I have some black tea?Sure._51_Well,just a little, please.Two teaspoons?_52_I have gained some weight these days.(Minutes later.)How nice it is!_53_Yes,please. Do you mind me smoking here?_54_I dont want to have secondhand smoke. Would you like some cookies,instead? Eating more and smoking less will do you good._55_AOf course!BAny sugar?COkay, thanks.DWell, go ahead.ENo,one is enough.FHow do you want it made?GWould you like some more?.阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Here are some tips on business travel safety,which can be used wherever your next trip may take you,from John Rose,president of Business Travel Services.No.1: Keep your travel plan private. “Whether you are traveling at home or abroad,dont discuss your itinerary,” Rose said.“Otherwise,you may bee an easier target for bad people while you are traveling.”No.2: Be alert (警惕的)Keeping your eyes and ears open while you are away on business allows you to more easily notice anything strange or unusual.“If you manage to have good control of the environment,you wont be targeted by bad guys,” Rose said.No.3: Have an emergency contact (熟人)“Keeping the phone number of an emergency contact in your mobile phone or wallet is always a smart idea,especially when you are traveling alone,” Rose said.“Always have someone who knows your plans as an emergency contact,such as a colleague or a family member.” He added.No.4: Book your ground transportation in advance.“This is the key to successfully business travel when you are traveling internationally,” he said.“Dont make yourself wait for transportation,” he said.“Arrange it in advance,even if its a taxi.Pay for transportation in advance as well.”No.5: Copy all the important documents.This is also an important tip for international trips.Rose said all important documents should be copied.The copies must be kept separate(分开的) from the original documents,so if one gets stolen you still have the other.56Whats the meaning of the underlined word “itinerary” in Paragraph 2?(no more than 5 words)_57What if you keep alert on your business travels? (no more than 10 words)_58According to Paragraph 5,what should you do for your international business travel?(no more than 10 words)_59What does the passage mainly talk about?(no more than 8 words)_60Do you think it necessary to have an emergency contact? Please give your reason.(no more than 25 words)_.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)This term Im very busy with a heavy load of lesson.Sometimes my maths homework took up too much time that I could only spend a few time on English words.One day,my English teacher gave us a test,and I was plete puzzled.I suddenly had an idea: look up for the new words on the Internet on my mobile phone.Went through the words quickly,I was secretly delighted with my little game while someone tapped me on the shoulder.It was my English teacher! She was staring at me!I knew that it was the kind silent warning.She felt ashamed and was determined never cheat in the exam again!.书面表达(满分35分)就“吸烟是否有害”这个主题发表你的看法,写一篇120词左右的文章,至少包含以下内容要点:1一些人认为吸烟有好处,如:能让自己放松;带给自己灵感;是潇洒和成熟的标志;2一些人认为吸烟有害健康,如:对自己身体有害;使别人吸二手烟,对他们的身体也有害;污染环境;3你的看法和理由。 参考词汇:灵感:inspiration;潇洒:smartness;成熟:maturity;二手烟:secondhand smoke_综合检测(二)1B考查冠词以及固定短语。第一空中的experience为可数名词“经历”,用an unusual experience表示“一次不寻常的经历”;have a.effect on为固定短语,表示“对有影响”。2D考查不定式的语态。不定式作后置定语,和所修饰的词为动宾关系,但和这句话的主语I构成主谓关系,因此用主动式表达被动关系。3D考查不定式作目的状语的否定形式。so as to引导目的状语,不能放在句首,in order to的否定式为in order not to do。4B考查形容词辨析及句式。likely,possible以及probable都是形容词,表示“可能的”,但只有possible后面可接for sb. to do sth.,likely和probable不能。


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