2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Life in the future对点练习 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Life in the future对点练习 新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Life in the future对点练习 新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Life in the future对点练习 新人教版必修5.单词拼写1Who was the _(先前的) owner?2How can you _(容忍) all that noise while youre working?3The cruel and _(贪婪的) woman was punished by the two boys.4Which _(开关) do I press to turn the light on?5The doctor asked me to take two _(药片,片剂)of this medicine each day.6On the train we walked from one _(车厢)to another for an empty seat.7We should throw the rubbish into the _(垃圾筒)near the roadside.答案:1.previous2.tolerate3.greedy4.switch5tablets6.carriage7.dustbin.短语填空speed up,take up,slide into,sweep up,be back on ones feet,lose sight of1Dont leave her alone to_the house after the party.2Donny has pletely_after being treated carefully in hospital for a week.3Many countries are faced with the problem about how to_economic development.4I watched the plane go higher and higher until I_it.5He_the room when no one was looking.6Nowadays more and more people have started to_boxing as a regular hobby and sport.答案:1.sweep up2.been back on his feet3.speed up4lost sight of5.slid into6.take up.完成句子1The man stood at the bank waving to his friends until he_(看不见他们的船只)2Toms wife insisted that he should buy her a bag which_(与她朋友的类似)3The thief_(加速) when he realized that he was being followed by a police car.4Bob thought carefully for several days and decided to_(接受工作)5I recognized her_(我一看见她)答案:1.lost sight of their boat2.was similar to her friends3.sped up4.take up the job5.the instant I saw her.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1由于缺乏(lack)自信心,汤姆对英语失去了兴趣。_2他到了应该做出调整(adjustment)的地步(a point where),否则他就不得不放弃。_3新教师史密斯先生一(the instant)进入到他的班级,就受到了极大的鼓舞。_4汤姆开始(take up)用大量的时间学习英语。_5史密斯老师生动形象的教学加速(speed up)了他的进步。_6汤姆的进步给我们留下了深刻的印象(impression)。_(二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇(注意时态的变化)_答案:(一)1.For lack of selfconfidence,Tom lost interest in English.2He reached a point where he should make adjustments,or he had to give up.3The instant Mr.Smith,a new teacher,came into his class,he got greatly encouraged.4Tom took up a lot of time to learn English.5Mr.Smiths lively and vivid teaching sped up his progress.6Toms achievements have made a great impression on us.(二)参考范文:For lack of selfconfidence,Tom lost interest in English;as a result,he reached a point where he should make adjustments,or he had to give up.Fortunately,the instant Mr.Smith,a new teacher,came into his class,he got greatly encouraged and took up a lot of time to learn English;at the same time,Mr.Smiths lively and vivid teaching sped up his progress.Toms achievements have made a great impression on us.

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