2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Reading Tasks练习 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Reading Tasks练习 新人教版必修5Task I. In what situations is first aid needed? Discuss it in your group.Task II. What do you do to protect your skin in your daily life? Share your ideas with your partners.Task III. In what ways can a person get burnt? Think of as many ways as you can and tell them to your partners.While-reading activitiesTask I. Read Paragraph 1 of the text and fill in the blanks. Then try to tell your partners how useful your skin is for you.Functions of your skinkeeping you 1. _ or coolpreventing your body from losing too much 2. _letting you have the sense of feeling and 3. _Task II. Read the part “Types of burns” of the text and fill in the blanks in the chart below.Task III. Read the part “Characteristics of burns” of the text and find out the symptoms that do not belong to the degrees. Then put them back to the right degrees.First degree burns:mildly painful; turn white when pressed; dry, red and mildly swollen; watery surfaceSecond degree burns:blisters; black and white and charred; extremely painfulThird degree burns:may be pain around edge of injured area; rough, red and swollenTask IV. Read the part “First aid treatment” of the text and fill in the blanks.Post-reading activitiesTask I. Below is a summary of the text with some words missing. Choose the words from the box and make the summary plete. Then try to retell the story to your partners.ten, clothing, water, third, three, bandage, painThe skin is your bodys largest organ. It has 1. _ layers which keep out disease, poisons and the harmful rays of the sun. It keeps you warm and cool and stops you from losing too much 2. _. It also allows you to feel cold, heat and 3. _. Because your skin is so important, burns can be very serious injuries. First degree burns affect the top layer of the skin, second degree burns, the top and second layer and third degree burns, all three. To treat a burn, first remove the 4. _ from around the burn and bathe the burn in cool but not icy water for around 5. _ minutes. First and second degree burns can be covered with cool, clean wet cloths, which can be kept cool by constantly cleaning them in cool water. After they are dry you may cover them with a clean 6. _ . Do not put cold water on a(n) 7. _ degree burn and get the victim to a hospital as soon as possible. (By Ray Cama)Task II. Role-play. Suppose you are a patient and your partner is a doctor. You get mild sunburn and you are not sure how serious it is. Please ask your partner questions to get to know what degree of burns you have got. You can refer to Task II and Task III in the While-reading activities.Task III. Interview. Suppose you are a reporter and your partner is a doctor. Make up at least 5 questions to interview him about how to give first aid treatment to a burnt person. You can refer to Task IV in the While-reading activities.Keys:Pre-reading activitiesTask I. 略Task II. 略Task III. 略While-reading activitiesTask I. 1. warm 2. water 3. touchTask II. 1. mild 2. liquids 3. electricTask III. watery surface Second degree burnsblack and white and charred Third degree burnsrough, red and swollen Second degree burnsTask IV. 1. clothing 2. third 3. wet 4. bandage 5. higherPost-reading activitiesTask I. 1. three 2. water 3. pain 4. clothing 5. ten 6. bandage 7. thirdTask II. 略Task III. 略

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