2019-2020年高三交流卷(二)英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三交流卷(二)英语试题 含答案第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15 B. 9.15 C. 9.18答案:B1. What is the woman doing?A. She is reading a newspaper.B. She is finding her son.C. She is talking with her son.2. When will the plane probably arrive?A. At 2:20 pm.B. At 2:45 pm. C. At 2:30pm.3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In the gardenB. In the living room. C. In the kitchen.4. What is the man?A. A taxi driver. B. A hotel receptionist. C. A waiter5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the street B. At the school C. At the airport第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题.6. Why does Janice call Allison?A. She invites him to watch volleyball match.B. She invites him to watch football match.C. She invites him to see a film.7. When do they plan to meet? A. At 6:20.B. At 6:40.C. Not mentioned.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题.8. What is the woman probably?A. A writer. B. A reporter. C. A tour guide.9. What is on the mans right?A. A statue. B. A park. C. A palace.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10. Which day(s) does the man finally make a reservation for?A. November 10. B. November 17. C. November 17 and 18.11. Which type of room does the man book?A. Standard. B. Deluxe. C. Suite.12. How much does the man have to pay to hold the room?A. $ 220, B. $ 160. C. $ 50.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17. What prize did the youngest group get?A. The second prize.B. The third prize.C. The fourth prize.18. What should Eastside practise more?A. The dance. B. The music. C. The song.19. Why did the Storm win the first prize?A. They danced wonderfully.B. The guitarist played very well.C. The singer performed perfectly.20. In what way is the announcer speaking?A. Humorous. B. Serious.C. Boring.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节: 多项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. What do you think of _ TV Series “ My Love From the Star”?I didnt care for it at first,but after _ time I get to like it.A. the; aB. /; theC. the; theD. /; a22. _ is known to all is that getting close to nature frequently _ happiness to life.A. It; adds to B. What; adds to C. It; adds to D. What; adds 23. The Malaysia Airlines sent a message to the families _ loved ones were aboard Flight MH370 _ the plane ended in a crash. A. who; where B. whose; that C. who; that D. whose; where24. The sun _ brightly, everything there looks more beautiful.A. is shiningB. shining C. was shining D. be shining25. Its said that the urban population in China today is _ large as it was 30 years ago. A. three times as B. as three times C. three times much D. much three times26. Lei Jun has launched the new Xiaomi3, which will be _ in a range of colours including red, yellow, blue, pink and black. A. profitable B. distinct C. available D. associated27. I should not have punished her if I _ she _ seriously ill. A. knew; was B. had known; was C. had known; wereD. knew; were 28. A terrible tornado is reported to have swept across southeast California with at least 28 residents _ and 113 others_. A. killed; missedB. killing; missing C. killed; missingD. killing; missed29. The chief executive together with his colleagues _ hard to promote the sales of the products in the past several weeks.A. has been workingB. had been workingC. was workingD. are working30. Never before _ anyone in Chinese history who can play tennis as well as Li Na. A. has been there B. there has been C. has there been D. there been has31._ the statistics, the smog pollution in Peking will stick around for a while. A. In terms of B. According to C. Regardless of D. Thanks to32. Although to forgive is a virtue, _ no one has ever said it is easy. A. and B. or C. but D. /33. Since nobody lent her a hand, she _ have finished the task on her own. A. could B. must C. should D. can34. It is a tradition to hold a graduation ceremony to encourage students before they _ on their life journey. A. set down B. settle down C. set off D. get through35. How was your interview yesterday? _. The manager seemed interested, but he didnt ask for more details. A. Thats right B. Perfect C. Its hard to say D. Couldnt be better.第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As a kid I loved everything about school. I loved books, 36 , tests and homework. Most of all I longed to someday march down the aisle (通道) to receive my 37 . That seemed more appealing even than getting married. But at 15, I had to 38 because my parents 39 afford tuition . My hope of getting a diploma was dead. Pretty soon, I married. I had three children, and I thought: “There 40 my diploma.” Even so, I wanted my children to be educated. But Linda, our youngest child, had juvenile arthritis (幼年型关节炎) in her 41 and knees, which made it 42 for her to function (活动) in a normal classroom. One day, I saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses. “Thats the answer,” I said to myself. Linda always feels 43 in the evening, so Ill just sign her up for night school. Linda was busy 44 out enrollment (入学) forms when the secretary said: “Mrs Schantz, why dont you e back to 45 ?” I 46 : “Theres no way! Im 55!” 47 he insisted, and before I knew what I had done, I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts. “This is only an experiment,” I 48 him, but he just smiled. To my surprise, both Linda and I thrived (茁壮成长) in evening school. I went back again the next semester, and my grades 49 improved. It was 50 going to school again, but it was no game. Sitting in a class full of kids was awkward, 51 most of them were respectful and encouraging. During the day, I still had loads of housework to do. But when I was down, Linda encouraged me. “Mom, you cant 52 now!” And when she was down, I 53 her. Together we saw it through. At last, I got my diploma. 54 , my classmates voted unanimously (一致地) for me to be class speaker, and I got a $3,000 college scholarship. Yes, Mom, I was late for school, but I got there 55 .36. A. parentsB. teachersC. treesD. flowers37. A. jobB. presentC. certificationD. diploma38. A. drop outB. watch outC. keep outD. find out39. A. wouldntB. couldntC. shouldntD. neednt40. A. goesB. esC. exists D. breaks41. A. handsB. headC. eyes D. stomach42. A. likelyB. frequentC. easyD. impossible43. A. worseB. excitedC. betterD. annoyed44. A. givingB. takingC. fillingD. sending45. A. workB. schoolC. homeD. office46. A. laughedB. toldC. arguedD. shouted47. A. AndB. ButC. AlthoughD. So48. A. informedB. askedC. warnedD. convinced49. A. regularly B. happilyC. steadilyD. naturally50. A. interestingB. disappointingC. concernedD. exciting51. A. as ifB. even ifC. in caseD. if only52. A. continueB. restC. quitD. hesitate53. A. raisedB. discouragedC. cheeredD. defeated 54. A. To my surprise B. To my satisfactionC. To my relief D. To my credit55. A. naturally B. frequently C. constantly D. eventually第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AJessicas most famous achievement was learning how to fly. It took three states, four airplanes, two flight instructors and a discouraging year to find the right aircraft: a 1946 415C Ercoupe Airplane. She received a Guinness World Record for being the first person certified (授予执照) to fly an airplane with only their feet.Jessica now works as an inspirational speaker. She travels the world sharing her story and encouraging people to be creative, using the slogan “think outside the box”.56. How did Jessicas father react to his daughters birth condition?A. He was depressed that no doctors could help her.B. He kept her pany as much as possible to make her feel safe.C. He believed that she would be able to overe it.D. He was afraid that she would not be able to live a normal life.57. What did Jessica learn from her first dancing performance according to the article?A. It takes great effort for a dancer to succeed.B. Dancing made her feel happy and confident.C. Anything is possible as long as you have passion.D. Despite her birth condition, she can perform well on stage.58. Which of the following was the most famous achievement for Jessica?A. Working as a motivational speaker.B. Learning to pilot a plane with her feet.C. Earning a bachelors degree in Psychology.D. Earning her first black belt from the International Taekwondo Federation.59. What is the main message the article intends to convey?A. We should devote ourselves to whatever we do.B. Family support is essential to ones growth.C. Disabled people should be treated equally under the law.D. Those who are motivated can overe any obstacle.60. According to the passage, which word can best describe Jessica? A. Determined. B. Patient. C. Intelligent. D. Brave.BThe shocking disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has captured the attention of millions around the world as the search for the airplane and its passengers and crew continues. What happened to the flights 239 passengers and crew after the plane left Kuala Lumpur on Saturday? It is being an increasingly desperate question as the days pass.But its hardly the first mystery of its kind. Here are some half-solved and unsolved airline mysteries that kept investigators clueless for years.Air France Flight 447:An Airbus A330 flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris plunged into the Atlantic Ocean in xx, killing all 228 passengers and crew on board. But it took a full five days for search and rescue teams to find the wreck(残骸)and another three years for investigators to report that ice crystals had caused the autopilot(自动驾驶仪)to disconnect. The bodies of 74 passengers remain unrecovered.Amelia Earhart:Ace(王牌) pilot Amelia Earhart disappeared in her twin-engine monoplane Electra over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 in an attempt to circumnavigate the globe. No trace of her plane was ever found even after a multi-million dollar search effort, and Earhart was officially declared dead in 1939.Flying Tiger Line Flight 739:A U.S. military flight left Guam in 1962 with more 90 personnel headed for the Philippines, but it never arrived. The pilots never issued a distress call, and 1,300 people involved in the U.S. military search never found any trace of wreckage. British South American Airways:It took more than 50 years to find any trace of the 11 people aboard a 1947 flight that disappeared in the Andes Mountains. A pair of Argentineans rock climbers discovered engine wreckage in the Andes in xx, and an army expedition later found human remains as well. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571:A flight headed to Santiago, Chile carrying 45 passengers and crew crashed into the Andes Mountains in poor weather in 1972, killing twelve people. In the meantime, eight were killed in an avalanche(雪崩) that hit the planes wreckage where they were taking shelter, and the rest stayed alive by eating the flesh of the dead before they were finally found more than two months after disappearing out of the sky.61. The underlined word “plunged” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _. A. jumped B. brokeC. flewD. dived 62. What can we learn from Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571? A. 12 people were lost until now. B. 25 people were rescued instantly. C. The rest who stayed alive killed 8 people. D. 8 were killed by a fall of a large mass of snow down a mountainside.63. From the passage, what could have led to British South American Airways crash?A. The bad weather. B. Not mentioned.C. The ice crystals. D. The lightening.64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Earhart was declared dead by the authorities two years later. B. The bodies of Flight 447 had all been found after three years.C. Two Argentineans rock climbers discovered the dead in the Andes.D. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was regarded as the largest air crash.65. The passage has been written to _.A. introduce the loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370B. explain how to avoid airplane disappearances as a pilotC. tell readers mysterious airplane disappearances in Aviation History D. call on people to protect themselvesCFor many workers trying to lose weight, the weekend is a chance to do some exercise and eat something healthier than a supermarket sandwich at their desk. But some slimmers take a slightly different approach consuming more than half their weekly calorie intake from Friday night to Sunday. Away from the daily routine at work that helps them keep control of what they eat, they are snacking and drinking and drinking their way to a shocking 10,000 calories, a survey has found. Almost three-quarters of people trying to lose weight admit to over-eating at the weekend. A meal with friends or family, plete with alcohol, as well as a late-night snack before bed, can lead to adults consuming up to 3,500 calories in one day, a survey found. Men typically need 2,500 calories a day and women 2,000 calories. Consuming this amount would see men and women get through half their weekly calorie intake over the course of a bad weekend. Women were found to eat less on a Sunday because of guilt over their consumption over the previous two days. Men had fewer doubts about a third day of excess. The biggest weekend diet danger es from snacking between meals, the survey found. Some say they will often spend Saturday night in front of the TV with their familiesbining watching their favourite shows with crisps and biscuits. And seven in ten people admitted to having fattening takeaways at weekends, with pizza the most popular. Alcohol is another big factor in weekend bingeingAround 70 percent still like to have a roast on a Sunday or a big meal with family or friends and a third of those will have second helpings. A spokesman from Forza Supplements, the diet pany that conducted the survey, said: “We all have bad weekends when we have a lot of fun, but dieting goes out the window.” The 5:2 diet is being increasingly popularwhere we limit our calories for five days and allow ourselves a few treats on the other two days. “For many people, the two days off are Saturday and Sunday but they go way too far”66. Which kind of weekend diet does the greatest harm?A. Having a big meal with family and friends. B. Drinking a lot.C. Having fattening takeaways. D. Snacking between the meals.67. According to passage, those who try to lose weight _.A. intake more calories on weekdays than on weekendsB. get their effort to lose weight ruined by over-eating on weekendsC. always have bad weekends due to their intention to lose weightD. keep wide aware of their desire to lose weight by keeping a strict diet68. The underlined phrase “goes out the window” is closest in meaning to “_”. A. is forgotten B. is fixed C. bees focused D. remains unchanged69. What is the main idea of the text? A. Weekends are fatal for diets. B. What the 5:2 diet is. C. The proper way to lose weight. D. Peoples weekly calorie intake is changing.70. What type of writing is this article? A. A medical report. B. A health report. C. A book review. D. A culture report.DWhile most of us are happy to take the credit when things go well, few of us are willing to take the blame when things go wrong. Rather than trying to hide our shame or embarrassment, experts found that we are simply less aware when our actions result in a negative oute. The research may explain why we often feel it hard to take the blame for our actions. “Our result suggests that people may really experience less responsibility for negative than for positive outes,” said Patrick Haggard, leading researcher and professor of the institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. In a series of tests, participants were asked to press a key. A sound then followed, either disapproving, neutral or approving, and they were then asked to estimate the time between the action and when they had heard the sound. Researchers found that individuals experienced different levels of responsibility depending on the outes. They also discovered they were significantly slower to recognize if their actions had resulted in a bad consequence, pared to when they had done well. “Effectively, we have found that we experience a negative oute differently, not just retell it differently. We make a weaker connection when there is a bad result. And respond much more strongly when something good happens,” said Professor Haggard. When something goes right, everyone wants to take the credit, and when things go wrong. Nobody is interested in putting their hand up. The researchers said our brain is “very much concerned” with reward, as good results are key to survival. Although our own perception (认知) of whether we are guilty of something or not is changed by the oute, this does not provide a defence if we have done something wrong. “Our experience of our own responsibilities can be misleading and can be strongly coloured by the outes of our actions,” said Professor Haggard. “We have to take responsibility for what we actually do, not just for how we experience things.”71. People who dont take the blame for their actions _.A. always try to hide their shame or embarrassment.B. are only willing to take the credit when things go wellC. are less responsible for negative than for positive outes D. are less aware of what to do when a negative oute happens 72. According to the passage, a person who is concerned with reward is _.A. awkwardB. stubbornC. absurdD. natural 73. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Our responsibilities can be strongly affected by the outes of our actions. B. When something bad happens, nobody is interested in dealing with the problem. C. People were quicker to recognize if their actions had resulted in a bad consequence. D. Participants were asked to count the time between pressing a key and hearing the sound.74. How is the passage developed?A. By giving examples.B. By making parison.C. By quoting research findings. D. By providing data.75. What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph? A. Peoples reaction to good results and bad results. B. We should take more responsibility for what we do. C. Different levels of responsibility depend on the outes. D. The reasons why people cant accept blame when things go wrong.第II卷(非选择题 满分35分)第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。Managers and office busybodies might be keen on a clean desk but it seems th


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