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2019-2020年高三英语第二次月考试题Part Listening prehension(30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Section B(7.5 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You will hear the short passage TWICE.Part Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four chokes marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best pletes the sentence.21The experts along with the head teacher _ discussing JK Rowlings works _ that _ popular among students. A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is 22Mr. Simpson prefers a restaurant in a small town to _ in so large a city as New YorkAthis Bone Cit Dthat 23The question came up at the meeting _ we had not enough money to do the research. A. whether B. that C. if D. what 24_ surprised me most was _ he was too late for the important meeting, for he was chairman of it.A. What; why B. That; how C. What; how D. That; why25The teachers in Yali work harder than ever before, their working conditions and salaries greatly AimproveBimprovingCimprovedDbeing improved26Keeping a balance of work, rest and diet, and having _ exercise will save people from illnesses Aappropriate Baccurate Cfierce Dtemporary27. The school rules state that no child _ be allowed out of the school during the day unless they are with an adult. A. shall B. will C. need D. might28. I tried every means to reach my goal but failed. So desperate _ that I almost lost heart. A. I did feel B. did I feel C. felt I D. I felt29. I feel a little sad and annoyed when I think of many cases students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. A. why B. which C. as D. where30. Although most of them have no doubt _ he will pass the exam, I still think there is something about _ he has really got everything ready.A. whether; that B. that; whether C. that; that D. whether; whether31It is better to ask someone for advice rather than _ something.Arisk doingBto risk doingCrisk to do Dto risk to do32He is too busy these days. I dont know if he _ to my birthday party or not tomorrow evening.A. e B. es C. will e D. is ing33“Look! Everything here is under construction.” “What is the small building that _for?”A. is being building B. has been built C. is built D. is being built34 It has been raining for a day, but even though it hadnt rained, we _ there by tomorrow. A. cant get B. wont get C. hadnt got D. wouldnt get35. I dont think it easy, even if we work hard, _ the South Korea and the North Korea to sit down to talk at present. A. persuaded B. to persuade C. persuade D. persuadingPart Section B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A. B. C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. “Kevin, we are getting a divorce,” said my mother. My heart plunged(下沉). I was 9 years old and I thought that my life was going to fall apart. My brother and I were going to move with my mother to southern California. My dad was to 36 in New Jersey because of work. My family was splitting apart. Now that my mom is a single parent, I do my own 37 , make dinner and do extra chores around the house. Although it was hard at first, I now recognize the positive 38 that this responsibility had on me. My mother gave me these chores and duties so that I would learn to bee 39 and trustworthy. I strive(努力) to display these 40 in all aspects of my life, and have seen the benefits. When I was only 11 years old, my 41 told me that he was selecting me as soccer team captain because of my determination and ability to get my teammates to 42 themselves. We lost the championship, but I won the fair play award for keeping my team together. I am always 43 to be an individual and not participate in anything that I feel is wrong. I am, for example, extremely proud of my decision not to drink alcohol. Personally, I dont feel the need to drink to have fun, and I stand by my decision even when others try to 44 me. My mom and dad both found new partners and happily remarried. I am still close to my father, even though he lives 4,800 km away. I thought my parents divorce was going to be the worst thing that ever happened to me. Ironically (讽刺的是), it turned out to be the 45 . I wasnt willing to let it ruin my life without putting up a fight, and neither was my family. At age 9, I struggled with the confusion and 46 of divorce. Today, at age 16, I understand that 47 can bring opportunity and success, and that hard work, determination and self-control can turn your worst time into your best time.36. A. drop B. remainC. call D. break37. A. housework B. farming C. cookingD. laundry38. A. attitude B. experienceC. effect D. situation 39. A. self-centered B. self-absorbed C. self-disciplined D. self-concerned40. A. skills B. difficulties C. emotions D. qualities41. A. father B. headmaster C. brotherD. coach42. A. enjoy B. teach C. prove D. push43. A. determined B. reminded C. relieved D. amazed44. A. cheat B. pressure C. pleaseD. delight45. A. best B. worst C. busiestD. first46. A. pain B. memory C. significanceD. emergency47. A. barriers B. families C. parents D. routinesSection C(12 marks)Directions: plete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.When it es to honesty, quite a lot of people believe 48 is greatly important to a persons character and success. They base their ideas on the following reasons: firstly, successful business owes much 49 honesty; secondly, great people in history like Abraham Lincoln and General Washington set us good examples of being honest. They were great 50 they were honest. 51 , some people believe honesty is being out of date. Their reasons run as follows: to begin with, cheating at exams is being 52 mon practice; in addition, some singers and movie stars cheat at taxes; last but not least, most people dont have a belief. Therefore, they do 53 they want to.It is high time we built our honesty system. 54 should take effective steps to change the situation. For example, kids should be taught to tell the truth. Whats more, strict rules and laws should be carried 55 to stop people cheating at exams and taxes, and so on.Part Reading prehension (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished .statements For each of them there are four chokes marked A. B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. A Ingrid Stone is the queen of plaints. The determined woman has written letters of plaint for more than 30 years. And it has bee the womans campaign against poor service. Ingrid has bee one of the most successful plainers in Britain. “My father and my grandfather have always been people who believe strongly in saying what you think. I think I must have inherited the genes,” says Ingrid. One thing is certain: Ingrid Stone is very good at plaining. “I plain about just anything, but it has to be with good reason. If you are dissatisfied, dont suffer in silence and just stand up for yourself.”Over the years, Ingrid has fired off hundreds of plaint letters to panies: Apple (a faulty MacBook), British Airways (delayed flights), and even the makers of a brand of fly paper, which wasnt sticky enough to trap its victims. Of course, Ingrid has been taken seriously by the panies she has targeted. Friends have been quick to capitalize on Ingrids talent for plaining. They would e to her, whenever they have problems. Her talent for plaining has even landed her a book deal Letters of a Dissatisfied Woman, a collection of her best letters. It will be published later this year.But there is one person who is not so impressed by Ingrids hobby, her husband. “I think he still gets embarrassed by it,” says Ingrid. “Hes not the plaining sort. In the beginning, if I plained about something in a restaurant, he would be totally shocked. I think hes accepted it now.”While Ingrid laughs about her hobby, it is clear she takes it very seriously. “In a sense, I think its really very important,” she says. “As consumers, people dont have the money to spend on bad services and products. Business cant afford to have bad services and products, because we will just stop using them.”56. According to the passage, Ingrid Stone .A. has plained to one pany for many yearsB. keeps in touch with friends by writing letters C. has written letters of plaint for many yearsD. is the most successful businesswoman in Britain57. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 shows .A. the reason why she likes to plainB. the ways she plainsC. the panies she plains toD. the reason why she succeeds58. What does the underlined phrase “capitalize on” (Para. 4) probably mean?A. Look down upon.B. Make full use of. C. Put up with. D. Say no to. 59. seemed to be embarrassed by Ingrids hobby of plaining. A. Her father B. Her grandfather C. Her husband D. Her friends60. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Ingrid Stone is a woman without the sense of right and wrong.B. All panies are not happy with what Ingrid has done.C. Ingrid has been tired of writing plaint letters.D. People will see Ingrids plaint letters in a book. BMiddle-class parents, who shout at their teenage children, are increasing their risk of depression and troubled behavior. Even if parents enjoy a close relationship with their son and daughter, harsh verbal discipline (严厉的口头惩戒) was found to have a bad impact on their teens emotional development. This form of discipline can vary from yelling and shouting at a child, to swearing and using words to shame them.Scientists looked at 976 families in the US, most of which were middle-class. During the experiment, teens and their parents pleted surveys over a two-year period on topics, which were related to their mental health and the quality of the parent-child relationship. About 90 percent of parents admit using harsh verbal discipline towards their children. They found that many parents changed from physical to verbal discipline as their children entered adolescence. If parents use such punishment when their child is 13, the teen is more likely to have behavioral or emotional problems later on, such as stealing, telling lies or fighting. Theres no doubt that parents harsh verbal discipline is damaging to the developing adolescent. The thought that harsh discipline is without consequence, once there is a strong parent-child bond, is quite wrong, because parents warmth cant lessen the effects of harsh verbal discipline. Indeed, harsh verbal discipline appears to be harmful in all cases. Not only does harsh verbal discipline appear to be useless at dealing with behavior issues, it may actually add to the problem. Even if the parents were close to their child, this form of discipline still caused emotional damage. Parents hostility (敌意) could actually lead to an increase in the risk of adolescent conduct problems.Dr Wang suggests parents, who want to discipline their teenage children, would benefit by talking with them about their concerns and the consequences of the behavior. The findings could influence future parenting programs, as well as encourage other methods of punishment rather than shouts and insults.61. Whats the passage mainly about?A. How to build a good parent-child relationship. B. What parents should do to help their teenagers.C. Why shouting makes teenagers worse.D. How to get on with the teenagers.62. According to the passage, when children enter adolescence, their parents will . A. change from physical to verbal disciplineB. give them more freedom than beforeC. respect them as adultsD. not punish them any more63. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Parents warmth can lessen the effects of harsh verbal discipline. B. Harsh discipline works well once there is a strong parent-child bond.C. Parents should often talk with children about their concerns.D. Punishment can help teenagers develop well.64. The passage is most probably intended for .A. the troubled teenagersB. children from middle-class familiesC. the teachers in schoolD. parents having teenage children65. What is the authors attitude to the verbal discipline?A. Objective (客观的). B. Critical. C. Doubtful. D. Supportive.CWhat will you do after your house catches fire? Here are some tips after you locate your exit and prepare your key. Bee familiar with your room. See if your bathroom has a vent (通风口); all do, but some have electric motors. If you decide to remain in your room, turn it on to help remove the smoke. Take a good look at the window in your room. Now open the window and look outside. Get a good mental picture of what is outside; it may e in handy. It is important to know how to open and close your window.Many people have defended themselves quite nicely in their rooms, and so can you. One of the first things you will want to do is open the window to vent the smoke. Do not break the window: the broken glass from the window can be very dangerous. Besides, if you break your window, say with a chair, you could hit a fireman on the street below. If there is fresh air outside, leave the window open, but keep an eye on it. At this point, most people would stay at the window, waving madly, while their room continues to fill with smoke if the fire burns through, but you must be aggressive and fight back. Here are some things you can do, in any order you choose: if the room phone works, let someone know you are in there. Open the bathroom vent. Fill the bath with water (do not get into it it is for fire fighting; youd be surprised how many people try to save themselves by getting into a tub of water which is how you cook crabs as well!). Wet some sheets or towels, and stuff the cracks of your door to keep out the smoke. With your ice-bucket, bail (舀水) the water from the bath onto the door to keep it cool. Feel the walls: if they are hot, bail water onto them too. Keep it wet; keep everything wet. A wet towel tied around your nose and mouth is an effective filter (过滤器). If you swing a wet towel around the room, it will help clear the smoke. Use your imagination and you may e up with some tricks of your own. The point is there shouldnt be any reason to panic; keep fighting until reinforcements (增援部队) arrive. 66. According to the passage, if a fire broke out, you should .A. open the window and escape through itB. close the window in case that smoke es in C. break the window but stay away from the broken glassD. open the window and fight back against the fire67. If you were stuck in a room in a fire, you should do the following EXCEPT .A. fill the tub with water B. inform someone that you are stuck C. bail water onto the walls to keep them coolD. open the door to keep fresh air in68. The people who try to survive by getting into a tub of water would probably end up .A. being rescued finallyB. being killed by the fireC. saving themselves at last D. keeping the fire away from them69. What is the purpose of tying a wet towel around your nose and mouth?A. To keep you cool.B. To filter the smoke.C. To protect you from the fire. D. To provide you with water.70. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. How to defend yourself in a room if you were stuck in a fire. B. What we should do to prevent a fire.C. How to bee familiar with the room in a hotel.D. How to escape if a fire broke out in your room.Part IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passageWrite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Binge drinking used to mean drinking to excess (过度) over several days. Now, however, the term refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.Alcohol stores, bars, and alcoholic drink panies make drinking seem attractive and fun. Its easy for a high school student to get caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Certainly, one of the biggest areas of peer pressure is drinking.Other reasons why people drink include: theyre curious they want to know what its like to drink alcohol. They believe that it will make them feel good, not realizing it could just so easily make them sick and hung-over (宿醉未醒的). They may look at alcohol as a way to reduce stress, even though it can end up creating more stress. They want to feel older.Many people dont think about the negative side of drinking. Although they think about the possibility of getting drunk, they may not give much consideration to being hung-over or sick.You may know from experience that drinking too much can lead to difficulty concentrating, memory faults, mood changes, and other problems that affect your day-to-day life. But binge drinking carries more serious and longer-lasting risks as well.If you think you have a binge-drinking problem, get help as soon as possible. The best approach is to talk to an adult you trust if you cant approach your parents, talk to your doctor, school counselor, church member, aunt, or uncle. It can be hard for some people to talk to adults about these issues, so an alternative could be a trusted friend or an elder sibling (兄弟姐妹) who is easy to talk to.Title: 71 Definition In the past: drinking to excess 72 At present: the consumption of 73 amounts of alcohol over a short period of time 74 For 75 : to reduce peer pressure For other people: to satisfy their 76 , to make them feel good, to reduce stress and to feel older 77 Making people feel hung-over or sick Causing 78 like difficulty concentrating, memory faults, mood changes, etc. Tips on getting help Talking to a 79 Talking to a friend you trust or an elder 80 Section B (10 mark.)Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.The other day, when I went to a coffee shop for a cup of coffee, the shop was unusually quiet. A young lady and a gentleman who was in his late eighties were sitting in front of me. Being quite close to them, I heard their conversation by chance.According to their words and my profession as a woman reporter, it appe

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