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2019-2020年高三英语周末回顾(9)含答案一. 用合适的介词或副词填空1. Our pany cannot give you a discount unless you buy our products _ large quantities.2. Everyone was laughing _ the actions of the funny character in the edy.3. Before Mrs. Smith was made General Manager, this business was nearly _ its last legs.4. Students have to cope _ a much heavier workload in their final year of high school.5. He enjoyed playing songs _ his trumpet, even though he knew he was not very good at it.6. She was blessed _ good health and was rarely ill.7. _ the new managers leadership, the football team began to play to their full potential and won their next game.8. Meals _ wheels is a free service, where hot meals are delivered to elderly people who may not be able to move around very easily.9. In the UK, people can apply for a driving license _ the age of 17.10. The young woman was only too happy to show _ her beautiful wedding ring.二. 翻译下面使用委婉语的句子或短语1. He is a bicycle doctor. 2. They are the culturally deprived. 3. He is a good sailor. 4. adjustment downward 5. to go to a better world 6. barber cosmetologist 7. false teeth dentures 8. the man in the street 9. between jobs 10. physically challenged 三短语翻译1. 更愿意做某事 2. 而不是 3. 擅长于 4. 多大岁数的时候 5. 充满 6. 从辞职 7. 退出 8. 在最后一刻 9. 在他空闲的时候 10. 张贴广告 11. 腾飞,成功 12. 除以外 13. 组装 14. 在个人电脑领域 15. 总共 16. 在20世纪80年代 17. 厌倦 18. 精力投入于 19. 在他的管理下 20. 折叠 四单项填空1. Some people argue using _ nature to meet our own needs may spell disaster, unless we start to look around and understand how _ clean environment benefits us all. A. /; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a2. Jack _ some French by playing with the native boys and girls when he traveled in France with his parents.A. made up B. turned up C. picked up D. added up 3. me with the information, and youll get a sum of money, I promise.A. Provide B. Providing C. If provide D. To provide 4. They urged that the library _ open during the winter vacation. A. must be kept B. is kept C. would be kept D. be kept5. All the people _the meeting were very important. A. attending B. present C. attended D. presented6. _ late in the morning, Jack turned off the alarm clock.A. So that sleep B. Sleeping C. So to sleep D. To sleep7. In the questionnaire, the subjects are questioned whether they _ banning cars in the city centre. A. agree B. ment C. advocate D. conduct8. Measures have been taken to solve the problem, but it may be some time _ the situation improves. A. since B. when C. unless D. before9. The injured were lying in hospital _the shock from the traffic accident.A. to suffer B. suffered C. suffered from D. suffering from10. As we know, _ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible. A. normal B. general C. regular D. mon11. In the reading-room, we found Winifred _ at a desk, with her attention _ on a novel. A. sitting; fixing B. seating; fixed C. sitting; fixed D. seated; fixing12. - If the traffic hadnt been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 oclock. - What a pity! Tina _ here to see you. A. is B. was C. would be D. has been 13. All those _ with the event must sign their names here. A. concerning B. to concern C. concerned D. to be concerning14. Many of the crimes have gone _ because some people dare not report them to the police. A. to be unnoticed B. unnoticing C. to have been unnoticed D. unnoticed15. The government has announced plans to cut back _ defence spending _ 10% next year. A. upon; to B. on; by C. of; by D. for; to五. 完形填空 Most parents work hard at 1 their children away from failure. Obviously no one can be brilliant 2 everything. In fact, success in one area often means failure in 3 . A famous politician once told me that his career had 4 his marriage. I have no time for my family, he explained. I travel a lot. And even when Im home, I hardly see my wife and kids. Ive got 5 and money, but as a husband and father, Im a loser.Failure is never pleasant. It hurts adults and children alike. But it can make a positive 6 to your life once you learn to use it. Ask yourself 7 you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, dont be shy about inquiring.When I was a teenager and failed to get a job Id 8 , I telephoned the interviewer to ask why. Because you came ten minutes late, I was told. We cant afford employees who waste other peoples time. The explanation was 9 . Success is not nearly 10 as failure. You can learn from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in 11 second. A failure can even 12 fresh thinking, a change of direction.Certain kinds of success can indeed be destructive. The danger of too early success is particularly acute. Success that es too easily is also damaging. The child who wins a prize for a 13 essay and the adult who distinguishes himself at a first job by lucky accident may 14 with probable disappointment when real challenges 15 . 16 Hayakawa points out, theres great difference between I have failed three times and I am a failure. The words failure and success cannot be reasonably 17 to a living and changing human being. They can only describe the situation at a particular time and place.A mans success 18 failures, because he 19 every day, and the more falls he gets, moves faster on. I have heard that in horsemanship “A man will never be a good rider 20 he is thrown.1. A. preventingB. discouragingC. keepingD. stopping2. A. atB. inC. forD. with3. A. otherB. the otherC. the anotherD. another4. A. damaged B. ruinedC. brokenD. hurt5. A. energyB. strengthC. forceD. power6. A. effectB. contributionC. influenceD. conservation7. A. whenB. whereC. whatD. how8. A. dreamed ofB. looked forC. looked forwardD. searched9. A. unbelievableB. hopelessC. desperateD. helpful10. A. as a good teacherB. a good teacher asC. as good a teacherD. good as a teacher11. A. theB. aC. anotherD. /12. A. prohibitB. protectC. promoteD. produce13. A. careless-writingB. careless-writtenC. carelessly-writingD. carelessly-written14. A. faceB. facingC. facedD. be faced15. A. riseB. raiseC. raisedD. arise16. A. WhichB. WhatC. AsD. Since17. A. adoptedB. adaptedC. appliedD. arranged18. A. is consisted ofB. makes upD. makes up ofD. consists of19. A. experiencesB. experimentsD. exercisesD. examines20. A. ifB. untilC. afterD. because六. 阅读理解 No Country For Old Men won the Oscar for best film and its makers, brothers Joel and Ethan Coen, were named best directors on Sunday, giving the crime drama four of the worlds top movie awards.Members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences honored a wide range of movies, actors and actresses from several countries.Briton Daniel Day-Lewis won the Oscar for best actor for There Will Be Blood as a sadistic oil prospector in the early 20th century whose rise to wealth and power es at a deep cost to his soul.Frances Marion Cotillard was named best actress, Britains Tilda Swinton took supporting actress and Spains Javier Bardem won supporting actor.Cotillard earned her Academy Award portraying singer Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose and became the first French actress to win the Oscar in that category since 1960.Im speechless now, Cotillard said on stage, visibly surprised and overjoyed. Thank you life, thank you love. It is true there (are) some angels in this city.Swinton won supporting actress playing an ethically challenged corporate lawyer in the thriller Michael Clayton and Bardem was given his award for portraying a sadistic killer in No Country For Old Men.Bardem, who hails from a family of performers, took the occasion to thank his family in Spanish, apologizing in advance to the Hollywood audience.Mama, this is for you. This is for your grandparents and your parents, said Bardem. This is for the edians of Spain who like you have brought dignity and pride to our profession. This is for Spain and this is for all of you.The fourth Oscar for No Country For Old Men also went to the Coen brothers for best adapted screenplay by basing their movie on the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name.1. What are the movie awards that “No Country For Old Man” won?a. Best Actressb. Best Supporting Actressc. Best Filmd. Best Directore. Best Supporting Actorf. Best Actorg. Best Adapted Screenplay A. a, b, e, fB. c, d, e, gC. b, c, f, gD. a, c, e, f2. Swinton won Best Supporting Actress for _.A. No Country For Old Man. B. La Vie en Rose.C. There Will Be Blood. D. Michael Clayton. 3. We can infer the passage that _.A. For 48, these havent been any French movie stars who has ever won an Oscar prize. B. Bardem wants all the Spanish people to share his award. C. Brothers Joel and Ethan Coen arent the original writer of the screenplay.D. Cotillard has already known that she would won the Best Actress. xx届高三周末回顾(九)答案一. 1. in 2. at 3. on 4. with 5. on 6. with 7. Under 8. on 9. at 10. off 二. 1.他是单车修理工. 2. 他们是没有学识的人. 3. 他不会晕船. 4. 下跌5. 到极乐世界去了 6. 理发师 7. 假牙 8. 普通人 9. 失业 10. 身体残废三. 1. prefer to do 2. rather than 3. be good at 4. at the age of 5. be full of 6. resign from 7. pull out 8. at the last minute 9. in his spare time 10. put out advertisements 11. take off 12. in addition to 13. put together 14. in the field of personal puters 15. in all 16. during the 1980s 17. tire of 18. throw oneself into 19. under his direction 20.fold up四. 1-5 ACADA 6-10 DCDDC 11-15 CBCDB五. 1-10 CADBD BCADC 11-20 BCDDD CCDBB六. 1-3 BDC xx届高三周末回顾(九)答案一. 1. in 2. at 3. on 4. with 5. on 6. with 7. Under 8. on 9. at 10. off 二. 1.他是单车修理工. 2. 他们是没有学识的人. 3. 他不会晕船. 4. 下跌5. 到极乐世界去了 6. 理发师 7. 假牙 8. 普通人 9. 失业 10. 身体残废三. 1. prefer to do 2. rather than 3. be good at 4. at the age of 5. be full of 6. resign from 7. pull out 8. at the last minute 9. in his spare time 10. put out advertisements 11. take off 12. in addition to 13. put together 14. in the field of personal puters 15. in all 16. during the 1980s 17. tire of 18. throw oneself into 19. under his direction 20.fold up四. 1-5 ACADA 6-10 DCDDC 11-15 CBCDB五. 1-10 CADBD BCADC 11-20 BCDDD CCDBB六. 1-3 BDC

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