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2019-2020年高三第五次同步考试(英语)考试时间:11月20日 命题:高三英语组 本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,井标在试题巷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man plaining ?A. The meat is too hard to eat .B. The meat tastes like leatherC. The bone breaks his teeth.2. Where does the woman have to got off?A.At the Bank of China . B.At the post office C. At the next stop3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The exam score. B.A soccer match. C. The world news.4. What does the woman suggest ?A. Leave early for the airportB. Listen to the next morning weather forecast.C. Check their flight schedule.5. When will the meeting be held ?A. At 2pm today. B.At 3pm today. C. At 3 pm tomorrow.第二节(共15小题;每题15分,满分225分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,井标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. According to the man , what did he do before he watched TV?A. He washed his hands.B. He had his supper.C. He took a bath7. What place had the man been to according to the woman?A. James Street. B.A restaurant. C. A friends home.8. What does the man try to do in the conversation?A. To prove the truth B.To find the truth. C. To hide the truth.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Where is the womans mother ?A. At a hotel.B. In the garden. C. At the new shopping mall10.Who is Patrick probably ?A.The womans brother B. The womans friend. C. The womans father.11. How about he womans mother from the conversation?A. She misses her daughter so much that she is often illB. She is quite fond of going shopping.C.She is sure to stay together with her daughter this summer. 听第8段材料,回答第2至14题。12. Where are the speakers?A.In a tailors shop B. In a clothing shop C. In a supermarket.13.Which of the following statement is easy to change according to the woman?A. Style B. Value C. Quality14. What color has the man finally chosen?A. Dark grey B. light grey C. Navy blue.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.Near to a clothing store. B. In a supermarket C.In a leatherwork store.16. Whats the man problem according to the man?A. The gift he wants for his roommates birthday isnt available.B.He doesnt know what color of a gift his roommate likes.C.He doesnt know what gift to buy for his roommatess birthday 17. What is the womans opinion about the gift?A. A gift should be something to show off to othersB.A gift should have some specific functionsC.A gift should be both decorative and reasonable.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is the passage about ?A.The brave Alaskan people . B. Alaskan transportation today.C.A dog sled race.19.What is the race held?A. in March every year B. In the daytime C. In the winter 20.Which is considered a victory for most of the drivers?A. Winning the race B. Being able to finish the race C. Taking care of dogs and winning .第二部分:笔试部分一、单项选择 (15分,每小题1分)21. -Next Monday is my birthday.-Is that so? _A.I cant believe my eyes B.Im so glad to hear thatC.What presents do you want D.Many happy returns of the day22.Everything es with _ price; there is no such _ thing as free lunch in the world.A.a;a B. the ; / C.the; a D. a; /23.-Thanks for the _you did me to move away the stone.-Thats all right.A.favour B.good C.trouble D.kindness24._ the children to bed, she began to correct the students exercises.A.Sending B.Being sent C.Sent D.Having sent25.If a baby bird stays _ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of being an adult.A.living B.lively C.alive D.live26 Can you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the phrase? A. show off B. turn out C. bring out D. take in.27._ is known to us all is that the old writer, for _ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.A.What; whom B.As; whom C.It;whose D.What;whose28I can be a teacher. Im not a very patient person.A. seldom B. ever C. neverD. always29. Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time.A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which30. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There be twelveA. should B. would C. will D. shall31. He must be helping the old man to water the flowers, ? A. is he B. isnt he C. must he D. mustnt he 32. The Green corporation donated the property to the state of California, with one condition_ the Green family would be allowed to use it when they wished. A.what B.which C.when D.that33. Every few years, the coal workers _ their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had34._ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.A. Would you be B. Could you be C. Should you be D.Might you be35.Unsatisfied _ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A. though was he B. though he was C. he was though D. was he though二、 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Elderly people respond best to a calm and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to36as their behavior can sometimes be irritating (令人恼怒的). If they get37 or upset, then they may bee more confused and more difficult to look after.38 sometimes it can be extremely difficult, it is best to be39and not to get upset yourself. You should always40old people to do as much as possible for themselves but be ready to41 a helping hand when necessary. Failing memory makes it42 for the elderly to recall all the basic kinds of information we43for granted. The obvious way to help in this44 is to supply the information that is missing and help them make45of what is going on. You must use every opportunity to provide information, 46 remember to keep it simple and easy to understand. When the elderly person makes47 statements e.g. about going out to his or her old48 or visiting a dead relative,49in a calm matter-of-fact fashion: “You are retired now. Will you e and help me with the dishes?” We depend50on the information provided by signposts, clocks, calendars and newspapers. These assist us to51and direct our behavior. Confused old people need these 52all the time to pensate(弥补) for their memory. Encourage them to use53boards or diaries for important54 events and label(标注) the contents of different cupboards and drawers. Many other aids such as information cards,55photos, notes, addresses or shopping lists could help in individual case.36. A. provide B. protect C. discover D. examine37. A. happy B. easy C. excited D. fortable38. A. As a result B. Even though C. For D. Although39. A. patient B. protective C. ready D. helpful40. A. tell B. encourage C. warn D. permit41. A. carry B. make C. lend D. offer42. A. necessary B. difficult C. terrible D. impossible43. A. make B. give C. think D. take44. A. condition B. situation C. action D. position45. A. sense B. use C. light D. fun46. A. and B. or C. however D. but47. A. obvious B. strange C. confused D. fixed48. A. factory B. hospital C. school D. employment49. A. correct B. repeat C. check D. care50. A. hardly B. heavily C. totally D. simply51. A. collect B. form C. keep D. organize52. A. information B. advice C. aids D. materials53. A. reminder B. flat C. recovery D. wood54. A. improving B. ing C. moving D. exciting55. A. beautiful B. unforgettable C. nice D. old三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AIf you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management.1. Always start the meeting on time. If you begin on time, group members who show up late will realize the value of time. Beginning on time reflects skill as an effective time manager and sets a precedent(前例) for others to follow.2.Assign a notetaker or arrange to have the meeting audiotaped. You may need to refer back to an issue that was discussed during the meeting at a later date. Good recordkeeping is a sign of good meeting manager as well.3. Learn to listen. So many times we think we are going to say and, in the process ,block out valid points that other group members may be contributing. Additionally, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than really listening to other people. Meetings that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings.4. Keep the discussion on track. Many times important issues can get sidetracked in a meeting, especially when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. If you anticipate(预料) a conflict prior to the meeting, discuss the issue with participants in advance. If an unanticipated(未预料到的) conflict develops once the meeting is in progress, either appoint a submittee(小组委员会) to look into the problem, or ask participants involved in the conflict to meet with you after the meeting. Doing so will help keep the discussion on track and minimize the chances of wasting participants valuable time.5. Give everyone an opportunity to be heard. Some people tend to monopolize(独占) meetings,whereas others wait to be asked their opinions. As the leader of the meeting, you need to keep an open mind and make sure everyone feels wele to contribute and express ideas without criticism.6. End on time. If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour,make sure the meeting last for only an hour. Meeting participants tend to plan the rest of their day around the time allotted(分配) for the meeting. Running late with a meeting makes members tardy(迟的) for other appointments,increases the chances that members will mentally leave the meeting, and reduces your credibility(可信性) as an effective meeting manager.56.According to Rule 1,if you dont start a meeting on time, which of the following statements is FALSE?A. Youre not an effective meeting manager.B. Some members wont attend meetings later.C. Lateers wont realize the importance of being on time.D. Lateers will show up late again.57.You had better have a meeting audiotaped because .A. the meeting is very importantB. it shows youre an effective manager by doing soC. you may need to look back to what is discussed at the meeting laterD. meetings are important for each participant58.When group members have different opinions about a problem you havent expected,you should .A. appoint a submittee to look into the problemB. listen carefully to their different opinionsC. stop the meeting and have a restD. have another meeting later59.Which of the following statements does not show the meaning of the underlined “give everyone an opportunity to be heard”?A. Everyone has the right to speak at the meeting.B. Every one can express their ideas without criticism.C. The meeting manager should keep an open mind to different opinions.D. All group members must express their ideas at the meeting.60.As a meeting manager, you should end the meeting on time, or .A. you wont be trusted any longerB. some group members will get angryC. some members will leave the meetingD. members will be late for the other appointmentsBWhether youre flying off to distant beaches or piling into the car for a weekend vacation, nurture a love of new places in your child this travel season. There are some wonderful products and media available to help your kids get fired up about geography. For the youngest ones, dont miss the adorable Hugg-A- Planet, Earth (peacetoys, $19.95). Its a soft, stuffed globe thats covered with a colorful map of Earth. Kids will eye it like a treasure, toss it like a ball and hug it like a friend. For toddlers, the nifty puzzle My Town A-B-C (Great American Puzzle Factory, ages 3 and up; $12) helps teach the concept of place as it illustrates the relationship of one location to another. Also worth looking at for younger kids is the very cool CD-ROM Tonka Town (Atari, ages 3-6; $19.99), which lets children steer their favorite giant trucks down some adventurous paths. For the older kids, probably nothing beats Handling the Actual Map (ages 8-15; $12.95) that your familys using to get to your vacation destination. Whether you are traveling by car, bus, train or plane, show the kids how to follow your route. Ask them to narrate the trip. During your journey, consider weaving in a history lesson or two. Discuss how the famous explorers used maps to chart their journeys. An excellent book is The Lewis & Clark Expedition (Williamson Publishing, ages 9-12; $12.95), which shows how the Corps of Discovery bravely pushed westward. Love music and want to work it into your vacation in a meaningful, catchy way? Sample the delightful video States and Capitals Songs (Educational Insights, ages 7 and up; $14.95). Or, if you want lots of laughs as you travel (and who wouldnt?), try Scrambled States of America (Gamewright, ages 8 and up; $11.99). Its a fun game of observation and fast reflexes that sets players scrambling to find.61. The things mentioned in the passage are of great use when you are _.A. traveling on vacation B. exploring in the forestsC. buying a Mothers Day gift D. learning geography in class62. From the passage, we can learn that _.A. traveling is a dull and simple activity.B. some products and media mentioned can make the kids interested in geography. C. dont lose Hugg-A-Planet, Earth when you have a vacation.D. States and Capitals Songs is as expensive as Handling the Actual Map.63. If you want to have a fun game during your journey, youd prefer _.A. Scrambled States of America B. States and Capitals Songs C. The Lewis & Clark Expedition D. My Town A-B-C64. How many products and media mentioned in the passage are available to Tom (aged 10)?A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.65. According to the passage, we know its _.A. an advertisement B. an introduction of geographyC. a notice about traveling D. a travel dairy CThe percentage of districts that require elementary schools to teach physical education increased, to 93% last year from 83% in xx. But just 4% of elementary schools, 8% of middle schools and 2% of high schools provided physical education each school day, as is remended by the disease control agency. One-fifth of schools did not require physical education at all. In xx, Congress passed a law requiring each school district to develop a “wellness policy” to promote the students health by setting goals for nutrition education and physical activity. Those policies are just now taking effect, and some school administrators predict that the next survey will show more marked improvements. Some schools have set out to place health education on the same requirement with academics. In Los Angeles County, Sepulveda Middle School has banned soft drinks and eliminated unhealthy snacks from the school store. Salad, fruit and yogurt are always available in the cafeteria, said Patricia J. Pelletier, the principal. Nearly an hour of physical education is required daily, the school offers after-hours training in distance running, and it has started a class on healthy cooking for parents. “If kids are healthy and have healthy lifestyles, theyre going to be better students,” Ms Pelletier said. “Theyre going to be in school, and theyre going to be connected with the teachers in a better way.” The survey found that nearly two-thirds of schools prohibited tobacco use at all places, including at off-campus functions, up from 46% in xx. Another finding was that the proportion of states that require middle schools to teach human sexuality grew, to 59% from 46%. The report found a variety of indications of healthier cooking in school cafeterias. 55% reported that they had removed the skin from poultry before cooking, up from 40%, and 46% now use low-fat cheeses, up from 31%. But 12% of elementary schools, 19% of middle schools and 24% of high schools offer students brand-name fast food from businesses like Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.66. What is the best title for this passage?A. How to change childrens eating habits B. Improve students physical health by developing their nutrition education C. Only a little percentage of students are taught physical educationD. Healthy habits should be taught in schools67. What does the second paragraph mean?A. Many schools have set up clear goals in students physical education.B. None of the schools ignore the importance of physical education.C. More schools require physical education in their daily teaching.D. Only a few schools have satisfied the need of the students physical education. 68. To improve the health of the students, the school should have _.A. daily exercise for more than an hour B. daily exercise and proper eating habits C. good healthy eating D. much exercise 69. What excited us most in the survey is that _.A. most schools forbade tobacco use everywhere B. most schools have realized the importance of students living surroundingsC. more schools have set aside daily physical exercise routineD. wellness policy has taken effect70. From the last paragraph, we can infer that _.A. many schools try to use low-fat oilB. many schools offer students brand-name fast foodC. healthier cooking was provided to the studentsD. more high schools than elementary schools offered fast food DNapoleon, as a character in Tolstoys War and Peace, is more than once described as having “fat little hands. Nor does he “sit well or firmly on the horse”. He is said to be “undersized” . with“short legs”and a “round stomach”. The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoys description-it seems not that far off from historical accounts but his choice of facts:other things that could be said of the man are not said. We are meant to understand the difference of a warring mander in the body of a fat little Frenchman. Tolstoys Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of powdered tobacco up his noseand that is the point. It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of a character. And it turns out that, as Tolstoy has it, Napoleon is a crazy man. In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace, the wars having reached the critical year of 1812,Napoleon receives a representative from the Tsar(沙皇), who has e with peace terms. Napoleon is very angry:doesnt he have more army? H

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