2019-2020年高中英语 素能提升演练(三) Unit3 译林牛津版必修1 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 素能提升演练(三) Unit3 译林牛津版必修1 含答案. 用下列句型翻译句子1. 一见到警察他们就跑掉了。(upon (doing)sth. )_ 2. 温度越高,压力就越大。(the more. . . the more. . . )_3. 我下午要找人修电视。(have sth. done)_4. 无论什么时间,你到了那儿就给我打电话。(no matter what. . . )_5. 吃个苹果就能挨到吃晚饭了。(keep+复合结构)_6. 我昨天去了那儿,她也去了。(so的倒装句)_. 单项填空1. Im trying to lose weight because Im so _ of my body. A. guiltyB. ashamedC. proudD. patient2. They _ a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. A. controlB. includeC. coverD. contain3. He sighed again and the failure in physics seemed to have pletely _ his confidence. A. damaged B. attacked C. shocked D. struck4. xx信阳模拟Lets go there by taxi. Its not far from here, I prefer _. A. walking to take a taxiB. to walk rather than take a taxiC. walk to taking a taxiD. to walk rather than to take a taxi5. xx合肥模拟Your grandfather is always full of _. Whats the secret? Playing Taiji every morning. A. powerB. energyC. reliefD. force6. xx杭州模拟The doctors are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to _ from heart trouble. A. uncoverB. discoverC. recoverD. cover7. xx福州模拟Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program? _, does it? A. It takes no timeB. It counts for nothingC. It doesnt make sense D. It doesnt hurt to ask8.Why are you so frightened? I saw two dark _ enter the building. A. shadesB. appearancesC. shadowsD. figures9. David had promised me he would attend the meeting and _. A. so did heB. so he wouldC. so would he D. so he did10. There is _ water and the farmers can use it to irrigate their fields. A. a great dealB. a large number ofC. a plenty ofD. a large amount of11. Although we _ many serious natural disasters, we are sure to overe all difficulties. Agive awayBaffect withCsuffer fromDdeal with12. Does the new teaching method work? Yes. The students find it easier to _ what is being taught. Atake inBtake offCtake upDtake on13. She doesnt think she is _; it is said that _ is the mother of success. A. a failure; failureB. failure; a failureC. a failure; a failureD. failure; failure14. Eating well and _ can keep you _. A. more exercise; healthB. exercising more; healthC. exercising more; healthyD. more exercise; healthy15. xx浏阳模拟Put these glasses away before they _. OK. I will put them in the cupboard. A. have brokenB. are breakingC. get brokenD. will be broken . 阅读理解 (Medical Xpress) In a new study published in PLoS Medicine, researchers have shown that it is not only the American habit of “super-sizing” meals that is leading to obesity, but the number of snacks and meals that are being eaten throughout the day. The study, led by professor of nutrition Barry Popkin from the University of North Carolina, looked at data from food studies conducted as far back as the 1970s and discovered that Americans have increased their daily caloric intake. In 19771978, Americans were consuming on average 1, 803 kcal and in xxxx that number had jumped up to 2, 374. The study examined the amount of calories in a specific amount of food, portion sizes that were consumed and how many snacks and meals were consumed within a day. Looking at the results, the researchers concluded that portion size and the amount of meals and snacks eaten are the biggest factors responsible for the change. According to the numbers, the number of daily meals and snacks in 1977 was 3. 8 but rose to 4. 8 in xx. However, the top 10 percent of surveys showed that the number of meals and snacks was as high as seven per day. It appears that in the last few years, portion size seems to be stabilizing, however the total number of calories consumed is increasing. A main reason behind this is the daily consumption of more than 220 more calories consumed daily from soft drinks than in years past. While much diet and health advice over the years has suggested eating more frequent small meals, it appears the idea of eating more frequently is understood but the foods chosen are not correct. Eating small, frequent meals can boost your metabolism(新陈代谢) and control hunger more than eating three big meals a day, however, if these smaller meals are high-calorie and salty options, the benefits are not seen. According to the Centers for Disease Control, as many as 25 percent of Americans are obese and these findings suggest that a new focus needs to be placed on portion size and snacking habits in order to reduce those numbers. 1. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. American snacking habits to blame for obesity. B. American meals. C. American favourite diets. D. American meals and snacks. 2. How does Barry Popkin know Americans have increased their daily caloric intake? A. By paring some data. B. By doing some experiments. C. By making a survey among people. D. By observing the restaurants. 3. Why is the total number of calories consumed increasing though portion size may not change? A. Because more soft drinks are consumed by people. B. Because more fat is consumed by people. C. Because the restaurants offer more dishes. D. Because the restaurants offer larger meals. 4. According to the passage, what is good to people? A. Eating less. B. Eating more frequently. C. Eating meals full of high calories and salt. D. Eating small, frequent meals full of low calorie and little salt. . 任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Its difficult to find true friends these days. A lot of people tend to backstab (背后伤人). Some make friends just to use them. Others promise to be your friends but they are never there when you need them the most. They appear only when they need something from you. Once you find a friend who is worth keeping, make sure to take care of what you have with that person. How? Here are some tips on how to make your friendship last forever: 1. Call for no reason. Call just to say “hi” or just to ask “Whats up? ” You dont need a huge or an important reason to call a friend. If you cant call, just send an e-mail. This would send a message that you remember your friends on a random (随意的) time of the day. 2. Know when to say Im sorry and thank you. Dont let pride get in the way, especially when youre at fault. The word “sorry” already has saved a lot of friendships. Show appreciation for the things, big or little, which your friend does for you. Did she listen to you when you were plaining about that Physics exam? Did he offer his shoulders to you to cry on when your boyfriend broke your heart? Say thank you. Its that easy. 3. Avoid(避免) hurtful words. If you have nothing good to say, dont talk at all. Dont risk hurting your friends feelings by saying hurtful words that, most of the time, you dont really mean. If youre a true friend, you will be careful with your words. 4. Be honest. Dont lie to a friend. Trust is the foundation of a true friendship. Write them a note from time to time. Also, try to be thoughtful (体贴的). Give simple gifts that will make their day. Create a pilation(专辑) of their favorite songs for them. Treat them to a cheap meal. Remember that even the sweet, simple things matter. 5. Know how to keep a secret and show your friends that they can depend on you to be there whatever happens. If you promise to keep the secret for your friends, just do it. Dont be a kiss-and-tell type of person who tells everybody what a friend shares. 6. Never be mean with your time. Spare some time to see your friends however busy you are. You can always spare an hour or two after school or work to visit them. Weekends are a great time, too, to bond and hang out with your friends. If you are the type of person who knows how to take care of friendship, you definitely are a keeper! TitleHow to treat your friendship in a right way(1)_ for being difficult to find true friendsSome will backstab or treat friends as (2) _. Some never help you when you are in (3)_ but only take something from you. Ways of(4) _ friendshipCall for no reason or just (5) _ your friend to show that you remember him at any time. Say sorry when you are wrong and express (6) _for his help at the right time. Be careful with your words in case you (7) _ your friends feelings. Be a person of (8) _ and care about friends with simple gifts. Dont (9) _ your promises by letting out your friends secrets, but show that you are loyal. Be (10) _ with your time and visit your friends even if you are very busy. 答案解析. 1. Upon seeing the police, they ran away. 2. The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure is. 3. I will have my TV set repaired this afternoon. 4. Call me when you get there no matter what the time is. 5. Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time. 6. I went there yesterday, so did she. . 1. 【解析】选B。根据句意可知,“我”正努力减肥。因为我对自己的体形感到羞愧。guilty内疚的,有罪的;ashamed惭愧的,感到难为情的;proud自豪的;patient耐心的。2. 【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:它们含有一种有害的化学药品,这种药品造成了我的肝衰竭。control控制;include包括,指整体中包含部分;cover覆盖,行走,采访;contain包含,包括,指物体中含有某种成分,符合句意。3. 【解析】选A。句意:他又叹了口气,物理考试的失败好像彻底挫败了他的信心。damage损害;attack攻击;shock使震惊;strike打,击。4. 【解析】选B。prefer to do. . . rather than do. . . 是固定句型,符合题意,即:我宁愿走也不坐出租车。5. 【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。energy在这里意为“精力”,符合语境中的“精力充沛”。power指能力;电力;也可指权力等;force指武力,强制力;relief轻松,缓解。【变式备选】Your grandfather has built his_ after his illness. Whats the secret? Playing Taiji every morning. A. powerB. energyC. strengthD. force【解析】选C。strength“体力”。上句句意:你的祖父病后已经恢复了体力。6. 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。recover from从中恢复(健康等)。句意:医生们高兴地发现病人开始从心脏病中恢复过来。7. 【解析】选D。考查情景交际。句意:你知道琳达是否愿意负责这个项目吗?问一下也无妨,不是吗?It doesnt hurt to ask意为“又不是不能问;问一下也无妨”; It counts for nothing意为“那不算什么”;It doesnt make sense意为“没有意义;讲不通”;It takes no time意为“那不花时间”。8. 【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。figure的意思是“身影”。shade树荫,幽灵;appearance外貌,外观;shadow影像,幻影。9. 【解析】选D。so he did意为“他的确这样做了”,符合题意,即:大卫答应我来参加会议,他确实这样做了。10. 【解析】选D。a large amount of接不可数名词;a great deal后应有of,a large number of后接可数名词,C项应该是plenty of。11. 【解析】选C。句意:尽管我们遭遇了许多严重的自然灾害,但我们一定会克服所有的困难。suffer from遭受;give away泄露;affect with不是固定短语; deal with处理。12. 【解析】选A。句意:这条新教学方法管用吗?是的。学生们觉得更容易掌握被教授的知识。take in吸收,掌握;take off起飞;take up从事;take on呈现。13. 【解析】选A。考查名词。a failure为“失败的人或事”,而failure意为“失败”时为不可数名词,后半句意为“失败是成功之母”。14. 【解析】选C。考查and连接的两个并列结构,形式要一致,所以排除A、D。而keep后接形容词作宾语补足语,所以排除B项,故选C。15. 【解析】选C。get broken被打坏,before是连词,引导的从句后用一般现在时代替将来时。. 1. 【解析】选A。主旨大意题。根据第一段、第三段的最后一句以及下文可知,本文主要讲了美国人的肥胖是由于快餐和大餐造成的。故选A。2. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第二段可知,Barry Popkin是参考了一些数据得出的结论。故选A。3. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句可知,人们每天多摄入的220多卡的热量主要来自软饮料。故选A。4. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第五段的最后一句可知,少吃,经常吃可以促进新陈代谢控制饥饿,但是如果这些小餐是高热量和高盐的,也不会有益。由此可知选D。. (1)Reasons (2)tools (3)need (4)keeping (5)e-mail (6)thanks (7)hurt (8)honesty (9)break (10)generous


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