高考英语大一轮复习 专项5 形容词和副词课件.ppt

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专项五 形容词和副词,一、形容词和副词的辨析 形容词和副词的辨析主要分为两类:一类是给出语境,让学生选择符合这种语境的形容词或副词;另一类是一定语境中形容词或副词的辨析。 1形容词 (1)appropriate;conscious;arbitrary (2)commercial;generous;comparable;profitable,Part,规律印证 考 点 落 实 , 步 步 为 “ 赢 ”,边 做 边 悟,(3)reasonable;confident;creative;grateful (4)important;spare;public;convenient (5)dramatic;regional;apparent;subtle (6)unchallenged;relevant;controversial;contradictory (7)vital;available;specific;similar (8)available;affordable;acceptable;valuable,(2013浙江卷)玛丽刚开始在公司是临时秘书,但最终她在这里得到了一份全职的工作。 Mary worked here as a _ (临时的)secretary and ended up getting a fulltime job with the company. (2013福建卷)紫禁城每天都吸引着络绎不绝的游客,特别是在国庆节期间。 The Forbidden City attracts a _ (持续不断的)stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.,2副词 (1)hopefully;curiously;occasionally;gradually (2)thus;besides;rather (3)competitively;recently;reasonably;affordably (4)besides;instead (5)otherwise;however;altogether (6)especially;equally;naturally;normally (7)nevertheless;therefore (8)regularly;particularly;approximately,(2013辽宁卷)我搬到纽约后的前两天一切进展得似乎都很顺利。 Everything seemed to be going _ (顺利) for the first two days after I moved to New York. (2013湖北卷)别再为他辩护了。显然他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,而且还不道歉。 Dont defend him any more.Its obvious that he_ (故意地)destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology. 答案 temporary constant smoothly deliberately,二、形容词和副词比较等级 1比较等级的常见句型 比较等级的常见句型有: (1)两者比较,用“比较级 than”表示。 (2)表示“两者之间较的那个”用“the比较级n. of the two n.”。 (3)表示“越,就越”用“the 比较级,the 比较级”。 (4)as原级adj./adv.as.表示“和一样”。not as/so原级adj./adv.as.表示“不如”。,(上海高考) 在古代,人们很少进行长距离旅行,大多数农民到的最远的地方就是当地市场。 In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled _. (全国卷)人们普遍认为,教学是一门科学,同时也是一门艺术。 It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.,2.比较等级前常用的修饰语 比较等级前常用的修饰语有:a little, a bit, slightly, much, a lot, a great deal, any, far, by far, even, still等。 我不得不说这部电影一点意思也没有。 为什么?它比我以前看过的所有电影都有趣多了。 The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting. Why? Its _ than the films I have ever seen.,3否定词比较级最高级 “否定词比较级”表达最高级含义: (2014全国卷)为斯蒂文森先生工作感觉非常好,我真的找不到比他更好的老板了。 Mr.Stevenson is great to work for I really _. 4. 比较等级的其他表达法 我最喜欢的是生物,其次是物理。 Next to biology, I like physics _. 答案 as far as the local market as much an art as far more interesting couldnt ask for a better boss best,三、连接副词 副词起连接作用,使前后句构成某种逻辑上的衔接。常见的连接副词有therefore, besides, otherwise, however, moreover,thus, meanwhile 等。 (2013江西卷)多么可怕的经历啊!不过你现在安全了这是主要的事情。 What a terrible experience! _ , youre safe now thats the main thing.,骑自行车是一种很好的运动方式,而且又不会造成大气污染。 Bicycling is good exercise;_ , it does not pollute the air. 麦克通常是很认真的,然而这次他犯了个小错误。 Mike was usually so careful, _ this time he made a small mistake. 答案 Anyway besides yet,四、倍数表达法 倍数的常见表达方式: (1)倍数as原级形容词(副词)as. (2)倍数the size/length/width/depth/height of. (3)倍数比较级than. (2013安徽卷)据说这个发电厂现在是以前的两倍大。 Its said that the power plant is now _ what it was. (全国卷) 这家餐馆还没有我们去过的其他餐馆的一半好呢。 This restaurant wasnt _ that other restaurant we went to. 答案 twice as large as half as good as,1要避免重复使用比较级。 【误】 He is more cleverer than his brother. 【正】 He is more clever than his brother. 【正】 He is cleverer than his brother. 2要避免将主语含在比较对象中。 【误】 China is larger than any country in Asia. 【正】 China is larger than any other country in Asia.,考 点 警 示,3比较的对象要一致。 【误】 The weather in China is different from America. 【正】 The weather in China is different from that in America. 解析 句意:中国的天气与美国的天气不同。比较的是天气而不是国家,比较的对象要一致,因此用 that 代替前面的不可数名词 weather 。,4要避免表语形容词用作定语,只有部分表语形容词可作定语。 【误】 Entering the room, I saw an afraid girl crouching in the corner. 【正】 Entering the room, I saw a frightened girl crouching in the corner. 解析 afraid 是表语形容词,不能作定语,而frightened 是过去分词转化的普通形容词,可以作定语。,5不要把连接性副词当连词使用。 (1)【误】 He takes no interest in studies,instead,he plays tennis all day. 【正】 He takes no interest in studies;instead, he plays tennis all day. 【正】 He takes no interest in studies.Instead, he plays tennis all day.,(2)【误】 The house is not big enough for us,besides, it is too far from town. 【正】 The house is not big enough for us, and besides, it is too far from town. 【正】 The house is not big enough for us. Besides, it is too far from town. 解析 instead,besides 等很多词是起连接作用的副词,不能当连词使用,因此它们所在的句子和前面的句子之间只有语义上的逻辑关系,而句子之间在语法上是独立的,因此前面的句子要用句号或分号或用 and 并列。,形容词作状语 形容词作状语表示伴随或结果,并不表达动作的方式。 (安徽高考) 她无忧无虑、积极乐观,是那种用微笑给别人带来快乐的人。 _ ,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. (北京高考)经过长时间旅行后,他们三个回到家,又饿又累。 After the long journey,the three of them went back home, _. 答案 Lighthearted and optimistic hungry and tired,易 错 防 范,

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