高中英语 5.1 The Conquest of the Universe课件 外研版选修8.ppt

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Astronauts Live “In the Shadow of the Moon” So far,only 24 human beings have flown to or around the moon,looked back,and seen the earth as a small blue ball in the blackness of space.Of the 12 who walked on the moons surface,only 9 are alive today,and the youngest is 72.So British director David Sington,Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe,and his working staff set out to seize the moment to bring the Apollo astronauts together in one film. From Buzz Aldrin,who made the first landing with Neil Armstrong,to Gene Cernan,who made the last landing in 1972,Sington and his colleagues got 10 Apollo astronauts to share some of their deepest thoughts. The documentary is called In the Shadow of the Moon,consisting of all interviews with the astronauts.,Looking back now,several astronauts said they had learned far more about themselves than about the moon. “I think if you do something as totally different as flying to the moon and coming back”,said Michael Collins ,who travelled around the moon in Apollo IIs commands ship while Armstrong and Aldrin landed ,“then,by comparison,a lot of other things that used to seem important dont seem quite as much so.” The men all commented how desolate the moon seemed,how beautiful the earth seemed and how very ,very good it was to come home to it.,“Since that time,” said Alan Bean,who flew the second moon landing on Apollo 12,“I have not complained about the weather one single timeIm glad theres weather,Ive not complained about trafficIm glad there are people around me.” Bean became a painter after he left the space program,and he closed the film with a big smile.“I feel blessed every single day.Not a day goes by that I dont thinkthis is great”,这个信息至今未被辨认出来。 So far the message has not been read. 每组至少由十人组成。 Each party shall consist of not less than ten. 我渴望回答我能回答的问题,从不考虑犯错的问题。 I eagerly answered all the questions I could,never worrying much about making mistakes.,1佳句仿写一二三,I feel blessed every single day.Not a day goes by that I dont think this is great. 我感觉每一天都被幸福包围。没有一天不是在幸福中度过的。,2翻译佳句,放眼高考,.单词识记 1_na long or high jump 2_adj.involving two or more people together 3_adj.getting used to something 4_adj.important in history 5_vto see something happen,for example, an important event,or a crime,Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,6_vto think or accept that something is true but without having proof of it 7_nthe ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining 8_adj.having the most modern and recently developed ideas,methods,etc 答案 1.leap 2.joint 3.accustomed 4.historic 5.witness 6.assume 7.patience 8.advanced,.短语天地 1_踏上 2_减速,放慢速度 3_环绕地球 4_一个国际组织 5_一个永久的科学研究基地 6a new age of space travel_ 7be in shock_ 8in spite of_ 答案 1.set foot on 2.slow down 3.go round the world 4an international organisation 5.a permanent base for scientific research 6.太空旅行的新纪元 7.震惊 8.尽管,.语境助记 I have a dream.One day,I will set up an international organization.And many travelers will go round the world by spaceship and set foot on the Mars.And the human will set up a permanent base for scientific research there.The whole world will witness the historic event.,Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon back on 21st July,1969,people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel. 信息提取 ever since“自从以来”,主句一般用完成时态。 例句仿写 从那时起,我一直渴望和他面对面地聚会。 _Ive been longing to meet him face to face.,.句型搜索,1,By the time the Challenger took off in 1986,the world seemed to have lost its fear and wonder at the amazing achievement of people going up into space. 信息提取 seem to have done 看起来好像已做了某事。 例句仿写 老师似乎已经知道这个消息了。 Our teacher_.,2,Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television,their hearts in their mouths,aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was. 信息提取 their hearts in their mouths,是独立主格结构。 例句仿写 当熊走出森林朝我们走过来时,我们很害怕。 The bear came out of the woods towards us,_,3,The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. 信息提取 no比较级than 为固定结构,表示 “和一样不” 例句仿写 这本书和那本书一样不令人感兴趣。 This book is_that one. 答案 1.Ever since then 2.seemed to have known about the news 3.our hearts in our mouths 4.no more interesting than,4,Choose the best answer according to the passage What was different about the space shuttle? AThe space shuttle could go safely up into orbit. BThe space shuttle could return to the Earth for a safe landing. CThe space shuttle could be used for several journeys. DThe space shuttle could fly like a plane.,A,1,.预读理解,Why was the Challenger going to be a special flight? AThe explosion of the shuttle. BThe first civilian in the shuttle. Cmillions of its witnesses. D The lessons to be taught. What do the Russians words suggest ? Asympathy has no nationality. Bspace exploration belongs to all mankind. CAmericans and Russians are united. Ddifferent people have different feelings.,2,3,The task to conquer the universe has proved to be_ Aexpensive Bnot exciting Cchallenging Dnot worthwhile,4,BFill in the blanks,答案 A 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C B 1.set foot on 2.powerful 3.journeys 4.enthusiastic 5no more than 6.launched 7.shuttle 8.exploded 9Excitement 10.disaster,leap nC/v.(leapt leapt,leaped leaped)飞跃,跳跃 The man took a leap from the roof. 这个男子从屋顶跳了下去。 In recent years,national income went up with a leap. 最近几年,国民收入增长很多。,1,by/ in leaps and bounds 极其迅速地 make leaps 跳几下 leap to ones feet 突然站起 in one leap 一跃 leap to conclusions 匆匆武断地下结论 Look before you leap.三思而后行。,【完成句子】 鱼跃出水面落到岸上。 The fish_out of water and landed on the shore. 他的英语正在迅速提高。 His English is improving _ 答案 leaped by/ in leaps and bounds,accustomed adj.习惯的,通常的,常有的 He is accustomed to easy work. 他习惯于简单的工作。 be accustomed to (doing) sth be used to (doing) sth 习惯于做某事(状态) get/ become accustomed to (doing) sth get/ become used to (doing) sth习惯于做某事(动作) accustom vt.使习惯于 accustom oneself/sb to (doing) sth使习惯于做某事 be/become used to (doing) sth习惯于做某事(动作),2,【完成句子】 我花了一段时间才适应了所有新的规章制度。 It took a while for me to _all the new rules and regulations. 我不习惯这么早起床。 Im not accustomed to _so early. 答案 accustom myself to getting up,He witnessed that car accident. 他亲眼目睹了那次车祸。 Police are appealing to any driver who may have witnessed the accident. 警方正呼吁目睹这事故的司机协助。 give witness on behalf of sb为某人作证 in witness of 作为的证明,为作证 bear/ stand witness 证明,作证 be witness to是的目击者 witness to (doing)sth证实(做了)某事 witness n目击者,证人;证据,3witness v目击;证明;为作证,【完成句子】 我们目击了最恶劣的军事暴行。 We were_the worst excesses of the military. 司机作证说,他看到此人进入那栋建筑物。 The driver _the man enter the building. 答案 witnesses to witnessed to having seen,(1)以为;假定;(想当然地)认为 that I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。 It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。 (2)承担;就任;取得 The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen. 王子15岁掌权。 (3)呈现;采用;采取 The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions. 问题开始呈现出严重性。,4assume v.,assumption n假定;设想;担任;采取 assumed adj.假定的 assume/ assuming that.(suppose/ supposing that.)假定 make an assumption作出假设 on the assumption (that.)以的设想为依据 assume.to be.认为是; 假定是,【完成句子】 假设这个建议被采纳,我们什么时候能拿到钱? _the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money? 许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于第三世界。 A lot of people _that poverty only exists in the Third World. 答案 Assuming that make the assumption,Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet. 忍耐是痛苦的,但是果实是甜蜜的。 James listened to his story with patience. 詹姆斯耐心地倾听他的故事。 patient adj.有耐性的,能容忍的 be patient with sb对有耐心;容忍某人 be patient of sth忍受某事 have no patience with.对不能容忍;对没有耐性 have the patience to do sth有做某事的耐心 be out of patience with对忍无可忍 lose patience with(对)失去耐心 with patience耐心地,5patience n耐心,耐性;忍耐,容忍,【完成句子】 我开始对你们这些人失去耐心。 Im beginning to _you people. 她对浪费时间的人没有耐性。 She_timewasters. 这位医生对病人十分耐心。 The doctor_his patients. 答案 lose patience with has no patience with is very patient with,We are studying advanced maths. 我们正在学习高等数学。 As we all know,ancient Greece was an advanced civilization.众所周知,古希腊是个先进的文明国家。 advance v促进;前进;推进; n前进;进步 in advance 预先;提前 in advance of在前面;在之前 elementary 初级的 intermediate中级的,6advanced adj.高级的,先进的,【完成句子】 除非你们先付款,否则我们不发货! We wont deliver unless you pay us _! 他在班上是尖子。 He is far _his class. 答案 in advance in advance of,There are many stars like the sun in space. 宇宙中有很多像太阳一样的星星。 in nature在自然界 in public在公众场合 in private私下里,秘密地_ in society 在社会上 注意:space 前无冠词。,1in space 在宇宙中,【完成句子】 我有事要告诉你,但我要单独跟你说。 I have something to tell you,but Ill speak to you about it _ 太空中有很多人造卫星在飞行。 There are many satellites traveling _ 答案 in private in space,in spite of 不管(in spite of 后面一般不直接跟句子,但可用“in spite of the fact that从句”这种形式) In spite of the bad weather,they still run on the playground. 尽管天气恶劣,他们仍然在操场上跑步。 In spite of the heavy rain,they continued working. 尽管雨下得很大,但是他们继续劳动。,2,【辨析】 despite/ in spite of/ regardless of despite与in spite of含义相同,两者均表示“尽管,不管”;侧重客观情况,表示让步。 The boss came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 尽管病得很严重,老板还是出席会议。 In spite of great efforts,we failed to finish our task. 尽管付出很大努力,我们还是没能完成任务。 regardless of 不管,不顾。侧重于主观思想上的“不考虑”。 The man always says what he thinks,regardless of others feelings.这个人总是想什么说什么,从不顾及别人的感受。,【完成句子】 你尽管生气,我还是爱你,敬重你。 I do love and respect you,_your anger. 他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。 He serves the public wholeheartedly,_his personal gain or loss.,【句型转换】 Although the rain was heavy,they still went out. They still went out _the heavy rain. _,they went out. _the rain was heavy,they still went out. 答案 in spite of regardless of in spite of Despite the heavy rain In spite of the fact that,at the very beginning of 在一开始的时候 They elected him chairman at the very beginning of the term.刚开学时,他们就选他为主席。 in the beginning 起初,首先 in the end最后,终于 at the end of 在结束时,3,【完成句子】 今年一开春,我们就去旅游。 _this spring well go traveling. 始于小错,必终于大谬。 A small error _is a great one _ 答案 At the very beginning of in the beginning;in the end,By the time the Challenger took off in 1986,the world seemed to have lost its fear and wonder at the amazing achievement of people going up into space.到1986年“挑战者”号起飞之前,人们似乎已经沉醉于人类走进太空这一巨大成就而忘记了恐惧,也失去了好奇。 (1)by the time.表示“到时候为止”,常与完成时连用。 By the time they left,the building had been destroyed. 到他们离开时,这座大楼已经被毁了。 By the time you leave school next year,you will have,1,learned 3,500 English words. 到明年毕业时,你将学习了3 500个单词。 (2)sb seemed to have done sth意为“某人似乎做了某事”,此句可改为It seemed that sb had done sth (3)不定式的完成式用在seem,appear,pretend,consider,believe等动词之后,表示从谓语动词的动作所体现的时间来看已经完成的动作。 Tom seemed to have known that secret. It seemed that Tom had known that secret. 汤姆好像已经知道了那个秘密。,seem to do sth看上去要做某事 seem to be doing sth看上去正在做某事 It seems/seemed as if/as though.看上去好像 seem to beadj./n.,(4)people going up into space为v.ing形式的复合结构,其构成为:逻辑主语v.ing形式,逻辑主语用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格充当。 His(Li Mings)being late again made the teacher angry. 他(李明)又一次迟到让老师很生气。 如果不放在句首,逻辑主语也可以用人称代词宾格或名词普通格。 The teacher was angry at him/ LiMing being late again. 他(李明)又一次迟到让老师很生气。,【判断正误】 他好像在车祸现场。 He seemed as if he had been at the scene of the accident._ He seemed to have been at the scene of the accident._ It seemed as if he had been at the scene of the accident._ 【完成句子】 打开和关上课桌的声音在外面的大街上都能听见。 The noise of _could be heard out in the street. 答案 false true true desks being opened and closed,Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television,their hearts in their mouths,aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was,and what risks had to be taken.数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了首次登月,他们的心提到了嗓子眼,因为他们十分清楚这次多么艰难,多么危险,以及要冒多么大的风险。 (1)本句中their hearts in their mouths 是独立主格结构,在句中作伴随状语,修饰谓语动词watched。 独立主格结构有自己的逻辑主语,且其逻辑主语与句子主语不一致。独立主格结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等。它的位置相当灵活,可置于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号将其与句子其他部分分开。,2,The boy lay on the ground,his teeth set,his hand clenched and his eyes looking straight upward. 那男孩躺在地上,咬着牙,攥着拳,眼睛向上直盯着。,(伴随状语) Our English teacher came into the classroom,computer in hand. 老师手里拿着电脑走进教室。(伴随状语) Weather permitting,we will go climbing. 如果天气允许,我们就去登山。(条件状语) It being Sunday,we had no lessons. 那天是星期天,我们没上课。(原因状语) (2)aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was,and what risks had to be taken为形容词短语,在句中作状语。形容词除了常见的在句中作定语、表语和宾语,补足语外,也可像副词一样在句中作状语,可表示主语所处的状态、时间、原因、结果、伴随状况等。 Ripe,these apples are sweet。 当这些苹果熟的时候,很甜。 Helpless,we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes. 我们眼睁睁地看着房子被毁,很是无助。,【单项填空】 The workers went home from the factory,their task _for this week. Afinishing Bfinished Chad finished Dwere finished _and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. ATo be tired BTiring CTired DBeing tired 答案 B C,The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on all aeroplane.全世界都震惊了也许他们原本都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没有什么危险。 本句中no more dangerous than和一样没危险。 no比较级than.为固定结构,表示“和一样不”。 This film is no more interesting than that one. 这部电影和那部一样没趣儿。,3,(1)no more than表示“不过,仅仅”。 He ate no more than a piece of bread for breakfast. 他早餐仅吃了一片面包。 (2)not比较级than.表示“不如,没有到的程度”;not more than表示“不超过,至多”。 This book is not more interesting than that one. 这本书不及那本书有趣。 There were not more than ten students in the room then. 当时房间里顶多有十个学生。 (3)more than多于,超过 the比较级,the比较级越,越 less than不足,少于,【完成句子】 他的数学跟我的一样不好。 His maths is _mine. 他的数学不如我的好。 His maths is _mine. 学校比过去更多地使用电脑。 Schools use computers _they used to. 你现在准备得越充分,面试前你就越不会紧张。 _preparation you do now,_nervous youll be before the interview. 答案 no better than not better than more than The more;the less,


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