2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Great scientists课时作业(六)新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Great scientists课时作业(六)新人教版必修5I单项填空(15分)1._, mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A. However late is he B. However late he is C. However is he late D. However he is late2. John plays football_, if not better than, DavidA. as well B. as well asC. so well D. so well as3. She looks forward every spring to _the flower-lined gardenA. visit B. paying a visitC. walk in D. walking in4. I would appreciate _back this afternoon.A. you to call B. you callC. your calling D. youre calling5. He used to_ his teaching when he was young.A. devoted to B. be devoted toC. devoting to D. being devoted to6. Facing the_ situation, the sales manager looked_.A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzling; puzzling C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling7. It seemed_ that he should have taken back what he said.A. surprising B. surprisedC. surprise D. to surprise8. Lets discuss this problem in all its_.A. aspects B. respectsC. inspects D. suspects9. Finally I_ what I set out to do.A. pleted B. gainedC. achieved D. acplished10. We were caught in a heavy traffic on the way yesterday._you came late.A. If only B. So long asC. No wonder D. Its a pity11. I found them_ on a long bench.A. seating B. seatedC. to seat D. sat12. He sent me an E-mail, _to get further information.A. hoped B. hopingC. to hope D. hope13. Its so long since I saw him that I almost failed to _himA. receive B. acceptC. recognize D. approve14. Is this the reason_ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? (xx 上海春招) A. he explained B. what he explainedC. how he explained D. why he explained15. He is made_ monitor of our class.A. a B. theC. one D. /完形填空(30分)Many people are tidy both at home and at the office. Nowhere have I seen a 16 untidy office than my friend James. Everywhere there are 17 and books. Not only does it seem never to be cleaned out, but also I do not think it is ever aired, for at 18 time have I seen any of the windows 19 . Often I have 20 James that he should open one, but each time he answered, Not just now, Henry Later. Luckily I 21 to go there very often, nor do I stay there longer than I have to. Strangely enough, James is quite 22 outside his office. Only once have I seen him with a dirty collar, for example. He is usually well 23 . Nor is he careless about things like 24 . At no time has he been 25 to forget a party, and no sooner does he receive an invitation 26 he answers it. Unfortunately, his office is quite 27 run. Perhaps he does not like 28 work. In his garden in the evening and 29 weekends, James is happy. As soon as he 30 home from the office, he begins to work in the garden. Always he seems to have some work to do there, and nowhere in his garden 31 a corner which is not tidy or well 32 . Seldom have I seen prettier flowers, or healthier vegetables, or smoother, greener grass than in his 33 . Really I 34 he ought to have been a farmer, so 35 is he at such work. Dear friends, have you ever met a person like James? or do you find him lovely?16. A. more B. less C. so D. such17. A. paper B. papersC. newspaper D. evening paper18. A. every B. each C. that D. no19. A. cleaned B. closed C. open D. repaired20. A. told B. suggested C. said D. spoken21. A. do not have B. neither C. havent D. not have22. A. untidy B. noisy C. tidy D. shy23. A. dressed B. worn C. put on D. had on24. A. dinners B. trips C. invitations D. visits25. A. told B. known C. warned D. talked26. A. when B. and C. that D. than27. A. different B. differently C. hardly D. easily28. A. such B. too much C. so much D. hard29. A. in B. for C. at D. by30. A. goes B. gets C. es D. arrives at31. A. there is B. hasC. there has D. is there32. A. looked out B. looked after C. looked at D. looked for33. A. garden B. house C. field D. home34. A. guess B. think C. promise D. advise35. A. good B. well C. careful D. bad阅读理解(30分)Aputers are very versatile (多才多艺). They can do many things: teaching, playing games, or helping with a business, so choosing a puter is not an easy, simple job . But if you follow these steps , you will find it easier.First, decide on the main reasons why you want a puter. Is this puter very useful for you? Is it the most important reasons to play games or to help with your business or to help with your school work?Second, look carefully at the programs the puter can use. Some people also write their own programs. If you want to write your own, it is important to look at the puter language. Is it easy to learn?Third, decide the smallest, or the least needs you have for your puter. What are the characteristics (特性)you would like to have? For example , do you want a typewriter ( 打印机) key-board(键盘)? Is a colour display (显示器)important to you? Your use of a puter will help you decide which characteristics are necessary, which are nice, and which are unnecessary.Fourth, when you have limited your choices to few puters, look at the secondary (次要的) uses and programs. For example, if your main reason for buying a home puter is to play games, you may take puter A instead of puter B because puter A can also be used as word processor (文字处理器).Fifth, think of the prices. There are prices to think about. The first is the price you must pay to take the puter home. The second is the price of additional programs and possible additions (附件) that you might want to buy on a later date. Be sure to try out the puter before you buy it Sales people at puter shops are happy to help you choose the puter that will best fit your needs and cost you least.36. How to select a home puter, Here select means_.A. buy B. chooseC. examine D. find37. puters are very versatile. This sentence means_.A. puters are very expensiveB. puters can be used in many waysC. puters are very good to play withD. puters are very cheap38. You should take _steps before you buy a puter.A. five B. sixC. four D. seven39. Which step is the most important for you to buy a good puter?A. The first step. B. The last step.C. The fifth step. D. The second step.BOne of New Yorks most beautiful and valuable buildings is in danger. The New York Public Library, in the heart of the city at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue, may have to close its doors.The library is a very special place. Even though it is in the busiest part of the city, it has grass and trees around it, and benches for people to sit on. Even more unusual in crowded New York, its rooms are very large. The roof of the main reading room is fifty-one feet high. Here, a reader can sit and think and work in fort.And what books there are to work with. The library has over thirty million books and paintings. It owns one of the first copies of a Shakespeare play, a Bible printed by Gutenberg in the 15th century, and a letter written by Columbus in which he tells of finding the new world.Every New Yorker can see and use the librarys richesfree.But the cost of running the library has risen rapidly in recent years, and the library does not have enough money to continue its work. In the past , it was open every evening and also on Saturdays and Sundays. Now it is closed at those times, to save money.The library is trying in every possible way to raise more money to meet its increasing costs. Well-known New York writers and artists are trying to help. So are the universities, whose students use the library, and the governments of New York City and New York State. But the problem remains serious.Yet a way must be found to save the library because as one writer said, The Public Library is the most important building in New York Cityit contains all our knowledge.40. What part of New York City is the Public Library at?A. Its very far from the heart of the city.B. Its at the crossroads of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue in the heart of the city.C. Its at the 42nd Street and the 5th Avenue Crossing.D. Its doors face the 42nd Street and other Avenues.41. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. There are so many books to work with in the library.B. Its impossible to grow grass and trees in the heart of New York.C. The librarys costs are going down.D. The library needs more books and paintings.42. When is the library open now?A. Its open every day from morning to evening.B. Its open every day except Sunday from morning to evening.C. Its open every day except weekend from morning to afternoon.D. Its closed every evening.CIn Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, there is an unusual Children Restaurant. It is run by children. From the manager to the cooks, waiters and other members are all children from 6 to 12 years old. They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. These children are selected in Amsterdam. After training they may serve in the restaurant for four weeks.This restaurant was founded in 1983 by a woman cook who wanted to give children chances to learn to be useful to the public. And now she is the only adult there, but her job is just to take care of the children.The restaurant is weled almost by everyone. Since there are only 20 seats in it, it is always full of people. If you want to have a meal in it, you must tell them ahead of time. The cost of a meal is different to different people, usually 4 dollars for each adult but much cheaper for children. .And its business hours are only Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons.43. According to the passage we know that the Children Restaurant is opened _aweek.A. once B. twiceC. three times D. seven times44. The Restaurant is_ indeed.A. small B. bigC. ordinary D. important45. The oldest person in the Restaurant is_.A. the manager B. a man cookC. the founder D. the child aged 12短文改错(10分)Today I visited the Smithsmy first time visit46._to a American family. They live in a small47._town. It was very kind for them to meet me48._at the railway station and drove me to their home.49._The Smiths did his best to make me feel50._at home. They offered me coffee and other51._drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing52._together. They eager to know everything about53._China and asked me lots of question. In fact,54._they are planning to visit China in next year.55._V翻译句子(15分) 56参加会议的人数是50人。 57老师走进了教室,后面跟着5个学生。 58迈克不如他姐姐聪明。 59他微笑着坐在那里。 60他极力想按时完成作业,但没有完成。

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